Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    tuesday goal, work out every day this week in some way or another.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tuesday goal- to keep up with the strength training and pushing myself harder than usual.

    Heading out to dinner tonight so it should be good. Will workout hard tomorrow. No energy to hit the gym tonight.
    Have a great day and night everyone.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Desdemina - I was WELL into pre diabetes last March. The DR put me on Metformin (did that make you sick at first or WHAT?) My last three A1Cs were low enough that he took me off the Metformin. Just by a change in diet. It's doable. Of course with the way I behaved and ate during the month of December, I'm a bit nervous about the A1C I'm currently due for.

    Tuesday goals: Stop sabotaging myself. I was SO good all day yesterday and in the early evening, I defrosted and ate 4 pieces of leftover pizza hut deep dish pizza. Totally blew my day out of the water. Today I'm DETERMINED not to let that happened and negate the 27 minutes of hell Jillian Michaels just put me through.

    Sunday - Hike - Sick, took the day off
    Monday - Walk - Sick, took the day off
    Tuesday - Walk - Jillian Michaels 30 day shred instead (Too cold to walk outside)
    Wednesday - Walk
    Thursday - Walk
    Friday - Walk
    Saturday - Day off
    Sunday - Hike
  • butterflywolf
    Oh please I could use advice. I am a super emotional eater. My husband and I had a huge blowout this afternoon. Thought I could hold it together but then I went into the kitchen for a snack and while trying not to eat the processed snacks I keep around for the kids and husband I ate some nuts and dried fruit. But then I could not stop and still not satisfied. I ate and ate more nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Finally, I had a glass of chocolate milk. This was so soothing, I could feel every muscle in my body relax.

    Honestly, at this point if I go through this again I will just drink a huge glass of chocolate milk and deal with the gas. But if there are other emotional eaters out there please help with your ideas. I would like to break this emotional eating as it is always difficult to get back on track.

    Well at least I drank lots of water and skipped dinner. That's me, always looking for the jewel in the mud.
  • sarabeth02
    sarabeth02 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow guys, I've had a crazy week/weekend. My mom became sick with the flu, so I've been taking care of her, along with housesitting for a friend of mine that lives about half an hour from my house. So I spent all weekend running from one house to another. I went way over my calories yesterday, but I did well today, and exercised today as well! I'm training for the Color Run 5k in April, so I'm hoping to be able to actually jog the entire thing at the very least. So yeah...I'm now going back to my regular schedule, so hopefully everything will go back to normal, including eating habits and exercise.

    That's really about it, some craziness and now the coming down.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Oh please I could use advice. I am a super emotional eater. My husband and I had a huge blowout this afternoon. Thought I could hold it together but then I went into the kitchen for a snack and while trying not to eat the processed snacks I keep around for the kids and husband I ate some nuts and dried fruit. But then I could not stop and still not satisfied. I ate and ate more nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Finally, I had a glass of chocolate milk. This was so soothing, I could feel every muscle in my body relax.

    Honestly, at this point if I go through this again I will just drink a huge glass of chocolate milk and deal with the gas. But if there are other emotional eaters out there please help with your ideas. I would like to break this emotional eating as it is always difficult to get back on track.

    Well at least I drank lots of water and skipped dinner. That's me, always looking for the jewel in the mud.

    This is a major struggle for me as well.
    I've been working on reading a book titled "Shrink Yourself" - it was written by a psychiatrist about emotional eating, why we do it, and what we can do about it. Seriously it has been a lot of help (I haven't finished it because it is really deep at times... lots to process).

    You can probably get it through inter-library loan pretty easily.
  • euirqosdifo
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  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Butterfly - re your binging, I'm glad you were eating fruits and nuts and only ended on chocolate milk. That was so much healthier than choices another binger might have made. I think you made some good choices right there, even though you ate too much, in your opinion. Did you log all the food? that's important for your awareness of the calories involved in each episode of emotional overeating.

    Tom - sorry to hear you are plateau-ing. Good idea to switch your caloric intake around. It will help plus the extra activity too. We are all watching you with interest!
  • jumpy983
    Hey all!
    Just finished catching up reading everything wow that was a LOT! I'm officially on week 2 of Insanity and 4 days in.
    Last week, i couldn't even catch my breath through it. This week, no trouble breathing, just trouble with my muscles giving out.
    Kind of feeling like I haven't been giving it my all since last week i couldn't breath and this week i could? any thoughts welcome here. I'm considering a HRM to see if the cals add up or if I am just wimping out some. Can't tell. I was able to do more exercises.

