
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    so it's been about three weeks... jeez, i wonder what happens to women every 28 days? maybe it's that????


    Really? Did we just go there?? MEN...
    Please. "MEN" nothing. I was thinking the same thing.
  • I hear your pain..it is beyond frustrating to work so hard and see nothing..or not what your brain thinks it should be…it will come off …. please give it more time…your body is still adjusting to all this new "ROUTINE" good food versus what you had been eating and now exercise too..your body needs time to get used to it.. when it gets used to your new routine and knows and believes you are not going to starve it it will drop weight and the chunks will melt off. You need to feed your body too… I just watched a show and they discussed this very thing…feed your body when doing exercise…. limiting food intake while exercising is a fail fail all around… try it and see what happens… add more protein when doing cardio and or strength training and fruits and veggies…. you are doing great….your body will catch up to your brain before too long!! Keep going .. you are doing fabulous!! :)
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    Hi, You have to read about the chemistry of weight loss, muscles, fat... water retention, effects of sodium..... and you can't stay in " starvation mode.".... You have to eat, exercise , calm down.... do some yoga or meditate for an hour a day....... and don't worry..... You are on the right track. It is shocking to see the scale number go up... but you might notice you are losing inches and clothes fit better!!! freaky,.... but it has a lot to do with losing fat and gaining muscle, which weighs a lot... Read all of the supportive posts..... Know that you are not alone..... and you will be fine..... You have to wait about 5 to 6 weeks to see the difference ... ie five weeks of consistent correct eating, exercise, sleep, and keeping yourself calm. beause stress does not help......

    Thank you, regardless of that stupid scale, I do feel tons better just knowing I'm at least doing something good for my body...
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    1) get better educated on what you need to do, unlike this person...
    2) EAT ALL THE FOODZ, like the Cookie Monster...it's unhealthy to be under 1200 calories...
    3) PATIENCE!!!!!!!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    P.S. And let me just say your motivation is motivating! :happy:
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    I hear your pain..it is beyond frustrating to work so hard and see nothing..or not what your brain thinks it should be…it will come off …. please give it more time…your body is still adjusting to all this new "ROUTINE" good food versus what you had been eating and now exercise too..your body needs time to get used to it.. when it gets used to your new routine and knows and believes you are not going to starve it it will drop weight and the chunks will melt off. You need to feed your body too… I just watched a show and they discussed this very thing…feed your body when doing exercise…. limiting food intake while exercising is a fail fail all around… try it and see what happens… add more protein when doing cardio and or strength training and fruits and veggies…. you are doing great….your body will catch up to your brain before too long!! Keep going .. you are doing fabulous!! :)

    Thank you for the kind words. You're AWESOME!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    1) get better educated on what you need to do, unlike this person...
    2) EAT ALL THE FOODZ, like the Cookie Monster...it's unhealthy to be under 1200 calories...
    3) PATIENCE!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, for heaven's sake...That actually looks like something that I would have tried once. *face palm* Too funny...
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    1) get better educated on what you need to do, unlike this person...
    2) EAT ALL THE FOODZ, like the Cookie Monster...it's unhealthy to be under 1200 calories...
    3) PATIENCE!!!!!!!!!

  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    so it's been about three weeks... jeez, i wonder what happens to women every 28 days? maybe it's that????


    Really? Did we just go there?? MEN...
    Please. "MEN" nothing. I was thinking the same thing.

    WOOHOO! I knew my bulky calves looked mannish!
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    P.S. And let me just say your motivation is motivating! :happy:

    Thanks!! I'm really not one to give up, it was just today's frustration with that weigh-in and my NEED to WIN everything...lol. Yes, I have no patience and I'm super competitive. Blame my parents...lol
  • firmcb
    firmcb Posts: 4 Member
    AHHH that's why the scale is dangerous. I have a love/hate relationship with it myself. The only reason I can think that you were heavier would be the result of eating salty foods or retaining water.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Holy crap, seriously??? You've only been going for two weeks.... Give it more time and chill out.

