is getting implants worth it?



  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    Two thoughts, one facetious one genuine...

    The facetious one - more than a handful is a waste!

    The genuine - I've looked at your profile pics and you have a great figure, from what I can see your breasts are in proportion with your waist/hips. You have a great body so why go under the knife?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    BEST MONEY I EVER SPENT. I love my implants. I researched it like crazy and found an amazing Dr. Most people think I don't have implants. In fact, I think they're almost too natural looking but whatever.

    Does it suck to run? Yes. Get an Enell bra. They strap those puppies down and nothing moves.
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    the prices of surgeries seem super high to be honest ugh and i don't like the idea of changing my implants every 5 or 10 years.
    For me, they were totally worth every penny. Also, most breast implants do not need to be changed ever. That is a myth.

    Actually, they can't predict who'll leak and who won't.

    That said, who the f cares what people do with themselves, as long as it's reasonably safe?
    The silicone implant that is commonly used, often called the 'gummy bear' implant, cannot leak. If a person chooses to get saline implants over silicone, there is a small risk that the implant will leak.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I've had my saline implants for 6 years and they've been fine. (knock on wood)
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    Not true. I don't give a crap what society thinks. If i cared what society liked i probably wouldnt be covered in tattoos. Maybe you're a sheep but I think for myself. I personally think big, perky breasts are awesome. I'm also in a committed relationship with a guy who is an *kitten* man and my decision to get bigger boobs was up to me. I think women who can't afford them simply enjoy hating on those who can, but that's not my hangup.
    He didn't care either way. Its about what makes me happy.

    But clearly you have your hair dyed and wear makeup to impress/attract other people so pot calling the kettle black much?

    Well said - if *YOU* want implants, for your own reasons - why not?

    However, if you think they'll make you more attractive - or some other external reason, think carefully...
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    YES. Every penny.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Don't decide yet. Wait until you are at your fitness goal because it sounds like you are not done yet. Don't listen to guys or anyone else telling you to gain weight back, or lose it for that matter. Listen to your body, hunger levels, ability to maintain your goal weight and comfort level at that weight. When you are at the point where you are sure you feel comfortable you will probably radiate so much confidence that no one would dare tell you anything about anything. Just FYI there are some men, like my hubby who don't care AT ALL what the top of a woman looks like. Every man cares about different things and you will attract the right person for you when you are at your happiest and most fulfilled goal weight. IF at that point you still want to consider surgery you will have a better time choosing a size that goes with that figure you end up with.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    The silicone implant that is commonly used, often called the 'gummy bear' implant, cannot leak. If a person chooses to get saline implants over silicone, there is a small risk that the implant will leak.

    I've seen some different takes on the gummy ones, recently. Apparently if there ARE leaks, they'd only show up on an MRI, which women have to pay for so don't often get voluntarily. Personally, I'm risk-averse, and would like to see what the outcomes are like once they've been out for 5-10 years. Again, though, I am super cautious, I'm still waiting to see if Lasik's any good :)
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Just keep in mind that additional money may be needed in the future for complications. I have no regrets BUT I did get a revision done due to one not dropping enough and chose to go bigger when I did.
  • SugarFemme24
    SugarFemme24 Posts: 47 Member
    My mom got them about...15 years ago...and time is not your friend. Oranges in the toes of pantyhose is all I can say.
  • SugarFemme24
    SugarFemme24 Posts: 47 Member
    wow i didn't expect such a big discussion :O thank you for your support!
    personally, i've been insecure about my chest since my early teens. i don't think they would grow any more because i was an early bloomer and i don't want kids. the prices of surgeries seem super high to be honest ugh and i don't like the idea of changing my implants every 5 or 10 years. do you think there are any hormones i can take so they grow bigger? not super big, just a fair bit bigger, like after a pregnancy.
    also, i love padded bras, but then, they create some illusion of bigger breasts and if i got intimate with someone, i'm afraid that they would find my chest not arousing at all and a complete turn off.

    Honey, this sounds like you might want to work on loving you and on making sure that anyone that you are with likes you for you. My wife loves me fat, skinny, with large breasts or small ones. You deserve to feel loved exactly how you are. You don't need fixing. I mean this in a loving way, and I hope that's how this came across.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    If you get implants, you will need 8 different views when you get a mammogram instead of 4 and there will still be breast tissue behind the implant that cannot be x-rayed. Granted, it's a long time before you will be old enough to need even a baseline mammogram, much less yearly ones and technology may improve, but breast health and cancer screening should be considered and I never hear that mentioned as a health risk. I didn't even know it was an issue until my last mammogram when I finally asked the radiology tech why they asked me whether or not I had implants when they scheduled my appointment.

    When I met with my surgeon he explained to me that it can be harder to detect breast cancer but I personally haven't heard of a case where somebody had breast cancer and it wasn't detected because if implants. With my implants I have to do a survey/study every year.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    The short simple answer: YES. If you are doing this for YOU then do it tomorrow. If you are doing this for a man or men, skip it and get comfortable with you FIRST and then see how you feel about implants. Good luck :)
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    You can have some of mine!!!! LOL
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    if you want them get them. If you think you'll look better or have more confidence, why not? I want a boob lift. go for it
  • wigglypeaches
    wigglypeaches Posts: 146 Member
    No. You don't need large breasts to be either feminine or attractive.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I guess what really matters is how you feel about yourself. If you really feel that self consious, I guess do it. I For Sure wouldn't do it for anyone BUT yourself.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    My best advice to you is wait 10 years. Your ideal body and what is sexy and attractive to you NOW will most likely seem vulgar and trampish to a more mature, womanly version of yourself. I'm not calling anybody in particular trampish, I'm speaking from experience and am SO glad I didn't have the means to alter my body to what I thought I wanted 10 years ago. I'd look like a flipping train wreck.

    I'm all for a person getting surgery if it really and truly makes them feel better about themselves, but you are really REALLY young. It would be best to wait until you emotionally mature before you decide how and to what extent you want to permanently alter your body.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I don't think they're necessary, whoever you find as your soul mate will love you regardless of your boob size. Mine are 32B too and I love them :) I get to wear the bandeaus and fashionable tops that are only made for small chested ladies. Plus I think that implants are just so permanent.. like if you change your mind you're stuck..

    But ultimately its up to you. Do what feels right in your gut.
  • I haven't read all the responses, but I read your initial post.
    here's my two cents...

    first, if you want them for YOU... then that's one thing... do NOT do it for anyone else, period.

    secondly... if you get them done right, then no one will ever know the difference.

    but do a LOT of research, and I mean be completely thorough.

    I spent years researching, finding the right doctor, and the right "type"

    I went from a 34AA to a 34C/D to a 34DD. I couldn't be happier. and no one knows they are fake, unless I tell them. I've had mine since 2005 and they look great.

    but do realize, this isn't a FOREVER one time thing. down the line, it will require maintenance. lol. just sayin. :)