    Work at the shelter is going good. We got a ton of new volunteers in so I'm super excited. Hopefully they will stick around and the dogs and cats will get some much needed attention. They get attention now, but it's nothing like a home environment. The more volunteers we have, the more we can do! (facebook/sarasotaanimalservices if you wanna see some CUTE pics). Also, at the EClinic we have a boxer puppy in- sooo freakin' cute he's had some surgical complications but it's nice to have something really cute to snuggle at night when I can't snuggle my kiddos.

    @butterfly, my advice for the emotional eating is 1. don't get emotional (better said than done right?) hubby and I used to have knock down drag outs for arguments (not literally, but it was bad...and LOUD) and we finally agreed to talk it out and compromise - to listen was probably the hardest thing for me to do. I cannot shut my mouth at all. So that's been a big help in stopping the emotional eating on my end. We don't yell and scream anymore. Now we just talk. We present the problem and find a solution.

    2. Find something that you can have (low fat) and eat it. For me, it was low fat cool whip. That stuff was soooo sickly sweet (but low in cals) that if I was having a bad day, I would sit down with a cup or two of that and eat it until I didn't want it anymore. It's kind of turned me off from sugar somewhat...;) Low fat pudding is another one that i still sometimes do. Curbs the cravings, but doesn't crash me completely.

    Good luck out there ladies!! Any thoughts on Insanity would help me out. I really had to *make* myself do it today. I don't like that feeling. And now that I'm seeing some results (in terms of clothing and inches etc) this is the point where I usually quit!
    Help appreciated!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Karen is right. We don't have to be" perfect". Aim for "better" not "perfect" . I need to heed that too!
    This is brilliant
    This last one blows me away. We went to the bank to refinance to lower our rate from 7.25 to 3.25 and they said you don't have the income to support your home. Duh,
    I worked at a bank for over a year and applied for one of their credit cards and was denied because I had never gone in debt. Huh? No one ever said banks were logical.
    I am running a net 0 income-outgo per month with no savings for the future.
    I worked a social services job for a while and learned how to live on less, eventually I had to find a better paying job because it was too stressful to worry about unexpected bills like new tires for the car, etc. I hope you find yourself in a better position sooner than later. :flowerforyou:
    BUTTERFLYWOLF - ((HUG)) I had a big blow out with our neighbor last evening. We have a common wall and he decided 9PM would be a great time to put in a new door frame. When I went over to ask him to stop so that we could sleep (DH gets up at 4AM) well I won't go into detail about his volcanic response. I went home and called the police. All day today I have been wanting to eat. I put all the easy munchies out of easy reach and am avoiding the kitchen as much as I possibly can. But I can totally relate to the wanting to eat crap and a time like this. DON"T DO IT! Why hurt yourself just because someone else is annoying? - I keep telling myself this over and over and over.

    My goal is to keep loosing. :laugh: I have had two small losses this week so I am feeling hopeful that my plateau may be starting to crumble.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Tuesday goals... my goal was to log all of my food and post to this thread! :) I can check those off... well not done with the food yet, BUT I did good so far.

    Added fresh spinach AFTER I was done cooking my Alfredo with veggies... sooooo good and one way to get a salad in, right? :)

    Hope you all are having a fabulous week... Was sick yesterday and I have a nasty paper to finish for English about an article about the slow food movement. Funny, I always thought the "slow food movement" was about eating slower... really, it is about taking your time preparing meals and eating as a family. There is a lot more to it, (local cuisine and how food consumption is based on a socio-economic influence--- hehe I'm trying to sound smarter than I am) but I was thinking... If I were to practice taking my time choosing, buying and preparing meals... and then eating as a family- Would I eat healthier, choosing less junk?

    Food for thought.....
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jumpy--I've opten thought of volunteering at our local shelter in the summer, but I fear I would just want to bring home every pup. Unfortunately, gunner doesn't always "play well" so he's destined to be an only child. :ohwell: Oh, and as far as Insanity, I highly recommend an HRM. I have a MIO drive+ which I really like, but it has no chest strap, so you have to take your HR any time you think it's gone up or down to get an accurate reading. It's good when I'm running b/c I can take a reading while running, but it would be hard to use while doing Insanity. I also have an Omron that I won at a holiday charity raffle. Honestly, it sucks or I just don't have it programmed correctly. It reads my HR accurately, but the calorie burns are way too low for reality, so I can't use them. I've heard the Polar HRM's are awesome, but I don't want to shell out the cash for one right now.

    @sarabeth--glad your crazy weekend is over; your mom is lucky to have you nearby to care for her! :flowerforyou: As far as the Color Run--another MFP, taratruex who pops in here from time to time, did that run (I think in MN) and she said it was loads of fun. They have one here in Chicago, but they also have a night race called the Glo Run--it's all glow sticks and glow body paint and such. I need to wait for dates and prices to decide which I will do, but both look like a blast--enjoy!

    @butterfly--if the result you're seeking is relaxation, could you try a warm beverage? Maybe a cup of hot cocoa instead of the chocolate milk? I'm thinking this would be calming, and it's difficult to chug a hot beverage, so maybe it would slow down your binge. You could start with the naughty, full-fat hot cocoa, and then maybe try to shift to the non-fat, sugar free version. Eventually, you could switch over to a soothing herbal tea.

    @kris--I absolutely hate it when I do that!! I am an evening eater, so I always try to save most of my calories for dinner plus an evening snack. I don't have any good advice for you--you obviously were determined to eat that pizza considering it was frozen. Sometimes the body just wants what it wants. Log it and do better today! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie & toots--great goals, Ladies!! :drinker:

    @lin--better to go slow than injure yourself and prevent any walking at all. :happy:

    @tammy--at least you recognized your slip before you ate all of the junk. I also can't keep crap in the house, as I have little will-power--especially with sweets. And doritios--doritos are the devil! :devil:

    @rachael--it can be a bit intimidating to join a new gym, but very soon you feel right at home there. It's easy to convince yourself that everyone will be watching and judging everything you do, but any of the serious patrons will be focused on themselves. Practice good gym etiquette (don't rest on machines, wipe them down when you're done, etc.) and the "regulars" will appreciate it. If you do have questions, ask the employees for help--it's their job to show you how to work machines and answer your questions.

    @kvandeest--when I'm being really good, I log every bite. I had someone comment on my wall that she was surprised that I logged the ketchup I dipped my fries in, but why wouldn't i? Ketchup has calories too. That being said, I'm not always that disciplined, but I definitely see better results when I am.

    @kaye--glad your trip was good--those 3 lbs will be gone in a heartbeat!

    @helen--hope you get the house all ready on schedule! :happy:

    @desdemina--Yeah, some of the other threads are not always "friendly." I occasionally read through some just for amusement, but I rarely comment anywhere but here. It's sometimes hilarious to watch adults get into "fights" with complete strangers--why waste your time?

    @melancholy--you can lose a lot of weight JUST managing your calories/nutrition. One thing I've learned on this site that I truly believe is that weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. You are smart to focus on the nutrition piece of the puzzle to start--I know people on this site who've lost gobs of weight before ever adding any exercise. :flowerforyou:

    @holly--I remember the post you're referring to, but it wasn't me who said it (I don't think...). However, to answer your question, a brisk walk for me is about 3.8 mph or faster, but I'm sure it depends on your height/length of stride. I'm 5'7" someone who's 5'2" might be walking briskly at 3 mph.

    Tuesday Goals:
    My new Escali scale came today!!! I programmed it and weighed myself and it says I weigh 189.2 :bigsmile: I'm going to use this as my "official" scale from now on. The gym scale says I weight 190-192, but it has always been about 6 lbs more than my doctor's scale, so I figure this is a happy medium. It also measures water ratio and body fat%. It said my water ratio is 45.5 and the chart in the manual says 42-52 is normal for a woman my age. It says my body fat is 33.9% and the manual says 24-34 is normal. As excited as I am that I actually fell into the "normal" range for this measure--it's still just barely. So my new goal is to lower my body fat%.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym (weights + bike) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE (too cold/windy) + core
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner + core
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Saturday night we went to the hockey game after eating at the Pub. Everything was going great until the Wranglers lost and while driving home a lady smashed into the back of my car. We were not hurt and either was she. Her small car was in bad shape and not drivable. My big car has some holes in the bumper and scrapped paint but I won’t know how bad it really is until after I get estimates. At least it is still drivable.

    I ‘m having a problem getting past 270 lbs. Once I hit 270 I gain a few back. I have done this many times. I may need to lower my calories again. I have been trying some light strength training but still need more exercise. I’m going to go try some treadmill walking and see how that goes. I’ll be back with the results …


    I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. This is one thing I've noticed about Vegas and that's our poor drivers. While the Atlanta traffic was brutal, I don't remember so many accidents. Plus, our crime here seems to be more frequent too. I'm just glad you guys were OK.

