Fat-Shaming May Curb Obesity?



  • veggiegirlie2
    veggiegirlie2 Posts: 26 Member
    .....this is a hard topic for me. I have never been obese but at 4 11 I have been overweight by 50 pounds....people don't think it's a lot because of how society is now a days. I'm not saying by any means that we should shame people into loosing weight but we are enabling our selves, our families, and friends. Who wants to loose ourselves and everyone near and dear to something that is so preventable? It's a life style change and it isn't easy but anything worth fighting for typically isn't handed to us......
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    The world is way too sensitive these days.
    ^^^ this!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My husband, when faced with people who make rude comments, always tells people:
    1. When the famine hits you'll be first to go
    2. You should really eat more than 2 crackers for breakfast.
    3. You're just nasty because you're hungry
    I can go on and on. So no, I don't think fat shaming would help. In fact, I think it might get your car key'd.

    ?? My husband shames rude people = fat shaming won't help?? Well, that's a different argument for sure. :huh:
  • Kellyeee2013
    I'm not even reading it. I can just imagine. It is putting blame in the individual and no one else is taking any blame. Look at the high processed foods that grow up eating. What about people on welfare who can only afford cans of soup, kraft dinner, etc. I think as a society we should all be looking to curb obesity. People gain weight for all kinds of reasons: depression, child birth, medications, poor diet, physical limitations. I am not trying to make excuses for people, but shaming is not a good way to go about anything. Encouragement and support? Sure. People need to feel self-determined and motivated. People need to want this change for themselves, not because they are bullied into it.

    You're not trying to make excuses for people but that's all you did, foods don't jump in ones mouth, nor does any one type of food make you fat. The chronic over consumption of calories makes you fat, who is in control of that? You are

    People find themselves in the situation they are in for all knids of reasons. If you were taught to eat and live a certain way it can be hard to unchange that behaviour. If all you can afford is cheap processed foods, you have 5 kids to raise, and no money or time for the gym etc it can be hard. When people are just trying to survive and get through the day, it can be hard. I just don't think we should be putting these people down more. I also do not think we should be putting all the blame on the individual. If obesity is such an issue why are there more fastfood places than healthy restaurants? Why are vegtables so expensive but for 1.29 you can feed 2 people with a box of kraft dinner? What about medications that cause weight gain? What about women who give birth and then due to all kinds of reason (money, depression, time) have a really hard time getting back on track?

    People don't just wake up and decide to be obese.

    But clearly you woke up and decided to be ignorant.

    Ah yes excuse after excuse, overeating makes you fat. ZOMG, fast food or processed foods, do they make you fat if you are in a deficit or at maintenance? Eggs, milk, cheese, ground beef, whole chickens, fresh veg is cheap, people are just too lazy to cook stuff, once again it's on the individual and you are are the ignorant one if you thing all these external factors are forcing food down their throats and making people fat

    I am done engaging in this conversation with you. If you want to partake in bullying and being ignorant then you go right ahead.
  • sociologywoman
    sociologywoman Posts: 24 Member
    Shaming is NOT the way to go. I don't think anyone woke up one day to say hey I want to be 50, 100lbs over weight. OBESITY is a symptom of something else!!! Certainly there are issues with childhood obesity, with parents letting their children be inactive, playing video games all day, and the parents bringing in poor food choices....however, many people who are obese have other deep seeded issues that lead to the obesity. Example, I grew up in a very abusive home. My parents were both physically and mentally abusive, PLUS they had poor eating habits. I was 285lbs when I graduated from high school....I coudl have resorted to drugs, alcohol, teen age sex/pregnancy....I didn't...I resorted to food. After I left my parents home, I dropped the weight....NOW I'll always have that battle with weight and emotional eating the same as someone who was a drug addict will always have to battle being an addict. The difference I can't stop eating if I want to live.

    Shaming only hits the issue that was an issue to start with. I was bullied about my weight by both peers in school and family and it never resulted in me wanting to loose weight....it caused probably more weight gain. I lost weight because I FINALLY WANTED TOO!!! It has to be the individuals choice to finally make the tough changes and change their lifestyle. Period.

    Sure some people don't want to put in the hard work, they want to eat whatever they want and still be "skinny", they don't want to sweat and work out..."because its hard". Certainly I can't deny that obese people make excused....everyone makes excuses for one reason or another...same with smokers...I smoke to help my stress...ok...well no where is it documented that smoking eases stress LOL...its the psychological connection.

