
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    It is a rainy day here in NC, and today is when the plumbers are supposed to dig up my yard looking for a water leak:grumble: ! I have no idea if they do that in the rain or not, guess I will find out soon! The internet is being hateful this morning too, it`s knocked me off line 3 times already:angry: .
    I will keep this short and hope that it posts.

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    Grumpy:grumble: DeeDee
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good Morning from Virginia! I'm new to this program, but so far I like it so much more than Weight Watchers. I like counting calories instead of points... The only thing I don't understand is when I exercise it increases my calories... should I really eat all those ? I thought the point was to eat the allotted and then exercise... any insight?? Should I eat more???
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    Good Morning from Virginia! I'm new to this program, but so far I like it so much more than Weight Watchers. I like counting calories instead of points... The only thing I don't understand is when I exercise it increases my calories... should I really eat all those ? I thought the point was to eat the allotted and then exercise... any insight?? Should I eat more???

    Welcome.....yes, eat some or all of your exercise calories.....otherwise you're trying to operate without sufficient fuel.....also, be sure that everything you eat is nutritious.....work to avoid eating calories that don't provide proper nutrition.

    I"ve learned a lot on this thread and come back to it every day for support and encouragement

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • ShrimpMe
    ShrimpMe Posts: 84 Member
    Just found this thread and you ladies have inspired me to stay on track with the eating today. Some big stressers expected at work today but when it's all over, off to the gym for 30 minutes of circuit and then 45 mins of Zumba. Glad I found this thread!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning this place needed my vit. F before I leave for my little job.

    My wii plus gives the weight in kg. you just need to convert it to lbs.
    Your cake sounds yum. I made health muffins this morning.
    Using oatmeal flour, honey for sweeting. they are pumpkin and raisin I found on u tube.

    How fun is that and know right where your coming from. Happened to us many years ago before we had a basement. Someone forgot to fix the vent holes in the fall. Tomato juice lots of it. Wash the flours it picks up the smell. Glad there gone.

    Enjoy your time away from home

    While fooling around on u tube found some yoga stretch moves to do in bed before you get up. Well i'd have to do it after potty break. lol. That's what wakes me up.

    Good luck with the plumbing. Hope it doesn't turn into a major mess.

    Well time to get dressed and out of here. It's monday my day to take care of my friend hope she wants to go to library and run around town. I just don't feel like the pool. lol.

    Linda from the colder northern ontario. Mild spell broke. Oh well.
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Hey all,

    Was a busy weekend...and not good to myself either! I did get a LOT of exercise, but ate all the wrong things! It was hubby's BD....so, now that's it's past, I can be good again.

    I did make a huge pot of cabbage and ham soup....with lots of fresh veggies....so good. Froze a bunch to take to work.....thanks to whoever on here gave me the idea! LOL....so bad with remembering names!

    Have a great day!
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Good morning everyone. Gone for the weekend so I missed reading posts. 3 new pages that I just read through but too many to add individual notes. Stayed on calories all weekend thanks to my daughters wonderful healthy cooking. However Sat night did include pie. I'm afraid to get on the scale. Ready to take on a new week and bring the scale down another pound or two. With that said I'm off to get a workout in. Have a good productive Monday everyone.
  • buddysmom35
    buddysmom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Good morning!
    I've only been on MFP for one week and I appreciate all the support and encouragement I find on here. I turned 55 in Dec, have had 2 hip replacements in the last few years, and havent been active at all.
    This past week I got out an at first walked around the block = 1 mile, and yesterday I was able to increase that by another half mile! I really couldnt believe it. :)
    I think I will weigh myself only on Saturdays, as the everyday weighing was too up & down.
    BMR, TDEE,....I hope I have this right that we are supposed to eat somewhere in between?

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hi all,

    Happy Monday - we are up and rocking, just chased J'boy into/out of the bathroom so he's showered and I need to go and blow-dry my hair and get the rest of me decent for school. No ensuite in this old house, we all share one bathroom. Lucky it's a small family!

    Lila - the new concession is run by the folks who run "Break in Time" restaurant. I will take a closer look when I'm there today and see what they have on the menu. I know for sure they are not selling hotdogs, popcorn or cheezy nachos!

    Will catch up on the rest later.

    Plan what you eat, eat what you plan.

