Runners.......what BUGS you?



  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    When a creepy old man in a trench coat walks past and then obviously turns around as I pass him to stare at my backside. Had to check to make sure he wasn't going to run after me lol

    Me too :happy:
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    This is an interesting thread.
    Personally, before reading this, I'd never have thought to give someone a shout if I was overtaking them.
    Partly because it doesn't bug me in the slightest, partly because most people have earphones in while they run anyway and mostly because at 11 minute miles I don't tend to overtake many people, so it's just not an issue I've had to give much thought to.
    I would normally say hello to people as we cross paths or at least nod and smile, then the deprecating laugh if we pass on another lap but they've covered more ground than I have, but that's more out of personal friendliness than any sort of runners etiquette.
    I'll definintely be keeping an eye out to see if people give me a shout when they're going by in future.

    My own pet peeves include nipular chafing, having to carry anything while I run and people obviously laughing at me.
    I'm a big guy so I get that I look a bit silly struggling round the path or track, but for f**k sake show a bit of respect for people.
    Had an incident a few months ago where I was doing mile laps around a nearby path on my lunch hour. Ran past a few guys sitting on a bench and they had a some less than choice things to say once the big belly had gone lumbering past them. You know the type, generic arsehole loiterers and profssional level nuisance. They obviosuly assumed I wouldn't hear as I had earphones in, but was on a gap between songs. I'd never have caught them had I turned round, so I just continued on my route and a mile later I was passing them again, still sitting there. They had no idea I'd heard what they said so were fairly taken aback when one got a slap on the head and the other was clotheslined off the bench.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i hate running on my own, think its because it makes me feel very self concious so i go with my 14 year old daughter, we live very close to some beautiful woodland (literally 5 mins walk from our house) that once upon a time used to be part of sherwood forest.
    what i hate is when we are having a lovely run and accidentally come across people dogging talk about awkward lol
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    i hate running on my own, think its because it makes me feel very self concious so i go with my 14 year old daughter, we live very close to some beautiful woodland (literally 5 mins walk from our house) that once upon a time used to be part of sherwood forest.
    what i hate is when we are having a lovely run and accidentally come across people dogging talk about awkward lol

    It's only akward if you let it be! lol, cheerful wave, encouraging smile and on you go!
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i hate running on my own, think its because it makes me feel very self concious so i go with my 14 year old daughter, we live very close to some beautiful woodland (literally 5 mins walk from our house) that once upon a time used to be part of sherwood forest.
    what i hate is when we are having a lovely run and accidentally come across people dogging talk about awkward lol

    It's only akward if you let it be! lol, cheerful wave, encouraging smile and on you go!

    its only awkward because im with my daughter and shes horrified by it lol
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    Didn't bug me, but it cracked me up after I screamed - there was a crane that took up residence one year in the park where I run. It was beautiful. Looked forward to seeing it every morning. Only one day, I didn't see him. Until I ran face to face with him as I turned a corner. He was RIGHT THERE. Surprised me, I jumped and said some choice words. Pretty sure that sound he made was a bad word in crane language, and he flew away. It was pretty cool once I recovered from the shock. :)
  • CSassWJE
    I walk early in the morning. What bugs me are people whose dogs aren't chained who then come after me. Where I live, there is an ordinance that states that dogs must be leashed. When I contact the city, they tell me that unless their animal control people personally witness the dog off a leash, there is nothing that they can do. So I invite them to walk with me early in the morning. They refuse. Why can't dog owners be more responsible? My dog is never off it leash when outdoors.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    One of the above post's spoke of the odor of road kill & reminded me of the aftermath of Hurricane Rita.

    The heat and humidity down here is at times overwhelming & after Rita, it was even more so - & when this area lost electricity, the food in the refrigerators got very ripe & fast - so ripe that the odor permeated the insulation in the refrigerators & they couldnt be salvaged and were tossed.

    I am not weak stomach and nothing really nauseates me (other than libs :ohwell: ). When I was in high school I worked on a rural garbage truck & at times while eating a sandwich with filthy hands in a ditch beside the road, I would find maggots crawling in my hair and shirt & still never lost my appetite while picking them off.

    Anyway...after Rita, I was on a morning run, sidestepping the high mounds of debris piled high on the sidewalks & ran past a "wrath of satan" refrigerator. My GAWD it was possessed ! The satanic vapors were so bad that I could actually taste it! No joke. I could actually taste the stench! It hit me so hard it threw me off off my stride. I seriously thought that there was a dead body nearby. I have never smelled such a foul stench as what emanated from those refrigerators - but this one was the all mighty supreme kahuna demon of them all. :laugh:
  • EricaRuns27
    EricaRuns27 Posts: 61 Member
    My biggest peeve is when a dog decides they want to chase you, because the owner doesn't find it necessary to keep them leashed!

    Also when I have to run around a group of people. It's just something about that that gets me.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Dog mess. Eww. I don't wanna see that, especially on the side walk. I have a path where I live that I can't walk on bc I'm so disgusted by the random dog mess, so I have to drive about 12 miles back and forth just to go on a walk. So annoying.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    My biggest peeve is when a dog decides they want to chase you, because the owner doesn't find it necessary to keep them leashed!

    Also when I have to run around a group of people. It's just something about that that gets me.

    :laugh: :laugh: But, you're not looking at the bright side. You got your workout done faster, didn't you?
  • JuliannaEP
    JuliannaEP Posts: 53 Member
    Smokers that feel that I need to breathe in their cigarette... Trust me, I had enough second hand smoke as a child, I don't need anymore.

    I HATE irresponsible pet owners and irresponsible parents. (BTW, I'm both a dog owner and a parent) Here's why:
    -I've been shin-cracked by a preschooler on a scooter. Parents blamed me for their kid falling.
    -I've also been tripped up by a dog on one of those 15' retractable leashes... Let's put it this way, those things are pretty much invisible at dawn/dusk/night.
    -I've been bit on the calf by a dog on a leash.
    -I've sprayed a dog with pepper spray in it's own front yard. I didn't realize they had an invisible fence, the dog came running up to me, growling, hackles raised, barring its teeth and no wagging tail... full force running. Yeah, I'm going to spray it. Tip to owners: don't have the invisible fence go right up to the sidewalk where your non-docile dog can run right up to ANYONE.

    I've been running for a long time and nothing that parents and dog-owners do shocks me anymore. That's why I feel I'm overly OCD when out with my kid and dog.

    ::Stepping off of my soapbox:: :)
  • mrkwns24
    My own pet peeves include nipular chafing, having to carry anything while I run and people obviously laughing at me.
    I'm a big guy so I get that I look a bit silly struggling round the path or track, but for f**k sake show a bit of respect for people.
    Had an incident a few months ago where I was doing mile laps around a nearby path on my lunch hour. Ran past a few guys sitting on a bench and they had a some less than choice things to say once the big belly had gone lumbering past them. You know the type, generic arsehole loiterers and profssional level nuisance. They obviosuly assumed I wouldn't hear as I had earphones in, but was on a gap between songs. I'd never have caught them had I turned round, so I just continued on my route and a mile later I was passing them again, still sitting there. They had no idea I'd heard what they said so were fairly taken aback when one got a slap on the head and the other was clotheslined off the bench.

    Just remember, no matter how slow you may run, you're still lapping the guy sitting on the couch.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I had one go right into my mouth recently, EW

    love your muscles!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    When I run past someone and smile, or say hello and they are suddenly really interested in whatever is on their phone. I know I look like hell, but would it kill you to say hello?

    Some of us are anti-social and freak out.. before we recover you're gone...

    Yes, I hate that. I normally am just listening to music on my phone, but when I see someone approaching, I'll pretend to be doing something on my phone. LOL. Leave my alone!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Smokers that feel that I need to breathe in their cigarette... Trust me, I had enough second hand smoke as a child, I don't need anymore.

    I HATE irresponsible pet owners and irresponsible parents. (BTW, I'm both a dog owner and a parent) Here's why:
    -I've been shin-cracked by a preschooler on a scooter. Parents blamed me for their kid falling.
    -I've also been tripped up by a dog on one of those 15' retractable leashes... Let's put it this way, those things are pretty much invisible at dawn/dusk/night.
    -I've been bit on the calf by a dog on a leash.
    -I've sprayed a dog with pepper spray in it's own front yard. I didn't realize they had an invisible fence, the dog came running up to me, growling, hackles raised, barring its teeth and no wagging tail... full force running. Yeah, I'm going to spray it. Tip to owners: don't have the invisible fence go right up to the sidewalk where your non-docile dog can run right up to ANYONE.

    I've been running for a long time and nothing that parents and dog-owners do shocks me anymore. That's why I feel I'm overly OCD when out with my kid and dog.

    ::Stepping off of my soapbox:: :)

    :laugh: OMG, tears are still rolling down and I can't stop laughing. I can just see the owner coming out of the house and he sees you just spraying his poor dog, and he's like, "WTF?? WHY ARE YOU SPRAYING MY DOG? THAT'S CRUEL!" LMAO!!!
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    dog poop for some reason doesn't bug me, I guess people in my area are usually pretty decent about it, and the dogs can't help it. If it's particularly egregious, I'll pick it up myself (I've got dogs and they carry their own bags in and out, they notice the difference but tolerate it). But it reminded me of the poop that does bug me....

    The damned goose poop down by the rivers... Nobody ever picks up after the geese, and they drop turds of a volume that rivals the products of my two 60# dogs. And there are hundreds of them, maybe thousands. Everywhere, just a blanket of nasty goose poop. They eat all the grass, so it turns to mud (which they then cover in poop), and when it's reproductive season (when is it NOT?) they attack, and not in a gentle Mother Goose story book kind of way, they're the wolverines of the water fowl. Nasty, poopy beasts.

    Even my dogs are afraid of them (but love to roll in the poop - another reason to hate it).
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    running on a small trail last weekend i had to run past a dead deer. i put my hand up to my face as i ran past it and hoped i didn't trip over a stump or rock or run through dog poo.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I have lost count as to how many times i have yelled ( somewhat ) at a dog to go home. The worst is when the owners holler that the dog is friendly lol thats great but my is not always great with other dogs! keep your dogs confined!

    LOL @ you telling a dog to go home. I can just see you pointing at him. :laugh: And, yes, about the owners who say their dog is friendly or doesn't bite. Then, why is he barking and coming at me??? I'm still scared AF, so come get your damn dog.
  • soymilkcoffee
    In the summer, when those little gnats in huge colonies are flying in the middle of the path but you can't see them because they're virtually invisible. And you run into their colony with your mouth wide open, consuming a nice serving of tiny little bugs.