5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good afternoon to all!

    I had a great day yesterday, even though I have the worst cold I have had in ages. Between walking and riding the bike I burned 1200 calories. I also did very well with my eating. Today I struggled with the pizza for lunch but have already burned 357 calories from walking. I hope to get on the exercise bike as soon as all the kids are asleep. I have a 2 year-old, who is giving up the pacifier at nap time so it takes him a bit longer to go to sleep.

    I am a bit worried about my exercise for next week. I have a new 3 month old starting and I know his nap schedule will probably not be at the same time as my toddlers and preschoolers. I usually get a great bike ride on the stationary bike during the kids nap time. I will have to adjust and get it in the morning or after they all leave at 6.

    Jenn what a great idea! And I do agree it is about learning about ourselves! If we don't learn the reason for our weight issues we will probably end up having to lose it all over again.

    Shivaun, a heart rate monitor uses the beats it counts per minute and then translates it into how many calories burned. From my understanding each company uses similar but maybe not the same data to figure this out. The HRM also allows you to put in different factors such as age, weight, and height and uses them in determining your calorie burn also. These devices are not 100% accurate, but they give a fairy good indication of calories burned. I hope that helps a bit.

    Have a great rest of the day everyone. Be healthy!

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Late getting started, but I'm in! SW April 18/2010. 195 ..I'll weigh in Friday to get on track. Wish me luck!:drinker:
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Morning all,

    I am so pleased with myself today because last night I felt like I wanted a snack (I even had the snack cabinet door open) but then I realized that I didn't want a snack. I wanted to be healthy and in control of my eating. I wanted to be thin, active, and a good roll model. I DON'T want food to control my life anymore! So I started moving around the stuff in my cabinets and cleaning out junk I don't use. Well I ended up having a great idea! I moved my healthy food into one cabinet and the kids snacks and treats into the other. On the snack side I posted my measurements:blushing: and on the healthy side I posted a list of my goals! :bigsmile: Now when I go into that snack cabinet I will see my numbers up and that should help me stop and realize I am in the wrong cabinet. Plus I now have my own cabinet of healthy eats so I wont see any fruit loops when I go to grab a healthy snack.

    Everyone is doing amazing even with the set backs we are still learning about ourselves; and what we can do to push through! We are working towards that lifestyle change of choosing healthier foods and becoming more active.

    "The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before."

    Happy day everyone!

    Great idea, Jenn. Some people live a lifetime struggling and never come to that epithany. You are truly an inspiration to ua all. I wish a few of my friends would take that ownership.
    Keep it up.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thank you Jacque. I am trying to take one day at a time and I am starting to take my own advise to heart (don't be hard on yourself for one bad day, ect) it really is a long process. I think back to a little over a year ago and it just makes me cringe to think that I would feed myself and worse yet my kids that nasty fast food I use to buy and call it dinner! Now when we go out it is a much healthier choice plus it is a nice treat instead of a "lazy day" regular. I feel so much healthier, I look healthier, and I am showing my kids the way they should eat. I was watching my friends kids the other day and while I was in the kitchen getting them some milk I heard my 4 year old tell her friend (also 4, who was pushing her veggies off her plate onto the table) "if you don't want to eat your green beans you can put them on my plate, I like them, they help you grow up strong! Did you know that?" :noway: :love: I love that kid so much! She does listen! :laugh:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi PALS,
    End of the day here. Just got back from a dinner with a couple teacher friends. we needed to talk and catch up on each others lives. It was great fun. Had such a yummy sea bass in lemon and garlic sauce. I walked to the restaurant so that I could burn calories going and coming back plus swam this morning too so altogether burned 750 calories today.

    After school we had meetings and they always have un healthy snack so I took my sliced carrots and cucumbers along. One teacher made a comment to me while I was munching away... she said "WHY DID YOU BRING HEALTHY STUFF!" As if I was the weird one for eating healthy. I thought it was funny. I just munched and crunched a little louder!!

    Ainslieglen _ WELCOME! Never too late to join in on the fun. Glad to have you with us.

    Shivaun_So nice to have you back and giving comments all the time. you are an inspiration to me too.

    Terri, You are so good to be committed to ride the bike in between dirty diapers and naps. Kids naps that is. Good luck when the new little one starts up. I am srue you will figure a way to squeeze in the spinning.

    Jenn_ I loved your idea too for posting your measurements in the closets to remind you of your goals. Good for you too remembering that you didn't really want that snack. My two friends at dinner shared a gooey chocolaty dessert and I passed up those calories and didn't feel deprived at all. I don't really care to have that extra weight hanging on my hips and boobs!!!

    Well my poor hubby is calling from the bed room. I think he feels neglected tonight since I was out for the last 3 hours. plus ALL DAY. so I better go give him some attention..MEN!???? Good night. Phyljen:wink:
  • siobhannestor
    Jenn – I love your statement about not wanting to allow food to control your life anymore. Something to live by. Congrats on making such a positive choice regarding snacks! That is so cute what your 4-year old said! Made me :bigsmile:

    Terri, thanks for the info on the HRM – I will look back through the posts to figure out which one to buy. It sounds really useful! I would love to get a better sense of how many calories I’m actually burning. And kudos to you for burning 1200 calories with a cold! Wow! Hope you get to feeling better quickly!

    Phyllis, someday I will catch up to all of your workouts! Love the fact that you crunched louder in response to that one comment. Thanks for the welcome back, too! :blushing:

    So, I had a great day today, even if I didn’t meet my calorie goal for exercise (I did exercise 90 minutes but feel short of 600 calories). It was great though – they had predicted cold rain all day, but the storm came through quickly, and by lunch the city was crisp and clean and sunny. Since I was working at home today, was able not only to walk outside at lunch, but to do so on Nob Hill – for those who know SF, we have some really steep, steep (45-degree incline) hills in our neighborhood and I was able to take them without stopping! :glasses: And the white buildings against the brilliant blue sky just made my heart soar. (Actually felt so inspired that I blogged about it today).

    Did my last workout between 10-10:30 though, since I worked up until then. I did do a challenging new Fitness Magazine ab workout – using bands, it had many exercises I’ve never done before. Here’s hoping I can get to sleep on time! (My perennial worry.)

    Have a great and healthy day tomorrow! :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning Pals,

    Terri - you inspire me to workout. If you can do it with a cold, I can do it with little sleep ( I couldn't sleep last night at all):yawn:

    Phyllis- I giggled when I read that you crunched louder.:laugh:

    Shivaun (siobhann)- I would love to know more about ab exercises with bands.

    Jenn - congrats on being such a great role model for you kids.

    S0 I am in a weird place of denial. I am still finding it very hard to find anything worth apply for job wise and I realize I will be in serious financial trouble in a few months but I have such a deep instilled sense that it will all work out. I don't know how or why but I just know that it will. Its kind of strange. Almost euphoric. Maybe its the exercising acting like a drug. ::smokin:

    I hope today is another good exercise and food day. Since I touch under my goal on Saturday I have ridden right above it ever since and I really want to get below it officially on Friday.

    Have a great day all.

  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    YUCK!! Stepped on the scale and I'm 3 lbs heavier than I was last week.....depressing!!! TOM is tomorrow though so I decided to measure since I havent in almost 3 weeks and I've lost 2 inches on my hips and 1 inch on my waist.....I'm okay with that. Once TOM is over I'm sure it'll drop quick. :) 9 more days everyone :) Ya'll can do it!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Last night I bought a new stepper, this one is much harder for me then the one I have been using (which is good) because it has Hydraulics and my weight pushes it down so I have to step faster! Last night was Biggest Loser so I started stepping and quickly realized that I wouldn't make it the whole two hour show. I only stepped for one hour but I was covered in sweet and my legs burned! I ended up not burning as much as I have in the past doing the old step but that is because I reduced the time I think. 4075 steps burned 443 calories. Not as high as I would have liked but it gives me a goal for next week, I want to work up to doing the full two hours so I think I'll add a little more time each workout until I am there.

    My 3500 numbers so far...

    1844 (a bit over half way)

    1,656 left to do this week!
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Just want to make sure....do I weigh in on Fridays, with April 30 being the end of April challenge??? Man, that reads as dumb..OF COURSE April 30 is the end of the month!!!!!! :blushing:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Pals,
    I am so sad tonight. :cry: I was at aerobics class tonight and did a wrong move. It was just too much for my old knee I guess and as I moved I heard a POP and my knee immediately started to throb. I couldn't even stand on it. another teacher went and got me some ice and I iced it for about 15 minutes and then hobbled to my car and drove to the doctor office. Got an x-ray... NO breaks. Thank goodness. Went to the Orthopedic specialist and he says I need an MRI tomorrow but it appears that I have torn my minuscus. Don't know it that is the correct spelling. anyway has suggested I stay off my knee for about 3 days. SO i am making sub plans and won't be going in to school tomorrow. Just as I was on a roll getting fit now i am injured! DANG DANG DANG! I guess I can still possibly do yoga and smooth moves that don't hurt my knee.
    anyway. I will see what I can do while I recover and get my knee back. ICE packs and elevation and a knee brace will be my life for a few days anyway. BOO HOO:cry::cry:
    Going to bed. Phyljen:yawn:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Phyljen I am soooo sorry. That is the absolute worst. I hope it turns out not to be so bad.
  • msonia11
    msonia11 Posts: 38
    Do I have enough time? I will give it my best shot. Count me in!!!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Hi Pals,
    I am so sad tonight. :cry: I was at aerobics class tonight and did a wrong move. It was just too much for my old knee I guess and as I moved I heard a POP and my knee immediately started to throb. I couldn't even stand on it. another teacher went and got me some ice and I iced it for about 15 minutes and then hobbled to my car and drove to the doctor office. Got an x-ray... NO breaks. Thank goodness. Went to the Orthopedic specialist and he says I need an MRI tomorrow but it appears that I have torn my minuscus. Don't know it that is the correct spelling. anyway has suggested I stay off my knee for about 3 days. SO i am making sub plans and won't be going in to school tomorrow. Just as I was on a roll getting fit now i am injured! DANG DANG DANG! I guess I can still possibly do yoga and smooth moves that don't hurt my knee.
    anyway. I will see what I can do while I recover and get my knee back. ICE packs and elevation and a knee brace will be my life for a few days anyway. BOO HOO:cry::cry:
    Going to bed. Phyljen:yawn:

