Online Relationships...



  • MasterKat
    MasterKat Posts: 149
    I met my hubby 8 years ago this April. I could care less what people think. I would have never met this awesome man if it wasn't for online dating. :love:
    What a rude butt for even butting in where they were not even invited in the first place. :explode:
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member

    I met my boyfriend online, and we lived an Hr away.

    He is one of the greatest people I know, and I moved in with him 3 years ago.

    Truth is, you never know anyone.. you just get to know them.. it doesn't matter if you bumped into them at a store, or a friend introduced you, or you met them online... getting to know someone is work, and 4.5 years later, I am still getting to know my boyfriend.. you learn new things all the time.

    If you live a sheltered life in fear of other people and events all the time.. it's going to be a lonely life. I feel sorry for your friends, they should be happy for you.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have nothing against online dating, but I would wait longer before moving in with him personally.
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    I met my current boyfriend online. Its my first and only time meeting someone from offline. Sometimes it can be a bit embarrassing to tell people at first. But do I regret it? Absolutely not. Ive never been happier :)
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    wow, what a rude person in the restaurant! Yikes.

    To answer your question, I don't know of any reason why online dating should be looked down upon. I've heard of many happy relationships which began online; what's wrong with it? With the Internet today, online dating sites are just another way of meeting people. Yes, you have to be careful, but you have to be careful meeting someone offline too. It's just another medium.

    But why did your boyfriend lie to his family about where he met you? That's a little odd, I think.
  • szonjakun
    szonjakun Posts: 94 Member
    I met my boyfriend of (almost) 6 years online.
    He was living in Japan at the time, so it was a more than 16 hours plane trip distance. We talked for more than two years almost every day, and only after that had a chance to meet in person. He visited me here (for a week) and we had a great time, so he decided to come back. He went back home and 6 months later he finally moved here and we've been living together for more than 5 years now.
  • kkmonroe79
    kkmonroe79 Posts: 71 Member
    After a horrible relationship I actively did online dating and had a blast! I may just be a lucky one, but I never had a bad date. I met guys that weren't for me - but seriously - not one bad date. In fact I'm still friends with a couple of them. You just have to be smart about it. Meet in a public place and drive yourself there. Make sure someone knows where you will be and what time you will be back. I met my husband online in 2006. We got married in 2008 and he is the best thing that's ever happened to me. We would have NEVER met if we hadn't met online.
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    I met my wife online and we're extremely happy. As I saw someone else say, it's not how you meet, it's that you did meet and are happy that matters.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I met my husband online in Feb 2006. Our first date was April 2006. We moved in together Jan 2007 and married October of that same year. We have been happily married for over 5 years. Screw what anyone else thinks. It's YOUR relationship, don't let anyone else dictate it.
  • stinabeastie
    stinabeastie Posts: 6 Member
    I met my husband through the video game World of Warcraft when he lived in VA and I lived in NJ. We've been together for 6 years, married for 2. And the relationship is going very well, rock steady.

    And yeah, we get a LOT of judgemental looks when we say we met online. We started saying "we met through a video game" because nonline people think it's funny instead of lame. Never mind that we're in our mid-to-late 30s and therefore have a good idea of who we are and what we want in a partner--if you say you met online, people are going to judge you as pathetic and needy and think that there's something wrong with you "if the only way you could get a mate is through the internet."
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    My husband and I met online even though we only lived about 15 min away from each other. We may never have met if it weren't for the online aspect.

    We met face to face July 5th of 2005, married in April 2006 and I have NEVER been happier in my life!

    I don't mind people knowing, lots of people think it is neat. This person that insinuated themselves in your conversation, if it wasn't someone you already knew, was quite rude. Your dating life is none of his or her business. Ignore that person's reactions because they dont know you or your boyfriend.

    Dating someone you met online isn't any different from dating someone you met at the grocery store, or at school or anywhere else. It makes no difference how you met, everyone is a complete stranger until you meet them and then spend time getting to know them.
    Now if your relationship was exclusively online and he was going to move across the country to live with you having only met face to face once or twice, then I might be a little leary. But you said he lived 20 min away. You have taken the time face to face, met his family and really gotten to know him.

    Ignore this imbicile's reactions and think on it no longer. Nothing to be ashamed of, having met your boyfriend online. You were both LOOKING for a relationship and you found what you were looking for. Be happy and enjoy your lives together! :happy:
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Wow, what a terrible person. Sounds like a misery loves company story.