    Hasta pronto,

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Do you record your weight when it goes up or just when you lose? I've always done the latter -- and now with a 5 pound holiday bounce to lose, I may not post another loss for months! I'm thinking honesty with myself includes recording my actual current weight, perhaps once a month -- but I'm going to wait until February 1.

    All this frustration at "only" losing .5 to a pound a week is frustrating because it generally takes me a month to lose that much. (My weight fluctuates 1-3 pounds daily because of water, so I look at trends rather than the bottom line.)

    I had so hoped in 2013 to be able to go into maintenance mode and ease off spending over 90 minutes a day on the *%$# machines; instead, I see no end in sight. I think that partly explains my holiday amock. MFP's chirpy and laughable "If every day were like today you'd weigh X pounds in 6 weeks" gives me a major twitch because I won't be X pounds ever, and don't want to be. Wherever do they get that algorithm?

    Sorry for the whine.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have a couple of goals for today that will require effort. The biggie is to get the boxes of Christmas decorations off of the garage floor and into the attic. Then we can set up DH's bike on the trainer we bought ourselves for Christmas. The recumbent bike is his very best exercise option and we need to make sure it is an available one.:smile:

    I cleaned the hummingbird feeders and filled them with fresh nectar last night. This morning I put one out. The other is inside staying warm for now so I can switch them if needed. Amazingly, we have year round hummingbirds and they need some extra help in cold weather. It has been below 32 for several days. We love the feisty little birds.:love:

    I'm doing better with drinking water, and need to keep working on it.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone,

    Thanks to all of you who offered encouragement and support regarding my work complaints. I have decided to take the bull by the horns and air my issues directly to my bosses this week. I have already E-mailed to request a meeting. I think I have some valid points. Somehow, just the act of doing something has made me feel better. Not sure how it will turn out, but I got an E-mail this morning that said "Do not wait for leaders....do it alone, person to person". Also, someone said yesterday in church that quitters never win, and winners never quit, so I'm taking the ball and running with it! Wish me luck!

    :smile: @lentigogirl: When I came back from vacation in October, I had gained four pounds. I entered it, and it did subtract it on my ticker, but never posted anything about a weight gain on my home page. And when I lost the weight again, it posted my success. That actually made me feel good. Since I check in every Wednesday afternoon, I always post my current weight, whether it's a loss or a gain. That keeps me on track. I hope this helps!

    Had a visit yesterday from my grandaughter and her family. She has two adorable little boys, and it definitely lifted my spirits to see them. We grilled out because the weather was a tad warmer, and I always think that any kind of food tastes better grilled.

    I only have four days of work this week, and Sunday we leave for two weeks in Mexico! So I am getting excited and so ready to relax on a beach! I am not going to log onto MFP while on vacation, but I do plan to walk the beach (about three miles) every morning with my husband, so I should get my exercise in.

    Hugs from Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Bitterly cold Monday Morning:flowerforyou:

    No time to read, it was a very busy weekend even got some of the basement organized yesterday. Hubby will be working the graveyard this week as they are changing things around in the store so we will see each other for about 1.5 hrs each evening:ohwell: maybe I will attempt to clean up more of the basement in the evenings...will see.

    Hoping everyone had a good weekend and you are all looking at a good week ahead.

    Keep on drinking, logging and moving to the new and improved Women of 50+:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • judsimm
    judsimm Posts: 8 Member
    I have been back on this site for one week. I have a lot of weight to lose but starting with small goals. Just retired so no excuse not to get up and move. I have enjoyed reading this board and look forward to any help. Starting the day off with cleaning as I am having a Creative Memories Party at my house tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies -

    Just a quick note to say hello, I've read all your interesting posts and soaked up all the support possible! Thank you all. Vitamin F works!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Seems like bucketloads of stress have been weighing me down and slowing me up. Yesterday I finally mentally kicked myself and ultimately walked 10 miles. I'm logging on the Virtual Walk Across America and I've just started this year and wonder how many years it will take? Anyway, hit 100 miles as I logged in this morning. :happy:

    Wishing everyone well---eat those fruits and veggies! :bigsmile: Drink the water. :drinker:

    See you soon.

    Lin from Central Iowa

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just got back from my swim and I am logging in what I plan for lunch and dinner.

