Black Team Week 15



  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Morning all,

    Had a funny nights sleep and then the little men came into me at 5.40, so early start. The potatoes are peeled for dinner tonight, and I have managed 22 minutes on the bike, and the rain has arrived - so plans for shoving the boys outside and me relaxing out there with them (after getting the jobs done yesterday!).

    Hope everyone has a great sunday, x
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey Team!

    Sweet relief, as all of this week's busy-ness is (almost) over! Got in from taking Test #4 this morning, and am now getting set up for my guests this afternoon. I really have no idea how I feel about my test results other than relieved to be done with it. I have more hope than confidence at this point, but nothing to do until May 18 but wait. We shall see.

    LoriFL- That cake looks awesome! I love to make cakes and icing from scratch, but decorating is not happening. I just load up the frosting and that's it.

    Marla- As mentioned, you are hilarious.

    Jeannie- I remember Dave...never got to talk to him much, but I liked his commentary. It was refreshing to have someone around who wouldn't blow smoke up everyone's rear end. I have been much like that with my weight loss advice as well. Sure, it may piss people off, but in the scheme of it...aren't you going to listen to someone who has lost over 100 pounds?

    LoriPA, Sam, Sara, Tammy, Tanya, Tamara, Bobbi, Kati, Beth, Andrew, etc.- HELLO! :flowerforyou:

    I am off to get my goodies together now. Serving meatballs, pasta salad, cheese/crackers, veggies/dip, chips and salsa, crescent ring w/ ham, cheese and broccoli plus 2 desserts. Hope the weather acts right so I can get some miles in later.

    Shuntae - do you have your half coming up next weekend?! Very exciting. Hope you are tapering down this week and have great weather for a run.

    Yes, half is next Sunday. I'm so excited, and hoping for good weather! Some of the girls in my group are running theirs today and the weather here stinks!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Off to work everyone

    Lori- Cake looked yummy

    Marla- Great job on run and green calories wise

    Shaunte- Good luck on your run I pay for my half this coming Sat and I couldnt be more excited

    Tanya-Great job on keep going on the bike

    Bobbi- 880 calories maybe I need tro put a little more effort into cleaning.. Thats amazing..Now you have 2 things to be proud of you are sore which is good and you burned lots of calories plus you cleaned..Great job!!

    Everyone else..heading off to make my egg sandwich before waking my husband up..He has to take me to work today since he has to change the breaks on my van!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Off to work everyone

    Lori- Cake looked yummy

    Marla- Great job on run and green calories wise

    Shaunte- Good luck on your run I pay for my half this coming Sat and I couldnt be more excited

    Tanya-Great job on keep going on the bike

    Bobbi- 880 calories maybe I need tro put a little more effort into cleaning.. Thats amazing..Now you have 2 things to be proud of you are sore which is good and you burned lots of calories plus you cleaned..Great job!!

    Everyone else..heading off to make my egg sandwich before waking my husband up..He has to take me to work today since he has to change the breaks on my van!!

    Have a good day at work!! Miss talkin to ya! MUAH!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey Team,

    Just checking in- Not sure if DW has been on and mentioned it, but my sister, her boyfriend and my newphew are up for the weekends so we have a FULL house so I am even MORE absent than usual. We took them to the freeport outlets yesterday and OMG there is a Nike outlet there now. OH MAN, like a kid in a candy store. Could have also spent HOURS in the L.L Bean Bike store. If only I were rich beyond my wildest dreams. Anyway, got a chance for a quick check in because everyone else is sleeping. Wanted to give DW a chance to get some rest so I told her to stay in bed but I have to get the boys fed and a million dishes done. I'll check in again tonight once everyone is gone. I hope you are all having a good week.

    :heart: :drinker:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Andrew and Beth- enjoy your time with family!

    I got up this AM, went for a 2 mile run, 3 mile walk, 675 calories gone. Getting ready to log my breakfast. Imagine!

    Have a great day all!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew and Beth- enjoy your time with family!

    I got up this AM, went for a 2 mile run, 3 mile walk, 675 calories gone. Getting ready to log my breakfast. Imagine!

    Have a great day all!