    That's awful!! :( Maybe try things that just work your upper body for right now, even if you just are sitting and you twist your upper back and forth and maybe have some weights? Something you could do sitting down. Don't get discouraged :) This too shall pass
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Phyljen, $#%$&&%^%^^!!!!!! and also %%$$##&(*&*)&*^*$%!!!!!

    Well I agree with everyone else - it's more than annoying - no choice but to slow down,do breath work for a strong back and strong abs to support your knee through your recovery. Another part of life.

    Well, I seem to be creating my own little group all by myself called the "half pound a month" I only had to put a decimal before the 5 so it wasn't too much work for me. I didn't do the official weigh in, but I was hanging in steady at 129.

    It's really okay with me right now.

    There was a fascinating article about exercise and weight loss in last week's NY Times magazine. I just went looking for it to quote to you guys but my husband seems to have thrown it out. (Pause here and imagine my cold and accusative stare) Anyway, it should be online and it's worth reading. My post-menopausal brain won't allow me to remember much specifically, but one thing was that when we women work out our bodies send signals to tell us to eat more because we are programmed to retain more fat for reproduction. Men do not have the same hormonal/chemical signals and do not feel as hungry - in fact they mostly feel less hungry - if they work out more than their BMR requires. We tend to be ravenous.

    Another thing - and this was hard to get my head around - was that exercise actually doesn't play a major role in weight loss, but if one has established a habit of exercising over a long period then it plays a major part in sustaining weight loss. So it's not so much (according to them) that we are exercising to achieve the weight loss now, we are doing it because once our bodies are conditioned to it, when we lose the weight we will have a much better chance of beating those hormone pulls.

    And the last thing I remember - they said that people who stand burn off way more calories than people who sit. Oh, and also they once again stressed moderate exercise and walking.

    I think that's it. My brain is now empty.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    :cry: Oh Phyljen! I am so sorry to hear about your knee. But I know you well enough to know that this wont stop you in the least! You can still eat right and take good care of yourself as your healing so you fix quickly and for good. Can you still swim? I think I have heard that swimming is a great exercise for bad backs and knees. Staying off it for a few days until you feel better is a must but you will be yourself again in no time. Take heart my friend. :flowerforyou:

    Karinf, as always...:laugh: imagine my cold and accusative stare, lol! I know this look of which you speak.

    So I ate well again today. I went to the gym on my lunch for my 30 mins on the circuit. I'm about to put the kids to bed and I should go workout after, but I am feeling lazy.:ohwell: I hope when I look back in a few, after the kids get to sleep, someone will be on here telling me I should just workout and stop being lazy! Please! :tongue:
  • jill5196
    jill5196 Posts: 6
    You go work out, Jenn! You won't regret it and you will feel GREAT! Just remember, it's worth it. Trust me, you WILL regret skipping the workout tomorrow :) I hope that is motivation for you! Good Luck! :happy:
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Phyllis, so sorry to hear of your knee. Do take care of yourself and try another strategy. On to the pool....

    Jenn, go work out. BTW, I did pump my hand weights during 3 sets of commercials during Biggest Loser last night. And, yes, I was cursing you. How can they string those commercials on for so long. My pecs and arms are smarting today. But then again, this too shall pass. :ohwell:
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Phyljen - So sorry to hear about your injury. :frown: My husband tore his running after a kite that my 2 yr old let go of on a very windy day! A week later he had to have knee surgery and the recover was a bit long. Try to keep dumbells next to you on the couch and the pain meds even closer. I heard there's a dvd out there for couch aerobics. It was designed for medically overweight people as a stepping stone to getting fit. It offers a great upper body workout. Chin up, you'll bounce back in no time!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I did it! I went to my apartment gym and got on the elliptical for an hour. I have never done it that long before my max was 45 mins, so I am very happy with myself right now.

    Thank you Jill5196! I saw your post and I went to put on my HRM right away, burned 762 calories and I feel great. Plus daddy put our daughter to bed so I could leave right away! You were right, I am so glad I went.

    Jacque, I am so proud of you! I agree, the commercials are very long but I was hurting right along with you if it makes you feel better. Your arms are going to look great this summer! I hope your sore turns into tone very fast. :bigsmile:

    Off to shower before bed. Night. :yawn: