Join me in a round of P90X beginning 4/26/10



  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I did Shoulders & Arms this morning but opted out of Ab Ripper because I am so freaking sore. I am nursing some pain in my lower back and some of the ab exercises really hurt (like the banana move). I did take my daughter and dog out for a 30 minute walk after lunch though, and then helped to work out some of the soreness. I am a bit intimidated by the Yoga tomorrow, I've heard a lot of BAD things about it and the moves that I've done so far this week were really difficult (coordination is NOT my strong point). I am trying to keep an open mind for it though. :tongue:
  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    So my boyfriends gpa was having open heart surgery this morning. We went to visit and got back from the hospital too late for me to do Kenpo X. I counted yesterday as my day of rest and am going to do Kenpo tonight! I was so sore this morning from the day of rest, which was funny to me because the only exercise I got yesterday was walking at work.
  • alisal0113
    I will definitely be listening to what my body wants throughout this time and back off if necessary, but I am actually backing down my workout schedule when starting P90X. I went from working out 3-4 times a day to 2-3 times a day. This week I'm only doing Ramp It Up though. We will see how I feel the first day I start doing Burn It Up again. :ohwell: I'm ready for CardioX tonight!
  • kiksuyapi
    I'm in, a couple days late but ready to go. Chest & Back was awesome, I can see why this program WORKS!
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    If there is one workout I absolutely dread, it's chest and back. I really pushed myself today though and tried to increase from what I did last week (jot those numbers down!). Those diamond pushups though, killer. And sometimes when I'm doing the dive bombers I feel like my head is going to explode! Gotta remember to breathe.

    I'm still using the chair for the pull up bar. They just don't seem to be getting any easier. It's only the 3rd week of doing it so I'm' hoping that with time it will get better!

    I ran 3 miles today too so the abripperX workout was tough because my legs/hip flexors were so tired! Those V-UPS!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Ok I will admit that I hate doing Yoga, mostly because of the time comitment. So I managed to talk myself out of it this morning. I am hoping when I get home from work that I will at least do the first hour.

    I am however, looking forward to legs and back tomorrow. For some reason this if my favorite workout of the whole program.

    hope everyone had better luck getting yoga done than I did.
  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    If there is one workout I absolutely dread, it's chest and back. I really pushed myself today though and tried to increase from what I did last week (jot those numbers down!). Those diamond pushups though, killer. And sometimes when I'm doing the dive bombers I feel like my head is going to explode! Gotta remember to breathe.

    I'm still using the chair for the pull up bar. They just don't seem to be getting any easier. It's only the 3rd week of doing it so I'm' hoping that with time it will get better!

    I ran 3 miles today too so the abripperX workout was tough because my legs/hip flexors were so tired! Those V-UPS!

    I have chest and back today! dive bombers suck and rule at the same time!! I know what you mean about holding your breath. I try not to, but a lot of times I do not even realize I am doing it. Keep up the good work!
  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    Kenpo last night and boy are my legs and butt hurting. I love it!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    Well, today is Yoga X. I am looking forward to seeing how it goes after not having done it for so long. I'm actually kind of excited! And if I get discouraged, I'll remind myself that at least I don't have to do Ab Ripper X today! :tongue:

    Friday and Saturday are my two favorites: Legs & Back and Kenpo. A rest day Sunday will be nice too! And then Monday brings Chest & Back. I wonder if I'll ever be able to do an unassisted pull-up? Maybe, maybe not, but I won't stop trying!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I did the first 60 minutes of Yoga this morning (DD woke up too early today!). It was tough!! There were quite a few moves that I couldn't do at all but I tried and I guess that is what is important. :tongue:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I was right in remembering Yoga X was challenging, but I did it, and it felt great! I stumbled a few times, but not too bad. Four days down, 86 to go.
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    Are you guys following the P90X nutrition guide or doing your own calorie counting, etc?

    Will I not see as good of results if I just do my own thing?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    Are you guys following the P90X nutrition guide or doing your own calorie counting, etc?

    Will I not see as good of results if I just do my own thing?
    I'm doing my own thing. I know lots of people swear by the nutrition guide, but I followed it before and didn't feel like it suited me at all. It can be a useful tool if someone really doesn't know what to do, but I feel like I have a very good handle on my food and am liking the results I'm getting using the tools here on MFP.
  • annalisa85
    So I screwed up my week by doing Yoga yesterday so today I did Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper. I'm gonna switch and do Kenpo tomorrow so I can even out the week and will make sure to not mess up next week.

    Shoulders & Arms was ok today but the Ab Ripper was tough. I definitely feel the burn!
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    Week 3, Day 2 for me today. You know what that means....PLYO.

    For some reason plyo felt more difficult today than it did last week. I'm going to contribute that to the MN humidity we're feeling here. I was DRENCHED! And I had every single window open and all fans blowing. Even shed as many layers as I could. I can only imagine what it'll be like in JULY!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Finished Legs & Back this morning. Still do not have a pull up bar so I couldn't do any, I tried to do some pushups instead. Tough workout, I burned 450 calories! :wink:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I managed to finish legs & Back this morning also. I think the reason I like it so much is because he never repeats a leg exercise. I was feeling a little wobbly after words.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I'm looking forward to doing Legs & Back this morning. I love working legs!
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    I'm checking in, I haven't started the program, my mom got sick last week and has been in the hospital, this is my first time home since Monday morning. If things go well I am going to start next Monday.

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I hope your mom is doing better!