5 ft 5 - what is your goal weight?



  • Happinessx
    150-160lbs (:
    ^ that is the current goal; If i get there and want to lose more, I will. However I dont think I'll get below 130.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Rather then focusing on a goal weight try reducing body fat.. Just my opinion but i'm 5'5 130 lbs. My goal was 135 but that changed when i started lifting weights.

    This^ body fat is most important.
  • LottyShawx
    I'm 5'5.5/5'6 and my goal is 90 pounds. I'm 109 at the moment so, 19 pounds to go! I've already lost 24 pounds! (:
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 5'5" and at 133lbs (was 154 a year ago, at my biggest). Don't intend to lose any more as I feel great, it's a weight I can happily maintain and I'm quite curvy (boobs/hips) so losing much more would put me out of proportion. However, my intent is to tone up so once I get back from NYC next month, that'll be my focus.
  • KatieD060982
    KatieD060982 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm between 5'4"-5'5". I would love to get to 150 but would do cartwheels if I could hit 130.

    Highest weight-during pregnancy 256
    Starting weight-230
    GW-150 for now
  • KennyMarie84
    KennyMarie84 Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5'5 and my ultimate goal weight is 145-150. I started out at 197 and am currently at 189.
  • EmmaleighM
    EmmaleighM Posts: 32 Member
    My goal currently is 150.... I've never been that small (well probably since 9th grade) so I have no idea what I will look like. I have a larger frame, so I'm thinking 150 is ideal, but I'll reassess that once I get there... I'd like to be a size 6 or 8 =)

    oh. and I started at 278... I'm at 248 right now =)
  • abbyy182
    My UGW is 126lbs, I was 133lbs last year before I was pregnant with my second child, and I did look ok, but not great in my eyes, I wanted more definition. My belly definitely needs attention, just toning, I have a PT who is helping me with that.

    Now I am 17 weeks post partum and I am 142lbs, weight settled at 150 after she was born. I am also running and weight training so time will tell ! :smile:

    It's amazing how we are all the same weight and our structures differ so much !
  • sissyr75
    I am also 5'5 and I have set my goal at 135-138. I was in the military when I was 23 (almost 38 now) and I think that is what I weighed. Not really sure though.,I do remember I owned a pair of shorts that were a size 10! But every persons body type is different. So what might be a size 10 for me, maybe a size 6 for another 5'5 person. I don't know. Lol. I'm guessing.

    I keep a photo of me in my army days on my inspiration board. I have said that if by losing weight, if I can look like that again, than that is what I want. So if it means only being 145, then ok. My doctor told me to be at 160. I don't like that number. lol. I have gone from 230 to 184 in over 2 yrs. As we get older, its more difficult to lose, so I have come to realize(finally) it takes time to get the weight off.

    I have given myself until December 2013 to lose what ever amount of weight I need to.
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 134
    I want to get down to 140! I'm really curvy as well :)
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    yeah id like to be between 9 and 9 and half. But im on a serious plato at the moment and losing motivation. What is everyone doing to try and lose the weight?

    Haha, it feels like I've been stuck in the 140's forever. -_- I'm 140.6 right now and it's taken me 3 months to get here, and I know how you feel about the motivation. you may add me if you want. :) I'm currently trying to get down to 130, but it will depend on how I look. I may try to go lower and go for 120-125 depending.
  • Fitnsexy12
    Fitnsexy12 Posts: 8 Member
    Currently at 130 lbs, would like to be at 128 consistently though w/o losing any muscle, would like to gain more muscle so with that being said my # may have to go up.

    almost 5'6
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    I am basing it on my pre-kids and pre-40s naturally-hovered-there weight. Anything past that is (sugar-free) icing on the cake.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm between 5ft 4 and 5ft 5 and my goal is 132 but would be more than happy between 132 and 140lbs :smile:
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I was thinking between 330 and 335lbs. Havent a clue what someone with his height and weight would look like though.. Tried to google it but couldnt find a thing! I have 8 months - i am currently 152lbs and hope to get to my goal within 8 months. Do you think this is possible? x
    just put in height, weight, body type, whatever you want and it will show you women with that body type, its pretty cool
  • shadykatiekate
    shadykatiekate Posts: 41 Member
    145 or 136. Not sure yet. :/
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I was 157lb at my worst, about 4 years ago now.
    Liked myself best at 110lb.
    Currently working off Christmas but hope to hit 110lb again in the not too distant future.
    Good luck with your plans.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    My goal is 110- 115lbs and I'm about 125lbs at the moment.

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who is looking to get around that weight.

    I weighed 110-115 for years before my big depression. I never looked "too skinny" at that weight, and it was really perfect for me. I have a very small frame with wide hips. Even at 120-125 I look big. Not as big as I do at 140, but still have flub.

    So here's to wanting to lose 30 pounds and get back to 110-115. It feels so daunting sometimes. But I can do it.

    Wow, you are so similar to me in terms of the weight we are at and how much we want to lose. I'm 5'5"1/2 and looking at maintaining a 115 to 120 lbs weight. I wish I could go 110 Ibs but I probably can't and will stick to 115 lbs minimum. Isn't it daunting?!!

    I'm 5'6" and currently 118lb. Before Christmas and for a good year or so I was 109/111lb. That's where I'm going again. I don't like my tummy at the moment. :angry:
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 203 Member
    Not an expert but one thing is lifting weights. On women, you become smaller. On men, the opposite. Repetions of 15, three times is what women do. Also, you can lift medicine balls and go from corners high across, right in front of you across, lower across. Same repetitions and your arms feel like falling off after. This really trims the waist line. In the water, you can put your arms going up with your hands turned at 180 degrees, then push down your arms in the water with palms flat. Same repetitions. Good luck.
  • kesiarosanna
    i'm 5'5'' at 160 now, but want to get down to 130, although i haven't been that skinny for 4 years when i was 16!
    i'm 20 years old and based in south england, on here most days if anyone wants to add me! x
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