
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    :cry::cry::cry: :cry: Today is a very sad day for my family. We had to put to sleep our beloved Starr. . Starr went very peaceful with people who loved her at her side. It was so hard but I didn't want her to be alone. I will miss her.:heart::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Oh LaurelFisher :sad: my heart aches for you. It is never easy. DH wants to know why I am sitting here crying.:cry: I still vividly remember the last time I had to do that (7 years ago) I know she will be missed but you and she were both blessed to be a part of each others lives. You are most certainly in my thoughts.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:
    Rose, I am so sorry to hear about Starr....your post brought tears to my eyes and as I was reading, my 15 year old cat, Haifa, climbed in my lap to comfort me.....we both send you our love and sympathy.....we know how much pets are part of our family and what an empty space you'll have.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I finished my day again under calories by a little and a lot of exercise. Went to eat seafood with emma and family. I got boiled shrimp and did very well. Needed to eat some good food. Slim fast was getting old.
    Laurel, so sorry for your loss. I dont have any pets at this time but know how sad it is to lose a beloved pet. YOur grandbaby and mine must be due at the same time. She goes tomorrow to see if she is dilated any more. she is due on the 20th. do you know the sex yet. You may have told us but I missed it. WE are having a boy (Byron)
    Rebel, good job on the zumba and the 2 pound loss. My hubby arrives sat. morn. cant wait.
    caminogirl, dont beat yourself up we all have those senior moments as my dad says. Just keep on going.
    Viv I too have those feeling fat days. I once asked a very skinny friend of mine who would not know fat if it hit her on the head and she also says she has these so it is mental as Barbie says. My oldest son's favorite answer to all pain is "it is all in your head." I got on him the other day when he said that about hot flashes and I told him he would never understand. My sister the nurse said we could give him a few doses of hormones and he could experience it. That made us all laugh.
    Birdie thanks for those words of wisdom. I too have trouble at times with slippage but it is the recovery that is important.
    Jeannie, great job on the weight loss. Keep up the good work.
    Jackie good idea to post instead of eating. I will have to try that.
    Faye I believe my new bike I just bought is kind of a spin one. It has no power and the seat is very small. I bought a jell seat to cover it and that helps some but last night I did stand some to do it and it helped. Burned a lot of calories though.
    rjadams do you realize you have reached you first short term goal. great job.
    Mimi you are so right I find when I eat the right foods I am not nearly as hungry and the food tastes so good.
    Heather it is so good to hear from you. I have really missed you. Sorry you have to start over but dont give up. we are here for you.
    Vicki M:drinker: :laugh:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :cry::cry::cry: :cry: Starr went very peaceful with people who loved her at her side. It was so hard but I didn't want her to be alone. I will miss her.:heart::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    So very sorry:cry: My daughter had to do that last year and it broke her heart!:brokenheart:
  • Kathymyfit
    Kathymyfit Posts: 2 Member
    I just started my diet and fitness last week and today is the first day looking at the posts.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Rose - I am so very sorry about Starr. We have had to put down both a German shepherd and a German shepherd/Rottweiler mix due to cancer, and I know how much it hurts. Take comfort in happy memories of her.

    Kathyr4 - Welcome! We are happy to have you!

    Hope everyone is having a good day. I can't wait for the weekend!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    I just started my diet and fitness last week and today is the first day looking at the posts.
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, this is a great group...stick with us and you'll be glad you did......this thread has lots of support and encouragement. :bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Sorry, I didn't mean to post twice. I didn't see it pop up so I clicked again. I put a picture of Starr as my main for today.

    :heart: What a beautiful dog, I have tears in my eyes posting this, I am so sorry for your loss and I know you will miss her. Nothing I can say to take the pain away, but just to let you know that you are in my thoughts as you will be by everyone who has lost a much loved pet. :heart: :heart:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Rose, I'm thinking about you and your family and sending hugs. I'm sad for you.

    Today went from great to ridiculous :grumble: in an hour. I was heading down to visit my mom. About half way there, the car overheated. In the 5 hours that I was stuck at a gas station waiting for my son to come rescue me (the radiator hose had sprung a leak), I ate a plum and some pineapple that I had in a cooler then bought some beef jerky and corn nuts. (Would you like a little sodium with your sodium, ma'am?) Haven't eaten like that in a long time. I was still under my calories for the day but what a strong reinforcement that it's not all about calories. I feel cheated! :noway:

    I'll try to get down to my mom and dad's house again tomorrow.

    Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers and daughters. :flowerforyou:

    Oops, almost forgot to mention how much I appreciate your wisdom, Barbie. I always get so much from what you have to say. Thank you.
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    HI Everyone....
    Been out of town and mentally (translation = diet) out of town a following day. Back today.
    This conversation helps with my determination, thank you all.
    :cry: Laurel so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. Brought back memories of when we lost ours. You did the right thing, of course. My dog suffered another couple of weeks because the kids were away at college and wanted to come to say goodbye. I slept by her bed (down in the kitchen) to help her breathe. You did the right thing.
    :smile: Kathyr4 welcome to the group. A very good group.
    :smile: Mimi - - It's tough when you have a good eating plan for the day and something (like an overheating engine) scrambles your schedule. But you have been so very good - - You are so focused and determined. Nothing stands in your way!
    More trips out of town later this month. So hard to forego the partying. Ay yi yi...:noway:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello all.

