Join us for Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown.... (April 1)



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    :) That looks frickin' AWESOME!!!!! I'm so jealous! :love: :) Thanks for reposting the link -you're gonna have the best time!
    Have you done it before?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I did day 15 of the schedule today! Shred level 1 and Quick Trouble Zones. (Except for - I did the whole NMTZ!)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Oh, Janet - I meant to ask you about the book - Master Your Metabolism. I'm just wondering how complex / overwhelming it is? I'm interested in seeing what she has to say - (and wondering if I would rebel against all her wisdom!!!) Hmmmm....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    :) That looks frickin' AWESOME!!!!! I'm so jealous! :love: :) Thanks for reposting the link -you're gonna have the best time!
    Have you done it before?

    Never did it before...we might make it an annual thing...wish it were in MN tho
  • I am so behind! What should I do? Start over? Start where I last stopped? I just didn't get my workouts in at ALL, even though I planned ahead and brought stuff with me. I did try surfing for a couple of hours and it was awesome! My arms,chest, and back are seriously so sore. I didn't know it was possible to be that sore, especially after doing so many weight lifting workouts. Luckily my legs aren't bad; I think all those squats and yoga had helped me with strength there. But right now I am seriously sunburned and I don't know how much of a workout I can get in. I can hardly sit down. Suggestions? I would swim if I had access to a pool, but I don't. And where would you guys start back into the Slimdown?

    Smiles: how was the combo? My husband says he won't do it with me; that it's just to much fatigue in one workout, but I will when I get there. Congrats on doing it and you are amazing for doing full NMTZ! Keep up the great work. You're my inspiration!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    You could always just pick up where you left off... when the sunburn subsides.... that way you're still working through it... or just start over again. (For me though - i might get discouraged if I had to start at zero without finishing.)

    I'm finding that delays pop up (I was very sick today, for instance, and spent most of the day in bed with nausea and the runs... no workout for me.... no eating either. I think I got food poisoning!) But I'll just try to start back on whatever day I missed.

    Your vacation sounds like it was so fun! And true, I bet all this leg work you've been doing helped tremendously. Were you able to get all the way up?

    As for doing both the shred and NMTZ both - I'm amazed! Not sure where all that oomph came from. Maybe it's because I noticed my arms are really starting to feel firmer and that 's the incentive. It doesn't hurt that my other half compliments me daily now on my toned up booty. :) Helps keep the motivation coming along!

    Good luck, hope you can find a good place to re-start after the sunburn chills out. Hope I'm back at this tomorrow too!
  • I sucked it up and did the Shred L1 and then QTZ. I tried to do the full TZ at first, but my legs and arms were jello. But I did it at least Quick and then a little more here and there.

    Thanks Smiles, for the inspiration! I couldn't just not do it, especially after reading about you. It was crazy, so many abs and lunges with the 2 combined, but it was awesome, too! If I wasn't so sore from surfing and sunburned I totally could have done more. I did get all the way up on the board, 1st time too. I think all the balancing and core work that I do in yoga was a huge help. I really only fell a few times that I didn't plan on. Most of the time it was because I didn't want to run over boogie boarders. :) I'm sorry that you are so sick! That does not sound fun. I hope you get feeling better very, very soon! Rest, take it easy. You'll be back to yourself in no time.

    Kim, how's the foot? Good job on starting on the workouts! You're awesome! And that race looks crazy, but so cool. I'm so excited for you!

    Janet, what are you up to? I saw you had a nice easy (as in not as insane as normal for you!) workout on Sunday. I'm glad that you're giving yourself some time to not work as hard. You're always an inspiration to me, though.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey You Fine Slim Things,
    Hope everyone's weekend was great and we're all up to a fantastic Monday!! Okay, I so get it now w/ all the cool pix everyone's in Hawaii!! I really need to get there!! Really!!!!
    Made it through NMTZ (full w/ 5lb weights) I could not even do 10lbs on this w/o ... at all!! I also did 45 min of Turbo Jam - I felt totally amazing!! I did rest yesterday and got in 40 min of Turbo jam before work this morning - got protabello mushrooms in the oven and grilling some zucchini for dinner. I als ogot really weird over the weekend and made a keebler 5 min no bake key lime pie w/ a reduced fat crust - ok - a slice of pie for 160 cals - i'm loving it!
    NMTZ is on for before work - the full version.
    Eliza - So sorry about your sunburn!!! I would not start all the way over but do short versions of my w/os until I was back at it!! You've come too far!!
    Smiles - The book is great but It's a lot to digest ... pardon the pun:laugh: It's almost like studying for me but she is still her entertaining self. After the dvds I can hear her in my head!

    Dinner calls and off to bed - early day getting those "trouble zones"

    Take care my Peeps and Hugs to all I missed,
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Can I just say, I :heart: you guys! This thread / challenge is so interesting and inspiring b/c of each of you. I look forward to checking in here every day.

    Janet - I bow to you. SEriously. you did the full NMTZ with 5 lb weights? Your arms must be looking mighty fine. I used 5 lbers during static squat/bicep curl, and again on the plank row, but that's all I was brave enough to try. Now, I just may have to step up my game! (Oh, and your pie sounds heavenly... droooooooool.)

