Join me in a round of P90X beginning 4/26/10



  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    I did my Core today day one looking forward to day two.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    Thanks to all of you for joining me! Just think, only 89 days left now! :tongue:
  • cpatt
    cpatt Posts: 38 Member
    I completed Day 1 of Classic today, Back and Chest w/ AbRipper. 1 down, 89 to go :)
  • docjoe
    docjoe Posts: 65 Member
    Day 3, arm/shoulders/abripper-X in the bag. Wow does abripper X make me feel inadequate! My goal is to finish the full disk with minimal breaks by the end. My hip flexors are the weak link at the moment! Had some major crampage of my feet at the end, think I didn't eat enough today (calories were only about 1000 in retrospect) and probably didn't drink enough. Had a protein shake with a banana and slice of wheat bread and PB following, feel better now.

    Think I'm going to go for a long run tomorrow instead of Yoga-X, I just can't face that program!
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I started a teeny bit earlier (I'm on day 12).I'm doing the classic version. Mind if I still join this group? I could really use the extra motivation and support!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I started a teeny bit earlier (I'm on day 12).I'm doing the classic version. Mind if I still join this group? I could really use the extra motivation and support!
    Not at all. Get on in here! :happy:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Well no Plyo for me. I have to keep my cardio lower impact for awhile.

    Dr said I need to work on my leg strengh and my stablity to help my knees,(fluid on the knees). i also need to give my leg some time to heal and when I do workout I have to do a long warm-up before hand.

    Just means I have to subsitute something for plyo. I might put in Turbo Jam, until I feel I can handle the Cardo X. ( the only thing that worries me about Cardo X is that there is a Plyo section, otherwise I would do it.)

    Glad to hear everyone is off to a good start.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    A general question:

    Which program are you doing? Have you done both programs? And which do you prefer?

    I'm only curious, I am doing the lean program, and it seems like a lot of people (including females) chose to do the classic. Please share your opinion. Thanks in advance.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am doing the classic version, mostly because I want to build more muscle mass. That and I need to keep the impact on my legs to a minimum.

    I have not done both programs, this is just my logic for why I picked the classic.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am doing lean, I have heard that it is more for losing weight than classic because it incorporates more cardio. I don't know how accurate that really is the main difference is that you have strength 3 days a week with classic and two days a week with lean. My plan is to do the 90 days of lean and then move to classic for the next 90 days.

    That is if I don't get completely depressed because I am gaining weight and not eating very well right now.
  • swo_01
    swo_01 Posts: 2 Member
    First day down! I finished Core yesterday - will be doing the lean program. I'm really glad that I found the group!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Finished Day 2 this morning (Cardio X). Am I supposed to also do the Ab Ripper on the same day? Tony mentioned toward the end of the DVD that if you were doing the Lean program, this should be your second workout.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I have done both Classic and Lean versions. I think you can get great results from either; it's how you eat that makes the biggest difference in weight loss. I am doing Classic this time for a couple of reasons: I wanted to challenge myself more (Lean is a little easier in my opinion), and I want to focus more on strength. I'd been doing Slim in 6 and Slim Series since August (loved them!) and lost 25 pounds, so cardio has been front and center for a long time for me.

    But, like I said, either is great! I seriously considered doing Lean again, but when it was decision time, I chose Classic. It could have gone either way. :-)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    P.S. I am SO sore this morning, but in a good way!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Finished Day 2 this morning (Cardio X). Am I supposed to also do the Ab Ripper on the same day? Tony mentioned toward the end of the DVD that if you were doing the Lean program, this should be your second workout.

    I did Cardio X today as well & I took Tony's comments of this being "your second workout" as this is your second day.... that's how I understood it. Also, the schedule for Lean just shows Cardio X today. ... so I think we're done!! :wink:
  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    I did Legs and Back yesterday, those wall squats are killer! 3rd time doing Ab ripper this go round, and it is still hard as all get out. Glad everyone is doing well and feeling positive!!
  • dmdinfla
    dmdinfla Posts: 19 Member
    Started day 1 (Classic) yesterday. I've been doing a beach boot camp workout on since Feb 22. (Lactic acid intensity training-only 20 to 30 minutes-hardly any resting, exercises similar to p90x) I've gone from 37% body fat and 185 lbs to 31.8% and 179 lbs today. Not bad but I've been at a plateau for two weeks. Working on diet changes... Hoping p90x will 'bump' me off plateau and kick my #*!% Day 1 wasn't too bad. Gotta use bands for pull-ups for now. Ab ripper was pretty tough though!
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    I have completed my workout for the day and truly feel what I have been doing! I am so excited to feel the difference. Just so you all know, I am doing the lean version. My goal is to gain some strength, tone up, and lose the last 15-20 pounds. I don't want to bulk up at all and look muscular so I chose lean. Don't know if it makes much of a difference but I enjoy cardio so I am happy with my choice! :) Have a great week everyone! Can't wait to watch Biggest Loser tonight!

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • annalisa85
    Cardio was rough today! I am so sore but will continue on! Hope everyone has a great workout today!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I am about to go do Plyo, the only workout that truly intimidates me. I am determined to conquer my fear!