    Rose--Your story about the loss of Starr brought back vivid memories of how I lost my sweet Dreyfus, also to cancer. Starr was a beautiful girl as her picture shows. Remember she had a good life with you. Only time will ease the sharpness of loss, and I don't know that the tears ever go away. I am proving that right now, and it will be two years on August 15th since I lost Dreyfus.

    Read everyone's posts. BTW, Birdie, you asked about Amalia (amascot)--she is fine, saw a post on the Juy 4th challenge thread. She is not in an area affected by the unrest, just got off a carb detox regimen and said she lost "a kilo."

    Renny, Glad hubby is coming home. Hope you are getting good weather up there like we are down here for the weekend. You might be able to graduate to shorts from those capris.

    Today, for the second day in a row, the doggies got cheated out of a walk before I had to leave until late afternoon. Spent the morning tracking down the out of state daughter of one of my neighbors. There was concern about his health after over a week's worth of newspapers piled up and he was nowhere to be found. Before I called in the police for a welfare check, I hunted up the daughter's phone nbr. She lives on the opposite end of the USA from here. Discovered "dad" is safely in a care facility. He fell and broke his collarbone and the paper delivery was supposed to stop but didn't.

    By the time I got this situation resolved, I had no time for breakfast and barely had time to get to my parents' to pick them up for multiple doctor visits today. 2 for my dad and one for my mom--all at same clinic. They were scheduled in such a way that we had lunch in between them. Went to Applebee's where I had the lunch size servings of French Onion Soup and French Dip Sliders. Can you say "hello sodium?" LOL

    My dad apparently decided that "life is short so eat dessert first," and had a HOT FUDGE SUNDAE for lunch!! My mom had soup. As we watched my dad finish his sundae, we speculated on whether we should arm wrestle him for a bite!!

    I didn't get home until about 5p, and got out for 45 minutes of doggie walking. Very nice afternoon, sunny and a little breezy, but a welcome change from all the R-A-I-N--a four-letter word if ever I heard it!! Then I had a meeting to go to, complete with dinner at a 50's diner. I discovered they have a low carb menu, and though there is plenty on there that isn't low fat, there is a grilled skinless chicken breast and salad, so I managed to eat healthy. We won't talk about the friend who shared her French fries!! Ooops!

    It is late, and I am tired, so good bye all.

  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Barb: Thanks for your words of wisdom. They are so encouraging and realistic. :flowerforyou:
    Laurel: my heart goes out to you dear. I am convinced that dogs are heaven sent. My outside dog, Lucky, found us. He had a terrible case of mange and I tried to shoo him off. Shame on me. He has turned out to be my best friend. I have cried on his shoulder and told him my deepest secrets. He is so loyal. I love him dearly and am so glad God sent him my way. I am sending up prayers for you Laurel. :heart:

    This week I have come to the conclusion that I am much like an alcoholic...with food as my vice. I can only take one day at a time. Today I will eat well, exercise and take care of myself. I teach and it is the end of the semester. There is sooooooooooo much partying going on it is a challenge for me. I am serving cookies to my classes today. I will allow myself 1, if I really want it. And I will log those cals. I will place them far away from me in the classroom. I WILL plan for my success today.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning ladies :smile: Well I weighed in this morning, grrrr :grumble: I only managed to lose 2 itty bitty oz. :sad: I guess I shouldn't complain, the scale went down instead of up. With the slip ups, I am surprised I didn't gain. This has not been a good week for excercise. Every time I got motivated to get going on the treadmill, I would get company. I did manage to get 2 days in with the zumba dvd's. It's just not been a good week all the way around. Between feeling ill, having heated, shall we say, discussions with dh, and everything else, I guess I should be happy for the loss :drinker:

    Laurel - I am so sorry about your pet ( baby). I know what's it's like to have to go through that. I had to do it twice. Once with a doberman/rott I had and loved dearly, and then with a collie that I had also loved. The dobie was about 20 yrs ago and I still to this day think about her. My collie was about 7 yrs. ago. I cried and cried. Just when I finally quit crying, the vet sent me a sympathy card and got me going all over again.

    I had more things to say, but my Simon decided it was time to play and low and behold, can't keep him waiting :laugh: It has taken me almost an hour to type this. I had to stop in the middle of this sentence because he wanted my undivided attention, geez. What can I say? You gotta just love them :heart:

    Well, I will go for now and I hope all has a good day :flowerforyou:
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Oh, ladies, I am SOOOOO discouraged. What in this world has gone awry???? I've been doing great - down a pound or two or even four a week. Well, I went from the bottom weight up 5 pounds in one day - but the worst part is the next day I was up an additional 4 more pounds. Really, how could I possibly put on 9 pounds in 2 days?!?!?!? I've been working out at the gym and minding my food behavior. Any ideas or suggestions or comments or anything at all will be so much appreciated. Today is down in the dumps day for me!!!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Oh, ladies, I am SOOOOO discouraged. What in this world has gone awry???? I've been doing great - down a pound or two or even four a week. Well, I went from the bottom weight up 5 pounds in one day - but the worst part is the next day I was up an additional 4 more pounds. Really, how could I possibly put on 9 pounds in 2 days?!?!?!? I've been working out at the gym and minding my food behavior. Any ideas or suggestions or comments or anything at all will be so much appreciated. Today is down in the dumps day for me!!!

    9 lbs in 2 days does sound strange and the only thing I can think of is sodium. Have you been drinking your water? Hang in there and don't be discouraged, it's probably just a fluke. Next weigh in will probably be more in your favor. We all have bad weigh in days. What ever you do, don't give up or let this get you down.
  • kadobosz
    kadobosz Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, I have never posted any comments before. I had been doing pretty well but it seems that when I am stressed (my husband and I have completely gutted my kitchen and it will be several weeks before I can cook) I EAT. I can not cook right now so there is a lot of meals brought in from outside. Eating out is fun but when it becomes a daily thing it loses a lot of its appeal. I try but between the kitchen, church, work, and my husband it is very difficult to find time (another excuse) to exercise. I am pretty depressed with my weight situation right now and hope I don't just give up.

    I love my fitness pal and do well until I stop counting and checking in.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Me again :wink: I was wondering, how do you log in the no. of steps from a pedometer?
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: happy friday

    No time to read just popping in and letting you know today was weigh in morning and I met my 1st goal of May...total lost :drinker: 20 pounds. It's got to be the fish, everytime we have fish for dinner the next day the scale is down:bigsmile:

    Gotta go just got a call from my Irrigation Tech that someone hit the back of his truck:sad: this is NOT the way to start a half day Friday:grumble:

    Everyone have a good day and keep up the good fight:flowerforyou:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Rose--I'm so sorry for your loss. t is so hard when a beloved pet passes.:cry: I am glad you could be with her at the end.

    Welcome Kathyr4 :flowerforyou: at this rate the Kathy's will be catching up to the Barbs!:wink:

    Barb (Weaklink)--We've got lovely spring weather, too, so far! I need to go buy some capris and shorts, though--mine are all HUGE!:happy:

    Donna--Is it possible that you are being TOO good at minding your food behavior? Try adding 100-200 calories a day for a while and see if that helps. Sometimes we need to let our bodies know that we are not starving!:ohwell: I would think sodium does play a big part in the gain, too. Drinks lots of water!:drinker:

    Laura--That's wonderful that you've met your 1st goal! You go, girl!:flowerforyou:

    Now--for my news--I weighed this morning and am UNDER 200 pounds!!!!:happy: :smile: :happy: Not by much (199.5) but it's been FOREVER since I saw a 1 in front of the numbers! Now to keep going and get rid of that 9 in the middle!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    :cry::cry::cry: :cry: Today is a very sad day for my family. We had to put to sleep our beloved Starr. Starr was, is and always will be our baby girl. I watched her and 8 siblings being born on my bedroom floor 14 years ago. I will miss her terribly. We came home from work today and she was laying on the ground outside her dog house and I couldn't get her to get up. I called for my husband and when he came out she sat up but couldn't stand. I called the Vet and they siad they close at six but were backed up and to bring her in, They said we could just leave her in the back of the truck and they would come out to examine her so as not to traumatize her by moving her more than necessary. Starr is an 86lb German Shephard and it was not easy to get her into the back of the truck without causing her pain. We arrived at the vet and was joined by our son and his wife, who are expecting their first child any day. After an hour wait the Vet came out and examined Starr and was very concerned when she felt a mass in Starr's stomach. She said that the mass was huge and that she could give her medicine that could shrink the mass but it was just a matter of time and it would be kinder not to make her suffer. The staff were really gentle with her and gave us time to say our good byes. They put her on a stretcher and carried her inside to put an IV in. Then they brought her into a room so we could be with her while they first gave her a sedative and then the second shot. Starr went very peaceful with people who loved her at her side. It was so hard but I didn't want her to be alone. I will miss her.:heart::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    My heart breaks for you. Here's something especially for you:

    Where Pets Go

    There is a place up in the sky,
    Where special pets go when they die;
    A place to stay and wait all day,
    Until their owner comes their way.

    For some, the wait is short and sweet,
    For others, time drags on leaded feet;
    Row upon row by heaven’s gate,
    The noble, furried creatures wait.

    For a certain footstep that they know,
    For a certain voice to say, “Let’s go”;
    And so you left us on this day.
    For a place of no pain, to run, to play.

    But keep your eyes upon the gate,
    I’ll try not to be too late;
    I’ll softly call your name and then,
    Together, life will be good again.

    The Rainbow Bridge Story
    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
    The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together

    .... Author unknown

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