Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I think you need to get some of the aforementioned duct tape... it appears your hair slid down your face!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    You're mistaken m'friend, my hair did not slide down my face. Most of it went down my back,,, :noway: :huh: :smokin:

    Hey,,, now I would never shave my body hair, that's just nasty. But when the weather's hot I do like to buzz me'self with the clippers and take off all of the excess - everything above the waist & elbows, including armpits. It's itchy for a day or 2, but after that it's much more comfortable. Is this wierd? :laugh:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Uggg!! Been a long time but I am back. Going to try this again guys and this time I am not going to stop......

    Can I get an Amen!!!!!????!!!

    Amen and welcome back.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I think you need to get some of the aforementioned duct tape... it appears your hair slid down your face!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    You're mistaken m'friend, my hair did not slide down my face. Most of it went down my back,,, :noway: :huh: :smokin:

    Hey,,, now I would never shave my body hair, that's just nasty. But when the weather's hot I do like to buzz me'self with the clippers and take off all of the excess - everything above the waist & elbows, including armpits. It's itchy for a day or 2, but after that it's much more comfortable. Is this wierd? :laugh:

    I think it is the norm these days.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    well........if the duct tape doesn't work for you get some underwear w / sculptured pouches - they work really well

    You mean sculptured pouches like this?

    Sorry I couldn't resist. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: At least I got a picture with out the model wearing them.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754

    well........if the duct tape doesn't work for you get some underwear w / sculptured pouches - they work really well

    You mean sculptured pouches like this?

    Sorry I couldn't resist. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: At least I got a picture with out the model wearing them.

    Last time I wore them I stuffed a peanut in my butt.

  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    well good news - seems the plateau has passed - funny thing is I changed up some workout stuff and dropped 1.5 like right away - guess all that talk about your body learning is really true!! thank for all the info and support - down to 172 now and I feel great!
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member

    Peanuts and butts should never be in the same sentence:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754

    Peanuts and butts should never be in the same sentence:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Opps. Good point.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Especially if you chew properly.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325

    well........if the duct tape doesn't work for you get some underwear w / sculptured pouches - they work really well

    Sorry I couldn't resist. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: At least I got a picture with out the model wearing them.

    Last time I wore them I stuffed a peanut in my butt.


    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    My mother once told me, "If you can't say anything nice... don't say anything at all." I think I am gonna have to take her advice. To many opportunities for hurt feelings here!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754

    well........if the duct tape doesn't work for you get some underwear w / sculptured pouches - they work really well

    Sorry I couldn't resist. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: At least I got a picture with out the model wearing them.

    Last time I wore them I stuffed a peanut in my butt.


    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    My mother once told me, "If you can't say anything nice... don't say anything at all." I think I am gonna have to take her advice. To many opportunities for hurt feelings here!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :embarassed: :embarassed:

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Posted this in Chit-chat and not a single reply. You guys got any thoughts on this? It's not a serious "how many calories" question, I just wanted to talk about my Hobby/Sideline/Business (and it's obvious,,, maybe that's why no replies).

    Teaching my first motorcycle classes of the season this weekend.

    The class is the "Motorcycle Safety Foundation - Basic Rider Course",,, aka the "MSF-BRC". This is a double class weekend. So here's how this goes.

    Tonight (friday night) my partner and I will teach a 4 hour classroom session. We will have 24 students in a classroom session, going through material, watching some video training aids, asking & answering questions. How to operate the motorcycle, risk awareness & management, traffic strategy. Good stuff.

    Then each day of the weekend we will do 2 range sessions. So saturday morning we arrive at the training site at 7am and break out 14 or 15 little 250cc motorcycles. Check 'em out, get the 12 students in the morning session signed in & geared up, hopefully start class 7:30-ish. Work with these guys about 5 hours, walking about 6 miles around the lot moving orange cones. Hopefully have those guys outta there by 12:30.

    Grab a quick bite and get ready for the 12 students of the afternoon class. Hope to start 'em up around 1:00, do the same class, get 'em done 6'ish. Then put away all the wee bikes, lock the doors and GTFOuttaDodge 7'ish.

    Sunday is pretty much the same, but with a riding test at the end of the riding session. If they pass they get their moto-licenses, so it's a little stressful for them. We do our best to keep it fun and light, but folks have a way of stressing. Most of them don't need to worry. If you pay attention and work at it a little and 'get' the skills we're teaching, then the test is easy. About 93% of my people pass their exam.

