if health is #1, what is your #2 reason to lose weight?



  • AdamFaris
    Even if I was 100% healthy at my old body shape, I'd still want to lose weight to look better. Whereas if I had the look I wanted but not perfect health I wouldn't be too motivated to change.

    So for me, looking good has to be #1 (with improved health a wonderful side-effect).
  • KBear68
    KBear68 Posts: 16
    I'm married to one of four brothers. Two of the other three are also married. My sisters-in-law are much younger and much slimmer than I am.

    My #2 reason to lose weight is so that I am no longer the fat sister-in-law. I hate seeing us together in photos.
  • JuicyKey31
    My kids love six flags & white waters over Georgia we are season pass holders & every summer they run & I have to tag along but dont really care to try & sit my Thickself on them ride seats that hurt so bad lol but seriously my goals are to help make my life & kids life more rewarding at any vacation or amusment park! Now at white waters Im never ashamed of my body & weight I will wear my swim sut with pride because it's just my self-esteem but would love to be more good looking & work toward a fit body!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i have many reasons to lose weight. its finally time for me! my fiance was fighting cancer the past year and i let me health get bad as a result of taking care of him. i have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. i miss having energy like i use to. i always have a clean house. but i noticed i was starting to let things pile up here and there making more work for myself later. and my number 2 reason is i want a new wedding dress. we were suppose to get married last year and couldn't cause of my fiances vigorous treatment schedules. i want to get a new dress and look good in our wedding photos. me losing weight would be another victory to celebrate!
  • mrslehan2013
    For my wedding and to look hot for my fiance later that night :wink:
  • melinda3792
    Wow, appearance or vanity before health..... to me that's really sad. My guess is that that if you chose that, you have never had any real health issues, otherwise that would be even sadder.

    I know tons of slightly chubby "HEALTH" people, they have a better heart then I.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Feeling sexy.
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    My number one reason is FREEDOM OF MOTION.

    I'm currently only 2 pounds overweight, so health isn't much of an issue. Even when I was obese, though, the main reason I wanted to lose weight was because I have a bum hip and I was tired of not being able to dance, run, hike, climb, and do all the activities I had always loved.

    Losing weight was part of getting stronger so that my muscles can support my hip. I'm missing about 30% of the hip socket, and I can only move freely if my muscles can take the load.

    I love to be able to DANCE! I'm thankful every day that I can walk without pain.

    Second is FEELING GREAT ABOUT MY BODY. I have to live here, so I might as well spiff the place up so that it's really the kind of joint I want to live in for the rest of my life.

    Vanity is part of that, but not the most important part. It feels great to have a beautifully sculpted body.
  • Shera136
    To look good at my wedding and to have more energy so I can actually get things done!
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    being a good example for my children
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Looking good is my number 1.

    Endurance and ability to exercise is my number 2, I'll be carrying less around.

    I also care about other shallow sounding things, like pants size and being the small one in a group.

    Health is also important, but I'm young and want to look good, at least I admit it!

    SAMESIES, word for word.
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    This may seem stupid, but I really want my boyfriend to be able to feel like he has a hot girlfriend. I think he already feels that way, but i want it to be true for everyone, not just him. I think with guys I have dated in the past, maybe they have secretly been a little embarrassed to introduce me to their family or friends (This VERY well might just have been me projecting that on them). The current one is amazing and I've never felt that with him, but I just want him to be proud of me and be proud to call me his.
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    To be clear, what I am saying is, if you have NO HEALTH ISSUES, I totally understand vanity issues being #1. But to actually say that vanity is more important than health, well, I don't get that at all. I also notice that by looking at the pictures, most who say vanity are younger. Wait til you hit middle age, LOL.... I bet your opinions change.

    Im nearly 45 years old and VANITY is my #1 reason... you cant MAKE folks feel the same way as you do.... I disagree with health being my number one reason... we are all going to DIE>.but Im going to look damn good in my casket... and until then, Im going to look damn good in a bikini

    I find no sadness in that at all

    Nicely put!

    I also don't think it''s wrong if vanity is 1 on the list. Who cares?
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    The way my clothes fit and being able to make numerous choices with my wardrobe and feeling "good" when I look in the mirror.
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    Looking good is my number 1.

    Endurance and ability to exercise is my number 2, I'll be carrying less around.

    I also care about other shallow sounding things, like pants size and being the small one in a group.

    Health is also important, but I'm young and want to look good, at least I admit it!

    I second this. :drinker:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    When taking over the world, it helps to be photogenic. Plus I want all the hot mens.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Completely agree. We did a case study in my HR class about this. Two women who had the exact same background and credentials applied to the same job and wore a hidden camera in their jackets. They made sure to have the same answers to the basic interview questions (why do you want to work here, strengths/weaknesses, etc.) One woman was thin, the other was overweight. All things being the same, the thin girl got the job. What's awesome is that the person doing the case study went back to the interviewer, showed him the footage, and asked why he picked the thin woman as opposed to the overweight one and he was like "uh...um...ah...". This may not be true in every single case of course, but it just goes to show that there's nothing wrong with trying to look your best.

    Yep, and same is true for men in the business world who have an extra ten pounds of muscle, full head of hair, etc. Looking good isn't just about vanity! It's very helpful for being successful in business world. And even to some degree it's helpful for personal lives too. And then there's the old saying: "if you look good, you feel good."
  • ladybug2606
    ladybug2606 Posts: 7 Member
    my parents both yo-yo dieted when I was younger (actually they still do) and it created a horrible mind set in my mind. My daughter is almost 7 and I want her to see what self acceptance and confidence looks like!!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    #1 is definitely health - so I can live a long and happy life

    #2 would be to look good... I sound so vain, but I love looking at myself an the progress and touching my muscles :) It's an accomplishment I'm very proud of!
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    My kids are my everything # 2-infinity