
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time this morning, just popping in to say...Have a wonderful day!!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in (still rainy and gloomy)NC
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I haven't had much time to post over the last couple of days, but have still been logging. The antibiotics that I'm taking are knocking me sideways! I've still got another week of them too. Still, I'm sue I'll feel better when they're done with.

    London is cold but bright today. The gallery is busy and we've already done a couple of big sales this morning - which is always a good lift to the spirit.

    Yesterday was our Aussie friend's birthday and eight of us went out. My dad and I were the only non-drinkers and it's quite strange to watch people drink too much when one is completely sober! At least I'm hangover free today.

    The Aussie goes home next Monday - I can't believe how fast those seven weeks have gone. It will be sad to say goodbye to him for another couple of years, but it will also be good to get back to normality. DH and I are not used to sharing our house with anybody these days.

    Well, I must get on with some work. Have a really good day if possible please.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello all you vit. F friends. In -34 weather maybe I should be singing the blue bird song.

    Your runs sound interesting. Lots of excercise on U tube no reason to not exercise if you have a puter.

    No one fell asleep with your talk so you kept it interesting
    the wii lies it told me 39 one day 79 a few days later. lol.
    All depends on your balance the day you do it.
    Before going out to buy zumba dvd's check it out on U tube.

    Are you being closely watched by a doctor. Your calories are way to low.

    -34 with wind chill -45 is what they are saying.
    No walking outside for me. Leslie Sansone this morning.

    All your best friends lined up in order. Glad Jake placed first was sure i was going to see the dogs lol.

    Welcome back

    Life and death go hand in hand.

    Glad your feeling better and back with it.

    Good food day and that's a lot of weights

    Thank you. Your looking for substitutes for flour for myself I use oatmeal.
    Put it in my Ninja and pulse till I get an oatmeal consistency.
    I use it in pancakes and I made a pumpkin and raisin muffin I found on U tube
    There was also a video of someone who mixed a bunch of different flours like rice, and other kinds
    together and she claims you can use in any recipe that calls for flour.

    One drink won't hurt you. It's like one meal didn't make you fat.
    Before buying DVD's check if they have the same thing in U tube.

    Make it a good day

    Sure hope the antibiotics work.
    Seven weeks of company is a long time.
    Sure you and hubby will enjoy some me time again.

    There finished before 9 but I was up before seven two hours of this is enough. Time to get dressed and on with my day.

    Make it a great day and don't forger to flush and I don't mean the toilet. :laugh:

    Linda C in the cold cold North brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    After two days of work meetings where the standard thing to do is have a table full of cookies, donuts and chex mix...I DID GOOD!!! LOL....never touched any of it.

    Brought my own healthy snacks and stuck with it! Even when we all met later for dinner (and we usually have a couple of beers), I had water! yeah!

    I keep remembering a saying that my mother had on a plaque years ago:

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

    So, I got through it....and I got to hit the hot tub and relax (felt soooo good with our cold Upper Midwest weather)....

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    After 7 days (including the weekend) of 16 hour work days - non stop - I succumbed. My manager who is in India right now had left her cookies unprotected on her desk. I ate 7 of them!!!

    Is anyone missing me yet? I've had no time to read anything lately. Oh well, today is my last day killing myself.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I know what you are saying I am 49 years old and having many problems with water retention and hormone problems. Dr's have me on meds. and I do not think that is helping. Started Seattle Sutton a week and a half ago and it is helping a little. I am eating about 700 to 1000 calories a day. Just wish there was a cure for menopause weight gain. Everything I have read says hormone therapy is just going to cause more weight gain. Good luck to you and if anyone has any ideas that will help please let us know.

    I tried hormone therapy for a short time, and didn't care for it, so I stopped. My doctor said I'd be back, but I wasn't. I felt so much better without the hormones. Of course, I was also capable of heating a gymnasium in winter all by myself. I called myself Inferna, Goddess of Heat. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm still warmer, unless sick. My mom always said that those hormones lead to breast cancer, because two of her sisters died from it after having taken estrogen shots during "the change." This was in the late 1950's or early 1960s, in the early days of hormone therapy. I told my doctor about her theory, and he said she was likely right. Wisdom came with a price, the loss of my two aunties.:cry: As to weight gain--I had that anyway due to overeating because of stress, and not exercising enough.

    Good luck navigating your way through this time. You'll do fine.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Good Morning, I am in Big GI in Nebraska. I know we need the rain, but I will settle for the 50 degree days.
    If I don't get up in the early morning and work out, I just don't do it. You just can't come up with excuses at 4:40 in the morning.
    And working out that early is just the best way to start the day for me.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Today is the last day for work before I go on vacation for two weeks. Can't wait to get to sunny Mexico where we will be celebrating our four year anniversary. Today is the day of the dreaded "meeting" I've asked for with my bosses to address some issues over the changes that have taken place over the last few years that has made me feel unfulfilled and unappreciated. Dum...da dum dum.....
    Nervous, but I know whatever the outcome, I know I'll feel better that I got to express my feelings.

    :flowerforyou: LinCharpentie - Are you kidding me? A one pound weight loss each week is impressive! Keep up the good work.

    :love: linder4866 - Loved the fuzzy slippers!

    :happy: stardancer7 - Congrats on winning the contest with hubby. Getting to pick a vacation spot is great, but getting healthy is the big prize!

    :devil: glendalight - I totally understand the appeal of pigging out and being a couch potato, but we can't let that stinking thinking invade our thoughts!

    :drinker: RebelRenny - Cheers to going out "AT" lunch!!!

    :smile: Sasha4427 - So happy to hear you are on the road to health.

    Have a wonderful Thursday everyone, and keep fighting the good fight!!!:bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    I have maintained my commitment of averaging 15000 steps per day this month. averaging 15 flights of stairs daily, 60 minutes on the dreadmill daily, averaging 1450 calories daily(not doing so great on this one this week:ohwell: ) 3 liters of water per day and getting chores done more consistently.

    I have a much better frame of mind and my rainbow cloak is working wonders on other aspects of my life. I am just being altogether more positive and it is drawing positive energy my way. (I think the regular dreadmilling may be contributing to that as well)

    Ritter has started digging again and is just being very impish lately. I keep waiting for him to mature a bit more. I have to remind myself he is still young. He has an affinity for my shoelaces. If I leave my shoes within his reach I eventually have nothing to tie them with. And he has gotten very vocal lately. He really talks back when we say no. He makes this sound like a tribble. (Old Star Trek reference):laugh:

    Bodi is his wonderful self as always. He is the bestest yellow dog in the whole wide world. IMHO.

    One more week and then I get to see my daughters and OLIVIA!!!! It is so hard to believe that she will be one year old next week. Time really does just fly by.

    Have a thrilling Thursday everyone.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    very very chilly PNW
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    To all my Vit F's it's Thursday and I'm sooo looking forward to tomorrow:flowerforyou:

    Only a quick HI to everyone. Congrats to those that have lost:drinker: I tip my glass of water to you. For those of you that are exercising daily *high five* and for all of the logging being done:flowerforyou:

    Work continues to wear me down but I made more progress yesterday and am hoping to continue on today. I've misplaced a file and am hoping it turns up today as I would hate to have to recreate all that it has in it:grumble:

    Peanut has loved his week of vacation getting to stay home and sleep with hubby each morning. It ought to make next week a bit interesting as I know he won't want to get out of bed to come to work with me:ohwell:

    Hubby has one more night on graveyard and I know he will be glad when it's over and I will too:wink:

    Must get going and working on these tax reports. Everyone have a GREAT day logging it all the water, the exercise and the food:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado
    It's finally getting warmer we should see the 50's over the next three days....hoping I will warm up some:wink:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I got home late from book club last night (State of Wonder by Ann Patchett), so logged the calories this morning. I must say that I'm feeling rather proud of myself -- I stayed within my calories for the day! It's always hard when there is an "eating" function. Dad is 84 years old today, and we are going to take him to Red Lobster for dinner, his favorite restaurant. He's doing fairly well eating without teeth -- the VA still hasn't even given us an appointment to begin the dentures. He wants an Angel Food cake with strawberries, so that shouldn't be too bad.

    Lin – I loved the bunny slippers – so cute! Hooray for zipping the winter coat!! Since you’re doing a virtual walk, I thought you might be interested in reading about a real one. My friend, Polly Letofsky, spent 5 years walking around the world to raise awareness for breast cancer. Her book is called “3 MPH.” She writes extremely well and it’s a fun read.

    Texasgal – Hope you got that shopping time in yesterday – one of my favorite occupations!

    Stardancer – Let us know if you come to Denver. There are so many things to see and do here.

    Positivepower – If I did the math correctly, that translates into a 5 lb. loss. Great job!! :flowerforyou:

    Linda C – Slow and steady wins the race. 6 weeks of consecutive losses is wonderful! :flowerforyou:

    Renny – The “circle of life” is something that I think about a lot, now that I’m old enough to be more introspective. My condolences to your friend on her loss.

    Lila – So glad that your check-up went well! :smile:

    Cheryl – It sounds like you’ve been practically killing yourself at work. I’m glad that things are about to slow down. We’ve missed hearing from you!

    LucyT4dieting – Good luck with your meeting today, and have fun in Mexico! Where do you go? We spend a lot of time in Playa del Carmen. :glasses:

    Robin – You are amazing!!!

    Jane in Colorado
  • ShrimpMe
    ShrimpMe Posts: 84 Member
    Okay so I started to write down notes to respond to the various posts and found that I am not that organized. Heck, I do good to log my food and exercise so who was I trying to kid. You ladies are better than I am at the individual responses which are awesome!

    Just some random thoughts from the last 2 pages of posts...

    Thank you!!!! Ya'll make me smile.
    Many wonderful things are happening for alot of us..Yay!!!
    Some of our ladies need our continued support during this time so here's an extra helping of Vit F and encouragement
    My hair is brunette (with some highlights .....grey highlights) and it sounds like fun so I'm signing up for the Color Blaze.

    Make it a great day!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies. I agree, Laura – long week, long weekend! Yay. Yesterday I got a surprise crown – had a cracked tooth that started to crumble and infect the next tooth . . . fortunately my dentist rocks and got me in and out in an hour and fifteen minutes, pain free. The only drawback is he does that dentist thing of asking me a question with all the tools in my mouth. I called him on it :smile:. Now I hope the temp crown lasts until next month when I go in for the mold. It was a little uncomfortable sleeping last night, and DH and the kids were laughing at me when I was trying to eat soup last night, but pffft :laugh:.

    Laura, I hope the missing file shows up and work starts to ease up. For you and me lol.

    Robin, GREAT job on keeping up the steps! That’s terrific. Getting all the water in is still a struggle for me too, but I’ve been doing pretty good overall on it – so just keep chugging whenever you think about it. And another terrific benefit – you’re keeping a good attitude about work. Dogs go through teenagehood too – my kitty, who is 4+ years old still races around the house every morning like a kitten. Enjoy it while you can :laugh:.

    Lucy, have a WONDERFUL time on your vacation! I’ll be virtually sunning myself with you – but not in a weird, stalking way :laugh:. Best wishes on your meeting with your bosses – at least they’ll have some time to think about it even if they can’t give you any solid fixes today.

    Katla, LOL at Inferna.

    Cheryl, there’s that stress eating again. However, I would say 16-hour work days deserve some cookies! I’m glad it’s the last day of killing yourself – we’ve missed you!

    Julie, congrats on resisting temptation. I have a rule I picked up somewhere along the way: If I’m going to have a treat, it’s going to be something that makes my mouth absolutely salivate. Stale donuts and plain old bagels just don’t do it. I’m also noticing I’m not missing wine right now at all – I notice it when I’ve cut sugar out that I also lose that need for wine-thirty.

    Amanda, my husband notices the same thing when he’s not drinking – he always wonders why he’s friends with his derelict friends :laugh:. Wow, it’s been seven weeks already? I hope you had fun with him.

    Lila, so glad to hear your post-op visit went well! That’s a huge sigh of relief.

    Sally, thanks for the snack ideas. I have a lot of those in my regular rotation – I think my issue is that I try to keep snacks around 100 cals but it’s just not enough.

    Gail, your food plan sounds great! You’ll be losing weight if you keep it up like that.

    LizM, glad to hear you’re finally on the mend – it’s been a long, hard winter, hasn’t it?

    Renny, you’re WALKING!!! I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s loss, and congratulations on your other friend’s birth – yes, life and death.

    Barbie, whew! Glad you got to relax finally, although with the bike?

    TCL, your calories sound way too low. You’ll start to feel better and keep your immune system stronger if you’re eating at least 1200 calories of nutrient-rich foods – good luck!

    Meg, wow, five hours? That’s a long time to yap at anyone :laugh:. Having a low age is a good thing, right?

    LindaC – congratulations on another pound gone! Great, great work. Give yourself a pat on the back!

    Lin in IA, I told DH about the virtual walk thinking he and his pals at work would enjoy it at work (they run at lunch). Thanks for that – he’s thrilled! Congratulations on squeezing into the coat – you’re right, it’s probably just the extra sweaters that are making it tight this year, but next year it’ll be loose!

    JaneH, happy birthday (again) to your father today. Have a wonderful visit with him and your brother. LOL at not having cake = not having a Christmas tree. Now I’ve converted DSD to GCC, so she would be majorly disappointed if I didn’t make a cake on Sunday.

    Jb, I like your Treetrunk workout! I’m looking for more to do inside, but I’m not sure I’m going to keep adding on – there are only so many minutes in a day :laugh:. I think I’ll keep the max at two hours/day unless it’s a gardening day or something. I will keep doing this for the rest of my life though – it’s crucial!

    Ellie, yay for picking out the vacation destination. Be sure you check out all of the fun things to do in Denver and around the area – it’s fabulous in the summer!

    Judy, congratulation on those holiday helpers moving on out!

    OK, back to work. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!!!!

    I got in my two classes last night..set the alarm to get to another class this morning..hit the snooze..sore, good sore..now I should just get to work. Meeting a co worker for lunch to help with her training..not part of my job, but I can't let people just flounder around because we have no real training program in our company! I will probably get to the gym tonight. :happy:

    I have a job interview next week..couldn't sleep last night because I saw on my personal e-mail the new company had sent me more info..bene package and another application to fill out!!! If my job isn't bad enough selling food..this new job will be selling French Fries!!!! Fun Times :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Lin ~ AMAZING you go girl!!! Also thanks for the Virtual Walk Across America!!! I book marked it...I am not walking as much as I use to, more gym, however it could get me back to adding in riding my new bike I bought in July and my hikes etc. THANKS
    :flowerforyou: Deb ~ Welcome - keep coming back . I am new this month and these Girls are GREAT. Sounds like you are doing all the right things!
    :happy: SueB ~ WOW cracking Pecans sounds like some kind of calorie burn??!!!!
    :bigsmile: JB ~ I need to look back at your poem and find out what Vit F is :smile:
    :flowerforyou: Meg ~ GREAT job on you Wii Yoga! Keep it up
    :bigsmile: Julie ~ YAHOO!!!!! Great job ingnoring the goodie table. Sound like a Great Day
    :noway: Katie ~ Yikes on the hormone therapy - I haven't entertained it however my Goddess of Hear is visiting me more often lately!! So happy it's winter. Not sure what I will do in the summer!!!!
    :happy: Lucy ~ You will have a great VK after getting that work meeting in the past and voicing your thoughts! I hope you will have time to let us know how it went befor you go! Have a great time...don't forget your sunblock! :glasses:
    :flowerforyou: Jane H ~ Happy Birthday to your Dad! Sounds like a nice evening. That was my Mom's fav restaurant too :cry: How's your foot???

    Well girls I better get to work. Make someone's day and most important MAKE GOOD CHOICES :drinker:

  • librfun
    librfun Posts: 1 Member

    Starting over again...last year I stopped smoking, this year I am determined to improve health. Looking forward to checking out this blog and getting support/tips.

  • Razbet
    Razbet Posts: 14 Member
    I thought I would check out this topic since I am 50+(54 to be exact) . This looks like a great way to commiserate with people my own age that are trying to slim down as well.

    Well last night I had my first training session with my fitness expert Jillian Michaels. You are probably wondering how I managed that! Actually "Jillian" as I have now nicknamed her is my daughter Heather who is 31. She is training for fitness competitions and has agreed to help me shed the weight and get in shape! Last night made me realize that I need to get to work. I thought she was going to KILL me with upper body weight training. She was floored when I informed her that I had never trained with weights before. That made me feel pretty old!LOL Well, this is going to be a journey for me. :)
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Awww. You ladies are so nice.:flowerforyou: :drinker: . So many words of encouragement yesterday. How could a girl not be reinvigorated. I so appreciate it. I took a nice brisk and chilly 2 mile walk yesterday. The cold air (15) really makes you feel alive and I thought about all the things said. I'm just going to have to reevaluate in a week if the scale still isn't moving. You'ld think with all this new exercise and keeping my cals at 1400 things would move, but if I have to go down to 1200 to loose I will. But I have such a long journey ahead, that seems to low of calories to start off with. But I'll give it another week and see how it goes.
    I went to a yoga class today for the first time. After a half hour I was pouring sweat. Felt good to do something new. I like mixing it up with my exercise. And I'm drinking my water.... what more can a girl do.

    Lin, that virtual walk across America sounds so interesting. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the link
    Linda C, way to go again on your weight loss at tops. You go girl
    Meg, I always convince myself to enjoy my muscle aches that comes from exercise. It means we have pushed another muscle group out of it's comfort zone, and thats a good thing.
    TLC, i think someone else mentioned this, but 700 to 1000 calories seems to low to me too. Eat more, and I hope you get some help with your fluctuating hormone issues. That can really do a number on you.
    Colleen, hi friend. Have a good day, even though you are super busy.
    Barbie, you are amazing in the exercise department. I'm kind of tired just reading your update. :yawn:
    Kackie, have a great day. By the way, interesting name. Is that your real name or a nickname? Never heard of Kackie before.
    Renny, way to go on taking on a 10k run challenge for the spring. Have you done any runs before?
    Liz, glad you a re feeling better. I had bronchitis, pneumonia and a sinus infection in November. Took me a month to get back to myself.
    Gail, hope you had a great nights sleep.
    Sally, thanks for the encouragement yesterday. Yes this is a good board, these women have all been there and done it. Their advise and help really is good.
    Lila, blessings and healing to you. Glaad for the good report. My DH would have loved to drink to your health. He's a bit of a scotch officinado himself.
    Dee, Dee, and Katia, good day to you both.
    Good day to Amanda also. So you are a "londoner". Love the times i Have visited. Do you work in an art gallery?
    Linda C, hi to you also. Is it really 34 below zero where you are? Holy Pete, that's cold.
    Julie, good job on resisting the temptation and plannin ahead to have your own healthy snack.
    Wessecg, sorry about the cookies. Sometimes a girl just has to have them.
    Katia, and Lucy, thanks also for your kind words. Have a good day you two.
    Robin, I'm amazed at the amount of steps you get in every day. You just must walk, and walk, and walk. When I counted steps, I never came anywhere near that. Good for you
    Laura, good day to you, what part of Colorado do you live in. What a beautiful state. Enjoyed it multiple times.
    Jane, great on keeping with your calories while you were out. Do you love your bookclub? Mine meets tomorrow. I love mine. Oh how I love to get lost in my books.
    Shrimp me,,,, What's a color blaze?
    M, sorry about the crown, Aren't those Dentist's crazy? Why do they do that?
    Judy, a new job sounds exciting. Hope it's a good promotion for you.
    CG, best of luck with your plans for the new year, and congratulations on the quitting smoking. Major accomplishment.
    Razbet, how lucky for you that you have your own personal trainer in the family. Hopefully she doesn't charge you. Good luck with your efforts.

    Have a great day everyone Drink your water, they say that is part of the secret of success, That is the way the body flushes the fat out of your body, once you have burned off a pound. So if you work hard to loose it, you want to get it out of you. Take care you all.

    Karen From Mi.
  • Happy Thursday Ladies!

    To the other Liz who is joining the Y. I did that too and it was the best decision I ever made. In my Y, they have a 7 week Lose to Win program which helped to jump start my recent journey. You have a group of six that meets twice a week with a trainer so you get to learn how to use the machines as well as other exercises. There is something to be said for the comraderie of others as you suffer through wall sits. And since I am a glutton for punishment I am on my third straight session with the same trainer.

    I am heading for my first "land" Zumba class either tonight or tomorrow night depending on when I finish working. Since I am prodigiously uncoordinated I practiced for the last month in aqua zumba classes at the Y. It's a great way to decide if you might like Zumba with all your moves done under water (where no one else can see them).

    Enjoy the day!!

    Liz from CT
  • I am thrilled that someone else is reading me.
    Thank you Positivepower.
    I have been doing good for me, so tomorrow I get my hair made-over.
    I can't wait.
    How about you all? Short hair or Long?
    I am going from Medium to Short, but not pixie short.
    And of coarse the gray has to go..............!!!!
  • Wait until tomorrow, it's going to h-u-r-t! I started the same thing a couple of years ago (I'm 55 now) with a lovely trainer at my local studio. I never exercised before but boy, was it worth it. I am overweight but so much fitter than ever before - and I actually enjoy exercising, after being allergic to it all my life:happy: . Keep it going!