80/10/10--I'm doing it!



  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    I've been following this lifestyle for a week or so now and I feel great but I should admit that I don't follow the 80/10/10 to a T. I eat my beans, nuts and seeds when I like.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    Saying heart disease is caused by cholesterol is grossly oversimplified to the point of being completely false. Heart disease is caused by the intermingling of many causes, first and foremost being lack of exercise, poor diet, genetics ect ect ect. A poor diet may include too high of cholesterol, but cholesterol is not actually bad for you in and of itself. It's actually essential and the body produces it's own.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    These people are gonna look GREAT when all their hair falls out from lack of fat in their diets! Can't wait to see pics!
  • danikanoodles
    danikanoodles Posts: 150 Member
    Good luck on your 811 journey. I've been on it for a year now. Your going to feel wonderful!
  • diventabella
    diventabella Posts: 5 Member
    ......That sounds so dumb.
  • jdforshort
    jdforshort Posts: 269 Member
    I thought the 80 would be protein. LOL.
    You've just got a 1 track mind, that's all....lol
    Me too, LOL!
  • Psychoanalytic
    If someone hasn't said it, I'll be the first to.

    If you have various health issues, talk to your doctor before following any particular diet. Especially diabetics, reactive hyper/hypoglycemics, those with heart issues, etc. And for those hyper/hypoglycemics and diabetics, this wouldn't be an ideal lifestyle for you.

    Everyone has different bodies and different lifestyles. For instance, if I start hitting over 150g of carbs a day, I start feeling like absolute garbage.

    ETA, to the poster who said cholesterol causes heart disease....Stop being ignorant. Do some research and gain some knowledge before you start to type things out on some public forum.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Holy crap, I would be eating almost half a kilogram of carbs per day at this ratio.

    Good luck with that, but I'll keep to my magical ratio over the last month, which has evened out to around 37/44/18
  • sezhep
    sezhep Posts: 57
    I can't quite fathom how that many carbs a day is doing anyone any good unless you're running a marathon everyday, and even then you wouldn't be very successful as eating such little protein would mean your muscle recovery would be almost non existent!


    And I like to think of myself as a fad diet connoisseur :P
  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Can u survive n sustain doing something like this forever????
    I just don't get the point what would make a person resort to measures like these to lose weight.. U WON'T be able to keep it off once u lose!
    The whole idea of being on MFP is that u eat right, exercise right n lose weight so that u can maintain it all your life! Proteins n Fats are ESSENTIAL, do not drop it to such horrendously low levels.
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    I don't believe cholesterol or animal products are toxic or evil. Consider their source.

    This is an excerpt from : http://drhyman.com/blog/conditions/why-cholesterol-may-not-be-the-cause-of-heart-disease/

    "If you’re like most of the patients I see in my practice, you’re convinced that cholesterol is the evil that causes heart disease. You may hope that if you monitor your cholesterol levels and avoid the foods that are purported to raise cholesterol, you’ll be safe from America’s number-one killer.

    We are all terrified of cholesterol because for years well-meaning doctors, echoed by the media, have emphasized what they long believed is the intimate link between cholesterol and death by heart disease. If only it were so simple!

    The truth is much more complex.

    Cholesterol is only one factor of many — and not even the most important — that contribute to your risk of getting heart disease.

    First of all, let’s take a look at what cholesterol actually is. It’s a fatty substance produced by the liver that is used to help perform thousands of bodily functions. The body uses it to help build your cell membranes, the covering of your nerve sheaths, and much of your brain. It’s a key building block for our hormone production, and without it you would not be able to maintain adequate levels of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and cortisol.

    So if you think cholesterol is the enemy, think again. Without cholesterol, you would die.

    In fact, people with the lowest cholesterol as they age are at highest risk of death. Under certain circumstances, higher cholesterol can actually help to increase life span.

    In reality, the biggest source of abnormal cholesterol is not fat at all — it’s sugar. The sugar you consume converts to fat in your body. And the worst culprit of all is high fructose corn syrup.

    To help clear the confusion, I will review many of the cholesterol myths our culture labors under and explain what the real factors are that lead to cardiovascular disease.

    Cholesterol Myths

    One of the biggest cholesterol myths out there has to do with dietary fat. Although most of us have been taught that a high-fat diet causes cholesterol problems, this isn’t entirely true. Here’s why: The type of fat that you eat is more important than the amount of fat. Trans fats or hydrogenated fats and saturated fats promote abnormal cholesterol, whereas omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats actually improve the type and quantity of the cholesterol your body produces.

    In reality, the biggest source of abnormal cholesterol is not fat at all — it’s sugar. The sugar you consume converts to fat in your body. And the worst culprit of all is high fructose corn syrup.

    Consumption of high fructose corn syrup, which is present in sodas, many juices, and most processed foods, is the primary nutritional cause of most of the cholesterol issues we doctors see in our patients."

    And yes, references are at the bottom of the page.
  • momof2TONI
    For myself, I have finally figured out that low carbs are the only way I can lose weight. It's taken over a year of trying different methods to figure it out. Just started the low carbs this month and have already lost 5 pounds. It's really true - one routine doesn't fit all. Good luck in your weight loss journey. :)
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    So this is one of those diets where vitamins are somehow more essential than minerals, essential fatty acids or amino acids? OK then.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I like my fat and protein. Plus, weightlifting won't be doing me much good if I'm eating only 10%. I'll take at least 35%, thanks!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Holy thread resurrection Batman!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    80/10/10 is a raw vegan diet fad...I will just politely say that setting percentages for macros doesn't work and that this diet highly ignores the fact that protein and fat are ESSENTIAL nutrients whereas carbohydrates are non-essential and should be determined based on physical activity.

    These type of dieters do ridiculous things like eating nothing but fruit in ridiculous amounts all day and often these people have serious fears (orthorexics) about fat and consumption of animal products as being "toxic"

    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    Heart disease is caused by a bunch of different factors, obesity and NOT animal products being the main cause. Please stop with the vegan propaganda.
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    You'll feel great, I've been on it for 3 months after being higher fat vegan 2 months before that. Carbs from the right sources (fruit) will definitely help you burn cleaner. Most people fail to mention the massive "green" meal that 80/10/10ers have during the day. Fruits and vegetables people, it's what most of the world lives on. I'm a competitive cyclist and this has really gotten rid of my IBS, poor skin, and low energy. Shoot for 10g of carbs from fruit per kg. Also, see Forks Over Knives, good luck debunking the China Study.
  • persistantone
    persistantone Posts: 59 Member
    Consumption of animal products IS toxic. That is the ONLY place Cholesterol is found. And, what is the number one cause of death in the US right now? Heart disease. What causes heart disease, you ask? Cholesterol. :)

    This is the "lipid hypothesis". Dietary Cholesterol is not the same thing as blood cholesterol.

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm doing 35/35/30 and love it... 150 pounds since July. Blood pressure from 145/96 to 121/77.
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    Are you losing weight by restricting calories? Careful of ketosis.