Anyone else only working out at home ONLY



  • kcatlin9
    kcatlin9 Posts: 321 Member
    With busy kids, no time to go to the gym. I have a Bowflex (not a high end one) and a refurbished treadmill that I got a Sears Outlet for $599 (new retail $1299.) I have a whole home DVR so I catch up on my shows as I run. The great thing about the Bowflex is versatility and I don't have to worry about my little ones dropping a weight on their toes.

    Yes, an up front expense, but I work out at my convenience and the time flies by watching movies or shows.
  • StaceySuperfly
    StaceySuperfly Posts: 101 Member
    @KarenJanine we have the same profile picture! Love Grumpy Cat!!

    I just had my lumbar spine fused so I go to physical therapy 2x week. I work out at home using resistance bands to burn fat and build muscle and I use a exercise ball. I also walk, if its frozen out I do it in the living room because I cannot fall down, using the Walk at home 1 mile video by Leslie Sansone on youtube. Its just walking in place, side steps, knee raises and little kicks. Really a awesome lower body workout! If you have stairs walk up and down them for a great burn too. You can do it all at home without spending any money!
  • I've been working out for about two weeks too!

    What I've been doing is walking/running a mile and a half at the park right next to my house as well as Zumba!
    I've only been doing Zumba for two weeks (like I said) but I'm having a lot of fun with it!
    I use my xbox and kinnect and dance away!
    In combination with my diet, walking and zumba, I've lost 4 pounds already, no gym membership necessary! (:
  • sunraew
    sunraew Posts: 96 Member
    Time is so precious these days. Wouldn't it be great if we could integrate exercise sustainably into our regular day?

    Have you seen this video series? Activity Bursts Everywhere
    *10 minutes on the Couch*

    Somewhere along the way going to the Gym became "a chore" for me. I found that I was away all day at work then away most evenings at my "other job": the gym, plus the travel time. I wanted to be available to friends and family while exercising and I didn't want it to take up soo much of my time.

    So I don't do that way any more.

    First I manage my input calories better so that I don't have to spend as long working-out to achieve the required burn.

    When I exercise, the focus is on fun and socialising while doing it. I like to mix it up. I walk/run or ride a bike (while chit-chatting!) around my neighbourhood with others. In the morning I try to conscript others in the house to join in. I use a set of exercise DVDs by Gunnar Peterson for strengthening using a fitball, hand weights; a skipping rope with a built-in counter and a medicine ball. For in front of TV I use the fitball, a mini stair master, and a rowing machine (and headphones - so that I can hear the dialogue!). For fun in summer I kiteboard on the water, in the winter, snowboarding when I can get it, and I play football with the gals. (Hmm, there's a thought, the council has just repaved along the park, might have to dig out my rollerblades!)

    The other morning I was just commenting about the travel time & fuel saved, which is such a blessing. We had just finished our workout by the time I would have reached the Gym ! :happy:
  • Jessmahka
    Jessmahka Posts: 5 Member
    A gym membership is something that is not currently in my budget, so I am working out at home. I am currently finishing my first month of Turbo Fire (last day is tomorrow). I've also tried out Insanity and Brazil Butt Lift. I enjoy working out at home much more, I feel that I am getting more than my money's worth with the Beachbody programs I have. Plus, being in the own comfort of your home without having to go to a crowded gym with people watching you is an added bonus!
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    I gotta bunch of free weights and punching things jump rope tread mill.
  • pixymom1963
    pixymom1963 Posts: 10 Member
    I have a Wii and have been using Just Dance! It is so much fun and you will get a great workout! I lost 8 inches this week!
  • I am just getting started tracking my foods and exercise. I enjoy dancing and I have found some Zumba videos on you tube and I either do them or I use the Zumba moves to the radio and do a fast pace. I do this by myself and I do 15 minutes increments.
  • I work out at home. I use my recumbent bike and I like to do Leslie Sansone's walking dvd's when I am in a time crunch. Although now it's snow shoveling time around here so mother nature help's me fit in an upper arm workout here and there I just can't picture myself going to a gym and feeling comfortable.
  • I am just getting started tracking my foods and exercise. I enjoy dancing and I have found some Zumba videos on you tube and I either do them or I use the Zumba moves to the radio and do a fast pace. I do this by myself and I do 15 minutes increments.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    I have been working out at home for 5+ years now. I have done Turbo Jam, Zumba, and now I am going into wk9 of TurboFire. I have lost 91 lbs working out at home. :D It can be done. Good luck to you.
  • I walk about 20-30 minutes during my lunch break at work... and I am active on the weekends... the gym... nah... not ready for all that!
  • If you want an amazing workout that will kick your butt and build strength, all for free, I recommend going to they're easy to follow and the host posts modifications for beginners and those that don't have the equipment. It seriously will change your body. I love it. Also zcut from amazon for only $15 is amazing, it's a 90 day program, but it's cheap and super effective. I'll be posting results from it soon.
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I've been working out at home for 4 years now. A gym membership is not within my budget and no time with my kiddos activities. I started with the lovely LS Walk at home, then started running outside. I've completed JM RI30 and Body Revolution. I'm about to start week 5 of Insanity. I'm near goal weight and my big congrats to me is going to be an elliptical. Best of luck on your lifestyle journey.
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    At home only now. Walking or running or biking. Sometimes snowboarding and ice skating or dancing. DVD's like Shred, Yoga, Core exercises. Found and cleaned up the free weights lying around and working on adding on some free weight routines. I liked the gym membership and used it often for about five years, but have not replaced it since the location became inconvenient with my current family schedule.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I only work out at home with free weights and resistance bands... have everything all set up in my workshop. Most gyms are not very wheelchair accessible/friendly.... a lot of equipment with little room to maneuver between machines. My setup works well for me and this way, I get to control the temperature in the room. :wink:
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    I gotta bunch of free weights and punching things jump rope tread mill.
  • hpsauce5732
    hpsauce5732 Posts: 1 Member
    I too only workout at home. I had joined the gym before, many times and every time I'd do really well and go everyday after work. Then after a few months, the schedule changes and I'm paying for something that I'm not using. I've been working out at home for the last 2 weeks since I started this, and I have to say that I love it! Variety is best, little tae bo, little wii, little zumba, little pilates. That way you're always shocking your system, I think. LOL :laugh:
  • i have found that working in the yard (raking leaves etc) has been the best work out for me. I also do nature hikes, and hit softballs at the batting cages.
  • I work out at home only. I think it's more a social anxiety for me, that's why I don't go to the gym.