Anyone else only working out at home ONLY



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I pretty much just work out at home. When I started trying to lose weight I attended a weekly dance class, taught by a friend of mine, but I don't have time for that anymore. I also like to go for walks on my lunch breaks, and occasionally (ok, I've done it twice) go for a jog. But other than that, I just use workout DVDs. I've got some handweights and a resistance band and mostly do Jillian Michaels DVDs in my livingroom. They've been really effective.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I only work out at home. Time constraints mean going to a gym doesn't make any sense for me. I'm currently doing P90X. You need some equipment but not a lot. My favourite workouts in my (ever growing) DVD collection are Tae Bo, Jillian Michaels 30 DS and ChaLean Extreme. No reason at all why working out at home shouldn't be at effective as the gym!
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    Also only workout at home. Have a few fitness DVDs Etc and some basic gym equipment. Gym is expensive, I don't like the sterile atmosphere and I have a toddler so all of the combined makes me a work at home mother :) I've lost just over 6lbs in two weeks tho so I'm doing okay! YouTube has become a major friend of mine, can so 8 minutes Zumba, then 10 minutes hip hop then wind it down with 20 minutes Pilates! FABO!
  • HelzPz
    HelzPz Posts: 1
    Hi, like yourself I can't afford the gym yet, so only workout at home. This is a VERY recent achievement - "New Year, New Me!" type of thing - which i started approx 3 weeks ago. At the moment I have been working up to 15 mins a day on my exercise bike. I know to some this may NOT sound like much, yet to me (being morbidly obese & extremely unfit) this is something I'm quite proud of.

    I can't wait to be able to start going for long walks again.....ONE DAY!!!! :wink:
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Not anymore but when I did it was mostly bodyweight exercises. Nerdfitness outlines a few programs nicely.
  • dtiapril
    I'm a strange one. I'm one of those people who pays for the gym and never goes.

    In the New Year I realised how stupid this was, cancelled my gym membership (30 days notice) and bought a cross trainer.

    Once I was in the 30 days notice, I thought I'd go to the gym a couple of times and make the most of my last month, and now I've got hooked again and have 'cancelled' my cancellation!

    The cross trainer I bought is now pretty redundant, but it is handy to do a quick 20 minutes on the days I wasn't planning on going to the gym anyway.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    no gym membership here either lol, i have a quite a few exercise dvds (various jillian micheals and 10 minute solutions mainly) but my main form of exercise is walking its the only thing i do consistantly, i do walk fast and i am pushing a 24lb toddler and its not always on flat ground so i do work up some steam, i joined a site called endomondo that uses gps tracking to keep count of how far ive done, i also join the monthly challenges for doing 100 miles in a month, i have failed miserabley this month due to not being able to push my daughter in the snow but will try again next month. i have tried to do c25k but it wasnt for me, i do try to jog on my own though and i do manage 5k but i run and walk when i feel like it the whole stopping and starting of c25k was off putting for me, the quickest i managed it in was 37 mins
    working out at home may not suit everybody but it works for me i have lost 90lbs and dropped 4 dress sizes so it is possible to get good results
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I do weight training and pilates and Walk Away The Pounds. Hopefully when the hubs gets tax refund, we'll be getting an elliptical. You don't need a gym to get in shape!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Me! I hate gyms, but do eventually want to take ballet group adult classes. I do Barre 3 (internet on demand classes) and walk, walk, walk,walk as much as I can throughout my day.
  • Tat2dDom0105
    I've been working out at home for years now. I just like not having to deal with waiting on machines, and the crowds at gyms. The only thing close to a gym that i belong to is my Martial Arts school.
  • healthymebetterme
    Not anymore but when I did it was mostly bodyweight exercises. Nerdfitness outlines a few programs nicely.

