

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning,
    It's a snowy morning here in RI. I have to be at a school about one half hour away and I am not looking forward to the commute---especially at my oil change on Monday, they told me I needed at least two new tires and I said "next month"!!
    I went to my Weight Loss Challenge group last night and was down 2.4 lbs this week so I am happy that I finally am moving in a good direction. I did my exercise every day last week--that is a real achievement for me. I feel so much better when I am doing these things.

    Well, I better go get a start with clearing my car off and getting a move on the day.

    Happy Anniversary, Barbie!!

    Have a great day,
  • ShrimpMe
    ShrimpMe Posts: 84 Member
    Good Morning!
    Big rush this morning but have a question hoping someone may have info. Anyone heard of ColorBlaze 5k? Have some exercise friends wanting me to commit but little info on just what it is. I know you wear white and get sprayed with color throughout the walk/run for charity but wondering just how competive this is. Any info is appreciated. Thanks and make it a great day!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning sunshine How you doing Skipedy do dah day. I'm the Happiest girl in this whole wide world.. I know not the right words but that's how I feel this morning and wanted to share. LOL

    Hope you enjoyed the time off yesterday. If you can't do your work in the time alloted then they expect to much from you.

    New job environment always tough. Hang in there it will get better.

    They claim small houses make for close knit families

    Pick up your vit.F and enjoy your time away from work.

    Zumba I do at home. I enjoy it. But at 7 dollars an hour I will do it free with U tube.
    Your 5k not sure what it is but sounds like fun.

    CK Vance
    Welcome and Good luck

    I've been to Butchart gardens in summer. But in dec. and the lights sure would be a treat to see.

    Texas gal
    We don't see mistakes here. See you later

    10K walk you will do it you told us now. Your committed lol

    No need to buy Leslie Sansone. They are on U tube. Of course I found that after I bought them. But they will come handy at cottage and when camping. Something in the air in your town and mine last night had the munchies.

    Called and checked on grandson. He's fine today and on his way to school. He wasn't to wired yesterday very cuddly.

    Nice loss Keep doing what your doing.

    Well that done. Now need to get dressed and ready for my day. Do some zumba before hubby is back from coffee.
    Making it a great day tops tonight.

    Wii put me back to my lowest this morning. Great now to keep going down.

    Linda C Northern Ontario.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning everyone! How inspirational to read all your encouraging words! I'm doing great getting in real, daily exercise and eating a reasonable,nutritious diet. I feel so much better... now to keep that motivation and positive thinking.
    Barbie:smile: I LOVE the Happiness Project and I love how you incorporated Stretch into your life. Very cool.

    My word this year is Gratitude. Grateful that I can still get up and move with minimal pain, grateful for my family, and for my little dog, a miniature schnauzer who had me up a good part of the night with seizures. She's better today, but it was a long 24 hours.

    It finally feels like winter here with a gloomy, rainy and chilly day. Makes it easier to work in the house, but harder to get to the gym!

    Hope everyone has a great day. :smile:

    Tammy in Virginia Beach
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Wednesday all you Vit F's:flowerforyou:

    Once again pressed for time so only a few notes.

    jb- LOVED the poem:love:

    Sally- Congrats on that loss:flowerforyou:

    JaneH- sounds like it will be a wonderful birthday celebration with your family:flowerforyou:

    Work continues to plague me with frustration. I did get some great help with Tech Support yesterday but now I have to work on closing December so I can get the monthly reports done that are due either Friday or Monday (I'm hoping for Monday:huh: ) Still haven't set up the files for 2013....just another thing to be done that's hanging over my head. Then there is the paper work that is due today that I know the boss will be looking for the first minute he walks in the door.

    Hubby survived another all nighter, he's never going to volunteer for this again. It's just too hard on him he says, I really am not too fond of it either as I don't get the sleep I need either when he's not there. He only slept 5 hrs yesterday but was able to get a nap in too but still not enough.

    I'm sitting here with my hands so cold, I need to get my coffee cup full so I can hug it. I'm struggling with getting into the exercise this week, but am hopeful that when we have our regular routine next week I will be back to what I know I need to do.:blushing:

    Today was weigh in and I stayed the same so I'm sure it's because of not exercising but holding is good for me I'm not in a hurry to lose this little bit.

    Everyone have a good day and let's keep moving, drinking our water and logging our food:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Good morning everyone. Feeling the 2 week in blues. Nothing is happening. However I know I committed to a month of hanging in there, which I intend to keep. I' m hoping a month will show me I can keep at it. I don't understand why sometimes I can feel so on top of things, and it feels fun and exciting to track food and exercise, and then the next thing you know, I'm depressed and unmotivated. As I write, It sounds bi-polar, :noway: which I know I'm not. Just when it come to health of my body. I'm eating about 1400 calories a day and the scale isn't budging:frown: . I know because I'm on a thread with women of the same age, you must all know how I feel, been there, done that. I know if you can do it, then so can I. So here's to :drinker: support groups that hang in there for the long run. Way to go for all of you who have been overcomers in this battle, and here's to all us newbiew who want to learn from you and be where you are in the next number of months.

    Have a good day everyone, drink your water.

    Karen From MI.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, lovelies! It’s dreary and rainy here today – and I’ve been cold for three days running. Still getting my workouts in but no walking. I’m trying very, very hard to make sure I’m eating super clean – but every afternoon around 2pm I get hit with a sugar drop and just need something to fill me up right.now. It’s been my natural cycle for as long as I can remember. Anyway, I’m shopping today for healthy snacks that will fill that hole. I already have cottage cheese and hummus and rice crackers or celery, but I really crave a salty snack. I’ve tried nuts, but I’m looking for more ideas (vegetarian only). I may have to break down and buy some power bars, but I honestly hate those things. Any recipes for good high-protein bars?

    Shrimpme, I’ve seen pictures from on-line Beach Body friends who have done the run – it’s far more fun than competitive. Give it a try if you like to run. A 5k is only ~3 miles, so it’s pretty doable. The paint part is just part of the fun :smile:.

    Ah, Sally, you must be a little colder than we are here in PA. We just have liquid snow. Ugh for driving in snow on iffy tires. It was the one thing I always made sure I had, even when I was a poor single mother and scraping by. I dread sliding. Congratulations on that weight loss – that’s terrific for a week! :drinker::flowerforyou:

    Glenda, hoping for warmer weather for you – because then it’s coming our way too :laugh:. If the vibration machine is like the one from my mom’s generation it’s kind of like jiggling the fat off, isn’t it? I suppose it must do something, even if just making us feel better. I agree about the drying off and getting dressed part – it’s why no one in our house likes getting out of the shower. They don’t naturally like long showers, they just don’t want to have to get out :laugh:.

    JaneH, Denver’s been cold as punishment for the Broncos letting the rest of us down :laugh:. Your poor brother – doesn’t he know he’s going the wrong way? You should be going that way! So, in ANOTHER way that we’re alike: my birthday is on Sunday. Happy early birthday to you! And my mother made German Chocolate Cake for me for my birthday every year for as long as I can remember. Now my sister makes it for me – but she’s out with her daughter trying on wedding dresses (the daughter, not my sister) so I guess I’m going to have to make my own cake *kicks dirt and rocks*. We must be almost-twins. If you ever look at astrology, you’ll see that Aquarians are prone to injuries in their feet and ankles (ankles especially) and have to be careful there. Happy birthday to your father also.

    Annie, I feel that way too about all the posts but I just go back as far as I can in one sitting and call it good. Usually someone comments on something if I missed any big news :laugh:. Your holiday sounds fantastic – you’ll look wonderful in your tan with all the pasty white people in the UK :laugh:.

    Linda, Brr! Stay warm.

    Judy from socal, your eating plan sounds great – and kudos for resisting the goodies! My sister feels the same way about Zumba – nothing like it for making you feel like a klutz, but if you stick with it you’ll pick up the steps and be dancing like a star in no time!

    JaneM, love the snuggles!

    Meg, I hope the GI stays under control! Mine gets upset when I have a lot of post-nasal congestion. I hope your health is on the upswing – this season is dreadful. Wow, that computer virus sounds horrible! Have you heard about the warning from Homeland Security about the weakness in Java and that we should be disabling it until it’s fixed? I tried to do that on my computer but then MSN wouldn’t work Grr. I’m using Foxfire for my browser and so far haven’t gotten any indication of attacks. I have a fairly solid firewall on the home network too. Good luck fixing the computer!

    Katla, congratulations on getting your bike set up. It sounds like it’s going to be a great way to get some extra exercise instead of sitting and doing “nothing” :laugh:. We used to tease the kids that we were going to get a TV that required them to generate enough electricity to run it via a bike or treadmill. We never did though.

    LindaC, poor little guy! I hope he recovers quickly.

    Jolene, hope the ice moves out quickly. It’s the weather I dislike the most except for wind. Brr. As you know, the best antidote for stress at work is making some time for exercise and “me time.”

    Jen, you probably really needed the sleep – stress tends to do that. I woke up this morning and did the math of how much I’ve been sleeping – it’s TONS more than I normally do (I’m a seven-hour girl). Last night I went to bed at 9pm and woke up once for an hour or two, then woke up for good at 6am with the cat, but it’s still a lot for me. I hope your job gets less stressful. Sounds like your old boss is having a harder time adjusting.

    Lila, I hope your checkup goes well and you get to enjoy your day “off” today!

    Welcome, CK_Vance – congratulations on the loss so far. You’re doing great.

    Barbie, happy belated anniversary. My mother and sister went to Butchart Gardens when they took their trip to BC and LOVED it. They brought me back seeds for a blue flower – I need to try to get them to sprout. I hope you have a wonderful time.

    Texasgal, I’m at the age where my near-sightedness is crossing my far-sightedness – and my eye doc recommends I just wear one contact instead of trying bifocals :laugh:.

    Renny, you can walk a 10k – it’s easy! And yes, it’s great to have goals. Let us know how it’s going!

    Michele, ah, yes, stress-eating, know it well. I hope you feel more relaxed today.

    DeeDee, hope your weather warms up soon too – then it comes my way! :laugh: You’ll be glad to have your plumbing fixed although having your yard dug up isn’t too much fun.

    Katla, rest is not to be discounted :smile:. I agree, usually after the first month (a lot of gyms give a 30 day trial membership) most gyms quiet down. Some of the classes might be fun even with more people, but it’s a pain waiting to use equipment I agree. We find times to go when it’s not as busy.

    Gail, good job on getting that painting done! I love painting but have done all of my house so it will be a while before I tackle it again although I keep looking at my bedroom walls . . . :laugh:. Take some advil to keep the swelling and pain down on your knee and leg – and rest!

    SueBDew, wow, playing with four grandchildren – that will keep you busy!

    Liz, congratulations on that new membership! I hope your membership card becomes all dull and scratched from lots of use :laugh:. Yes, water and walking, both very good and easy on the joints.

    Tammy, yes, unfortunately slow and steady is the way we roll around here :laugh:. I know exactly what you mean – but believe me the time will go faster than you can imagine.

    Tigress, mmmm, tea . . . I’m off to make some now. Skipped breakfast – really need to stop doing that.

    Chris (Buddy’s Mom) – I’m outside of Philly too. For low impact I’d suggest trying a pilates/yoga type workout to start to improve strength and flexibility, then maybe add in some walking and weight training.

    Nancy, swim, girl, swim! I’m amazed at how many swimmers we have. I guess I’m just not as water-oriented as some. DH was a lifeguard growing up and loves to swim too. It is very good exercise, especially as we age and need something kinder to our joints. Have fun! :flowerforyou:

    Renny, don’t worry about the plateau – it will go after a time. Be patient – and maybe try increasing your exercise or change it up a little – if you haven’t been doing as much cardio maybe now’s the time to start. And yes, if you’re losing inches you are most definitely making changes. Don’t get discouraged! :drinker:

    Laura, lol at being able to work in 2013 :laugh:. I hope your poor DH is recovering. No way could I work a graveyard shift – my internal clock just doesn’t work that way. I hope you enjoyed your snuggle time with DH and Peanut.

    JB, thanks for the poem. I hope it warmed your heart as ours :laugh:.

    LizC, welcome and good for you for getting back after the exercise! It is really hard to get your motivation back after taking a break – I agree. But you’ve come a long way, so don’t stop now!

    Masch, I’m with you (see the start of my post waaaaaay back there lol). Actually, you can eat dinner early if you need to – maybe your salad you were going to have with your meal, or your steamed veggies. However, you might be like me and just need a substantial snack instead of a light one – in which case, why not have breakfast for your snack – a slice of toast with peanut butter and some scrambled eggs or a bowl of cereal? An idea anyway.

    Karen, I've so been there - try not to think about nothing happening and just focus on the day. Your body is changing, believe me, even if the change is slow. So for today, you are going to exercise using xxx program. And you are going to eat yyy, and then you're going wake up tomorrow and you're going to do xxx again . . . and for the next part of your life. That's the fun part of this - it's not a "try it and see" - it's a lifestyle for how you're going to live. You're going to be active and healthy and be able to do fun things with your DH and play with any little people in your life and not be hampered by nagging pains and injuries because you'll be so much kinder to your joints because you have less stress on them . . . see how this works? :smile::flowerforyou:

    Tammy, hi and welcome. Oh, your poor puppy! I’m glad she’s better. You’re well on your way with a good attitude and good diet. I was in the same place in June when I started, and I’m still here now but with almost 40lbs less of me. It’s a great change.

    OK, I have to focus now. I hope you all have a lovely day inside even if it’s as horrible as ours is outside.


    MTGWW Posts: 34
    JB--- I just saw everyone mentioning your poem, so went back to find it. Boy did I need that today. Thanks. Just printed it out for my fridge.

    Karen from Mi.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Today is going to be a great day! My brother got in last night, and I'll work on data entry until he calls to say he's up and wanting to do something. In reading through the posts, I'm awed by the grace with which so many of you handle health issues and other problems. It makes me realize how lucky I am, that things could be worse. I'm resolving right now to accept what is and be happy with what I've been given. Thank you!! :heart:

    Meg – That’s terrible! I hate scammers. Can you get your computer unlocked, or is it ruined? We get a lot of those official-looking documents in the mail, telling us we have to pay an annual registration fee for our property or something similar. I’m sure a lot of people fall for this, which is just despicable. :noway:

    Lila – Enjoy your day off! If I ever need to know about sewer treatment processes, I’ll know just where to go. :wink: Seriously, I’m glad your presentation went well and that you had good attendance.

    Barbie – If you haven’t been to Victoria before, you’ll love it! And the Butchart Gardens are fabulous. I wasn’t there at Christmas, but I’ll bet it’s just amazing with lights.

    Renny – Even walking a 10k sounds like a huge undertaking. Good for you in accepting the challenge – I know you’ll do great!

    Sally – Congratulations on your loss, and on getting your exercise in. :flowerforyou: You are moving in the right direction!!!

    Tammy – I’m glad your dog is better! Seizures don’t sound good.

    Laura80111 – I’m glad that tech support was of help, so that you can move forward! I’m working on hubby’s year-end books here, too. I think it would be really hard to work nights if you aren’t used to it! My daughter does it all the time, but she’s young and has it as a regular schedule.

    Karen from MI -- Hang in there! I lost the first 10 lbs. In about 6 weeks, but the next 5 lbs. took 5 months to come off. I’m sure that the beginning was easier because some of it was water weight, and I know that the holidays slowed me down quite a bit. Now I’m working on the next pound (take them one at a time!). It’s slow, but I know that it will move if I persevere! Yours will, too – just stick to it! :drinker:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! I'm glad you liked the poem, I found it on an inspirational website that addresses weight loss. I thought it was a good one.

