Flirting ..disrepectful or not at all?



  • digitalxhottie
    Flirting helps tension between 2 people sometimes. If you're out to find someone to "hit" on then obviously its WRONG ( when in a relationship) But...people like to smile and laugh and have a good time. Why bring someone down if its harmless?
  • McChubbyruewho
    No my husband and I do not do this, My grandfather would flirt with waitresses in front of me and my Grandmother and I hated it I thought it was so tacky!

    no to me lusting after another is cheating but my husband and I are very traditional
  • GermanicKnight
    If you become jealous because your SO flirts, you have some deep seeded issues. Flirting is not something to have ruin a relationship.

    Jealousy is a wasted emotion. My spouse is free to flirt all she wants. I am not her owner. I am not her boss. She is not my property. This is 2013 people.

    I will say this, is is much easier to flirt now with text, internet, Facebook, etc. Times have changed!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Wait....Is smiling and laughing flirting??

    Maybe I do not understand the definition of flirting anymore.

    Am I that old?? Yikes!
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    There is a difference between being friendly and flirting. I think overall you should be friendly with people who haven't given you a reason not to. This doesn't mean being flirtatious if you're in a committed relationship. Flirtation is sexual in nature. I think it's ultra disrespectful.

    Take for example I am a stylist. I can't tell you how many women feel threatened because I am nice to their husbands/boyfriends while servicing their hair. Making small talk, and yes *gasp* touching their hair, scalp and face. I in no way want their man. I am making small talk, even complimenting them on hair features because it's my job and I'm a nice person. It's not like I would drop my panties if they weren't with them. I even invite the woman back to sit in an open chair if possible. The ones who act b*tchy I don't. I tell them they have to sit up in the lobby because our insurance doesn't cover anyone not being serviced to be in actual salon floor. But anyway my rambling point is there is a huge difference between being nice and flirting.
  • McChubbyruewho
    Wait....Is smiling and laughing flirting??

    Maybe I do not understand the definition of flirting anymore.

    Am I that old?? Yikes!

    I think its the same with me, I am kinda bubly, and my husband thought I was flirting with the guy at the 711, but I was just being charistmatic I thought, just being nice, like I would have acted the same way if the chashier were a chick, so somtimes I wonder, cause I will be like that with co workers then they start spending more time around me and start to get unaproprete so I kinda wonder if I send the wrong signal
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    I flirt. I'm sensible enough to keep it in perspective.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Wait....Is smiling and laughing flirting??

    Maybe I do not understand the definition of flirting anymore.

    Am I that old?? Yikes!

    I think its the same with me, I am kinda bubly, and my husband thought I was flirting with the guy at the 711, but I was just being charistmatic I thought, just being nice, like I would have acted the same way if the chashier were a chick, so somtimes I wonder, cause I will be like that with co workers then they start spending more time around me and start to get unaproprete so I kinda wonder if I send the wrong signal

    Another reason to go back to being anti-social. It was less confusing for me.
  • McChubbyruewho
    Wait....Is smiling and laughing flirting??

    Maybe I do not understand the definition of flirting anymore.

    Am I that old?? Yikes!

    I think its the same with me, I am kinda bubly, and my husband thought I was flirting with the guy at the 711, but I was just being charistmatic I thought, just being nice, like I would have acted the same way if the chashier were a chick, so somtimes I wonder, cause I will be like that with co workers then they start spending more time around me and start to get unaproprete so I kinda wonder if I send the wrong signal

    Another reason to go back to being anti-social. It was less confusing for me.

    yea, I have a shirt that says don't talk to me hahahaha
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    OP: 1Pretty_Busy_Mom said:

    What's wrong with flirting??

    My answer...Honey ain't nothing wrong with looking. I window shop all the time, just don't buy!

    What about you?

    I don't remotely flirt - to the extent of being pathetic. I won't even take notice of any other man - despite how expansive their efforts maybe. Being otherwise might've righted so much of what went wrong - I probably should've flirted right back and then some ... [In thought but never once acted on any of that].

    My exes by contrast (the pattern - since I'm forced to analyse - reflecting on it) never were of the sort, who'd remotely needed to flirt. Women would simply rid themselves of their knickers, flaunting all they had going for them - for a bite, if but for a moment.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't know how to flirt. I just assume that everyone just wants to be friends with me, and I respond in kind.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I have a number of female friends away from here. I enjoy their company and friendship, nothing beyond that. We seem to understand the difference between playfulness and hitting, even though the boundary is difficult to describe.

    Maybe it's that we respect and trust each other enough that we don't get disturbed even if someone occasionally crosses the line. We're all capable of addressing it if it happens. If there was a lack of respect it might be different.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I am a big flirt.......this is who I am.
  • hamilton040
    hamilton040 Posts: 60 Member
    General rule of thumb is, if you would be bothered by your partner doing something then you shouldn't be doing it.

    I don't flirt. I wouldn't want my fiance to flirt.

    I don't judge people in relationships who do though, to each their own.

    Agree with this
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I will take a glance or two at the good looking guys on here but I will not flirt with them, window shopping and flirting are two different things in my opinion and I wouldn't like it if my hubby was flirting with other women (he can look but keep his thoughts to himself) so I don't/wont flirt with other men
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Anything you wouldn't do in front of a spouse, is wrong anywhere else. But some casual flirting happens to everyone.
    What's wrong with flirting??

    My answer...Honey ain't nothing wrong with looking. I window shop all the time, just don't buy!

    What about you?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Personally, I try to not do it... for one, I do respect my husband... and for another, I don't want someone (whether the flirtee or an observer) to take it the wrong way... it just saves myself from a lot of trouble.
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    I encourage my wife to flirt in certain situations. For example, at the bar when we need a drink, on a long line if we're trying to get in to a place in Manhattan, or generally when we need someone's attention. She's way better at it than me. And besides, I don't have boobs.

    Its harmless and we trust each other.
  • Zoggy3333
    Zoggy3333 Posts: 43 Member
    So at what point does the ethics or morals come into play?