    If shaming and bullying actually caused people to loose weight then we'd be a very skinny nation becuase that crap happens on a daily basis. Other countries dont' fight obesity like we do for numerous reasons....Many other industrialized countries walk all the time, to work, etc, ...they dont' have all you can eat buffets, ...actually research is starting to show that the more countries take on an "Americanized" society they have seen an increase in their own obesity rates....which is sad.

    Being FAT isn't healthy, its not good for the bones, for the joints...etc... now...people don't have to be skinny, but there has to be a balance of eating appropriately...clean healthy foods....foregoing the junk/fast foods/sodas/pizzas/processed foods and get back to the basics. AND to incorporate exercise and activity in our daily lives....we are a lazy nation period....walking, hiking, taking the dog for a walk, those are all things that can be done with out gym memberships...biking ...etc... but people don't like the pain/soreness that they will initially feel when they make their bodies actually do something....but in the end your body will recover and will benefit from it. So I hope all people who are overweight/obese....really think about that...it's not about being skinny...it's about being healthy!!! Because I also know a lot of UNHEALTHY skinny people!!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm not even reading it. I can just imagine. It is putting blame in the individual and no one else is taking any blame. Look at the high processed foods that grow up eating. What about people on welfare who can only afford cans of soup, kraft dinner, etc. I think as a society we should all be looking to curb obesity. People gain weight for all kinds of reasons: depression, child birth, medications, poor diet, physical limitations. I am not trying to make excuses for people, but shaming is not a good way to go about anything. Encouragement and support? Sure. People need to feel self-determined and motivated. People need to want this change for themselves, not because they are bullied into it.

    You're not trying to make excuses for people but that's all you did, foods don't jump in ones mouth, nor does any one type of food make you fat. The chronic over consumption of calories makes you fat, who is in control of that? You are

    People find themselves in the situation they are in for all knids of reasons. If you were taught to eat and live a certain way it can be hard to unchange that behaviour. If all you can afford is cheap processed foods, you have 5 kids to raise, and no money or time for the gym etc it can be hard. When people are just trying to survive and get through the day, it can be hard. I just don't think we should be putting these people down more. I also do not think we should be putting all the blame on the individual. If obesity is such an issue why are there more fastfood places than healthy restaurants? Why are vegtables so expensive but for 1.29 you can feed 2 people with a box of kraft dinner? What about medications that cause weight gain? What about women who give birth and then due to all kinds of reason (money, depression, time) have a really hard time getting back on track?

    People don't just wake up and decide to be obese.

    But clearly you woke up and decided to be ignorant.

    Ah yes excuse after excuse, overeating makes you fat. ZOMG, fast food or processed foods, do they make you fat if you are in a deficit or at maintenance? Eggs, milk, cheese, ground beef, whole chickens, fresh veg is cheap, people are just too lazy to cook stuff, once again it's on the individual and you are are the ignorant one if you thing all these external factors are forcing food down their throats and making people fat

    I am done engaging in this conversation with you. If you want to partake in bullying and being ignorant then you go right ahead.

    Continue to live in your fantasy world where people are getting fat through no fault of their own and all manners of evil like fast and processed foods are jumping into people's mouth against their will.
  • meghandarnell3
    meghandarnell3 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been fat all of my life, was told I was obese at 15 (even though I was very physically active) and have been dieting since I was 9 years old. I've been shamed into losing weight all of my life, my mother was shamed into getting me to diet and eventually stopped taking me out when she went to see her friends because they constantly berated her for my weight. Guess what, I'm over 300 pounds now. Shaming didn't really work for me! It made me depressed and defiant. Right now I'm on a brand new diet and exercise plan because I was made to feel like a piece of garbage at work recently. In theory it does work, being embarrassed and upset did get me on a new diet...but the immediate effect was me going home and eating the entire house and crying for two hours while I stuffed my face. I don't really think I'm dieting for me, I dieting for those poor people who have to bear the torture of looking at me everyday. God forbid my fat inconvenience them. LOOK AT ME! Still as defiant as I was at 9. The shaming has only made me angry and made my diets futile.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    In parenting, I have always gone for the "teach them how to do it right" as opposed to punish them for doing it wrong mentality.

    I have great kids, that like healthy food. School sets up so many bad habits...eat as fast as you can...eat the fast stuff that is provided...sit STILL for hours on end and ignore that internal desire to move. GRRRR. My kids have 20 minutes for lunch. I pack their lunches, but the majority of kids spend most of that 20 minutes in LINE just to get their food which gives them only a few minutes to shove it all in.

    I really wish that MFP set up a kids program with some basic info so kids can start learning these lessons early. At least about logging, healtier choices, being active. Treating nutrition like a bank account kind of thing. (Yes, I have asked MFP...I think their plates are full with all of us trying to UNlearn what we learned growing up.)

    NO WAY shaming is EVER helpful. Can't do it "right" if you don't know what "right" is, no matter HOW much someone bullies you!
    And that is without even going into the medical issues like lymphedema or hypothyroidism...and the many others that exist.
    Bullying should NEVER be an option.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    People are NOT nice to obese people.
  • Kellyeee2013
    This is supposed to be a supportive site. And there are a lot of people on here considered overweight or obese for whatever reason. This is a place where people come to get support and make changes.

    People I love and care about are considered obese and never in a million years would I call them fat. Especially since they are very active and eat very healthy. So there is also an assumption that the person is a lazy unehalthy slob, which is not the case either.

    I am embarassed to be a part of this site at the moment as a result of people being on this site that are okay with "fat-shaming" aka bullying.

    Why do you even care if someone else is "choosing to be unhealthy" or not. Grow up. Maybe you should be bullied for being an ignorant *kitten*? Who knows.
  • Kellyeee2013
    I'm not even reading it. I can just imagine. It is putting blame in the individual and no one else is taking any blame. Look at the high processed foods that grow up eating. What about people on welfare who can only afford cans of soup, kraft dinner, etc. I think as a society we should all be looking to curb obesity. People gain weight for all kinds of reasons: depression, child birth, medications, poor diet, physical limitations. I am not trying to make excuses for people, but shaming is not a good way to go about anything. Encouragement and support? Sure. People need to feel self-determined and motivated. People need to want this change for themselves, not because they are bullied into it.

    You're not trying to make excuses for people but that's all you did, foods don't jump in ones mouth, nor does any one type of food make you fat. The chronic over consumption of calories makes you fat, who is in control of that? You are

    People find themselves in the situation they are in for all knids of reasons. If you were taught to eat and live a certain way it can be hard to unchange that behaviour. If all you can afford is cheap processed foods, you have 5 kids to raise, and no money or time for the gym etc it can be hard. When people are just trying to survive and get through the day, it can be hard. I just don't think we should be putting these people down more. I also do not think we should be putting all the blame on the individual. If obesity is such an issue why are there more fastfood places than healthy restaurants? Why are vegtables so expensive but for 1.29 you can feed 2 people with a box of kraft dinner? What about medications that cause weight gain? What about women who give birth and then due to all kinds of reason (money, depression, time) have a really hard time getting back on track?

    People don't just wake up and decide to be obese.

    But clearly you woke up and decided to be ignorant.

    Ah yes excuse after excuse, overeating makes you fat. ZOMG, fast food or processed foods, do they make you fat if you are in a deficit or at maintenance? Eggs, milk, cheese, ground beef, whole chickens, fresh veg is cheap, people are just too lazy to cook stuff, once again it's on the individual and you are are the ignorant one if you thing all these external factors are forcing food down their throats and making people fat

    I am done engaging in this conversation with you. If you want to partake in bullying and being ignorant then you go right ahead.

    Continue to live in your fantasy world where people are getting fat through no fault of their own and all manners of evil like fast and processed foods are jumping into people's mouth against their will.

    Not exactly what I said. But we did not have an "obesity epidemic" 50 years ago. I am just saying people find themselves in situations for various reasons and we shouldn't be shaming them. We should be helping and educating. People don't just decide to be obese.
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    I don't believe in the concept of "bioethicists." Sounds like a job someone made up because they didn't want to get a real job.

    But beyond that, shaming is effective in a lot of cultures at preventing various types of social disorder. East Asian countries, for example, don't spend much on welfare because the cultural shaming of people who don't work has been such an effective method of keeping them employed. Until fairly recently in the US, fathering children out of wedlock, a woman becoming pregnant outside of marriage, and even living together before marriage were such shameful behaviors that people went to great lengths to prevent them (or to keep them a secret when they happened). These days, society as a whole doesn't bat an eye at those sorts of things, and many studies have been conducted regarding the social problems that have resulted from the abundance of fatherless children, teenage pregnancies, an ever increasing divorce rate, etc.