    Great job, way of contrast, I woke up this morning and ate 577 calories of cereal for breakfast. Starting out the day behind the eight ball....dope.

    Cleaning day today....later, troops.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Crap-- staying behind the 8 ball today--

    already 182 calories over-- granted, that's based on 1200 daily-- but, not good.

    Geez, Louise-- get it together already, dope!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    I felt really good today - have done 4 differnet sessions on the bike, but feel that I have blown it now as have had some red wine and white bread!! Oh well tomorrow is another day, and I will stay away from the wine!!

    Good night everyone, a new week tomorrow x
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Cleaning day today....later, troops.

    It was cleaning day for me too. I am also making cookies and the smell of them is nauseating!! I'm trying a new decoration on them for a play that hubby is helping with. as soon as I decorate them and I like them I will post.

    I think we are potty trining our almost 2 year old. everytime sissy goes she goes too. YAY!!!! Hopefully only a coupe more months of diapers.

    and for those of you not on FB Hubby has a job interview in 20 minutes. Hope all goes well. it is at a hotel called Casa Monica, in St. Agustine about 40 minutes from here.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I felt really good today - have done 4 differnet sessions on the bike, but feel that I have blown it now as have had some red wine and white bread!! Oh well tomorrow is another day, and I will stay away from the wine!!

    Good night everyone, a new week tomorrow x

    As I was reading this I was thinking, I had some wheat bread today and I knew I shouldn't have. when you said stay away from the wine I was thinking stay away from the bread. I have been pasta and rice free for about 3 weeks. I don't miss them but I was going on 2 weeks with no bread when I couldn't stand it any longer and had pizza friday night. then a piece for lunch yesterday and I ate 3 pieces for lunch today. It's gone so I don't have to worry about it any longer staring at me when I go to the fridge.

    Hope all is well!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Looks like a good weekend for all. Awesome!!

    Had a great walk on the beach. I logged it as fast walking up posted on Florida friends questioned where I found a hill down here!! LOL..........we joke that we drive to upstate GA just so we can walk up hill for a spell.

    Well walking on the beach is fun, and it does burn calories, but it gets boring (sorry, I know...but 43 yrs here ya know?)

    One day I decided to walk from shore to hotel steps and back down again. It is a steady upgrade and the sand gets looser the further from shore you get. My HR spiked 20 beats. :noway: I incorporated it into my work out as intervals. I now burn almost twice as many calories and it is fun!!

    Of course I get the funny looks but who cares? Not me.......not a bit!

    A little girl said to me today " What are you doing?" in the sweetest little voice. I said "Exercising!" she turns to her mom and says "How come you don't exercise mommy??" :huh:

    Mommy obviously runs every dang day cuz she was smokin:smokin: , but the look on her face told me she didnt think it was funny!! I told her I lost a lot of weight, and that seemed to smooth things over. Why that made a difference, I do not know. But the little girl was adorable.

    Here's hoping you all have a nice evening and a pleasant tomorrow!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sam!!! How are you? How is the business??? You look great! love the picture and blue is a great color on you.

    :heart: Jeannie
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Evening all! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I had an awesome day, even though the weather wasn't so awesome:grumble: . DH and I went to the Y for workout. I haven't lifted in ages..felt good. I know I really need to do it more. Came home had an eggwhite omelet along with a muscle milk...anyone ever try them? Lots of protein, 100 calories and I was full! Then I did something I have never done before...I went back to the Y and participated in a Zumba class! Anyone ever done that? I know some of you ladies were talking about your dancing tapes but man this was great! Granted I have 2 left feet when it comes to rhythm but I had so much fun. There was a ton of people in the class. At the end of class, I was sweating like crazy.

    Just wanted to share my Feel good day. Off to bed early since I completed my journal and I don't want to look in the fridge again:ohwell:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I had a bad eating weekend. On Friday DH grilled steak, baked potaotes, and green beans for my early birthday supper. Sounds healthy but he got us a pound of steak each! :noway: Plus we had birthday cake. Yesterday we had Chinese...and more cake. Today my parents took me to Olive Garden and at Dave's parents' we cake with cake leftovers for supper. Between the Chinese and all the cake, my hands and feet feel like sausages. I don't know if I could take my rings off if I tried. Oh, well. Trying to drink extra water to flush it all out.

