Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @ Robin, Helen and Kaye- I did some research today on Toxic relationships and I truely believe I am in one. Based on what I read it will never change without hard work on both parties. To Helen I have tried to tell him how I feel but he doesn't really seem to care in my opinion because he will say things like "You have no right to feel like that or That's stupid that you feel like that". I will definately need to pull my big girl britches up and stand up for what I know I deserve.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Well, I called the doctor again. He is insisting the thyroid levels are fine, and that I need to be on diet pills. I don't want pills. I got sick last time. I don't want to take pills, and see MORE of the doctor to make sure that the pills aren't killing me! He is also putting me on iron pills. He says my iron is low. Great. Don't people LOSE weight when their iron is low? Now he's giving me more iron... Maybe I'll just have to look up "endocrinologist" in the yellow pages and take matters in my own hands.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Well, I called the doctor again. He is insisting the thyroid levels are fine, and that I need to be on diet pills. I don't want pills. I got sick last time. I don't want to take pills, and see MORE of the doctor to make sure that the pills aren't killing me! He is also putting me on iron pills. He says my iron is low. Great. Don't people LOSE weight when their iron is low? Now he's giving me more iron... Maybe I'll just have to look up "endocrinologist" in the yellow pages and take matters in my own hands.

    Helen - I think that is an excellent idea! Find an endocrinologist.

  • lmatney12
    lmatney12 Posts: 3 Member
    its most likely a build up of lactic acid, make sure that your staying well hydrated before, during, and after workouts as this will help remove some of that from your muscles.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    @ Robin, Helen and Kaye- I did some research today on Toxic relationships and I truely believe I am in one. Based on what I read it will never change without hard work on both parties. To Helen I have tried to tell him how I feel but he doesn't really seem to care in my opinion because he will say things like "You have no right to feel like that or That's stupid that you feel like that". I will definately need to pull my big girl britches up and stand up for what I know I deserve.

    Not taking your feelings into account and is calling you stupid is the exact opposite of what a relationship is supposed to be. I see now why you want this to end. I still think counseling is a good idea, though. Not to save the relationship, but to give you the tools you need to end the relationship. (Robin's idea of a great big guy for an enforcer couldn't hurt either.)
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I've been wondering.... what is going on with Augie?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Helen - I think you should go Dr. hunting. You shouldn't settle on one that is 'good enough'. You deserve a great doctor that wants to work WITH you to improve your health. Not discount the things you say.
    @Queen - Not only is he treating you badly but he's a putz for tell you how to (or NOT to) feel. Toxic relationship is the perfect description. I would give him an eviction notice immediately with a 30 day date to move out and take all his stuff with him. I know it's hard, but you deserve not only someone better but in the very LEAST basic respect.

    Thursday truth - Went WAY over calories last night. Feeling so sick to my stomach today. I don't know if it was what I ate or something poisoned me but oof. In bed with my boys today.
  • gallingers06
    gallingers06 Posts: 43 Member
    I have a question - do anyone else's legs ache/pain them at night while (trying) to sleep? Since I started exercising - especially running, I think, my legs ache when I'm asleep. Enough that it wakes me. It's not a muscle pain like anything has been pulled or injured, it's a general ache in both legs. I did my walk/run later last night and took a muscle pain reliever, thinking maybe that might help, but it didn't. I think I'll rest them tonight - no walk and wasn't going to run 2 days in a row anyway. Maybe do some yoga or something instead. I do stretch after every run. I'm just curious if this happens to anyone else. I'm hoping as I get lighter, it will ease up.

    If it feels like pain is actually in your bones versus your muscles, it could be low in Vitamin D. I had a similar problem and when my doctor ran my bloodscreen my Vit d was so low, I was as she put it "borderline rickets." Didn't know that was still possible, but it was. It was since the building I work in does not have windows, and I did not get enough sunshine on a daily basis. Now I am on a Vit D regimin, and it has stopped. Ask your doctor since it may be a possibility.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Helen - oh no! So what does that mean when I haven't had a TOM for YEARS?! No wonder I'm in so much pain!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    melancholy- sorry to hear about your MIL....hugs to you and your hubby

    marsha- ok, i accept your challenge for NO chocolate for Feb......i may be having seizures from withdrawl tho....

    rachel- totally inappropriate response from your 'professional' trainer....take what you have learned and do your own thing.....i have never been able to afford a trainer although i did have a free interview with one...when i filled out the medical questionairre she would not touch me :laugh: :laugh: thought i was gonna drop dead any minute even tho i told her all the stuff that i i still do my own thing

    very excited today cause i am offically allowed to drive and ride my bike after my knee replacement.....however he did tell me i should try going back to work only part time at the end of feb (3 mo post) but that will not pay the mortgage so i just have to hope it works. Was so happy i went and bought more fabric to sew some tops for work instead of celebrating by eating
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @ Robin, Helen and Kaye- I did some research today on Toxic relationships and I truely believe I am in one. Based on what I read it will never change without hard work on both parties. To Helen I have tried to tell him how I feel but he doesn't really seem to care in my opinion because he will say things like "You have no right to feel like that or That's stupid that you feel like that". I will definately need to pull my big girl britches up and stand up for what I know I deserve.

    Queen - you need to claim your nickname - you deserve to be treated like the Queen that is in every woman. This man is talking to you abusively. Its hard to realize it, its hard to own up to it, but he is. No need to argue with him, he's not going to recognize it for what it is and he's not going to change. You should read up on the definition of abusive relationships too. Don't be like me, it took me 21 years to wake up from my reverie and realize that "not bad" was really TERRIBLE! :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Well, I called the doctor again. He is insisting the thyroid levels are fine, and that I need to be on diet pills. I don't want pills. I got sick last time. I don't want to take pills, and see MORE of the doctor to make sure that the pills aren't killing me! He is also putting me on iron pills. He says my iron is low. Great. Don't people LOSE weight when their iron is low? Now he's giving me more iron... Maybe I'll just have to look up "endocrinologist" in the yellow pages and take matters in my own hands.

    Yes, DO! I've dealt with so many specialists and its not that unusual for a patient to be self-referred.
    Your doc is a little nutso to be wanting you to take diet pills. I did ask to try them several months ago and was put on phentermine and I lasted about 9 days! It did great for my appetite but my jaw started moving involuntarily and I looked like an ape. I was jittery also, so not a big fan. Take the iron pills, you need them if your levels are low - won't affect your weight gain/loss either way.

    Augie is around on MFP but hasn't visited this thread in a few months.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thursday truth- I am so mentally and physically exhausted. I am taking the night off from the gym to let my body rest and I feel Sooo guilty about it. If I am able to I'd like to go tomorrow. This is unlike any pain I have felt. It's worse than just working out after not working out.. I literally have a very difficult time getting up and down the stairs, sitting, etc. really brutal. Advil isn't really helping. I haven't slept great in 2 nights. I'm hoping this helps.

    Have a great night everyone!

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thursday Truth: I feel like a dog who has just messed up the living room while their owners went away for an evening. I'm dragging my butt back to the place where I belong with my ears back and my tail between my legs.

    best analogy ever.
    Toots - I'm sorry to hear about your husband's difficult work situation. The DOD's cut back's can be really cruel and senseless. He should really put in for a vacation immediately if he is feeling the stress so bad. I know because I had a nervous breakdown in my stressful position as a neurosurgeons' assistant and was pushed to the WALL and felt I couldn't take a vacation or a break, and the day I took a 4 day weekend I was told I had cancer, and when I found out I DIDN"T well then I fell apart. It seems funny now, but that nervous breakdown led me to a whole new life. I hope that doesn't happen to your husband, but if he's stressing now, that is the for-runner to him running screaming down the halls SOMEWHERE.

    yeah, i'm pretty sure a nervous breakdown is what's coming next. and he can't take a vacation until april. so hopefully he can hold out.
    @toots I hope your husband feels better. I'm so sorry he doesn't have the help he needs at work. It's not good for him, or for the people he is looking after. You'd think the government would have protecting a base as a higher priority.

    you'd think wouldn't you. and i believe that's really part of his problem. he believes in his mission and knows that the mission will fail if they don't increase manning.
    I've been wondering.... what is going on with Augie?

    i was wondering that too.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    meloncoly- sorry about your MIL

    Queen- You deserve better and someone who values you for the right reasons. This guy does not seem to value you. I agree that you need to get rid of him.

