Getting picked on about what you eat at work?



  • nookeetoone
    If there is anything plain that I like, it is Jasmin rice. Just like that. Nothing added *drool*

    I havent ever been bullied with what I eat though....
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    I think she hates this co-worker. i think she hated him way before he ever noticed her rice. She brought this particular story here hoping to get some more folks to hate him, but we don't work with them so folks are only going to identify/side with whatever resembles something in their own experiences.
  • susanp57
    susanp57 Posts: 409 Member
    Have none of you people ever eaten risotto? Then you eaten butter on your rice.

    How about some nice sauced beef tips served over rice, mmm gravy.

    That Middle America comment was the stupidest thing I've read on here.

    As to the OP, just tell him to buzz off and mind his own food.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Well, there are very few women in my program and most of them are my size or bigger.

    There are two that really like to russle my jimmies when I bring a salad to school...
    I look at the one girls leftovers and it's like heart attack casserole.

    Please do not complain about my healthy eating choices.

    She also made a snide comment to me one day when I was eating almonds and that I was just joining the class fad that the guys were doing....

    When did eating almonds become a fad?:huh:
  • ACDodd
    ACDodd Posts: 129 Member
    I ate rice with butter sugar and a little milk for breakfast when I was a kid.
    In Hawaii they eat a dish called Loco Moco.
    2 scoops of rice with 2 hamburger patties 2 over easy eggs all covered with brown gravy.
    It's good but maybe that's why so many Hawaiians are big.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    A couple co-workers rip on me for what I eat at work... It doesn't offend me though. Next time I would recommend not going to a supervisor and just telling the guy to **** off, it's just a food choice.
  • nsemrau
    nsemrau Posts: 23 Member
    On the opposite side, does anyone else have their co-workers justifying their meals or apologizing for their meals to you? It seems like every time I go out to eat with my co-workers for lunch (rarely, BTW - it's hard to eat well at restaurants) a few of them tend to say things after they order like "I know that it's terrible for me, but I just love it," or "I'm sorry, Nick, but I just don't get full from salads like you do."
    I've never criticized or commented on anything that anyone has ever ordered, so I feel kind of bad when they say things like this. I laugh it off or ignore it and change the subject, essentially telling them that what they eat is none of my business, but I still find it strange.

    Am I alone with this?
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I like gravy on rice lol .... I like gravy on everything lol

    But I HATE when people comment on what I'm eating. Its like, leave me the **** alone I'm trying to ****ing eat! Go away *kitten*!
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    Yes people comment on mine all the time at work but I just laugh them off. I have salads almost everyday and they think that's funny. Today I had fat free cottage cheese with fruit and they all commented. They eat gross diner food that is like Sam's Club re-heated not even fresh so THEY are the losers and I laugh at them back.

    You know VIVA LA DIFFERENCE ... we are all different. I try to be respectful to people who are different in any way. Eat what you like and what works for you! Try not to let them bother you!
  • murphinchina
    Mountains out of mole hills. Rediculous.

    my first thought; i've got bigger fish to fry than to care about someone else's feelings on MY lunch

    First thought... I get comments about my food because hey... I'm a white guy in China and they're always curious about what I'm eating and where I got it. I try to take everything in a friendly light. Sometimes it can get awkward however, since I am bigger than most of my co-workers (and their entire, combined families!) "The Look" usually works.

    My second thought is... if you're going to bash someone, who is asking for support or input on a topic, using a "big word" like ridiculous... learn how to spell it first.


    My third thought it... Hey, congratulations on losing the 50 lbs! Bravo!
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I think she hates this co-worker. i think she hated him way before he ever noticed her rice. She brought this particular story here hoping to get some more folks to hate him, but we don't work with them so folks are only going to identify/side with whatever resembles something in their own experiences.
    Actually, no. I don't hate this co-worker. I just hated the fact he started criticizing my food choices because I choose not to put anything on my rice. To me, personally, it felt like an attack on my Asian culture. I've lived just about my entire life never putting anything on my rice. It makes no sense to me personally, but if I see someone else putting butter or gravy on their rice, I don't bother him about it because it's his choice.

    I thought seriously about criticizing his food choices the other day just to show how I felt. In all seriousness...that one butterhorn danish would've equaled two full meals for me.