    On a good note, today I am 30 weeks pregnant. If Cooper goes to 40 weeks, I only have 10 weeks left! (Harley was 9 days early and I feel like Cooper is going to be early too.)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Donna-- glad you had such a good day!

    Just had a lovely 4 mile run-- solo-- woo hoooooo-- love just getting out, doing my own thaaannng.

    Can't believe this-- found a Jersey Girl Triathlon at the Jersey shore-- 300 yard swim, 9.5 mile bike ride, 3 mile run-- totally doable-- hubs is even encouraging me-- wth?

    Hmmmmmmm-- Donna, you live close enough-- maybe???

    Later-- gotta put kids to bed-- my hands are still cold from the run and I can't type.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I had a bad eating weekend. On Friday DH grilled steak, baked potaotes, and green beans for my early birthday supper. Sounds healthy but he got us a pound of steak each! :noway: Plus we had birthday cake. Yesterday we had Chinese...and more cake. Today my parents took me to Olive Garden and at Dave's parents' we cake with cake leftovers for supper. Between the Chinese and all the cake, my hands and feet feel like sausages. I don't know if I could take my rings off if I tried. Oh, well. Trying to drink extra water to flush it all out.

    On a good note, today I am 30 weeks pregnant. If Cooper goes to 40 weeks, I only have 10 weeks left! (Harley was 9 days early and I feel like Cooper is going to be early too.)

    Don't you just love naming the baby in utero??? I love it-- we found each time what the gender was, and named the baby and did just like you are-- referred to him/her by name-- it was so lovely.

    Glad you had a nice family weekend-- and a happy birthday--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- I don't eat cereal for breakfast for that reason, the calories add up fast. The cereal is high enough, add milk, I like a banana on mine, it gets out of hand quickly.

    Sam- hope the cookies turned out well

    Donna- I love Zumba. I can't dance, I probably look like a fool, but I still enjoy it and that's what matters.

    Jeannie- I just love you. You would be a hoot to hang out with!

    Hubs and I worked at a normal, I am human pace today finishing up odds and ends. Dare I say, it's really almost done. Like really. I am waiting for a canopy top I ordered, then I will post pics!

    I think tomorrow I need to hem my dress. I have already waited to the week of the event, I can't wait any longer in case I run into any problems. I can sew, it's the outer layer of the thin fabric that pulls so easily that has me avoiding it. Of course the dress has 2 layers, not just one to hem, two. Lucky me. I have a pile of stuff for the kids I have been avoiding sewing/fixing too I guess I should tackle it while I'm at it. I bought fabric for the top of the dogs bed about 2 months ago and haven't touched it either. I said I CAN sew, never said I LIKED it. I made Alex a pillow for xmas, the material was awful and shedded on everything, and I took it from him, I have been promising him a new one for 4 months. :blushing: Sewing on the agenda. Blech!

    I logged my food today. All of it. I have calories left even though I ate spaghetti for dinner, which is a huge calorie hit. Cheap meal money wise, not so light on the calories. I'm dreaming about strawberries and yogurt for the 3rd time today. :bigsmile:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Good morning, so far this morning I have managed to do 20 minutes on the bike and a 50minute walk to school and back, around having a bowl of cereal for breakfast!

    Hope everyone has a good week, and will be back later - breakfast for littleones is needed :smile:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I think the black team stayed in bed this morning, where is everybody? Hey Tanya, glad you were able to get in your exercise this morning.

    I am currently battling myself to decide to mow the yard or hem the dress. Both need done. I wanted to mow and spray weed killer in my flower beds, but it's really windy, I would prefer not to wear the weed killer. Also, mowing requires me going for gas, which I hate doing. It makes the car stink!

    So I'm playing the 'what to do- what to do' game in my head. Plopping on the chair and doing nothing sounds more appealing than anything else, but I know that's not my best choice. :tongue: It's really a beautiful day outside and the appeal of heading out is hard to resist. Even though it's windy, that makes it very comfy to do work.

    Well, off of here, cause we all know I'm not getting anything done sitting on the puter!