    Rachael- Give your self a day or two to recover from the gym workout. The muscles should recover in that time. If I remember correctly you did 2 trainer based workouts in 2 days- that was more than you were use to and your body will need an equal amount of time to recover. When you go back to the gym- start lightly with walking and do some light stretching. Drink plenty of water, it will help flush the toxins out of your body. (lactic acids build up). It is okay to take a couple of days off from exercise and your body will thank you for it later. Give it time to repair and heal itself- since the muscles have been worked very hard and they tend to tear a little so when the cells reproduce they will help to make the muscles stronger.

    Today, I learned something very interesting about bones. As you know that as we get older we lose bone mass and density. Exercise and light weight lifting can help reverse this process. We have cells whose job is to replace bone and heal fractures etc. We grow a new skeleton every ten years. This came from a scientist from NIH, who I meet at a STEM meeting today.

    Truth- I have eaten way to many sweets today and not enough protein. I am also sick since the sinus infection I battle two week ago has returned. I am back on antibiotics as of tonight. Hopefully, this time it will be gone completely. I am not really hungry but I am in the phase that if I have snacks in front of me I will eat anything. Needless to say- the sweat attack today.

    Happy Friday. I did not get my wish for snow and the cancellation of after school activities but there is hope for a delay tomorrow morning and that would be wonderful. Extra time to sleep. Sweat dreams everyone or good morning to those across the Atlantic.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Thursday truth -Okay, truth is I'm hitting an impatient patch here. Yeah I know, it takes a long time, I have nothing I would change, but still I am just weary of feeling like I'm giving this a significant amount of energy and time. I just can't relax and enjoy the journey right now. I'm sure the feeling will pass.

    Best wishes to all----FEBRUARY tomorrow!!!!


  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    so many pages so little time. i am still doing my 3o Day power purge. yesterday was cleaning out shoes, belts and scarves. I packed up all but one of my belts to give to Goodwill because they were too big. So more room in the closet and nsv all in one. i hope I will be able to catch up with you all again soon. Drink your water!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm feeling really bad tonight. We share our home with our oldest son, his son, and his wife. They pay rent and help with other expenses so that is all good. This summer she inherited a small lap dog when a client she was caring for passed away. She really likes him, and I have enjoyed his companionship as well. However, he is very aggressive with my grandchildren and today he bit Keith on the hand. It was totally unprovoked so I told them about it. My son immediately said they would find him a different home. She left the dinner table without eating and they took the dog and left. I know that she feels really bad, and I will miss him, too, but I can't trust him with the children around, and they are around a lot. Keith is here everyday and I will soon be babysitting the new baby, too. They live upstairs, but I can't put him up there when they aren't home because she has cats that he doesn't get along with either. I hope that she won't be angry with me, or be sad for too long. Sorry to complain about something that is totally not weight related, but for obvious reasons, there aren't a lot of places I can talk about this. Thanks for listening. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @melancholy--so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family tonight.

    @holly--just want to echo what some others have said about relationships taking work. If he's not willing to put in that work, then nothing will change and it's better to end it sooner rather than later. If he is willing to work with you at true communication and compromise--possibly through a counselor, as helen suggested--then only you can decide if he's worth the work on your end.

    @kaye--sorry about your DIL's dog, but the safety of the children has to take precedence. I have a friend who had to give up her 8 year old Shih tzu after she started snapping at their toddler--she's had her since she was a puppy, so had a very strong bond. It's a sad situation and I feel for you. :cry:

    I had other responses in mind, but I took a long time to catch up on reading (so many posts today!) so I'm going to skip them for tonight.

    Thursday Truth:
    I went to dinner with some friends tonight, and I am over by 88 calories. Not a big deal, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have another snack. Dinner was pretty early (5pm) and it wasn't a huge meal, just kind of high in calories including the pomegranate cosmo. I'm hungry. and I will just have to make up for it over the next couple of days. :ohwell:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:



    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: