What do you 'hate' about being fat?



  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Looking at old photo's of myself, and feel disgraced that I let myself get to this point.
    Feeling out of breath, just from changing clothes (THAT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN)
    That I can't touch my toes :/
    Just being unhealthy.
    Clothes Shopping really bums me out. :(
  • hayz182
    hayz182 Posts: 31
    Not having confidence in myself....crying.....not being the mother I want to be because I'm so depressed about being fat and unhealthy...caught my husband looking at porn where the women have perfect bodies and now I feel pretty hopeless.... I just want to be confident and energetic and HAPPY....
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Not having confidence in myself....crying.....not being the mother I want to be because I'm so depressed about being fat and unhealthy...caught my husband looking at porn where the women have perfect bodies and now I feel pretty hopeless.... I just want to be confident and energetic and HAPPY....

    I'm so sorry. I know I feel like I can't compare to those women
  • SMMiller712
    Agreed! My biggest problem. I just want to wear my own clothes again!
  • trcharon
    trcharon Posts: 37 Member
    1) Photos 2) clothing 3) shortness of breath 4)muffin top (the fat that hangs over your pants)
  • hayz182
    hayz182 Posts: 31

    I'm so sorry. I know I feel like I can't compare to those women

    What makes it even worse for me is that I know if I lose the weight there's no way in hell I'm going to do the things those women do...so will my husband still be okay with me? UGH... I just don't even want him looking at me....
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    - Mean comments from people
    - Limited to certain styles of clothes
    - Tight squeeze on theme park rides
    - Losing self-confidence / not feeling attractive
    - Unhealthy
    - Not good at sports
  • tpfoodie
    tpfoodie Posts: 148 Member
    I hate a) pictures of myself when overweight and b) not having pretty clothes to choose from!
  • Sherrylynn69
    Sherrylynn69 Posts: 48 Member
    hmmmmm where do i start?

    1) not having clothes that fit right!!
    2) just the plain feeling, of being unhealthy
    3) plane seats
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    That people just automatically assume you are lazy.

    Three years ago, I was training for (walking) my third Half Marathon. I called my doctor at the end of December and told him I was having trouble breathing. I had been training and walking A LOT and now I was getting winded walking from my car to my front door. Something was wrong. He gave me asthma medicine (no...I didn't have asthma ever) and told me I didn't need a bunch of expensive tests. I walked my Half Marathon. I was slow, but I finished it. I was sucking wind every step of the way. I called my dr again and said I still couldn't breathe. It was time for my yearly physical so he saw me. He again said there wasn't anything wrong. I know he was just looking at me and thinking that I was fat and lazy and that was why I was having problems. He told me to wait a few more weeks and see if it got any better. I waited and called again. He sent me for a chest x ray which showed nothing. He didn't suggest any further tests. He just ignored me. I called again and complained. I finally saw a pulmonologist in May and was in the hospital a week later with a huge blood clot in my lungs! Needless to say, i don't see this doctor anymore, but I am certain that if I had been thin he would have taken my complaint more seriously.
  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
  • enorth77
    I hate that I immediately think others think I'm fat when they first meet.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Not being agile enough. I love how toned, fit bodies move in space and that is what I am working toward.
  • enorth77
    I hate that I immediately think others think I'm fat when they first meet me or see me. I guess I have some body issues going on...

    ]wow if i had lost the weight you have I would be damn proud of myself...you are amazing!!!
    I hate that I can't seem to stop eating too many sugars...and i have ust been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
  • MelSimba
    1. Sitting and seeing all my belly fat just roll into one gross lump.
    2. Rolls over my pants.
    3. Not being able to wear shorts because they always bunch up due to inner-thigh fat.

    Can't wait for it all to be gone!
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I hate that I immediately think others think I'm fat when they first meet me or see me. I guess I have some body issues going on...

    I do the same thing. I always feel really self-conscious at the gym (even though I'm AT THE GYM, for crying out loud). It's funny that I feel better when another fat person comes in, like it's some kind of fatty solidarity or something.

    I shouldn't laugh but the "fatty solidarity" comment cracked me up! I'm the same way though. I feel like everyone is staring and judging. Which makes me want to comfort myself with food. HELLO-that's how I got fat! grrr

    I hate that cute clothes don't fit, that I'm too self concious to wear shorts in the Texas summer, that things jiggle, I have cellulite, rolls on top of my curves and that.....I don't ever get checked out/hit on. Now I am happily married to a wonderful guy and wouldn't ever stray...but to know I "still got it" would be a huge compliment and ego boost. :-/
  • HopeB77
    HopeB77 Posts: 18 Member
    How I look.....that whenever my husband looks at me, I feel like he's disgusted with me (though he has never said that to me), it's how I feel though.....pictures that are taken....whenever I go into a store & you can't find nothing but "granny panies & granny clothes" for heavy people....I like to look nice too....I always try to hide it in overlarge T~shirts! That it just about kills me to get up & down out of the floor whenever I'm down playing with the dog.......hate not being able to fit into a chair correctly & or when you bend over your shirts rolls up your back.....
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I hate everything about it. The hate the fact that I can't buy clothing at Wal-Mart and other retail stores. I have to visit Big & Tall stores for clothes, which cost TWICE as much as regular clothing. I hate how I always stand out in a crowd.

    The worst thing is weight is so hard to lose, but so easy to gain. I can spend an entire week losing 10 pounds, then gain it back in two days. It drives me crazy!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Having boobs !!! I hate them I never had them and I am more than ready to see them go lol

    what a damn shame. if i was god i would have given you both man and lady parts
  • texasladysv
    texasladysv Posts: 103 Member
    That what I see in the mirror is chubby but in my head I'm still like I was when I was fit and more attractive.

    That my boobs are bigger... Really they were perfectly sized before.

    That I can't wear (or don't have the confidence to wear) some really cute flattering outfits.

    That I get winded easily when I shouldn't.

    That I know it took years to gain this much and now it's not something I can fix overnight... Why didn't I fix it earlier! Oh, right, because I was stressed to the max... Fixed the stress, now battling this.

    That my favorite outfits are too small.

    That I'm not as attractive without clothes on as I was before--and it's not an age thing!

    But know we are all here working to do better! And I try to focus on the health issues and geting healthier day by day!