    Eliza - you are definitely a badass :) Not even a sunburn will get in your way! (That would pretty much stop me dead in my tracks for a day or too. Your comment about the crazy amount of abs and lunges made me :laugh: - I felt the same way - it was insane and awesome at the same time!

    I was out yesterday but back in the saddle again today. Just going to pick up where I left off. Shred level 2, and if I'm feeling extra feisty, maybe a kickboxing DVD.... I'll do a quick report in when I'm done.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Okay, nothing too stellar to report. Shred level 2 done (using 5 lbs on everything but the second set of chair squats/v raises....) arrrgh! Walked the dog after .

    Not a very impressive burn, but I did it and that's what counts. Tomorrow - NMTZ and hopefully a run. :)
  • I decided that I needed a better cardio than just shred today, so I did BFBM this morning and am doing Shred level 2 later tonight. My weight still won't go down. I am right back up at my starting weight in January. I think that's why I felt like I needed another workout besides Shred. It just always makes me mad, but I still know I am doing what I am supposed to so I'm not going to stop. It's just so frustrating! But good job Slimdowners! I :heart: visiting this thread too, because I am always inspired and boosted because of you guys. You're the best. And Janet, you're the bomb! 33 Days! Keep up the good work!:happy:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Peeps!! What's Upp!!
    Feeling really good for a Wednesday - I was too tired from work to brave NMTZ, ended up w/ 65 min of FIRM Hardcore Fusion ( High Cardio w/ weights) That was enough. Been good w/ my eating and logging everything , good ,bad and ugly :laugh:
    I got on the scale this morning it read 178.4. before potty and all of the teeter-tottering to make the numbers look more attaractive...
    How exhausting!!! Am I the only crazy out here who does that:noway: !!!! Anyway , I'm excited to see the scale moving in the opposite direction but i'm almost afraid to be - it's been stuck for so long or climbing with the not smoking!! I'm not going to change my signature until next weigh in day. You all have just been a tremendous motivation to keep on trying no matter what the scale says.:heart: thank you for that and all that you give and how hard you try!! It truly makes an impact on me for the better ~ Thank you:heart:
    I did 4 /7 circuits on BFBM before work this moring and will do some kind of cardio 40-55 min after work. I also ordered a heart rate monitor so I can get a more accurate reading of the energy I'm expending vs what i'm thinking. It's a Polar F somethingor another - wasn't too pricey comapred to some of the others I say but from all I've read it's well worth it.

    Eliza - Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing. I encourage you!!! Listen to your body ~ if it needs cardio - give it cardio. I think I was being so rigid and so stressed because I wasn't seeing the results I wanted that the scale just froze. It was more like work than pleasure. I'm still working hard but i think i'm happier with more flexibility in my workout choices.
    You work really hard, the results will come if we persevere!
    Smiles - FANTASTC JOB on the 5 LB WEIGHTS!! :drinker: WOO HOO !! You make me laugh, girl!! Yes, 5lb weights for NMTZ - full version, but may i please add that there are several places where I'm totally screaming at the TV and just pushing on through - seriously. I do like the way my arms and shoulders are looking and that totally keeps me going! I must have been having some kind of insane moment to even THINK about trying 10lbs - way out of my league!! I think it works with the other workout because it's more in combination w/ squats/dip/lunges and the reps in each set are lower.

    Okay back to work ~ thanks for sharing lunch with me:happy: ,
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I am so behind! What should I do? Start over? Start where I last stopped?

    I just did Day 3 of the shred...if you want to start over with me, we will at least be close.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Happy Hump Day! I hopped into this thread before doing any exercise today and MAN - I was inspired! So much so, that I went for a 30 minute run, 30 minute walk BEFORE attacking NMTZ. Like you guys, I'm finding it feels better with extra cardio tacked on. I feel pretty awesome today - because either of those are a stand alone workout for me - and I did em both! 2 hrs of sweating - love it! (Oh yeah, I decided to try to emulate Janet and picked up my 5 lb weights - I used them for about 80% of NMTZ... which was way better than I thought I could do.). Maybe by the end of 30 days, I'll have it down?!?!

    Eliza - you got me off on the right foot when I saw you braved BFBM in addition to shred 2. I agree with Janet - just stick with it! We'll party with you when you see the numbers start sliding down.

    Janet - woop woop!!! Your numbers are movin!!!! I couldn't be happier if it were happening for me. High five! Thanks for sharing. Glad to know that by giving yourself permission to mix it up, you're finding what works. That's how we have to do it in "real life", not just mfp world...:laugh: Also, can't wait to hear about your HRM results. I finally got one (Polar f6) and was pretty surprised to learn that I was burning significantly more than the mfp database estimated (like, about 100 cals per exercise). Talk about wanting to party! :drinker: I've seen it go the other way for people though - and it sucks to think you're burning more than you really have been - but at least the info helps see what needs to change.

