If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Mine are a disaster anybody with any help please inbox me xxxxxx

    You are carrying extra weight is all. If it were me, I'd go on a calorie deficit...do lots of cardio and focus on losing fat mass. Once you've lost your fat mass, then you can begin strength training to get sculpted. It's very difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time b/c when you are building muscle, you will get super hungry. It is possible, but I find that doing one or the other works better for me, so I reach my fitness goals in stages.

    Do what's best for you. Some great programs are NROL, pillates, or just your own free weight program. You will figure out what is best for your body and what your own preferences are.

    I'm on 1200 a day hunni haha like I said I'm losing weight fine but my body isant changing

    Lift weights now - it will preserve LBM while losing weight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    It's very difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time b/c when you are building muscle, you will get super hungry.

    What the what? You don't build muscle and lose fat at the same time when you're on a deficit, you lose fat and preserve as much muscle as possible to make faster gains with body fat percentage. Now, if you are grossly undereating you will have hunger issues, but if you're on an appropriate deficit and eating smartly . . . no hunger issues.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Mine are a disaster anybody with any help please inbox me xxxxxx

    You are carrying extra weight is all. If it were me, I'd go on a calorie deficit...do lots of cardio and focus on losing fat mass. Once you've lost your fat mass, then you can begin strength training to get sculpted. It's very difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time b/c when you are building muscle, you will get super hungry. It is possible, but I find that doing one or the other works better for me, so I reach my fitness goals in stages.

    Do what's best for you. Some great programs are NROL, pillates, or just your own free weight program. You will figure out what is best for your body and what your own preferences are.

    I'm on 1200 a day hunni haha like I said I'm losing weight fine but my body isant changing

    1200 calories a day is the bare minimum for an adult female. I would even say that you are most likely in starvation mode and your body is holding onto the fat stores b/c it's hungry. How tall are you and what to you currently weigh? I can calculate your BMR for you. If you add 300 calories to your BMR, you should lose weight at a nice steady pace.

    For example, I'm 5'8" and 127 lbs. My BMR is about 1450 calories a day (partly b/c I have good mucle mass also). That is what I need to eat just to stay alive and stop my body from eating itself. If I eat less than 1450 calories, my body would begin to eat my muscle stores to stay alive. You want to steer clear of this. It's not healthy.

    The lowest number of calories I will eat in a day is 1850. I would still lost a pound a week on this without losing my muscle.

    Be careful of crash diets, they never work. Once you begin eating again, your body will store all of it as fat and you will have less muscle and you will look skinny fat.

    5ft 7/8 157lbs I have a wide frame so 140lbs looks terrible on me I use to get told I look annoreic but that was pre pregnancy
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    I don't think I will do that. In my opinion, now that you are happy with the size of your legs (likely because there is less fat on them), you should start doing squats and lunges, and all that fun stuff again. I have big thighs, I don't think they are big because i have too much muscle though...I think it's because I need to lose more weight.

    I haven't read through all the comments, because it is a lot. As long as you are happy with you that is all that matters. Congratulations on finally being happy with your thighs. :)
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member

    It's very difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time b/c when you are building muscle, you will get super hungry.

    What the what? You don't build muscle and lose fat at the same time when you're on a deficit, you lose fat and preserve as much muscle as possible to make faster gains with body fat percentage. Now, if you are grossly undereating you will have hunger issues, but if you're on an appropriate deficit and eating smartly . . . no hunger issues.

    I don't focus on strength training when losing fat. I maintain my muscle with weights and focus on cardio.

    I had hunger issues eating 2500 calories a day when I was strength training. I was up at night STARVING.

    As I said, what works for me is to focus more on cardio when losing fat and then focus on strength building once the fat is gone.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    Ok but how does your butt look?

    IMO, it looks good.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I don't think I will do that. In my opinion, now that you are happy with the size of your legs (likely because there is less fat on them), you should start doing squats and lunges, and all that fun stuff again. I have big thighs, I don't think they are big because i have too much muscle though...I think it's because I need to lose more weight.

    I haven't read through all the comments, because it is a lot. As long as you are happy with you that is all that matters. Congratulations on finally being happy with your thighs. :)

    Thanks! I really appreciate your comment.
  • iamnfs
    iamnfs Posts: 3
    Awesome, thanks for the tip!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,027 Member
    Thank you for this post. I could spend hours lifting weights. It is a lot of fun for me but what I really need is cardio and to stay on the elliptical for 30 min.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    Mine are a disaster anybody with any help please inbox me xxxxxx

    You are carrying extra weight is all. If it were me, I'd go on a calorie deficit...do lots of cardio and focus on losing fat mass. Once you've lost your fat mass, then you can begin strength training to get sculpted. It's very difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time b/c when you are building muscle, you will get super hungry. It is possible, but I find that doing one or the other works better for me, so I reach my fitness goals in stages.

    Do what's best for you. Some great programs are NROL, pillates, or just your own free weight program. You will figure out what is best for your body and what your own preferences are.

    I'm on 1200 a day hunni haha like I said I'm losing weight fine but my body isant changing

    1200 calories a day is the bare minimum for an adult female. I would even say that you are most likely in starvation mode and your body is holding onto the fat stores b/c it's hungry. How tall are you and what to you currently weigh? I can calculate your BMR for you. If you add 300 calories to your BMR, you should lose weight at a nice steady pace.