    The one thing we have to remember is this: What sometimes may be a joke to someone...may not be so funny to another person, so we do have to watch our words.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Yeah, since I've lost weight, I've realized that I really don't need, or care for butter on most of my veggies. Just some salt. My Mom came to visit me, and knowing how healthy I eat, acted like I was just a health nut now, and crazy for not putting butter on my vegetables. She actually acted like she was mad. I told her if she wanted to put it on hers, she was more than welcome. We had bbq chicken one night, steak one night, burgers, and fish another night. When she went home, she said she lost 3lb's over the weekend, and put it all back on after getting back home n eating chineese food, n some other junk. When she got home she acted like I was starving her! She didn't eat all day, by her choice. I had made eggs n had plenty of stuff for her to make, like sandwiches n other stuff. Oh, I also had a body by Vi protein shake, which I think are sooooo goooodd! She acted like everything healthy I ate was gross, and was like, "I couldn't eat that!" She's really gotten overweight n very unhealthy. Oh well, to each his own! I pretty much eat what I want, when I want. I just try to eat healthy the majority of the time.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    On the opposite side, does anyone else have their co-workers justifying their meals or apologizing for their meals to you? It seems like every time I go out to eat with my co-workers for lunch (rarely, BTW - it's hard to eat well at restaurants) a few of them tend to say things after they order like "I know that it's terrible for me, but I just love it," or "I'm sorry, Nick, but I just don't get full from salads like you do."
    I've never criticized or commented on anything that anyone has ever ordered, so I feel kind of bad when they say things like this. I laugh it off or ignore it and change the subject, essentially telling them that what they eat is none of my business, but I still find it strange.

    Am I alone with this?

    Haha, I've been that coworker. If I'm out to eat with someone much smaller and more fit than I am, I get self-conscious. I worry that if I order something "bad," that they'll think things like "no wonder she's fat!" so I feel like I have to justify it to them (or maybe it's really to myself" by saying something like "I haven't had a cheat day in forever! I'm going to allow a little cheat today" so they don't think I always eat like that. Yeah it might sound insecure but a lot of people DO think that way- I see people post on here all the time, commenting on others' bad eating choices and talking *kitten* on them- even the OP did that! One of my coworkers makes fun of overweight people too, so I'm especially self-conscious if she's there. Yeah, I "shouldn't" care but easier said than done.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    LOL whut. People have never heard of putting gravy on rice??
    It's fairly common here--I guess it's a Southern thing.

    I had a bit of a similar problem at my previous workplace, an office. It was kind of close-knit, with a variety of different eating styles--
    But let someone bake a cake & I not take at least a sliver.
    My co-worker would absolutely push me to get it.
    I decided to give up on explaining, & just count it in the daily intake.
    Quite annoying.

    But not as annoying as being harassed about your rice. :( Sorry you had to go through that!
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I think she hates this co-worker. i think she hated him way before he ever noticed her rice. She brought this particular story here hoping to get some more folks to hate him, but we don't work with them so folks are only going to identify/side with whatever resembles something in their own experiences.
    Actually, no. I don't hate this co-worker. I just hated the fact he started criticizing my food choices because I choose not to put anything on my rice. To me, personally, it felt like an attack on my Asian culture. I've lived just about my entire life never putting anything on my rice. It makes no sense to me personally, but if I see someone else putting butter or gravy on their rice, I don't bother him about it because it's his choice.

    I thought seriously about criticizing his food choices the other day just to show how I felt. In all seriousness...that one butterhorn danish would've equaled two full meals for me.

    The one thing we have to remember is this: What sometimes may be a joke to someone...may not be so funny to another person, so we do have to watch our words.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    People at work picked on me for chia seeds HARDCORE!!!!!

    " what on earth is in your water??!!"

    " Chia seeds!"

    Imagine the jokes I got..please... like, I am going to turn into a chia pet..

    My boyfriend liked to joke that I was going to *kitten* out a tree.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    My third thought it... Hey, congratulations on losing the 50 lbs! Bravo!
    Before you criticize my spelling, fix your grammar. Dolt. That word short 'nough fer ya?
  • murphinchina
    Yep. If it's one thing that I've learned about working with adults, very few of them act that way.

    I must be the confiding type (or it's obvious that I handle petty differences on my own), but a number of my supervisors over the years have thanked me for listening to them while they vent about how most of their job consists of handling petty kindergarten playground squabbles.

    My significant other has the opportunity to go into management with his company, and this is one of the reasons he doesn't want to. Neither of us can understand why someone would run to a supervisor instead of just saying "Please stop commenting on my food choices" to the person who is annoying them.

    If someone was just arguing back with me about the best way to eat rice, I'd probably think they wanted to debate and were interested in continuing the conversation.

    Hey guys, a little info for you here... The OP says she's Vietnamese-American, and I don't know if she was born in the US or Vietnam but here's a HUGE cultural difference. In Chinese specifically, and most of Asia (assuming VN as well) a "lowly" employee NEVER talks back to an "exalted" boss. And... ALL employees are lowly and ALL bosses are exalted. I've been here four years and, as an American with typical American attitudes, it's impossible for me to understand or fit into this behavior. In this part of the world, workers just do WTF they are told and go about their day. Perhaps the OP has not had these experiences but I'm betting a little of these attitudes were instilled in her as a child by her family.

    Given that, and realizing that we aren't really here for "life advice"... I applaud the OP for doing what SHE thought was necessary to stay on the path to her health/weight goals.

  • odadkins78
    Who the heck puts gravy on rice?
    i did before i started this diet
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I usually prefer to confront my coworkers straight up instead of letting my boss handle it. I don't know if that's a good thing, but it sure feels better!