This site should not be about weight loss bullies !



  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Shut it

    Your food looks soooo good. I'm hungry.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I must admit that there are a few screen names/avatars that I would be happy to never see again.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    You know bullying has been in the news quite a bit lately. There is a new focus on it as there are children that are being taunted, assaulted, humiliated to the point of suicide or murder.
    The fact that a bunch of adults with full control of how they use this site are considering themselves victims of bullying is sickening.
    Grow up. You want to stop REAL bullying - get off of your computer and volunteer with a local children's group. Become a big brother or sister.
    Someone telling you your DIET is unhealthy is not bullying. And to say so it pathetic and demeaning to people that have actually faced bullies.
    Next you will be crying internet rape.
    I don't feel sorry for you and I would gladly say this to any of your faces.

    :flowerforyou: :love:
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I don't understand why people have to bash others. If it is working for you...go for it. Lord knows, I have been bashed a lot cause I took the 'easy' way out. I had gastric bypass. Ain't nothing easy about it. But hey....I ignore those who are negative to me or others.
  • OzarkMountainMan
    Yknow what works for me? Not giving a **** what people say or think about me.

    Yup, works for me too!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    No matter what you do, DO NOT peek into the " x rated" threads...

    all I can say is...

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I must admit that there are a few screen names/avatars that I would be happy to never see again.
    Are you aware that you can put users on ignore? Click the arrow under the picture and choose Ignore. You won't see them again.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member

    It makes my blood boil every time I see the word "bully" thrown around on here, because 90% of the time, no one is being bullied.

    i just want to chime in here and make an observation which i feel is a common trait amongst the folks being called bullies.

    take a look at the ticker for the member who posted the above quote. she has lost 134 lbs. she knows what she's doing. alot of the so-called bullies on here have similar success stories. the reason they comment on the bad information on these forums (and don't kid yourself, there is a lot of bad information being passed off as true) is because they've been down these roads before. they've learned what works, what doesn't, and what is harmful. they want to make the learning curve easier and faster for those who are new to this.

    i don't know her at all. she's not on my friend's list. i've seen her around the forums. but she is indicative of the sort of people who are providing real help here (as well as humor), only to be called meanies and bullies for it. to be honest, it would be comical if there wasn't a small segment of overly sensitive folks who have made it their task on MFP to stalk members like her, looking for things to report to the mods to try and get these people banned. that is no different in my mind that going down to your local public library and burning all of the books that you disagree with. when you do that, you remove information from your universe. as these folks get banned from here, the same thing happens. then this site will become nothing but a giant marketplace ground for people selling green coffee beans or raspberry ketones or meal replacement shakes.

    This is an excellent point. I am not friends with the poster I am quoting, either, but I wholeheartedly agree. Some of the most knowledgeable and supportive posters on this site have been banned because they told people things that they didn't want to hear. Are they direct? Yes. Do they coddle silly ideas or suffer fools? No. That doesn't make them bullies or antagonistic, though. It makes them honest, and honesty seems to be unpopular, as of late.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    The ignore feature here is underutilized. But then, MFP imitates life.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The reason you were met with the treatment you did is because the HCG diet is widely known to be unhealthy and dangerous. The HCG diet is considered a VLCD and as such is not openly promoted on this site. Often threads discussing it are locked and users banned because the site only promotes unhealthy means of weight loss.

    OP, people treat you with disdain on this site because they only promote health and well being. The HCG diet, and people who do it, as well as the ABC diet, and other dangerous means of weight loss are not welcome here or on any other site that promotes health and well being. Please, educate yourself on these matters. Until you choose to do it through healthy eating and exercise, you will not be met with respect here or on other similar sites on the internet. And if you think this site is bad, SparkPeople is worse. Trust me.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I don't understand why people have to bash others. If it is working for you...go for it. Lord knows, I have been bashed a lot cause I took the 'easy' way out. I had gastric bypass. Ain't nothing easy about it. But hey....I ignore those who are negative to me or others.

    You didn't take the easy way out, no. But I have no doubt you did it the healthy way before/after the surgery correct?