    Meeting online is fine, I met many exes online and all but 1 are still good friends of mine. I met my exhusband online. I met my current online. We have been together 4 years, have never argued and moved in together about 7 months ago.

    Don't let anyone rain on your parade. Prove them wrong and enjoy your life.
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    My husband and I met 6 years ago online, we've been together 5- married 3 and have a 2 yr old daughter. We didn't meet on etc- super nerds that we are, we met on WoW ;)

    He lived in Wisc, I lived in Maine. He moved here and I couldn't be more in love- still.
  • trudyblender
    trudyblender Posts: 24 Member
    I think online dating is awesome! I did it before I met my current boyfriend, and though the relationships I had didn't last, they gave me good experience. It's a nice forum because when you meet someone randomly, you don't have the benefit of knowing a lot of the important questions: Are you interested in a relationship, do we like the same things, do we have the same goals, etc. And online dating means you can immediately filter out a lot of potential heartbreaks by seeing the answers to these questions upfront.

    I thought it was a great forum, and if I was still single, I would probably be doing online dating now!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I met my husband online about 5 and a half years ago. He lived in the UK, and I lived in the US. I started talking to him because he seemed interesting and I figured he was so far away that nothing would come of it, and we could just chat as friends. Ha. We've been married a little over 4 years now.

    I don't understand why some people get so sanctimonious about meeting partners online. Is it really that different from meeting them anywhere else? How much do you know about the guy you met at uni, or the girl from the book store? Of the billions of people in the world, I think it's ridiculous to assume the right person for you is going to be someone you just happen to bump into one day.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I met my husband online way back in the old days in a Compuserve chatroom at 2400 baud, which was a blazing internet speed at the time. You could actually see each letter come up as the other person typed. LOL. This year will be our 21st wedding anniversary. Who cares what anyone else says/thinks; the important thing is that you found each other, not how you did it. Enjoy! :love:
  • montrice31
    montrice31 Posts: 3 Member
    What's the difference of meeting someone online vs. meeting someone at the mall, the grocery store, etc??? No matter where or how you meet someone, you don't know them and you still have to get to know that person.
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    I met my husband on the Beastie Boys message board. We decided to meet up one time in 2006 as friends when he was visiting my city and the rest is history. I already knew so much about him, since we'd been friends for years, so it just sorta happened.

    Either way, we had to tell the older relatives that we met on vacation (technically true). All of our friends know the real story, and don't give one *kitten* that we met online originally. Everyone's online these days, so I don't know where the stigma of an "internet weirdo" comes from anymore. Everyone's an internet weirdo!
  • Dani76babi
    Dani76babi Posts: 82 Member
    All relationships you have to be smart about. Have you learned enough about this person to be comfortable? Have you met them in person yet? .... these are a few things to make sure you do before deciding to move in with them, but those would be things needed in order to move in with someone you met in person too.
    --> Internet just helps some people connect that wouldn't usually have an opportunity to meet.

    My fiance and I met on MyYearbook about 3 years ago. The first few months I made him "earn" my cell phone number, I wasn't just going to hand it out, we messaged for months. Then after we were able to text and call each other, he had to again "earn" the chance to meet me in person. He and I were careful about meeting for the first time, making sure it was a public place and all that hoopla. I told my family what I was doing and of course they didn't like it. But it is my life, not theirs, I went anyway and he and I fell in love. People that know us now are always surprised when they find out that we met online but they see how much we care for each other and really in the end that's all that matters.

    The point is, Internet dating is perfectly okay, I mean it worked out for me... he and I are engaged and many other couples have found their significant others that way, but just make sure you are being smart about it. Don't rush to move in with someone you aren't comfortable with yet. That would also be the same advice for someone who met in person too
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I met my husband online a little over 3 years ago. We didn't live in the same state, but for some reason the site matched us up anyway. As it turned out we knew a lot of the same people in both states and had a ton of common interests and goals. After we finally met and started dating it was only a few months before we decided to move in together since the 160 mile difference was starting to take a toll. We'll be married 2 years in March. I know dozens of people who have met their significant other on a dating site. At this point there should be no stigma attached to it as it is extremely common. Of course, you can meet someone who turns out not to be what they claim to be, but you can have that happen no matter where you meet someone. We were both in our late 50's and the more traditional ways of meeting people weren't really a viable option for us. I feel truly blessed to have met him and have no problem at all telling people how we met.