    After the last sunday session we gas up the bikes and put them away and head for home. Partner and I each have about a 2 hour ride home, so it winds up being a 15 hour day.

    Lot of work, lots of fun. I gotta say, the look on a 54yo lady's face when she ride a moto for the first time is better than priceless, one of the great joys of my life. The look on her 'experienced rider' husband's face when she gets a better test score than he did is even better. "She listened and learned to brake properly - you didn't - she rode better, sorry". :-)

    So that's my weekend. It's a long couple days, and when I was heavy it was really REALLY hard on me. That's one of the reasons I googled "free calorie diary", found MFP and changed my life. So glad I did.

    So - how many calories you figger this burns? :-P (I just log 4 hours of slow walking each day, and I guess that's probably pretty close).
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Casper... thanks for teaching the class. I'm not a motorcycle rider myself, but my bro-in-law is a HUGE rider (i.e. was a ranked racer in the circuit in Spain, when he was stationed there). He had an accident a couple years ago, where a car ran a red light in front of him. His reflexes allowed him to hit the rear quarter panel instead of the passenger cabin. As a result, instead of a deadly wreck for him, he was able to survive with a few days in the hospital and physical therapy. I know your class can't develop the racer reflexes, but it will teach the new riders to be more alert and responsive to the cars trying to kill them. So, what you are doing will definitely help save lives. BTW, my bro-in-law still still loves riding his (new) Ducati.

    Wear your HRM and use the difference between teaching the class and a normal day.
  • Chinuahawk
    Hey Guys, new to the group and just wanted to say hello. Got about 180lbs to lose. Any advice on breaking a fast food addiction?
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Welcome Chinuahawk!!!! There are a couple ways to look at it. One is like the "war on drugs" slogan: Just say NO! But... that is only the first step. It isn't very practical if you have other issues... such as no food available.

    So, if you are like a bunch of us guys (especially here in the deep fried south), you don't like sissified foods. (seriously, anyone ever see a tofu ranch? how can you have tofu burgers if they don't have ranches?) So, here is the start... time to remember way back when we were in like elementary school. Go back to the basics of the food pyramid. For a 2000 calorie diet, get 6-11 servings of breads or grains, 3-5 servings of veggies, 2-4 servings of fruits, 2-3 servings of dairy, 2-3 servings of protein (this is like 8-12 ounces only), and only sparingly use fats, oils, and sweeteners.

    How in the world do we do that? We have to make some changes. Get yourself a wok, and learn to use it. Get yourself lots of brocolli, green peppers, onions, squash, red peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Throw a splash (maybe a tablespoon at most) of extra virgin olive oil into the wok and when it is hot, throw in a bunch of veggies. Then you can try experimenting with adding meats to the mix. If you want to add rice, get long grain rices. I personally have been using Basmati rice.

    Learn to start making your own approximations of the fast food choices you like, for treats. For instance, 1/4 lb of LEAN (93/7) ground beef (cooked on a grill), on a Natures Own Whitewheat bun (less than 100 calories). Throw some sliced tomatoes and lettuce on top. There you go. It will kill your fast food urge... because it actually tastes better.

    Get a crock pot. You wanna make some killer foods? Here is one of my wife's favorites that I make. Slice an onion, and cut up a few peppers (red and green). Put in some stew beef chicken. Cover the meat with some "Sweet Baby Rays" original bbq sauce and add some water to make a sauce. Throw in some chili powder to add some kick. Then let it sit for several hours. Just before you are done, drain a can of pineapple chunks, and toss in the chunks. Serve with a side (a cup) of long grain rice. This is my take on pepper steak.

    When you cook, cook enough for lunch the next day. If you have leftovers, you will not need to go to the fast food places to eat lunch.

    Eating healthy doesn't mean you eat a carrot and an apple for lunch. If you want more recipe ideas, hit me up.
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    Newby here, looking to get over a wall I seem to have hit.

    Started dieting/ exercise back on 17 Jan when my SW was 219 and the missus brought a cross trainer for us.

    Since then set myself tiny goals - lose 10lbs - acheived by 6 Feb, from there, lose 4lb (to make a stone) - acheived 22 Feb, then get to 200lb, acheived 13 March, then acheive 196lb (14st) acheived 10 April.

    I have been doing at least 40 mins on a high resistance program (approx 600 cals) at least 6 times a week or swapping one of those workouts for a run (have gone from struggling 4 miles in 45 minutes, to feeling good after a 6 mile run in 57 minutes) or cycling 6 miles each way to the train station. I have been exercising religiously to this regime.