    Telling someone to eat 500 calories a day and take injections ILLEGAL product is not good advice.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    And here you are again. That's the problem with things like the HCG "diet". It's nearly always temporary "success". People were right to bash it. If you wish to adapt a healthy lifestyle and a rational diet and exercise plan, I think you will find a lot of support. If you wish to take a quick fix approach, most will bash it, except for some yahoos who will support you.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    ITA. Seriously. I cannot imagine some of these people acting this way offline. It is bullying behavior pure & simple. Just one small example: a newbie asked a question about calf exercises, and someone posted sarcastically that calves were in the meadow. Of course several regulars had to say how clever that was (it was????). I'm sure the newbie made the unforgiveaqble mistake of using the word "toning" thus opening him or her up to obscene ridicule by the forum regs who claim they are sick to death of answering the same questions although no one's forcing them to do it. They just need to step on someone to feel good about themselves. There are worst example of bullying here, but that one stuck in my mind as it was very similar to a sarcastic response my middle schooler had heard the week before. At middle school.

    Oh and then there are the constant posts about women just being jealous of each other. Sexism is alive and well here. Racism would never be tolerated (and it should never be!), but it's OK to rip women apart.

    I agree---we women should start a forum "for women only". It is mostly men who behave so obnoxiously ("roid rage"?) A few of the women have unhelpful attitudes but mostly the women are pretty mellow (because they understand that it is harder for women to lose body fat than men. Estrogen promotes body fat and our smaller lean body mass means that many of us can't eat much more than the minimum 1,200 calories required to keep all systems on "go". In addition to that, pregnancy and lactation adds pounds to many women, who feel helpless to stop it. Many of the male body builders (and you know who you are) love to brag about all the junk they eat and still stay ripped. Must be testosterone poisoning. :ohwell:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'd also like to bounce off of what WinnerVictorious and BondBomb both said (amazing points) and reference some things already said in this thread:

    Yes, you want people to support you; it's often established in these threads that people look for different support.

    With that being said, you have to understand what "support" means; if you're looking for someone to agree with you, then you're looking for "support of your opinion," not "support of your journey." If you want someone to support you in health, fitness, or weight loss (i'm assuming, healthy), people ARE supporting you by pointing out dangers of a dangerous path.

    I immediately joined a community that was for ED recovery (which, from what I've heard, has actually been deleted for whatever reason); people were sure "supporting" each other in their recovery... by still passing info on how to curb hunger, limit calories to under 500, disguise weight loss, posting unhealthy weight goals, etc. Sitting there with an elephant in the room isn't being "supportive"; sitting silently while someone starves themself to death, or eats themself to death, or drinks themself to death, etc. etc. etc... saying, "Good job!" and smiling isn't supporting their ultimate health and well-being. It's just supporting their ignorance or their denial.

    I think the word "support" could use some clearer defining on these boards.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I dont think I've ever felt bullied because for the most part I think everyone is full of sh$t anyways, but I still think there are a bunch of sarcastic uncalled for comments.

    This isnt the first post about bullies as and wont be the last, so clearly something must be going on.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If I have to choose between getting unhealthy/incorrect/dangerous advice in a very nice and polite way or getting correct/helpful advice in the form of snarky and sarcastic comments, I'll take the latter every time.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I must admit that there are a few screen names/avatars that I would be happy to never see again.

    But... IT'S BACON!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'd also like to bounce off of what WinnerVictorious and BondBomb both said (amazing points) and reference some things already said in this thread:

    Yes, you want people to support you; it's often established in these threads that people look for different support.

    With that being said, you have to understand what "support" means; if you're looking for someone to agree with you, then you're looking for "support of your opinion," not "support of your journey." If you want someone to support you in health, fitness, or weight loss (i'm assuming, healthy), people ARE supporting you by pointing out dangers of a dangerous path.

    I immediately joined a community that was for ED recovery (which, from what I've heard, has actually been deleted for whatever reason); people were sure "supporting" each other in their recovery... by still passing info on how to curb hunger, limit calories to under 500, disguise weight loss, posting unhealthy weight goals, etc. Sitting there with an elephant in the room isn't being "supportive"; sitting silently while someone starves themself to death, or eats themself to death, or drinks themself to death, etc. etc. etc... saying, "Good job!" and smiling isn't supporting their ultimate health and well-being. It's just supporting their ignorance or their denial.

    I think the word "support" could use some clearer defining on these boards.

    this x 1000000
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Yknow what works for me? Not giving a **** what people say or think about me.

    Yup, works for me too!

    This is why I poop in the urinal and idgaf whos around.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Tell me what I want to hear or you are a bully.