    Exermom-Thanks that is Danny, he's my youngest, and such a sweetheart. I have 3 indoor cats and 9 outdoor feral cats that I feed and provide shelter for.

    Not to much is happening, got a little off plan this weekend and had to much salt and watched the scale go up 3lbs. So light on the salt this week and lots of water.

    Tigress in GA
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's me again

    Good soup but hope you work in an office of your own. It has a lot of farting power. LOL

    You have it made staying good even when away from home.

    Baby steps will get you there

    Like Plan what you eat, Eat what you plan.
    Healthy food in arena about time.

    I weigh on tuesday and up or down it comes in. Need to be honest with yourself.

    We only get hummingbirds in our summer months. But there cute to watch.

    Good for you for taking the bull by the horns. There's no need to be unhappy in the work place.
    The boss may not even realize what's going on.
    Nice holiday planned. Enjoy.

    Sounds like a fun party

    Great walk. 100 miles was that done this year.

    You sure have a love for cats.
    Don't let them 3 lbs get friendly and they will leave with others.

    Well went and walked a mile with my patient this morning she wanted to walk. She went around six times before her hip started to hurt. Then she stopped and waited for me to finish my mile. Probably will get some dancing in this afternoon. Love to dance zumba is fun. Went and did my healthy grocery shopping so all set for the week.

    Back lighter
    Linda C from way North.
  • katz56
    katz56 Posts: 1
    Hi ladies , new here as of today. My name is Denise, 56 yo, never married (unfortunately) , live in West Texas with my 90 yo dad and the joy of my life my Sadie, my dog, and several cats,! I have fought weight my whole life it seems, now weighing more than ever. I start out gun ho and then I get in my own way and sabotage myself failing and just stopping the whole thing. I need some help on this path. Having some health problems and just not feeling good about myself. Anyway I hope to meet some of you and maybe we can all help each other!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good Monday afternoon! Thank you so much for all of the encouragement about my foot, and for sharing your experiences with me. I so appreciate it! :flowerforyou:

    I don't have a lot of time today, as I spent the entire morning in a meeting with the Denver Ballet Guild. We promote dance in Colorado. My particular little niche is on a committee that holds a Young Dancer's Competition each year and gives out major scholarships (totaling over $40,000 each year) to dance students. I'm in charge of designing and having the t-shirts made that we give to the kids competing. We also bring name dance troupes into underprivileged schools and have field trip performances for other schools so that kids who might otherwise never be exposed to dance can be. There is also a very social aspect to the Guild (debutante balls, etc.), but I stay clear of all of that nonsense and just focus on kids. My other volunteer activities focus around empowering women worldwide, and I am working with Zonta International to fulfill that this year.

    Glenda -- They won't let me fly with the cast because of possible blood clots, so no hanging out on the beach for me. I'm thinking of doing the cast in April-May and going to Mexico in March for my son's spring break.

    Positive Power -- I'm a realtor, so I need to be able to drive, run up-an-down stairs, etc. No work for me with the cast!

    LucyT4dieting -- Good luck in airing your issues with the bosses this week. Let us know how it goes!

    Jane in Colorado
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! After a weekend that included dinner at home with friends and three meals of :smooched: wonderful hospitality (all roast beef dinners!!!), I got out this morning to aquacise and am breathing a sigh of "Ah, that feels better!" Back to the fruits and veggies and exercise!

    Renny - I used to have the erroneous idea that you could not eat the seeds of the pomegranate but just suck the juice off them! :huh: That seemed like just too much work for little to show for it! Now that dumb idea has been corrected and I quite enjoy pomegranate - it IS good on salad, or just as a snack.

    SueR - I keep a large glass of water by my bed and drink it when I wake up, before I ever get up..I also have one of those large plastic glasses (2 cups) with an attached straw with me during the day. Two fills is four cups. I drink water with my evening meal and also have a water bottle available in the car when I am out and about and doing errands. Once the habit was established, I found that I was really looking for my water glass.

    JaneH - I hope you are able to work in a visit to Mexico this year. My friends don't think they are going this year :sad: - a financial decision - so there goes my trip to the sun. Say hello to the playa for me! :love:

    Time to get some work done here. Have a great day all.

    Glenda in southern Alberta - still snowy but not so sunny!