    For example, I'm 5'8" and 127 lbs. My BMR is about 1450 calories a day (partly b/c I have good mucle mass also). That is what I need to eat just to stay alive and stop my body from eating itself. If I eat less than 1450 calories, my body would begin to eat my muscle stores to stay alive. You want to steer clear of this. It's not healthy.

    The lowest number of calories I will eat in a day is 1850. I would still lost a pound a week on this without losing my muscle.

    Be careful of crash diets, they never work. Once you begin eating again, your body will store all of it as fat and you will have less muscle and you will look skinny fat.

    5ft 7/8 157lbs I have a wide frame so 140lbs looks terrible on me I use to get told I look annoreic but that was pre pregnancy

    I put in 5'8", 157 lbs and age 30 (I guessed).

    Your BMR is: 1516!!!!

    You are starving yourself and your body is eating its muscle. You do not like your results b/c you are becoming skinny fat. Not good. You need to eat AT LEAST 1700 calories and do some resistance training. It could be an hour long speed walk every morning, 30 min a day on the elliptical trainer.

    I would also recommend pillates. Get enough strength to hold a plank properly for 1 minute. Hold a v-sit for as long as you can. Get that core strong before you begin any real strength training. This will avoid back injury. Pick up an 8 lb dumb bell and begin doing bicept curls, chest press, tricept press, and arm raises (3 sets of 12). Get some basic strength. When you can lift 8 lbs no problem, lift 10 lbs. You could also do some weightless squats and lunges for your bumb and upper leg strength. I find that putting a fitness ball against a wall (to support my back) really helps me do a nice low and deep squat. I personally have laid off the leg exercises for now, but I think I will try it again once I have lost those last 2 lbs.

    Another thing I like to do is go to a park and go up and down stairs over and over for like 20 minutes. It's great for the legs and heart.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I was getting my cardio in yesterday morning and there were a group of 4 women in the row in front of me. All obviously skilled runners and good friends. I was admiring their skill (seriously, I suck at running! I want to be good and I'm working on it) when I noticed that every one of them had gross saggy butt, and they were probably only in their 30's!!! Thanks to them, today was an impromtu leg day. I HATE leg day... but I sure do love my big booty.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I was getting my cardio in yesterday morning and there were a group of 4 women in the row in front of me. All obviously skilled runners and good friends. I was admiring their skill (seriously, I suck at running! I want to be good and I'm working on it) when I noticed that every one of them had gross saggy butt, and they were probably only in their 30's!!! Thanks to them, today was an impromtu leg day. I HATE leg day... but I sure do love my big booty.

    it's also genetics. I have a firm bum at age 41. It is also a lot of what you eat too.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I don't focus on strength training when losing fat. I maintain my muscle with weights...

  • 2gurl45
    2gurl45 Posts: 32
    I have naturally large thighs and a large bum, genetically it runs in the family except my brother doesn't have that but instead is nice, tall and lean ! unfair! but anyhow, my top is much thinner than my bottom. My thighs have been the first i have lost weight from, most inches lost there.. and stomach as well strangely cause i thought that would be the last one to lose! i do cardio from dance, and i guess that has caused me to lose overall fat. still want to tone the bum and thighs, i like them not to skinny but i do want them toned ! and i wanna keep my bum aha :P
  • Ryokat
    Ryokat Posts: 168 Member
    This thread is so full of nonsense.

    'my legs are hot'
    'my legs are sexy'
    'you're all jealous'
    'im 41 with a hot body'
    'I'll never have to worry about bone density'

    Get your head out of your nether regions.

    I don't get this part of your post. Granted, the bone density and jealousy comments may raise a couple of eyebrows, but how does the OP thinking she has great legs and a hot body qualify as "nonsense?"

    I mean, the boards are full of posts imploring women to love themselves and their bodies, this poster is doing just that, and you tell her to pull her head out of her *kitten*? WTF?!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I found out the key for myself to get the nice muscular lean legs that I've always wanted. I am a mesomorph and I develop leg muscles very quickly, but my upper body is very weak.

    I learned to do absolutely no leg exercises and now my legs look awesome. My legs always looked fat to me. I tried the lunges, squats, etc. and my legs would just look fatter. A personal trainer told me to stop and just get my leg workouts from jogging, elliptical, etc. I did it and now my thighs are 20 inches and I can fit into my jeans. I love it!

    Just throwing this out there for women who have genetically enhanced legs.

    LOL somatotypes
  • traes0821
    I have large thighs due to riding horses my whole life. But, if I don't do any excersises they just get flabby :(
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    This thread is still going? Whoa
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I have big thighs, too, but I'd rather have the strength from squats and lunges than skinny legs :) Just personal preference I guess.

    i do all over strength training...i love having muscly legs, arms, everything...even when i wasn't lifting my legs stayed quite muscular...i wouldn't give them up in a heartbeat...i love my legs!!!
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I have naturally large thighs and a large bum, genetically it runs in the family except my brother doesn't have that but instead is nice, tall and lean ! unfair! but anyhow, my top is much thinner than my bottom. My thighs have been the first i have lost weight from, most inches lost there.. and stomach as well strangely cause i thought that would be the last one to lose! i do cardio from dance, and i guess that has caused me to lose overall fat. still want to tone the bum and thighs, i like them not to skinny but i do want them toned ! and i wanna keep my bum aha :P

    You are doing tons of resistance training with dance...pillates in a bottle :)

    Most dancers I know have awesome fannies. bootilicious.