    Kim - day 3, how's it going? Are you finding that you like to add extra cardio in too?
  • I just finished the Shred Level1 and 2 combo. It pretty much sucked, but it was just one of those days where you just don't feel as great as normal. But, I did it and I have to say you ladies inspired me to use 5 pounders again. I switched to 3s so I could finish the sets a while ago, but it's been long enough that I should have moved up but was too lazy I guess. Now I did, thanks to you guys!

    Something weird today; I was starving! And I was craving all kinds of junk, which really hasn't been a problem for me for a couple of weeks. I didn't eat all my calories yesterday so I don't know if it is because of that. I know technically I should, but since I'm not losing weight anyway, I figure it's better for me to listen to my body and not force food on myself when I am not hungry in the least. If I wasn't counting calories I wouldn't eat if I'm not hungry, so why do it when I am. It's just weird that I was so hungry like that, though. And no, it's not my TOM. Random, but there it is.

    Janet, you animal you! You are crazy, but in the best way! No, you are not the only one who weighs in the morning after going to the bathroom and moving around and hoping that will make the number better. Amazing job on the weight loss, even if it isn't official yet.:wink:

    Smiles, you are crazy too. Most days I am happy to just get in Jillian's workouts, let alone all the other cardio you do. My husband's work schedule is really crazy and I pretty much can't do much outside of home every other week. He does a week on/week off, on call. That makes my yoga not really workable, and long cardio without my toddler bothering me is tough. I should get a running stroller.

    Kim, you are the bomb for just picking up and starting right back in it. No complaints or excuses, just right to work. You totally motivate me too. How can I wuss out on a workout when I know all you lovelies are going to be doing it?

    I do love this thread.:heart: I am always motivated and inspired and supported here and it makes me want to try harder. You guys are the best. Keep up the great work!:happy:
  • Can anyone tell me what the Quick Trouble Zones is? Is this in the DVD? I didn't see when i did the regular version (the full 40 min.)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just finished Day 4. I forced myself to do it even tho I had quite a few cocktails last night. Tomorrow is BFBM, which is my favorite one, you can just feel the fat burning off. I just feel like I can get back on track now. I lost it for about a month.

    You guys are awesome and supportive.

    I took my bike in for tune-up yesterday; so, I plan to start doing errands by bike. Kill 2 birds with one stone.

    Hey, if anyone has Comcast on Demand, you have to try 6 pack abs...15 minutes with Cindy will feel it the next day. I love it.

    2 ways to tackle QTZ...either do one set of each move or 5/7 circuits...that's what I have seen on Comcast anyway.

    Well, have to work today...Gonna be least, I got to sleep in
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I hope you got my message -and I see that Kim also answered it for you (about QTZ). Feel free to jump in and join us!

    Eliza :) Shred 1 and 2 back to back is HARD!!! I just did it and wasn't able to do 5 lbs on everything, but on most. Those GD vraises kill me every single time!:explode: I've NEVER been able to do even one full set of those with 5 lbs. I keep thinking "If Janet can do it, so can I", but so far, I can't. :mad: Good luck with cravings today!

    Janet - did the HRM come yet? I saw on another thread, it's bronze. Spanky!:bigsmile: Is today the official weigh in day?

    Kim - forcing yourself to workout after last night's cocktails. :drinker: Right on. :) I can't thank you enough for prompting me to start this thread. I'm finding myself addicted to feeling good (and while I feel like hell during these workouts, after I feel great!) Have fun biking around town today.
  • Hi guys! Today has been good. Not starving and my weight was down. .8 lbs. Not a lot, but better than staying the same or gaining. I'm getting ready to get on my spin bike here, thanks to you Kim! Biking just sounded so good today. Then NMTZ and if I can, I'm going to do yoga tonight. I will make that weight come off! I did try on a bridesmaid dress for June that was really tight a couple weeks ago, but fit much better today. I need to re-take my measurements and see what has happened there.

    Janet, you will love your HRM! I have the Polar F6, which I think is what you said you got. Mine's pink, but it was a great price, so I don't care! It's really easy to use and it seems to work really well.

    Tylopez23: I hope you'll jump on our bandwagon here. This group is so awesome and supportive and we'd love to have another friend.

    I have wondered this several times but forgot to ask. Does anyone know why the Slimdown program doesn't use Shred Level 3? Just something that's been bugging me. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Kim and Mschelle - sorry to hear you are both having foot problems! :frown: Hopefully your experts have you on the right track. Kim, I hope you do keep lurking - as you were the inspiration to start our thread! Feel free to chime in with how you're doing, we're here for you. I can identify with your reason for exercising - so we can eat more!

    Mschelle -did i read that right - you've been working out without shoes? I tried that once (can't remember why) but it was kind of scary. Felt like I needed more stability... Hmmm!!!

    I haven't been on here a little while, so sorry for the late response! Yes, I was working out barefoot, but I only work out at home and on carpet. I don't wear shoes in the house (well, *now* I do - bought some just for working out inside!). It's not a stability thing for me (I actually have more problems with shoes on), it's a shock abosorption issue. So, as my feet get worse and the pain is hittin my ankles and knees more, I find myself willing to try anything! I pick up the orthotics tomorrow - YAY (hopefully)!
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