    You've been in this journey longer than me so I can't give much advice, but I think like you said changing things up may be needed (lower calories, try new foods/recipes, change up your exercise). Hope you can start seeing the scale go down again!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday check-in: We just got home this evening from UT. It was a wonderful trip. It is good to be with family. I thought that I would be able to at least log my food intake, but that didn't happen. I tried to be very careful about my food, but I had forgotten how much junk food people can keep sitting on the counters to tempt me and others into mindless eating. I had a few handfuls of junk, but I felt pretty good about the way controlled myself overall. I will get on the scales in the morning and see how much damage has been done.
    I sure feel behind here! There are a number of new names and there has even been a rollover. I will probably not get to go back and catch up. I'll just have to figure out what's going on from here.

    Good job Kaye!! While you didn't get a chance to track, I think it was a huge accomplishment for you. In the past, I'm sure you would have munched a lot more before (I know I would have). The important thing is you had a good visit. Yes, the board has been moving like crazy. It's amazing how far we get behind when we're gone just 1-2 days. Welcome back!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: I completed my fitness assessment for our Get Fit Challenge. BP is 112/80. I was able to do 43 squats in 1 minute. I think I'm on the right track. They will assess at the end of the challenge in 3 months. Afterwards, I hit the dreadmill for 60 minutes utilizing the hill at 3.5 speed with a 2.0-8.0% incline. I had 90 oz of water and 44 oz unsweet tea. I had to pee ALL day. LOL!!! Upcoming week goals:

    Tuesday - Gym. DONE
    Wednesday - Gym
    Thursday - Gym
    Friday - Gym
    Saturday - Walk outside or perhaps pull out the bike
    Sunday - Walk outside or perhaps pull out the bike
    Monday - Trainer session

    We CAN do this!!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Helen- i may have to ask you to share some of your drambuie....oh is only 10 in the morning and i should not start drinking yet.......just found out that after being off work on medical disability and getting set to return to work feb 25, they have filled my position so i no longer have a job to return to.......they will put my name forward it anyone is hiring at the time i am available for work what do i do??? who else is going to hire me after being off work for 3 years???? damn federal government

    I'm not sure they can legally do that. Call the ADA Center at 1-800-949-4232 and talk to them. They are fantastic and know the laws inside and out. It's free.

    thanks for the suggestion but i am in canada and, yes, they can do that. They assure me i will have a job....somewhere......just not where i was.....and hopefully there is not a hiring freeze
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tuesday goal- to survive this day, finish the wine and go to bed
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hey all, I'm on a roll here. I've managed to check in for 3 days in a row. I'm really trying to keep up and today was a good day. I spent two hours with a financial planner at my bank, looking at my options for retirement and setting some goals for the next few years. I figure, I'm almost 59 and if I'm lucky I may be able to retire by the time I'm 65. That only gives me 6 years to get my mortgage and personal debts under control. She was really helpful and I left there feeling really good about the direction I'm taking. I then went to do my grocery shopping and I didn't buy any crap. I got lots of fresh fruits and veggies and some nice lean meats. I was having a really great day, then my sis and her hubby came to stay the night and brought dinner for us all. It was popeye's chicken tenders and fries. My will power is not strong enough yet to turn that down. I managed to eat it and then logged it and I'm still under my calories for the day as I had been really good all day.
    My goals for the coming week is to keep up the positive energy that started today and not eat out again this week. I'm going to plan out my meals ahead of time and make sure that I'm not blindsided again. I'm back to work tomorrow night but am going to try really hard to check in tomorrow and Thursday regardless. Then I'm off for a week and I have a goal to get at least the main floor of my house organized. I've been doing bits of it each week but I need to really push to finish. If I can I'd also like to purge my bedroom closet and throw out anything I haven't worn in the last year. If I manage to lose the weight I want, I'll just buy all new clothes.I've been wanting to do this for so long and just never seem to find the time. Figure now that I'm getting my financial house in order maybe I should get my real house in order.
    Hope everyone is having a good week. Charlotte
  • luckycharm1965
    Hi everyone, I have to confess..I'm not exactly a newbie. I was under another user name prior to now and well, didnt succeed in my goals..I never wanted to give up so i tried again on mfp,only to gain some weight back after my goals were RESET :grumble: However,something in me just wants to keep moving with the struggle,good or bad & I came across this thread, I have been on here before and i am excited to see some familiar faces still dedicated to mfp. So, i'm encouraged to join if you will all have me back with you in hopes to have some success this time around. Congratulations on your success! :heart:
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Welcome back luckycharm196! I left for a while, too. I slipped from my goals and was too ashamed.. But this group is very welcoming and encouraging. I wish you lots of success!