Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Happy mothers day all,

    I had a really bad food day yesterday because of visiting with my dad. today is a new day and I will just get right back on track. Its a beautiful day so I hope to be outside a lot today.
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Ok, I'm in... a little late. I have been at a plateau for about 9 months now and I know it's because I'm not pushing myself nearly enough when it comes to exercise. My goal will be 4lbs by May 30th because I started over a week late. I really don't know if it will happen though! I have had a really hard time even losing a pound or two! Here are my stats:

    SW March 2009: 152 lbs
    CW May 8th: 143 lbs
    GW May 30th: 139 lbs
    Ultimate Goal 130 lbs.
  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    Lost 1 lb. this week, had hoped for more; but had company for 5 days, a beach picnic and a family reunion . So really, I'm pleased considering all I had going on this week.:smile:
  • eddie_gue
    eddie_gue Posts: 2
    I AM IN!! I definitely think this challenge will help me reach my first goal of 150! I just weighed in today with 5lbs down Im ready for another 5lbs!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I'm doing well this weekend...so far.:wink: We went out for dinner last night (Kelseys) and got over that hurdle really well. (Aside from my red wine that is) I ordered some Balsalmic chicken with green and yellow beans instead of mashed potatoes and a garden salad with balsalmic dressing. When Iogged it all in it was well under 500 cals!:love: I was sooo proud of myself! This is the first weekend in which I haven't gone over-board. Yay!!!
    Now I just need to get on the treadmill!
  • I'm so IN. I would love to lose 5 lbs a month.

    May 1st: 251.2
    May 7th: 246.8
    May 14th:
    May 21st:
    May 28th:
  • I'm so IN. I would love to lose 5 lbs a month.

    May 1st: 251.2
    May 7th: 246.8
    May 14th:
    May 21st:
    May 28th:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome all the new people who have joined our thread!

    My husband and kids surprised me tonight by taking me out to dinner for Mother's day!:smile: FAMOUS DAVES:love: Sitting there trying to find something healthy:ohwell: I don't think there is even one thing on the menu that is close to healthy.:devil: :sad: Not even going to try and log what I ate...:noway: Just going to get back on track on Monday.

    I love my family for the thought....they love bbq food like me so they picked a place we would all love. What's life if we don't live a little. Are we done with events that involve eating out? They have really hurt me the last month. Its been hard because we don't eat out very often and April into May is one exception because of birthdays and anniversary and the Mother's Day.

    Got the garden almost all planted! May it grow well and give us lots of healthy vegetables and fruit.

    Good night to all!
  • alheitmeyer
    alheitmeyer Posts: 11 Member
    I would so love to lose five pounds this month..I just started this like 2 and a half weeks ago and im kinda stuck and need some motivation so hopefully this will do it for me...
    CW is 150.5
    I am so sick and tired of seeing the 150's ...okay 140's here i come..
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I want to join in. I am on the home stretch of losing weight now with less than 10 pounds to lose (I think). So far this month, I've lost 2.6 pounds. My CW is 149.0 so I guess that means I have to be at 146.5 by the end of the month but I'm hoping for a little more than that. The weight loss this month so far is very uncharacteristic for me so we'll see.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    My husband and kids surprised me tonight by taking me out to dinner for Mother's day!:smile: FAMOUS DAVES:love: Sitting there trying to find something healthy:ohwell: I don't think there is even one thing on the menu that is close to healthy.:devil: :sad: Not even going to try and log what I ate...:noway: Just going to get back on track on Monday.

    I love Famous Dave's food. so tasty. so bad for you. I'll bet it was wonderful.
    I had a second bad day. DH kept telling me that I had been working so hard that I deserved a whole weekend off. Like you said Monday will just start this over and get back on track.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Well...... I completely lost it yesterday, I have no idea why, I have no excuses and I feel rubish this morning am about to get on my bike on the home trainer and do some exercise but it seems I need an exorcist not exercise!
    I AM NOT HAPPY:explode:
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    ok, I need help,, my first official weigh in is tomorrow,, hoping for 2lb loss...
    but, could someone help me out and look at my diary for today.. I know it's not the healthiest, I just ran out to work without my food this morning so have to make do with the snacks I have in work, which aren't great.. but anyway, I seem to still be below my target,,, can someone have a look?
    The soup is a guess as I dont know how much it will be, but it's red pepper and tomato, a small bowl..
    I'm making homemade veg stir fry tonight with a black bean sauce,, dont think its really as healthy as the one ~I logged
    I just dont want to be eating lots today to make up the calories and realise it's wrong! Really hoping for 2 lbs tomorrow :/ fingers crossed
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Starting weight for May 1st: 240 (3lbs from April 23rd)
    May 10th: 237.6

    woot woot!!

    Hope you all are doing good and remember, tomorrow is always a new day!! I was bad yesterday as well. I was on a 6hr car ride total Sat & Sun, drinking water was easy, but trying to find healthy foods at fast food places on the road that are semi-cheap, not so much. I just ate smaller portions and keep at my water.
    Anyway , headed in for another Monday work-day, hope you all have a wonderful day and even better week! <3 xoxox Bru
  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176
    Well...i'm down 1lb overall this week, which after all the "mother's day" celebrating that went on this weekend, I'm happy with it!

    The weekends are so hard for me...during the week sticking to the schedule is easy b/c of work etc, but on the weekends with free time my bored hands seem to go for bored snacks, and then eating out for dinner. At least we went to the zoo this weekend and walked for about 3 hours.

    Any tips for making it safely through the weekends and not undoing all the hard work during the week???
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    my weekend was horrible. i have no excuse. i can only think that the stress from the week carried over to the weekend. i ate and ate and then ate some more. i worked out a ton but i know in my heart that it didnt balance out what i worked off. ugh. today is new but i will not weigh in. i know it will bring me down. a new week i here.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I dropped out it would seem, and now I'm about two pounds up. It's so weird that even though I know if I just keep my food and exercise diaries current - regardless if I'm over or under - and check in on this thread, then I tend to lose weight. Part of it is I start to play a little loose with portions and servings - throwing in a little extra here and there.

    I have a hard time with maintaining. I'm a very good starter but not a good keeper-onner. So I guess all I can do is start again today. My weight is 129.

    Missed you guys.
  • siobhannestor
    siobhannestor Posts: 177
    I give myself a little leeway during the weekend - it helps me to continue without feeling deprived. Rcatr - don't get discouraged, please. We are here for you as you pick yourself up.

    Weighed in today, because my schedule was so crazy this weekend - worked hard through most of it.

    Am still down just 2 pounds from the start of the month, but I am going to take it!

    May 1 - 191.5
    May 10 - 189.5

    Let's see if I lose a little more weight this week. I'd like to lose the whole 5 pounds for the month before taking off to see my mom and my partner's family at the end of this month, although I suspect that, at 53, that's asking my body to do a little too much.

    Have a great week, all!

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    my weekend was horrible. i have no excuse. i can only think that the stress from the week carried over to the weekend. i ate and ate and then ate some more. i worked out a ton but i know in my heart that it didnt balance out what i worked off. ugh. today is new but i will not weigh in. i know it will bring me down. a new week i here.

    I had a bad weekend also. And I plan to eat a little less today and workout a little more to get myself back in balance. In the book YOU ON A DIET it talks about making a u turn. Our weekend took us down the wrong road but now we make a u turn and get back on the right road!:happy:

    My personal goal for this week is to make sure to keep my food log everyday and not go to bed til I finish logging food and exercise. I have been very lax at logging everything. My other personal goal is to drink my water. I get so busy during the day with the kids that I can get to 6 at night and realize the only water I have had to drink are the 2 glasses I drink first thing in the morning.

    What do you have planned for yourself for the week to help you lose and get in shape?

    Have a healthy Monday!

  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    YAY! As of this morning I lost 2 lbs this month so far :)
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