    So far I have lost 23lb, but for the last 3 weeks I seem to be yo-yoing between 196 and 200, and just dont seem to be able to get under it. I'm hoping that joining this group will help me over this blip....

    Anyway, my next target is 193lb which would be 2 st lost, and my overall target is 168lb, aim to be there by October when I hope to run a half marathon. But looking at baby steps all then way :)
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    onebeer, that is awesome!!! Don't fret the plateau, we all get them. Just keep pushing through. If your plateau persists, try increasing your calories by cutting your goal in 1/2 or a 1/4 or whatever. That kinda shakes things up a bit. Also, since you are doing fantastic on the exercise front, try adding some strength training. I have read a bunch saying that diet and cardio alone will only get you so far... and I am sure about a gazillion guys on this thread will agree.

    Welcome aboard and good luck!!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Great stuff, well said. My favorite parts:
    Go back to the basics of the food pyramid.
    Get yourself a wok, and learn to use it. Get yourself lots of brocolli, green peppers, onions, ...
    Get a crock pot. ..
    When you cook, cook enough for lunch the next day. If you have leftovers, you will not need to go to the fast food places to eat lunch.
    ""When you cook, cook enough for lunch the next day."",, that's great stuff right there. I have home cooked leftovers just about every day, and it really does make a difference.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Posted this in Chit-chat and not a single reply. You guys got any thoughts on this? It's not a serious "how many calories" question, I just wanted to talk about my Hobby/Sideline/Business (and it's obvious,,, maybe that's why no replies).

    Teaching my first motorcycle classes of the season this weekend.

    The class is the "Motorcycle Safety Foundation - Basic Rider Course",,, aka the "MSF-BRC". This is a double class weekend. So here's how this goes.

    Tonight (friday night) my partner and I will teach a 4 hour classroom session. We will have 24 students in a classroom session, going through material, watching some video training aids, asking & answering questions. How to operate the motorcycle, risk awareness & management, traffic strategy. Good stuff.

    Then each day of the weekend we will do 2 range sessions. So saturday morning we arrive at the training site at 7am and break out 14 or 15 little 250cc motorcycles. Check 'em out, get the 12 students in the morning session signed in & geared up, hopefully start class 7:30-ish. Work with these guys about 5 hours, walking about 6 miles around the lot moving orange cones. Hopefully have those guys outta there by 12:30.

    Grab a quick bite and get ready for the 12 students of the afternoon class. Hope to start 'em up around 1:00, do the same class, get 'em done 6'ish. Then put away all the wee bikes, lock the doors and GTFOuttaDodge 7'ish.

    Sunday is pretty much the same, but with a riding test at the end of the riding session. If they pass they get their moto-licenses, so it's a little stressful for them. We do our best to keep it fun and light, but folks have a way of stressing. Most of them don't need to worry. If you pay attention and work at it a little and 'get' the skills we're teaching, then the test is easy. About 93% of my people pass their exam.

    After the last sunday session we gas up the bikes and put them away and head for home. Partner and I each have about a 2 hour ride home, so it winds up being a 15 hour day.

    Lot of work, lots of fun. I gotta say, the look on a 54yo lady's face when she ride a moto for the first time is better than priceless, one of the great joys of my life. The look on her 'experienced rider' husband's face when she gets a better test score than he did is even better. "She listened and learned to brake properly - you didn't - she rode better, sorry". :-)

    So that's my weekend. It's a long couple days, and when I was heavy it was really REALLY hard on me. That's one of the reasons I googled "free calorie diary", found MFP and changed my life. So glad I did.

    So - how many calories you figger this burns? :-P (I just log 4 hours of slow walking each day, and I guess that's probably pretty close).


    Is this with or without body hair.

    I think 4 hours of moderate walking might be a little short.

    Sounds like U enjoy what you are doing.
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    onebeer, that is awesome!!! Don't fret the plateau, we all get them. Just keep pushing through. If your plateau persists, try increasing your calories by cutting your goal in 1/2 or a 1/4 or whatever. That kinda shakes things up a bit. Also, since you are doing fantastic on the exercise front, try adding some strength training. I have read a bunch saying that diet and cardio alone will only get you so far... and I am sure about a gazillion guys on this thread will agree.

    Welcome aboard and good luck!!!

    Thanks for the welcome - have just started breaking up my routine, instead of 40 mins in one hit, have split it into 3, and am doing light weight reps and sit ups in between. What's really cool, is despite hitting this mini wall, I can see huge difference in how I was to how I look now.