
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    You giving your cat or dog a bowl of milk isn't the same as adult cats and dogs consuming milk in nature. Why don't ask your vet what they think about giving milk to your animals. They'll tell you to stop.
    Hey, look, a troll! Yeah, when you feed your animals junk that is not in their nature to consume, you should take them to a vet.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    My guess is that most actresses in Hollywood today say they work out and eat right, but probably just mainline amphetemines to stay skinny. Hey, worked in the past!

    Moral of the story: drink your milk!

    That's probably true. I remember she appeared on Conan and confessed to being a hardcore fast food junkie.
  • Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. If you really take a few minutes to take that in, it will seem silly. When it comes to cheese there is no such thing as low fat cheese, fat free cheese. Cheese IS fat. Not to mention the whole cruelty factor behind the milk industry. Cows only give milk if they've given birth, just like us. So they're forced to STAY pregnant, and then eventually slaughtered when they're spent. I'd say dairy is the devil = /
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    (sorry if this is repeat; didn't read the entire thread)

    I saw a presentation on AOL yesterday about the Reader's Digest diet guidelines. They said that people who included dairy in their diets lost more weight during the test period than those who didn't.
  • I eat dairy but stay in my calorie goal and do notice I can't get rid of my lower stomach or hips so I thought maybe it was worth a try to see if maybe it bloats me. I have never heard before that is messes with your hormones and makes u fat so I was wondering why Megan Fox would say that.
    I also have bad pms symptoms so I guess hearing that made me paranoid. I love low fat shredded cheese and parmesan on a lot of my food but I include it in my over all calories. Just curious...

    One theory is regarding the hormones that are present in nonorganic milk. Another is regarding the antibiotics that are found in nonorganic milk (which I believe a study has recently been finished that talks about overuse of antibiotics in general is one contributing factor to obesity).

    Bottom line? Cut down your dairy consumption, switch to organics, and see if you notice a difference. If you don't, then I wouldn't be worried about it.
  • That article is moronic. You can say that about any food. Chocolate cake can help you lose weight too as long as you stay within your calorie range.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. If you really take a few minutes to take that in, it will seem silly. When it comes to cheese there is no such thing as low fat cheese, fat free cheese. Cheese IS fat. Not to mention the whole cruelty factor behind the milk industry. Cows only give milk if they've given birth, just like us. So they're forced to STAY pregnant, and then eventually slaughtered when they're spent. I'd say dairy is the devil = /

    Wait! Wait! Let me get my tinfoil hat!! Ok there we go. Now I can read this nonsense seriously!! lol Did you even read the rest of the thread??
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Well, if you're asking OPINIONS, I'd rather be overweight than give up milk, cheese (and grilled cheese, pizza, etc.), and yogurt (which is very healthy and helps with digestion and stuff). For me, that means giving up dairy is not a sustainable weight loss method. Giving up bread wasn't [FOR ME], either; I don't know why I tried, but I'm smarter now.

    If you want facts, I've read several articles that claim low-fat dairy help people lose weight. Google it. With seven pages of replies, you've probably heard this already, but if you cut anything out of your diet you'll lose weight at first. If you decide to start eating it again, you'll gain it back. Also, if you replace it with something else, then that deficit disappears...for example, a glass of 1% milk is 110 calories. I think a cup of soymilk is like 160 calories. It's give and take.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It is the nature of ALL life to survive. That means seeking out and consuming readily available sources of food. We are an evolved species with the capacity to develop technology to cultivate that food. If an adult dog and an adult cat would not turn away milk, then that means that if they were evolved, then they also would develop technology to cultivate a readily available food source like milk. They would not care what animal it came from. They would take it from whatever animal would be the easiest to take it from.

    If nature did not 'design' us to consume milk past infancy, then why did nature 'design' us with technological capacity to cultivate food?
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. If you really take a few minutes to take that in, it will seem silly. When it comes to cheese there is no such thing as low fat cheese, fat free cheese. Cheese IS fat. Not to mention the whole cruelty factor behind the milk industry. Cows only give milk if they've given birth, just like us. So they're forced to STAY pregnant, and then eventually slaughtered when they're spent. I'd say dairy is the devil = /

    I'm guessing by this statement you don't take the scientific method and logic seriously.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. If you really take a few minutes to take that in, it will seem silly. When it comes to cheese there is no such thing as low fat cheese, fat free cheese. Cheese IS fat. Not to mention the whole cruelty factor behind the milk industry. Cows only give milk if they've given birth, just like us. So they're forced to STAY pregnant, and then eventually slaughtered when they're spent. I'd say dairy is the devil = /

    Yes, that is a bear. Yes, it is drinking milk from a bottle.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Did Dr Oz say so? Then I will do it..
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    You giving your cat or dog a bowl of milk isn't the same as adult cats and dogs consuming milk in nature. Why don't ask your vet what they think about giving milk to your animals. They'll tell you to stop.

