Anyone else only working out at home ONLY



  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Only working out at home. Exercise bike, rowing machine, free weights. Gym's intimadate me, so with the money I do not spend in a gym, I can buy equipment for my exercise room in the basement.
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    Yes!!! I have 4 kids and I mainly workout at home to my Beachbody DVDs
    Currently Insanity!! I love it!! I go to the YMCA every once in a while to mix things up!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I havent stepped foot inside a gym ever! I do have multi combo gym a treadmill and a bench and free weights though.
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I workout exclusively from home. I can't afford a gym membership right now and plus I would probably rarely go because I would be too lazy to drive there.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    When I first started my weight loss i workout at a gym but was only taking classes and over 6 months had only lost about 10 pounds. The cost of the gym got to be to much so i cancelled my membership and my mom ordered me Turbo Fire and i workout at home doing that an in 3 months lost 23lbs. Now i know that working out at home is ok. I do my dvd workouts in the morning and run with a running group outside a couple of times a week.But its still a little hard to make myself get up sometimes to go into the living room but much easier than having to leave the house in the cold.
  • BadAzzBea
    BadAzzBea Posts: 461
    My gym membership just expired, although I still have some trainer sessions left, and decided not to renew. I took the money it would cost to renew and added a little more and made a home gym. I love it! I don't have to wait to do my lifts, its quiet, and Its germ free!
  • Louder4
    Louder4 Posts: 57 Member
    Me too! I walk (alot) while pushing a double stroller with 2 kids in it. Also do a ton of DVD's -Biggest Loser Power Sculpt and Kathy Smith Lift Weights to lose weight are what I'm currently doing.

    Probably will never join a gym, need to workout out when little ones are napping and can't justify the cost.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I only work out at home, I do not like the gym or group fitness and in the time it would take me to drive to and from there I can have half my workout at home done :-)

    You do not even need tons of space to workout, we have a small apartment in the city and I workout in between bedroom and living room :-)

    I do Yoga mostly, but in the past I have done tons of workout DVDs:
    30 day shred
    Billy Blanks Bootcamp etc...
    Or exercise TV.

    And I do a lot of walking outside with the pup, so I get lots of fresh air :-)
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Yes. I use kettlebells.
    And this site:
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    The only thing I go to the gym for is to use their lap pool. Everything else I do from home. I'm fortunate enough though to have a universal gym that the previous owner of our house didn't feel like moving, plus a treadmill, and an indoor trainer for my road bike.
  • sassycupcakecutie
    I walk my son to school and then walk me back home in the morning and then when i pick him up. Thats a good 80 mins totsl. I also have jillian michaels dvds! Also free workouts on youtube!
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    I do have a treadmill at home, but like to go for walks with my husband and son. Playing in the yard with the kids burns calories too. For weights I have a few 5 or 8 pound hand weights that I use and then do knee lifts, side steps, jumping jacks and I have a little step stool that I will step on and do a knee lift when I get up there. Burns tons of calories! Good luck.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    I work out at home....kettlebells, heavy bag, calisthenics, and I jog
  • sassycupcakecutie
    Also feel free to add me as a friend
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    Yes, I only workout at home doing Jazzerice DVD's, riding a recumbant bike and walking. I also golf when I can which obviously isn't at home... :happy:
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I'm only able to work out from home. I'm gone 12 hours a day for work and I'm a single mother of a 3 year old. So going to the gym just isn't an option for me. I did break down and buy an elliptical and I do use that a lot. I also bought Zumba for the Wii (but I have yet to try that out!). Going to the gym would definitely speed up my progress but I just have to make due with what I have!
  • jenniferwilcox
    I only workout at home as well due to the high costs of a gym or other exercise class membership. I bought some Jillian Michaels DVD's which cost $7 each so it's much cheaper than a gym membership. I find her workouts have enough variety that I don't get bored working out at home. And I like the convenience of being able to work out whenever I have time as opposed to trying to make it to an exercise class at certain times of the day. I've actually seen better results from my home workout than I have from any exercise class I've ever done!
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Bigggest Loser at home challenge
    Biggest loser cardio max
    Leslie sansome walk at home 5 miles
    Juillian Michaels 30 day shred

    and getting Biggest loser power sculpt this week.

    I am out on medical leave at my gym and I am doing everything I can at home right now. Can not wait to be released from the dr!
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 441 Member
    I work out at home. I have Leslie Sanson dvds that I use with the walk away belt and the 2 lb weight balls. I also have a treadmill and a exercise bike. I recently got a set of the kettle-bells. I am going to start those also. i saw some workouts on Pinterest. I live in a small town and a gym is to far away. This way I can exercise when I want to.
  • htzen
    htzen Posts: 12 Member
    I live in an apartment building and go for 45 minute power walks around my neighbourhood. Well I was, until we got hit with some -17 degree (Celsius) weather this week! So i have brought my workout indoors and power walk up and down every floor in my building. I do the entire building 3 times (times 9 floors) which equals a 30 minute workout plus stair climbing. I also carry a 3LB weight in each hand. It is a great workout, gets my heart rate up and it's super easy to just get out of bed and open the door to workout!