What do you 'hate' about being fat?



  • Pmcmur
    Pmcmur Posts: 3
    What do I hate about being fat... It's a toss up between: 1) Worrying about becoming diabetic. It's in the family. 2) Seeing it as a sign of failure. For someone that has grown up with all of this diabetic knowledge, I shouldn't be in this position, right?
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    That I know it took years to gain this much and now it's not something I can fix overnight... Why didn't I fix it earlier! Oh, right, because I was stressed to the max... Fixed the stress, now battling this.

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    When I was heavier, or "fat," it felt like my life was in a black hole. I'm sure this goes beyond the weight issue, but I was absolutely in self-loathing mode.

    I would look in the mirror, at the rolls around my face and think, "this person isn't me. I was supposed to be beautiful." I was way too shy to talk to people, way too shy to ever go on a date or smile at strangers. I loved tucking into chocolate chip cookies when I was bored or tired. I hoarded stuff - clothing and shoes, mostly - believing somehow that if I just found that perfect outfit, I would look great. I had dozens of fancy shirts, none of them had been worn.

    I started losing weight because of a health warning from my doctor.
    I did not start because of vanity.

    Much to my surprise, I didn't fail.
    That self-loathing person is GONE.
    It's like my hormones and nature changed when I lost weight. I am more confident and friendly. I don't have depressed days anymore, unless I am deprived of sleep for a couple of days - which leads me to believe that all of those negative feelings had to do with poor health. I don't worry about my looks as much. I have to safety pin my pants so they don't fall off my waist, and that feels good. Maybe it's the testosterone but I am 100% more personable. I look in the mirror and I start to resemble the person I wanted to look like every day.

    I see only possibilities.
    I will crush any opposition to my goal. It's certain now. Watch me sprint.

    I so relate to this. While I'll probably never be a people person, I even find it a bit easier to be social. And yes, no sleep (or if I push my calorie deficit too low, or worse, both) will put me back in that depressed, angry, completely self-loathing state.

    I'm really surprised at how much of this seems to be tied to physical health.
  • my big bubble butt has this awkward shake n wiggle...hahaha...but true...
    shopping for pants...the butt fits but the waist is far too large...
    going out to eat at an "all you can eat" restaurant and going back for dessert which consists of fruits...
    subconscious about bending over...
    everytime i buy a pear i see myself...
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    I just feel really uncomfortable all the time, it feels like I'm wearing a fat suit.

    This. This. This.
  • deteriminedAMY
    deteriminedAMY Posts: 22 Member
    "Hate" is such a strong work that I typically do not use but when it comes to being fat, it fits! I have struggled with my weight most of my life and to be honest, I am completely embarrassed by it. That's what I "hate" about being fat. It makes me feel absolutely uncomfortable and so incredibly self-conscious that I don't seem to enjoy things that I should because I feel like people are judging me because of being fat. It's such an uneasy feeling.
  • Billingbunny
    Billingbunny Posts: 10 Member
    I hate how no one will look at me when ever i go anywhere. Even cashiers will avoid looking at me. Hello! I am a person too! Being over 300 pounds you would think it would be easier to see me.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    1. Having a belly that jiggles when I walk down stairs.
    2. Having to buy clothes bigger than I am used to wearing because I can't fit my smaller clothes.
    3. Feeling sad for the dody I have lost when I look at my old pictures or videos.
    4. Not feeling happy with the ways I look.
    5. Knowing that to get the belly I want I am going to have to give up the butt and chest I prefer and go back to the butt and chest I hate.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    Being so tired after exercise and not being able to run far/fast
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Back fat....Other than that I think I'm pretty darned hottt!

  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Everything, but mainly knowing that I can be small because I used to be small. Looking at pictures of how skinny I used to be and it being so hard to get back to that again.
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    The clothing. It all sucks.

    I also hate that my back hurts, and that it's not as comfortable as it should be to walk long distances. But that's all changing. :-D
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I hated how uncomfortable my clothes felt

    since losing my weight, clothes are way more comfortable!
  • LetzgoOU
    LetzgoOU Posts: 24 Member
    I hate the feeling that people are constantly judging me. When I walk into places like American Eagle with my friends I feel like everyone is staring at me like, why are you in HERE? I also hate feeling like I cant do certain things like Rock walk climbing or ropecourse because Im afraid the harness wont hold me. I feel like it holds me back!
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    Never getting a second look from men/ Always being the "fat friend"
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    I suppose EVERYTHING would be too wide of a category...LOL So I really hate how I feel, my low self confidence. Not being able to wear the cute clothes that I want to wear. That spare tire (fully inflated) in my middle that makes wearing anything too clingy out of the realm of decency.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    I cant live my life.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    What do I hate about being fat? Where to start -

    1 Gasping for air walking across a parking lot.
    2. Clothes that look like tents instead of attractive accessories to my personality.
    3. Exchanging a great walk for a waddle.
    4. Looking at food like the enemy instead of the fun treat it should be.
    5. The looks I get from people that have never been fat.

    Yup, those are the big ones.
  • I love my body, but I hate for people to mistake me for a pregnant woman. I've lost weight before, but when it came back it went all to my stomach. I get rid of that, I'll be good.
  • rustyguy
    rustyguy Posts: 51 Member
    Not doing things with my kids because airplanes are uncomfortable or roller coaster seats aren't big enough.