"I don't want to be too thin" - a "fat" people thing to say?



  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I get what you're saying and i think some people do say it because they are afraid of failing or its too far of a goal for them. But it could also be a look. Everyone has different ideas of what looks good.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Wait a minute---so it's perfectly acceptable to say "I don't want to be too fat!" but you can't say "I don't want to be too thin!" ?? That doesn't make any sense. You can be too thin just as easily as being too fat. Too thin is when you appear unhealthy and weak (sounds a lot like being too fat, eh?). Just because a person is fat does not mean their greatest desire is to weigh 95 lbs!!

    Well, supposedly, if we aren't all striving to be at the lowest possible weight listing for our "ideal weight" for our height and frame or less we're all just lazy fat people.

    Apparently, I'm very lazy for not wanting to get to 120 pounds, the minimum BMI for my height. I must have slept away those 70 pounds I already lost then. :laugh:
  • MaddiJoseph
    MaddiJoseph Posts: 117 Member
    I think that BMI is overrated. I am of course aiming to fall into the "healthy" weight range, but that doesn't account for things like bone structure and muscle. I'm just barely low enough to be overweight as opposed to obese and I know people who are shocked at how much further I have to go. My goal is to be healthy and happy. My goal is 135 in about the midpoint of my healthy range, but if I'm a small size and muscular and healthy I'm not opposed to reevaluating those goals once I hit the top end of my healthy range. To thin is when you look excessively boney or start having health problems. Stick with what's healthy and works for you!
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    I dont think its an excuss. I think people (women in general) look better with some weight on them (curves). It don't have to be alot of weight. But being too skinny is not attractive.
    I hate it when people give out the wrong definition of "curves". No matter how much you weigh, your curves will stay the same. If you're an hourglass then it will stay the same whether you're fat or thin. Its not about the weight but its how you built.

    Rolls of FAT =/= CURVY

    Not so cut and dry. Right now I have hips and boobs that add curve and shape to my body. The smaller size I get the smaller my cup size and a surprise to me and people who always knew me with curvy hips, I actually have a more "up and down" look to my hips. Not curvy at all.
    It only means that you're not really curvy & what you had are just rolls of fat. What I mean is that a real curvy woman won't lose her curves even after she loses weight. Unfortunately many people don't understand it.

    Having fat on your hips and boobs are "rolls of fat'?
    Yep. Our boobs is actually 80% fat. Also the hips especially cellulite are fat as well. When I was really big, I used to have a 45" hips & I could hardly feel my hip bones. But at 36", I can now feel my hip bones (not stucking out but when you touch it, its clearly bones). Despite of that, I'm still a pear since my waist is 10 inches smaller & my upper body is quite smaller than my lower body (only 34" bust).

    This is just where we have a difference of opinion. Yes, there is fat on my hips and in my boobs, I just wouldn't classify it as "rolls of fat". To me, rolls of fat would be actual rolls on a persons belly or even legs and arms.

    I understand what you are saying that if someone has a wide-set hip frame then yes, they will always have that shape at any weight, but not all people are built that way and some of us actually like having any extra inch or two to have some shape and not look too much like 12 year old boy and have some curve to their body. Despite what the magazines may claim, not all of us want to look like Kate Moss. Yes she is beautiful, just not the body type I would want.

    People don't accidently get to Kate Moss shape. You'd have to work very hard to get there ... most of us would. Os I think people can stop worring about getting to skinny. It takes a lot, really a lot to get there and unless someone really wants to, they won't.
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    This is all about opinion, and of course this is my opinion.

    I do not want to be too thin or too muscled. I honestly think a woman should be softer than a man. All you fitness freaks out there are going to jump me saying, "You are just fat and don't like thin people". I believe a woman is most attractive when she is fit, healthy, but still has the look of a woman. No rolls of fat hanging over their beltline, etc. As I read through posts it looked like most people were either way to one side or the other. Stating you were either a fatty or a bean pole. There is a very nice middle ground where I believe most of the female population looks best. To me, if you can see bone or all corded muscles and veins on a woman it is disgusting. So if what I am saying means I prefer fat, then so be it. I will not lose weight to the point that I look a step away from death or like a man in a bikini. I want a flatter stomach but not a six pack, I want toned arms but I do not want to look like a body builder, I want a toned butt, but not so that I flatten out everything god gave me. I know I am not the only person who thinks this way so I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I think this statement is a moot point when you are far from being too thin. It makes more sense when you are closer to or in the healthy BMI range. But really, BF% matters more than weight when are you are in the healthy range.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    To me, "too thin" is looking breakable, not any particular weight.