    OK! That really made me laugh out loud!!! :laugh:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Oh.Right. I guess what Megan Fox says, goes?
    uh. no.
    FAT FREE milk is not that bad for you, if you are drinking it in moderate portions such as only three 8 oz glasses a day. Thats it. no more. I mean okay maybe if you are low on calories for that day and you want another glass then go for it but everything is bad for you if you are consuming too much.
    if you are consuming small portions, I dont understand what she's talking about.
    She's got the beauty.... not the brains.
    oh and she has a PT on her *kitten* too who probably told her to drop the milk.
    I loathe celebrities. THey are not who we should be looking up to. period. who cares what she says. consult a real Dr or PT or someone who you should actually be listening to.

    Next thing you know some celebrity is gonna say 'hey broccoli is terrible for you, it causes cancer. dont eat it!'.... and people are going to follow what they say too!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Is Megan Fox a Certified Dietician or Licensed Nutritionist? I think not. Too much of any food will make you fat. A well-balanced, calorically sensible diet (INCLUDING various dairy products) will not.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. If you really take a few minutes to take that in, it will seem silly. When it comes to cheese there is no such thing as low fat cheese, fat free cheese. Cheese IS fat. Not to mention the whole cruelty factor behind the milk industry. Cows only give milk if they've given birth, just like us. So they're forced to STAY pregnant, and then eventually slaughtered when they're spent. I'd say dairy is the devil = /

    exactly. I always wondered who was the first person to look at a cow's udders and think "MMMM Im gonna get me some of that!"

    and those of you citing studies showing dairy led to weight loss..who do you think PAID for those studies??? The dairy industry...

    Dairy is acidic and creates an acidic environment in your body so calcium actually leaches out of your bones to counteract the acidity....so in reality you are doing more harm than good to your bones by drinking milk for the calcium. You get more calcium from dark green veggies or plant milk than cows milk...without the acidic side effects.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    That's not at all accurate. Women who are nursing don't have to drink cows milk in order to be getting enough nourishment for them and their babies. Calcium and vitamin D can be found in various vegetables. And with the chemicals most companies are pumping into the cows, cows milk isn't all that good for you to begin with. I'm curious who decided all those years ago that cows milk was so great anyways. There are very healthy people who don't eat or drink any dairy products at all. It's about having a balanced diet.

    Yes. Women in 3rd world countries can successfully breastfeed, as can vegans.

    I'm fairly sure Megan Fox isn't breastfeeding though. I'm sure she was appearing on talk shows when her baby was very young. I was stuck on the sofa feeding my daughter for the first 6 weeks!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    also are we the only animals to drink another animals milk?
    As far as I know, yes. We're also the only animals to cook their food. Should we stop doing that as well? We're at the top of the food chain, and I'll be damned if I'm going to step down from it.

    Can I just add that inter-species nursing has occurred?

  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    to make it simple I follow IIFYM
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. If you really take a few minutes to take that in, it will seem silly. When it comes to cheese there is no such thing as low fat cheese, fat free cheese. Cheese IS fat. Not to mention the whole cruelty factor behind the milk industry. Cows only give milk if they've given birth, just like us. So they're forced to STAY pregnant, and then eventually slaughtered when they're spent. I'd say dairy is the devil = /

    exactly. I always wondered who was the first person to look at a cow's udders and think "MMMM Im gonna get me some of that!"

    and those of you citing studies showing dairy led to weight loss..who do you think PAID for those studies??? The dairy industry...

    Dairy is acidic and creates an acidic environment in your body so calcium actually leaches out of your bones to counteract the acidity....so in reality you are doing more harm than good to your bones by drinking milk for the calcium. You get more calcium from dark green veggies or plant milk than cows milk...without the acidic side effects.

    You're funny.


    You're serious?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: