Fasting to loose 10 pounds



  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    How about we make a deal? Eat at MFP recommended calories for 2 weeks and see how much you drop in weight? I bet it will be close to your 10 pound number. The first week you will put out big numbers because of losing water weight anyway even without the fast. :flowerforyou:

    its not that I want to fast to loos weight persay but to gain self control and motivation, I heard others say that fasting helped them with that. thats what I need really bad, and right now I cant seem to say ok thats enough, I am scared! I dont want to be 300 pounds, I fugure after a couple days of only eating fruits and veggies I will feel so much better, my spine will feel better cause I will be lighter, and I will have the motivation to carry the rest of this healthyfuilly at like 2000 cals a day

    What are these people weighing it at these days?

    Really eat at the recommendation for 2 weeks you will likely get your 10 lbs and therefore the same self control and motivation. You need protein you are not going to get that from you fruit and veggies!

    If you do it for 2 weeks and don't get the results what have you lost?
  • initforlife_clc
    Why did you post the topic if you didn't want advice? It sounds like you've already made up your mind, which is fine but you're wasting peoples time on the forums if you don't listen and justify your actions. A lot of people on this site have had the amazing success you're striving for so why not listen?

  • whovian88
    whovian88 Posts: 39 Member
    You say you don't want to lose weight, and that's your main issue mentally. You don't want to be 300lbs but you still need to lose weight in order to gain control of you life. Fasting may help you for a week but after only eating nothing but fruits and veggies you will only lose water weight. After the week is over, if you've lost the 10lbs or not, from what I've been reading you're planning on going on a normal diet and possible exercise routine, within reason since you have a spinal injury. After fasting and eating only fruits and veggies, unless you're planning to stay vegetarian, going back to regular foods you will probably gain weight back especially if you continue to eat fast food as much as say you do. Your body will not know how to respond properly and will retain because it will not be used to what you're doing to it. Once you start getting into a proper regimen of dieting your body may take a few weeks to adjust and you will lose water weight during that time. As long as you stick with it in the long term your weight will start to drop DRASTICALLY. There are no quick fixes because the moment you stop your body will go back exactly the way it was. Also, fasting will not make you feel better or any lighter even if you lose 10lbs. Many people say they became grumpy, and felt awful because they're body was not responding well to the fast. Please do a little more research before beginning something like this. Like I said earlier, Motivation needs to happen day 1 whether you lose any weight or gain a little. As long as you stick with it and continue taking baby steps, instead of giant drastic leaps, you will lose the weight. That's a 100% promise!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You say you don't want to lose weight, and that's your main issue mentally. You don't want to be 300lbs but you still need to lose weight in order to gain control of you life. Fasting may help you for a week but after only eating nothing but fruits and veggies you will only lose water weight. After the week is over, if you've lost the 10lbs or not, from what I've been reading you're planning on going on a normal diet and possible exercise routine, within reason since you have a spinal injury. After fasting and eating only fruits and veggies, unless you're planning to stay vegetarian, going back to regular foods you will probably gain weight back especially if you continue to eat fast food as much as say you do. Your body will not know how to respond properly and will retain because it will not be used to what you're doing to it. Once you start getting into a proper regimen of dieting your body may take a few weeks to adjust and you will lose water weight during that time. As long as you stick with it in the long term your weight will start to drop DRASTICALLY. There are no quick fixes because the moment you stop your body will go back exactly the way it was. Also, fasting will not make you feel better or any lighter even if you lose 10lbs. Many people say they became grumpy, and felt awful because they're body was not responding well to the fast. Please do a little more research before beginning something like this. Like I said earlier, Motivation needs to happen day 1 whether you lose any weight or gain a little. As long as you stick with it and continue taking baby steps, instead of giant drastic leaps, you will lose the weight. That's a 100% promise!

    There's a lot of truth to this. My body did not respond well when I would be on 1200 calories through the week and then try to eat 1800~ calories (perfectly reasonable for my height/weight) on the weekends. I would basically insta-gain back anything I had lost, and it was extremely frustrating. I fought with it for about six months before I started reading and educating myself, listening to successful people and seeing what they've done that has and has not worked for them. Once I upped my calories and maintained 1500-1700 calories a day and included regular activity (which is important, I have a desk job) ... and stuck with it for a few months, I dropped an extremely stubborn 10lbs and then some.

    I think (although I have not read back over the entire thread... so, just from what I've seen) OP's reason for wanting to fast is because she is a binge-eater and exposure to certain foods can be triggers for a binge. I can understand being totally fed up with wanting results but continuing to fall to your vices over and over, getting frustrated, and going to extremes to try to change it, only to end up at square 1 again. The cycle is extremely damaging to your self-esteem and you start to feel like it doesn't matter what you do, when in actuality you just have to break the cycle. The answer most people would give is "eat right and exercise" - which is exactly correct, but the transitional process can be difficult because of the emotional and psychological ties people have with food. That doesn't mean it still isn't the right answer, it means she has psychological hurdles to overcome to get to that point. A lot of people do, and there are many reasons for it. but just like any element of our lives, it is conquerable if we believe it is and take the appropriate steps. We are more powerful than we know.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Fast if you want for no more than 3-5 days. But when you're done, make sure you're not going back to whatever you're doing right now that isn't working, since you already have this track record that it's not working.

    What's your BMR and TDEE? What's your average calories for a week? If you're close to 300#, your BMR could be 2000 or more. Do you eat at least that much every day?

    Last year I lost 30 pounds in three months by excersie and eating around 2000 to 1500, I want to go back to that but I cant get myself motivated so I was going to push myself past 10 pounds then i can loos the extra 100

    There is no "HOPEFULLY". There either is or there isn't. I started out at 324, and it was fcking hard! Obviously I still have a long journey ahead! Its going to be hard and its going to be uncomfortable but if you want it bad enough you WILL do it. You don't need to lose 10 pounds to "get the ball rolling". You need to stand up and roll that damn ball yourself! There is not hopefully because YOU are in control of what goes into your mouth, not the food. If you can't exercise right now, don't exercise. But don't use your injury as an excuse for gaining weight. You don't need a cleanse or a detox or a fast or a magic pill. You just need determination. I'm not sure you're there yet. Once you decide your health is more important than all that yummy food (and trust me, I know....Me and yummy food go WAY back!), you will start making permanent changes to change your life.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    OK, I have read EVERYBODIES it's MY TURN...I gained 90 lbs with my last pregnancy and thought I was WAY TOO HEAVY...I am only 4'11", so ANY weight in that amount is bad..I weighed about 200 lbs at that point... I lived in the country and had a garden and canned my own spring, I had the opportunity to get a quantity of I canned up a ton of grape juice...I then decided to use this to lose weight...I had ONLY this for all my meals or snacks and then at night a regular meal wth the family.. I lost a significant amount of weight, 50 lbs...but then I got sick...I was weak, fatigued, pale, my fingers hurt, my muscles hurt, I was really not doing very good..what hapened was I didn't get enough nutrients.during the time I was on this "FAST" took a long time to bring my body back from the mal-nutrition state I was in...when I went back to regular eating, even tho I was NOT BUYING all crap, I gained the weight back...I eventually got back up to 219 lbs, which i where I was 2 years ago when I decided enough was enough...

    I started out by buying a good diet protein powder (the one I got was soy based). that I mixed wth water and then tried to cut back on my portions...I DID NOT EXERCISE THOUGH THAT WOULD HAVE GOTTEN BETTER AND QUICKER RESULTS...I have slowly lost almost 40 lbs in that time..I did however in the last year start tohave some probem with food alergies/sensiivites, and had to adjust my diet looks like now, I am having gluten issues..don'know if this has been all my life or whether it is more recent..but anyway, when I started using this protein shake fo rbreakfast, I found that I wasn't quite as hungry as I was before. I still had issues where if I had a donut, then I would have another, and then another..or if I bought a big bag of TWIZZLERS, I would eat the whole thing...after awhile, I was able to take just one donut.,evntualy I just did not go to the lunchroom when it was offered me.. I.used to donate to the fund for the goodeis, and BECAUSE OF THAT I FELT ENTITLED. I stopped donating, and NOW I can resist without any problems..this is how I slowly made the change..and I don't keep anything in the house that I have a problem limiting my ths point, do not deny myself if I want something, but if I am buying it, I buy smalelr bags of the item, and if it is a trigger food, I buy ONLY ONE SMALL PKG at a time...and this helps me with portion control..
    the point that I am trying to make,is that you need the nutrients or you will not feel or do well...and you will be hungry if you decide to do the fast you are takling because you are not getting what you need, you will end up in a binge