    ^ this
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Here's a better shot of her abs:


    now that's sexy! i love shakira!
  • For me, personally, I think women are "too skinny" when they have a boney look, like Angelina Jolie these days. She used to look healthy but now (to me) she looks emaciated. My ideal is, yes, to be thin but a HEALTHY thin. Toned and strong looking, more like Jennifer Aniston. I believe that women should have curves -- being so thin that your curves are gone (assuming you had curves to begin with) is not attractive at all to me, as a woman aspiring to eventually have a great body. Granted, I will never have a body like Jennifer Aniston, but you get my point. I still remember (as a straight woman) being blown away by Salma Hayek's body when she was dancing in the movie "From Dusk til Dawn" ... I am attracted to George Clooney, but would kill for a body like hers in that movie.
  • A couple of thoughts

    1) shakira is one of the most BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN THE WORLD... She is in my list of "celebrity cheats" annnnd I am a very very straight normally

    ok now that that is out of the way

    2) I used to hate my curves....and i still do... I am white and grew up in the north east in a pretty homogeneous blue-bloody town and for the longest was the only concept of female "beauty" that i was exposed to was that very slender, boyish figure girl (think G Paltrow) -TO BE CLEAR: I think this look is beautiful...but as my hips and waist have and will always have a 10 inch difference in diameter, that will never ever be my body- I have also always had an *kitten* - like the kind some kardashians spend big bucks on... and thus even when I was 135 lbs (AT 5'8) I was still "too round" to those around me who don't like curves.

    I have since discovered that some men LIKE curves and find them ATTRACTIVE which is a whole weird experience for me. Now that I have come to terms with the idea that there are different types of beauty and am learning to accept mine (big *kitten*, small waist, big hips) so yes i say I am not trying to be " skinny" - b/c that will never ever happen no matter how much I lose- and instead am trying to embrace my particular body type. I don't think i am being lazy or setting unambitious goals, I am still hoping to get down to 135 again which is on the low end of my healthy weight. I just have given up on trying to be "skinny" and opting to be the sexiest legit fit and curvy lady I can be..and some people won't like that and still think i am carrying around too much fat and some people will find me really sexy..that's just life...

    No HEALTHY body is better or worse than another, but you have to accept your body and what looks good on you.
  • Huney411
    Huney411 Posts: 10 Member
    I have actually said this before... And despite what many people have said about it being a fat person's excuse NOT to work hard, that is not always the case, as I am proving that I AM willing to do the work. That said, my "I don't want to be too thin" comes from watching my sister lose a ton of weight and become so thin that her bones were sticking out all over the place. To me that is too thin, and I don't want to be so thin you can see my shoulder blades jutting out from my back or every single rib in my chest. I don't want my pants being held on simply by my pelvis and nothing more, or to be able to see every muscle/ligament/bone in my neck.

    I definitely think that "too thin" depends on the person. A. people wear their weight differently, so a 130 pound person with a gut may look "fatter" than a 130 pound person with a nice round butt or a large bust. I think if you look sickly, you are "too thin".
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    For me, "too thin" is about how my/somebody's face looks... It doesn't matter if your health is great & your body is "flawless" if your face looks shrunken or pinched. I want to get to a point where I can SEE my actual face shape, instead of it being hidden under chub, but I don't want to look like a corpse. My face will be my deciding factor for where I stop on my weight journey, because it's the thing everyone sees. There's no point in losing weight & getting healthy if I still hate looking in the mirror, you know?
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    I'm about 5'5" and my goal weight is 135-140. I personally don't think its a weight that is too skinny, but a look. If you can see bones jutting out, I believe that is too skinny. I personally want to be strong and toned. I want body mass in the form of muscles. Therefore I am aiming for a bit higher than 120. I guess its all personal. But the most important thing isn't size, its health. So if you are eating properly and getting the proper nutrients and working your body, then I would say if you are 110, then so be it!
  • The only reason people are too skinny is because they don't have enough muscle. If you don't want to be too skinny, then put on some muscle
  • kellie1055
    kellie1055 Posts: 80 Member
    Id like to be athletic and healthy..skinny is not the goal. I dont want to be overweight but Im not obsessed with having a thigh gap, ripped abs, or a bikini body. If any of those things happen along my journey then im not complaining but I think that being healthy trumps all of these.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    When I say I don't want to be too thin I mean I want to be healthy weight and feel good. I want to be lean and not skinny. I'm not always sure which I am.
  • cb09wg
    cb09wg Posts: 1
    Growing up, I was always severely under weight along with my sister. This went on to the point where I was sure that i'd never be a hot, sexy woman. Rather, i'd stay a thin, cute, girl. In saying this, "I do not want to be too thin" is not a "fat" people thing to say. I'm currently teetering between a underweight and healthy BMI. I have bad days, and good days. The phrase to me simply means looking fit, healthy, and having a few curves for my own appeal. Being too thin was the ugliest I had ever felt for the 18 years it lasted. Thank goodness that I had doctor assistance to gain weight. Going into high school I weighed 56 lbs... And I ate WAY more calories than healthy (at all).
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When I say I don't want to be skinny I mean under 120 (I'm 5'4) and at that weight I have hip bones jutting out and don't look healthy in my eyes.