    Today is Day 31 of the "Treetrunk" exercise challenge a couple of us gals are doing. If anyone would like to hop in and join us, feel free! What it entails is doing a few minutes a day of any type of exercise that you haven't been doing and know you should, like stretching, lifting weights, aerobics, walking, or what have you. Anything is fine. Start with 10 minutes the first day, increasing daily by 5 minutes the first week. 2nd week do 30 min daily. Increase to 35 the following week, 40 the next, etc. Or, just stay at a constant number of minutes even if it's just 10, as long as it's for the rest of your life. :laugh: What we're trying to do is MOVE those bodies a little more than we normally would and commit to it daily. Each person sets their own pace. Keep track in your exercise notes and send me a private message (optional) if you need someone to be accountable to. It's called Treetrunk because we don't want our arms & legs to look like treetrunks! We want shape and muscle. A little combo routine works well. Marching in place, waving arms, maybe lifting weights or cans of soup up and down a bunch of times. :bigsmile: I've added Yoga, strength training and aerobics to my normal daily walking dogs at the park. I do weights & strength one day, aerobics the next. It's also fine to skip a day, but just one day. I take Saturday off but try to walk dogs an extra long time.

    Everyone have a wonderful Wednesday, I'm off to do my Treetrunk, make some turkey soup, then get ready to take the dogs out. Have to work early today. xo

    :smile: jb from Portland
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Mwheatcraft54 – Your post came up while I was writing mine! Yes, the Broncos really blew it. I don’t pay a lot of attention to sports, but my son-in-law was devastated. Happy Birthday to you on Sunday!!! I’m going to be 54 on Monday. Wouldn’t that be odd if we were the same age, too? I’ve had German chocolate cakes for my birthday every year for my entire life. Hubby was trying to convince me that I don’t need a cake this year, but it wouldn’t feel right – sort of like no Christmas tree. I didn’t know that Aquarians were prone to foot injuries. Hmmmm. You’re right, we do have a lot in common! I have a niece getting married this coming summer, and my daughter just got married this past fall.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning everyone. Feeling the 2 week in blues. Nothing is happening. However I know I committed to a month of hanging in there, which I intend to keep. I' m hoping a month will show me I can keep at it. I don't understand why sometimes I can feel so on top of things, and it feels fun and exciting to track food and exercise, and then the next thing you know, I'm depressed and unmotivated.
    Karen From MI.

    Karen, Hang in here with us. I've been at it since October and am losing s l o w l y. I'm happy about the progress even though it is slow. :smile: I plan to make this into a lifestyle. Reading between the lines from the posts of Barbie and others who are in the maintain mode, that is what we have to do to be successful. flowerforyou:

    The other thing we all need is plenty of Vitamin F. You'll get a good dose of it right here.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla from NW Oregon
    (Edited to remove advice. Sorry about that. Bad habit I'm working on breaking.)
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Lots of vit.F friends on this thread.
    Grateful is a big word.

    Sounds like you have a lot of work and little time to get it done.
    Staying the same is better than a gain anytime.

    Pick up and pretend it's your very first day. Fake until you get it.

    Maybe keep some exercise to do around 2pm. Steer you mind of the snacking.

    Enjoy your brothers visit. Take it easy on the cake.

    Like your exercise idea. Exercise grows on you the more you do the more you want to do. I find new stuff on U tube every day.

    Got my 1 mile walk in with Leslie Sansone. Did 10 min. of zumba first steps. Actually 13 couldn't finish wanted to go up town with hubby and he was ready to go. I was soaking wet but dried off and went anyhow but didn't leave the car lol.
    So lunch time and homemade veg soup is on the menu.

    Linda C
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    Thanks to all who answered my question on the abbreviations used for family members. I still feel stupid, but at least my curiosity has been satisfied.

    :flowerforyou: SallyCC - Congrats on your weight loss. That's a wonderful accomplishment!

    :sad: tammytylerjon - I hope your little dog's health improves. I know how much those loving creatures bring to our lives.

    :grumble: Laura80111 - I can empathize with your work frustration. I sure hope it gets better.

    :ohwell: MTGWW - Don't worry, that scale will move if you are consistant. Just give it time. Maybe your depression is winter related?

    :wink: JB - Thanks again for the inspiring poem. We all need that some days.

    :smile: janehadji - Have fun with your brother!

    :heart: Loving the Vitamin F......Have a wonderful day!

    Lucy in Delaware
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    Hello Vitamin F Ladies - just a little something for all of you. Did you have bunny slippers when you were young (or maybe now).....I did and loved them.


    the size 10 winter *mocking* coat that has been taunting me because I couldn't even squeeze an arm into it..........yep, I put it on and zipped it. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Still tight but next winter---IT'S MINE AGAIN!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Hope the flu is avoiding you.

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Another full schedule day; we have sunshine in Dallas - Yay! I am hoping to get out for some much needed shopping this afternoon. In the meantime dropping in to say hello and wish everyone a happy and prosperous day.

  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hello again everyone! I've been off the message boards since before Christmas, but been faithfully logging my food. Looking forward to catching up with the life tapestry here...

    You may remember that when I joined it was because my DH and I weighed the same and were going to have a contest to see who got to pick our next vacation destination. Our weigh in was January 1st. I won--by two pounds--despite having a Christmas gain. (I knew he had an advantage as a man with greater muscle mass, but since I'm shorter than he, I figured it was balanced out because I was fatter, LOL.) So now I'm considering various options...we may be going to Denver for a wedding this summer, so that would mean my 'pick' won't take place for another year, but that's ok. I've never been to Denver and I love road trips--2100 miles through a new landscape...

    Anyway, have a great day everyone!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    have a good one.
  • ck_vance1
    :smile: 2013 is going to be my year to get it done!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Good Day Friends! I am happy to say I got on the scale this morning and it was very kind to me!!! I am only up 6# instead of 11#!! I was honest and put in my weight so now I am banking on advertising some losses in the weeks to come! Got in a Great workout last night and tonight I have on my schedule 2 classes!!! My daughter is making a crockpot dish for the family since I will be gone all night, after the gym it's my night to get my Dad to bed:wink:

    Renny - Sign up!!!!!!!! Races are so exciting and fun...who cares if you walk and don't run..trust me there are always walkers it's all about finishing!!
    Michele ~ Bunco will get you everytime!! Just look forward and you know what to do. You must be a great hostess if they want you to do it next month too! We pick months and all take turns. I have been playing for over 20 years!!!
    Sally ~ WTG on you big loss!!!!
    Shrimp ~ Here it is called the Color Run. I hear it is lot's of fun..just be careful if you have blond hair..I had a friend who had a pink hue to her hair for a few days after the run. GO FOR IT!!!!!
    Linda C ~ Lovin your upbeat attitude!!!
    Tammy ~ Hope your Dog is doing OK, that sounds stressful
    Laura ~ Hope work gets better soon. I so know how it feels to have some much hanging over your head.

    Karen~ HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!! This is a lifestyle not a diet. This site has helped me figure that out. Now I count my food and work in some not so good things...it's moderation. Now I don't feel deprived. I have a friend our age...2 years ago she decided to hit the gym hard and eat half of every meal. She eats tuna melts, salads, french toast and drinks wine. Also good stuff to...but until she is satisfied...she has lost over 60#!!!!!!!!!!! She is inspiring to me!!!!! WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!! Don't give it a time limit because you will give up when the timer goes off!!! Keep coming here for support :flowerforyou:

    N~ I have a GREAT recipe for Pumpkin Protien bars and Chocolate ones. Go to Body Builders.com click on Jamie Esons recipes. They are all clean foods. I make them and put them in the fridge in snack bags..grab them and GO! Let me know if you don't find them I will cut and paste the recipe

    Lin ~ AMAZING!!! Great NSV!!!:flowerforyou:

    Wow - I rambled..I have to get on the road to met a rep and make some sales calls. Have a Wonderful day Girls

    Judy - So Cal