    personally I eat what my body needs, which is NUTRIENT DENSE, and light in calories if possible..I stay close to my goal of 1200 cals, sometimes I go over...I don't exercise much at this point because I was in a car accident last month, and still sore from that..of course that doesn't excuse me from the fact that didn't exercise before that..I have a desk job..

    MY I COULD GO ON FOREVER,SORRY....if you are still on here, and would like a friend, send me a request...would be glad to add you.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Here is my story: I have done the fruits and veggies fasting for 10 days and lost 7 lbs. I felt great and was very happy with the result and i was able to manintain the lbs lost for 2 months. (But after the 10 days, I stopped losing) So I started eating what I want thinking that "I know my body". I thought if I did it once, I can do it again. It should be easy. I had the same thought as you. Then my weight started to come back and when I got back to my initial weight, I figured I will do the fasting again. Only this time, it didnt work and I didnt feel good with just fruits and veggies. By the time I got out of the fast, my energy was low, my skin looked dull and I craved meat. That made me gained more weight. 3 months passed, I am at my all time high on weight. So I started exercising and tried to do the fast again, only this time, I was only able to do it for 2 days before my body said "screw it".

    in the back of my mind, I keep thinking that if I did it once, I can do it again with the quick fix so I let myself go. There is no motivation. I am just lying to myself and my body. I also have few other friends that did the same thing, the weight all came back and more.
  • JuicyKey31
    Fasting is usually for a religious reasoning & not just to loose weight, but I just had my yearly church fast & guess what it will not help you to loose in a good way! If you do a fruit & veggie fast which is very healthy but you still should eat at least 6 small meals per day breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack! Fasting could also lead to weight gain depending on your body & work out program, you may need to try & do light work outs ask your doctor or a physical therapist what can you do for a work out becase of your injury!
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    You asked for advice but it appears you don't really want it because you keep coming back with all these "reasons " why you have to fast. So just do it. If it doesn't work you can always come back on here and try the suggestions these nice people offered
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Let's see, SPINAL INJURY. Eating only fruits and vegetables for several days, getting in almost no protein or fat, both of which are required for any kind of healing to happen. Go ahead, make yourself much worse if you really want to, it's on you. Everybody here has given you solid advice, but if you don't want to hear it, it's on you. An injury of any kind needs protein and fat (as well as carbs) to assist in the healing process. If you take a week or two and decide you aren't going to eat any protein and fat, your injury will be unable to heal, and will most likely deteriorate quickly.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    You wont loose anything on a fruit and vegetable fast if your still eating more than your tdee.
  • Kellyeee2013
    If you are not going to accept advise from people YOU ASKED who have been working hard and actually DOING IT and think you have it all figured out because you did it before and your mom did it etc, then why are you asking and arguing? Looks like you got your answer.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Either you want to lose weight and get healthy or you don't. If you aren't motivated now a fast isn't going to change that.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    After a quick fast comes quick weight gain. I think resetting things with eating fruits and veggies for a few days is not a bad idea though. It could possibly get you on a really good track downwards. I would suggest you also put the scale away for a while, work your butt off, and then come back to the scale. Sometimes it gets in our way when it doesn't give us the results we want. I used to be a big girl and now people are calling me petite. It can be done but you have to find the motivation from within. If a fast helps jumpstart you, you know yourself better than we do. I use fasting every day, only eating one veggies and fruit packed meal a day with a bit of protein. I found this lifestyle through trial and error as I am a volume eater and this keeps my eating in control. You are at the beginning of the journey. It can be frustrating at times with lots of ups and downs. Find a good friend base and try to find the fire within you to want a more quality life for yourself. Otherwise, you will keep climbing. It isn't easy but it is sooo worth it. You might just find a new and better you along the way. Good luck.