    If the primary objection to fat shaming is that it hurts people's feelings, what I want to know is why are the feelings of one obese person more important than the feelings of all the people who will be affected by that person's obesity? I'm not advocating being cruel for the sake of cruelty. I'm suggesting that maybe we aren't doing obese people or ourselves any favors by tip-toeing around their obesity and pretending it's okay. It is not okay. And if you google "fat acceptance," you will see just how twisted a perception of their bodies a lot of obese people have. You can call it self-esteem; I'll call it willful ignorance.
    Don't know what part of the world you live in, It sure doesn't seem very acceptable around here ( & I googled the above) If it's becoming so accepted, why are the barbaric surgeries increasing at such an alarming rate? it used to be you could only be approved if you were at least 100 lbs overweight or had medical life threatening condition' Now it is 50 lbs & medical doesn't matter. That is nonacceptance if you ask me... Just saying....
  • chocolate_barbell
    chocolate_barbell Posts: 19 Member
    Wow, ridiculous. Way to bring on depression. I was shamed all throughout high school even though I wasn't the biggest there. That never did any good, but did cause anxiety and depression. It wasn't until I was getting positive reinforcement that I started to lose the pounds.

    Sounds to me as if they're looking for an excuse to give up on overweight people and to shadow superiority over them. Bullies.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Won't work. It would actually make me eat more.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    This is supposed to be a supportive site. And there are a lot of people on here considered overweight or obese for whatever reason. This is a place where people come to get support and make changes.

    This is a site to count calories, to many people rely on the crutch of internet friends telling them how awesome they are. People need to learn how to stand on their own, thats when the successes will come.
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    that is a big wad of crap! Shaming anyone is horrible and wrong. Shaming a fat person is just going to make them more of an emotional eater. I honestly cant even believe this is a topic, lol. when a person wants to make a change, they will. it is not anyones responsibility to try to bully them into it.
  • meghandarnell3
    meghandarnell3 Posts: 2 Member
    In parenting, I have always gone for the "teach them how to do it right" as opposed to punish them for doing it wrong mentality.

    I have great kids, that like healthy food. School sets up so many bad habits...eat as fast as you can...eat the fast stuff that is provided...sit STILL for hours on end and ignore that internal desire to move. GRRRR. My kids have 20 minutes for lunch. I pack their lunches, but the majority of kids spend most of that 20 minutes in LINE just to get their food which gives them only a few minutes to shove it all in.
    THIS! I was always taught to eat as fast a possible by my step dad because we had to hurry to get to school, I was taught in school to inhale my food or don't eat. This is still ingrained in me and it's literally painful for me to try to eat slowly.
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    This is supposed to be a supportive site. And there are a lot of people on here considered overweight or obese for whatever reason. This is a place where people come to get support and make changes.

    This is a site to count calories, to many people rely on the crutch of internet friends telling them how awesome they are. People need to learn how to stand on their own, thats when the successes will come.

    i don't agree with that you start something like this because you want to succeed but it is always helpful to find people that are in the same or similar situation then you are and that understand what it is like to be overweight and to give you that little push you sometimes need, im not saying that people cant do it on there own because if you are determined you can do it but its nice to share in your joy as well as your failures with people that know what you are going through. not everyone has the will power or the drive to do it all on there own and to many people give up because they don't have support of friends or family. my husband doesn't want to hear about my calorie counting or what excersie i did or what i am eating he gets tired of hearing about it so its nice to be able to talk to someone who understands, he does support me but doesn't want to hear about how i do it.
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    I don't think we need to shame people but I do think we need to quit making excuses for obesity being accepted as the norm. Stop adjusting sizes so the overweight can feel good about themselves, making allowances on public transport, ***** footing around the word fat by using chubby, fluffy, etc, making adjustments to the work place to accommodate the obese.

    There's the odd special snowflake out there who has some genuine medical problem that causes a weight issue but for the 99% it's a matter of getting your head in the game. Pretending it's alright is not helping.

    Edit: Seriously? Another word for cat is deserving of censorship? SMH

    I'm fine with not vanity sizing. A number is a number. But stop making allowances on public transport? You mean seats big enough to accomodate people who need a place to sit. Sorry, that's straight up sizism. You're not human enough to deserve a seat if your *kitten* is a certain size? **** that ****. People are people. We need to treat each other with a basic level of respect and dignity regardless of physical appearance.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This is supposed to be a supportive site. And there are a lot of people on here considered overweight or obese for whatever reason. This is a place where people come to get support and make changes.

    This is a site to count calories, to many people rely on the crutch of internet friends telling them how awesome they are. People need to learn how to stand on their own, thats when the successes will come.

    LOL what do you base your research on? I already know I'm awesome but come to this site because only someone who faces and is trying to develop a healthy relationship with food and end a destructive eating disorder can sympathize and offer me the support I need and those who are learning the tools can teach me.

    MFP as I've said a million and one times can be filled with sanctimonious bullying sharks who swim in shallow waters. Luckily I am friggin awesome and have learned to shoot them with my ray gun and 100 ounce cup!