    Why do people get so worked up when they don't see results in such a short time or when they see the opposite results???

    None of this is a quick fix people!!! It all takes time!!! Go the the gym, eat right, eat enough (look at BMR and TDEE calculators online) and CHILL OUT!!!
  • ok im not expert but this happened to me also . keep up the good work eat your calories . after about the 4th week thats when i started to see some weight loss. i really think your body is just building up and toning the muscles and thats good to . Im on week 9 and have lost 8 lbs , may not be a great amount but with the holidays i endured ill take it slow and steady . its better than i gain.
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    so it's been about three weeks... jeez, i wonder what happens to women every 28 days? maybe it's that????


    Really? Did we just go there?? MEN...
    Please. "MEN" nothing. I was thinking the same thing.

    WOOHOO! I knew my bulky calves looked mannish!

    My bad!!! AWESOME calves!!! Mine look like that too...it's a curse of being 5'0 tall and having spent my whole life on my tiptoes and heels...
  • Don't get upset, you are doing really well, indeed! Down to your training regime your body replacing your fat to muscle. If you want to lose weight without toning up, don`t train so much.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    so it's been about three weeks... jeez, i wonder what happens to women every 28 days? maybe it's that????


    Really? Did we just go there?? MEN...

    Haha..well from that response he may be right ! ;)

    I kid I kid...many women ask if it's normal to gain weight during the period...this astounds many...but I digress..

    You may feel like your eating a lot compared to what you are use to, but you HAVE to fuel your body when working out.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. First of all the second week of any NEW routine for your body will typicall show a halt in loss or a gain... your body is just weird that way, it tries to adjust for the changes based on the history before. Keep pushing through.

    Aside from your body freaking out and retaining water to protect your muscles, you are also eating fewer calories and your muscles are really freaking out... again, normal and should return to seeing a loss next week.

    As a woman, don't forget about the effects of our natural cycle of life and the bloating that some woman suffer from much worse than others

    DRINK WATER!!! you have to have some way of flushing the fat you are burning from your body - other than by sweating. I keep a 24 oz cup with the lid and strw on my desk at work. Fill that puppy between 6 and 8 times per day

    Be mindful of sodium intake, sodium will make you retain water which is why it is all that much more important to drink even more the day of and the day after a high sodium consumption day. Flush it out.

    Remember when going low carb that artificial sweetener used by the packet is 1 carb per packet. Keep track of your condiments, Calories and carbs need to be taken in account. It can be difficult to eat a full 1200 calories per day but then comes finding snacks, such as almonds, that are high protein, high calorie, low carb or a slim jim to help with that without making you feel like you are force feeding yourself.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Umm... you just joined the gym 2 weeks ago. Let's have a little patience, shall we. And you need to eat more, as others have said. Giant deficits aren't better than small deficits. Set your goals to 1 pound a week-- or less. It's much more realistic.

    I know you're right too...patience has never been a virtue of mine though. I guess I need to re-train my brain...
    Question: Did you put the weight on in two weeks? No?

    Didn't think so.

    Also, for the love of everything holy, eat. more. food.

    Geez...I feel like I'm eating non-stop...I used to be a breakfast-skip lunch-have a normal dinner person...Now I'm having to eat something every 2-3 hours.

    Try eating more calorie dense foods like peanutbutter, you'll be eating more calories but you won't feel stuffed and like you're eating non stop. It's what I've had to do.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I just don't want to waste my time doing the same thing and expecting different results. Isn't that the definition of insanity???


    When you start lifting weights you lift the same amount every time EXPECTING that you'll get better (ie different) results. When you start running you do the same thing, EXPECTING that you'll get better (different) results.

    When a student practices music they do the same thing.... yada yada yada.

    Get it?

    Keep going. Keep doing the good stuff.

    Good things are coming.
  • I am in the same boat! I have gained weight ever since I started working out. I weigh more now than I ever have. :(
    It can't be just muscle. I have PLENTY of fat to lose... I don't understand why this is happening.

    I am on a 1200 calorie diet and I work out 30 minutes a day. I could use some logical reasoning too!