    I love getting their emails!
  • lizzie1030
    I've been working out at home for a few years now. I get up every morning at 4:15 and do an exercise video. I have gotten quite a collection and I rotate so that each week I do some circuit training with weights, cardio and yoga or pilates. I believe exercise needs to be a daily habit, just like eating right. So, it needs to be something you can stick with and do everyday. I tried the gym and didn't go if the weather was bad, etc. and I hated spending the money. I don't need the social aspect of exercising, I prefer to do it by myself at home. Those gym classes were always too crowded anyway. (by the way, although I do a video every morning, I do something short and light on Mondays as a rest day - I chose Mondays because my weekends are so active, I usually am tired on Monday morning).
  • mmowery31
    mmowery31 Posts: 23 Member
    i'm also only working out at home. a couple of weights or resistance bands usually do the trick. you can also find tons of workout videos on youtube.
  • colorfuldreams
    colorfuldreams Posts: 2 Member
    Been working out at home only for 2 weeks, doing Ripped in 30 and there is definitely a difference in my body now
  • tapdance66
    Yep! I do dance and take group tap classes, but I prefer working out at home. I do DVDs, Zumba for Wii, take walks, jump rope, and also have some kind of strength training going on. I usually get my strength workouts from a magazine (Shape, Fitness) and I'll do them for 4-6 weeks and then change them up. Free weights and resistance bands are pretty cheap, but in a pinch, you can always use cans of food or water bottles for some cheap weights. When I first started, I filled two of my son's bigger sippy cups with sand and used those for weights. They were curved and easier for me to hold onto than cans of food (arthiritis in my hands).
    If I'm sick and not up to a strenuous workout, I've been known just to take a walk around my house for 45 minutes. Working out at home allows you to get in fitness however you can without feeling stupid or like you're in a competition.
    Don't forget to check online or even on your cable provider (look for a health type channel or on-demand channel) for things you can do for free at home.
    Good luck!!
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I've done everything at home! I own a bunch of fitness programs and have done them all. I recently invested in a weight bench and a full set of olympic plates and a bar and am currently lifting now. I love working out at home. I never have to worry about what other people think.
  • xTenaciousJx
    Yesssss....I idid have gym membership for 2 yrs and lost about 15lbs....then I decided to try working out at home last January and I lost 32lbs so far!! I've been workout harder here...I do a lot of DVD's (Jillian Michael's mostly) I have a weight bench in my basement and a trampoline that I use, jump rope...and the biggest thing is I started running last March....loveeeee it.

    After a year on MFP....I've lost most of my weight...and now with the running and few extra cardio workouts I'm lifting weights to tone up a little more.

    I love not having to go out and drive somewhere to get a workout many other ways to just stay home and do it whenever you have time. Running up and down stairs is amazing workout...and using your own body for resistance is so much cheaper ;)

    Good luck!!!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm 15 days away from 1 year of working out at home. ALL my workouts have been home based apart from running. Gyms are over- rated. If you cant afford weights...fill a bottle with wet sand or wet dirt..... there you go. Youtube has plenty to offer for free. Walking, running. A ladder can be great to use as well. Resistance bands. Hand weights & kettle bells. Medicine balls. Yoga, pilates.

    See all done from home. I have not set foot in a gym. Never will. I reached my goal weight in 8 months, I'm now below that at 12.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    Over last 15 years I have been working out at home, periodically going back to join gym, just to later terminate my membership. There are some things I like about gym - various group classes and pool. But it takes a lot more time to workout at gym because of time traveled and eventually I find myself not going. My gym is only 10 minutes drive away, but still.

    At home I have different series of workout DVD's and hand weights - 3, 5, 8lb, and looking to get 12lb. I have resistance bands but I am not a fan of those. I got a pull up bar and elliptical. I used elliptical in long winter nights before I got my Doberman, now I walk / run every day with him.

    Over the years I have gone through different workout DVD's that I liked for period of time - Tae Boe (anyone remembers those?! :laugh: ), pilates, yoga, Debbie Siebers (big fan), Jillian Michaels, Biggest Looser series, and now I am P90X. When I did not had DVD or VCR I had my own workout routine I did. That works the best for me.

    My local library has a lot of workout DVD's and if I ever want to try something new before buying it, I can get it from library.
  • EvaD12
    EvaD12 Posts: 49
    I workout mostly at home as well like others its a mix of Jillian Michaels and Turbo Fire dvds just recently I've also started running up and down the stairs (we live on the21st floor) but that'll only be helpful if your in an apartment building.

    If I'm short on time sometimes I just put 1 song on and either dance around like a crazy person or do things like jumping jacks/high knees/butt kicks until the song ends.