Do you have any strange fears?



  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 102 Member
    Normal fears that I have... Fear of heights. Fear of confined spaces and being trapped. After being a passenger in a car that hit a deer on the interstate, I now can't be a passenger in a car without getting nervous and often very upset. I have to be the one driving and feel in control.

    Weird fear... Sharks in swimming pools. No, seriously. I know there's no way it would ever happen, but if I'm completely alone and in a swimming pool, I'll start seeing shadows on the pool floor as sinister shapes and get freaked out that something's going to "get me". Sometimes I force myself to face it and sometimes I turn into a splashing jerking mess until I can get to a wall and pull myself out. I blame my babysitter for letting me watch Jaws when I was a little kid.

    Oh, another one (not like there aren't a slew I'm not mentioning). Dismemberment. I had some pretty upsetting nightmares about it as a child, usually featuring my siblings. I watched Looper not too long ago and still haven't gotten over it. It's worst when I'm trying to get to sleep and my mind just plays it over and over until I feel nauseous.
    And this isn't a fear, but just an oddity......I always feel off balance if something happens to my right side and not something equal or great on my left side. If I scratch my right arm, I have do it with more intensity to my left arm. If I'm driving and I hit a stick or a small hole, or even the paint on the road with the right tires, I HAVE to even out somehow.
    I find that really interesting as I have a strange OCD habit, too. Since I was a kid, I've done things repetitively, and sometimes it just isn't "right" or I feel like something is unfinished unless I can repeat to my satisfaction. When I'd be in a car, I'd imagine the wheel was touching the road in every spot. Knowing that as it went around it touched wasn't enough. I had to imagine each area stopping and pressing down and then mentally rotate the wheel in my head and touch down a new spot. If the entire wheel didn't touch the road solidly in my mind then it was uneven and "wrong". I have issues with clicking my mouse now that I'm older. I'll have to click a certain place on the screen or a certain number of times until my finger feels like it's reached some kind of equilibrium. So strange.

    I am claustrophobic. Not strange, that one is pretty common. I can't handle blankets over my head, closed in elevators, anything like that where I breathe in my own air. I also don't do insects, of any sort. Can't handle them.
    Wow, you've just given me an epiphany. I hate having blankets over my head or being snuggled so close into my husband's chest that, like you said, I'm breathing my own air. He tries to reason with me that I have enough air but I literally feel like I can't breathe and will get upset. I never before made the connection to my fear of confinement.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I don't like calling people on the telephone. I can handle if they call me first, but I can't handle dialing the number and waiting for them to pick up and then talking to them. And I HAVE to call potential clients with my job, so the anxiety of the task makes me want to physically vomit. I usually have a scolding hot shower afterward. :<

    I also don't like the texture of sidewalk chalk. It makes my entire body quake just thinking about touching the stuff.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    Being in a car that I am not in control of. (I have a logical reason for that though.)

    My main main fears are snakes and spiders.
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    I have a terrifying gut wrenching fear of submarines, if i see one on TV i will have recurring nightmares for weeks afterwards. I've never been on one or even seen one up close but they scare the bejeeezuz out of me.

    I also have a fear of turning into my mother.
  • xNickie
    xNickie Posts: 49
    I'm scared of most things, Anxiety does that to you.. Well, it does to me anyway :laugh:
    But it's mainly small spaces and heights
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My wife's driving scares the crap out of me. She's never been at fault in an accident though... I get a little anxious whenever someone else is driving, but it's elevated with my wife for some reason. :(
  • I'm afraid of tall people. I'm 5ft and anyone over like 5ft 8inches scare me. Idk why but i get real nervous like they are going to step on me or something?! It's odd. At work there is a man who is like a giant maybe 6ft 4inches or so. I hate when he passes me in the hallway or if we are in a meeting together.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I have a terrifying gut wrenching fear of submarines, if i see one on TV i will have recurring nightmares for weeks afterwards. I've never been on one or even seen one up close but they scare the bejeeezuz out of me.

    I also have a fear of turning into my mother.

    Heh... I work on a submarine :) nothing to be afraid of, as long as the USG doesn't dislike you :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Pretty much all the elements.

    WIND. I f****** hate high winds! Like when the wind picks up to the point where it's easily whipping trees left and right, and you can hear your house groan under the pressure and garbage cans are flying down the road. My heart leaps up to my throat, I stop breathing, and my whole body tenses up. I'm a small girl, so I have this ridiculous fear that the wind is just going to blow me away, or blow something into me. I think it stems from the one time my dad bought me a kite as a young child and took me out on a windy day to fly it. The feeling of the handles yanking up from the wind terrified me and till does to this day. This girl does not fly kites lol.

    We rode out the tornado in Joplin, MO in 2011 in a house that was two blocks south of being completely levelled... worst day of my life. I have never been so frightened in all my life holding on to door handles to keep the doors from being sucked out the windows and taking us with them, both of my children huddled underneath me singing songs to keep calm. I don't mind most wind, but if the house makes even ONE BIT of noise because of it, it's enough to send us all into the closet with pillows. Omg.

    When I still lived with my parents, our house got hit by a tornado losing much of the second level, and it took over a year for everything to get back to rights.

    I was incredibly anxious about all storms until, two years later, I was at my parents and another small tornado landed, but dissipated so fast that only golfball size hail remained, which destroyed the back of the house, coated the yard, and nearly totaled my car.

    I feel very "meh" about storms now.

  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I don't like calling people on the telephone. I can handle if they call me first, but I can't handle dialing the number and waiting for them to pick up and then talking to them. And I HAVE to call potential clients with my job, so the anxiety of the task makes me want to physically vomit. I usually have a scolding hot shower afterward. :<

    I am the same way.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,175 Member
    I also don't like those pressurized tubes of dough.

    Ditto. And balloons for the same reason. I cringe when someone gives a balloon to a toddler and they start squeezing it...
  • My fear is planes! Suppose to go to Vegas in Feb. with friends and dont think I am going to make it!!!! Scared because I cant do anything if the plane crashes I cant jump or save myself I just DIE!!!! I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it!!! Can I say FINAL DESTINATION IN THIS B!!!!
  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member




  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    Storm warning sirens. Not storms, storms and me are cool. The sirens make me flip the hell out.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I don't like going in lakes or the ocean. I hate the idea of not knowing what's underneath me... Scares the crap out of me.

    OMG YES!!! I will not swim in anything that is not crystal clear. Don't remember last time I swam in anything other than a swimming pool. Won't even walk around up to my ankles in the ocean! Freaks me out!! There could be a crab in there about to bite me!! eekk!!
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I have a phobia of wooden lollipop sticks and squid.
    I luv raw squid......
  • I am with you on the feet thing! Its my biggest fear. People think its funny, but I cant be around people with bare feet, I dont like to look at feet. I sometimes break into hives over it, or a panic attack. I cant even explain it, i know its ridiculous.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I used to have a full on phobia of knives. Not someone with a knife, just the knife itself. Even butter knives scared me. I couldn't touch them or wash them I would breathe heavily just looking at one. My abnormal psych professor used me as a guinea pig to teach the class how to treat phobias and it worked. I still don't like knives, but in normal use they don't bug me much and butter knives don't bug me at all.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I am terrified of mice (the little brown field kind) and frogs...I know I am so much bigger than them, but they just freak me out!!!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member





    ewwww now I have the heebee geebees!! itching and scratching feeling like I have bugs under my skin!
    I was on a pain med once after surgery that made me have nightmares that I had ants living in my skin. I could see them in my dream going in and out of my pores! You can bet I didn't take that medication anymore after that! ewwww