    well this is what I mean when I say it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    I have since discovered that some men LIKE curves and find them ATTRACTIVE

    yeah if my husband sees the women some other guys think are "hot" or "athletic" like paris hilton types or whatnot, he scoffs and whispers under his breath "eat a cheeseburger" much in the same way my former best gay friends "roommate" used to whisper "salad, salad, salad" whenever a chubster approached a buffet. Beauty is incredibly subjective. Health however is not so that's a better goal.
  • I have to admit that I'm one of those people who never ever want to be 'thin' let me try to explain it to you:

    1. I don't want to be like the rest of you. I don't want to be a generic 'thin' person, I also don't want to become a generic 'hot chick' - who wants to be valued by their body shape? Not me.
    2. My weight it protecting me from abuse. Calling someone "Fat" dehumanises them even if that is the correct descriptive term for what I'm carrying on my body, I'm not just the fat I carry, I'm a woman & a girlfriend, and a sister, and a daughter, and a teacher, and a public servant, and someone's best friend, and I'm offended! It's almost as though other people think the overweight just spend all their tome being "Fat" or something? - I don't think so! So being overweight makes me feel safer around thin people who think I don't know any better or I'm too lazy or I have bad genes, nothing could be further from the truth & it's my protection because I'm bigger than you!
    3. I don't find thin men attractive, never have & never will! I don't think it's womanly to have the waist circumference similar to that of a child's, even women with shall we say "Universal appeal" don't want to be THIN they have athletic bodies or almost always have cleavage & curves! Even if they are a size 3! I find thin people VERY ugly, boring at best! & I just feel sorry for skinny people!
    4. Please refer to point 2. It's for my own safety! I hear about thin women, children and men going missing all the time but I have NEVER heard of an obese child, woman or man going missing! You might say that larger people are in many people's eyes less desirable & harder to kidnap! My weight makes me feel immune to drastic threats, I never ever get scared or have to worry!
    5. I'm happy this way!! I like being able to go out to any restaurant, stay up as long as I like, spend entire days in bed with my partner playing video games & eating whatever we want ( my partner is not over weight but even if he was? I love him unconditionally) I like the total & utter freedom!
    6. I don't want more attention from men. I have a partner, he's my dream guy! I've been too badly hurt by men who've never been overweight in the past, I'm very beautiful when I slim down. I lost 27kgs (despite the fact that I still had to lose a further 23kgs) & I got bombarded with attention and I really really hated it! Men who months earlier wouldn't give me a second glance or worse yet, gave me disgusting looks if THEY crossed MY line of sight were falling over thselves trying like HELL to give me attention and it hurt me so badly that I began having full blown anxiety attacks!
    7. Truth be told no I've never been thin & no I'd never ever want to be, it's not an excuse, I just don't want to be one of those women who look down on me or act as though they're better than me just because they can get away with not wearing a bra! I don't want to be mistaken for one of those awful people & I certainly don't want the male attendtion, I would like to be a little bit healthier or so they say, then again? I have no health complications due to my body weight! I can run! I walk incredibly fast, I love to dance and contrary to popular belief I do have a life! I go out more now than in did when I was training all the time! My genuine happiness is far too important to me to risk being accepted by the rest of you, again, I'd hate that!
    8. I got treated really badly by women who I thought were my friends! I think because they'd always been thinner than me (but not better looking) once they figured out that I was serious about losing weight and they began to see how beautiful I was becoming they began to get threatened & they really well & truly began to hurt me just for trying.
    9. I don't want to be 'you'

    I do enjoy exercising!
    I do enjoy healthy foods!
    I do like it when my skin becomes flawless and healthy as appose to just clear!
    I didn't mind the compliments when I started to really loose weight.
    I do have iron clad will power
    I can control my apetite.

    But siciety has honestly done too much damage & I really dislike thin people and don't want to become one!

    Stop abusing over weight people, you'll do anything but make them want to lose weight, you only 'think' you're better than them but you don't actually know them and 'that's' unhealthy.

    I remember having used my treadmill everyday for three weeks, no one loses all their weight all at once, I was WALKING down the road and I got abused just for being there, don't judge a book by it's cover.. You may miss out on a wonderfully interesting story! Or even the best you've ever read!