Waitress fired for posting this online



  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    The pastor was way wrong, but she should have scratched out his name before posting it online. That's a huge privacy violation and thus illegal, and that's probably why she was fired, and rightfully so.

    Mr. Pastor there though may want to reconsider his profession if a measly $6 is enough to set him off like that...the money from tithing doesn't go to "God". It goes to the church in order to do good deeds for those in need - and trust me...waitress need there tips to live on. He's a messed up man, obviously, but he still didn't deserve to have his name splashed around the internet.
  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    1. What does it say?
    2. Who Wrote it?
    3. Why did the Waitress post it online?
    4. I don't get it.
    5. Who am I?
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    i didn't read every post, but i wanted to clear something up up:

    the waitress DID get a tip. since the pastor's party was more than 8 people, an 18% gratuity was added automatically. this is pretty standard practice in US restaurants. the pastor crossing it out and writing "$0" didn't change that.

    that being said: the pictures i saw of the receipt didn't show the pastor's name. i'm assuming that Yahoo! edited it out, and that the full name was posted on reddit. i can understand that that is a huge violation of privacy, even if there is nothing in the Applebee's handbook about it. should the waitress have been fired? probably not, without an actual rule or procedure in place within the organization. but i can understand why they arrived at that conclusion.

    and let's not pretend for a second that this pastor feels bad for what she did or actually wants to apologize. she got called out for using God's name as an excuse to stiff a hard worker, and that's unexcusable in my book.

    i feel really bad for the waitress, and i hope she is able both to find a job with customers and supervisors who treat her better in the future, as well as exercise more discretion in these types of situations.
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    It's messed up, absolutely. If you can afford to eat at a restaurant, you can afford to tip the staff appropriately. Stay home if you don't/can't tip what is deserved! I've never been a waitress, but I am a Christian, and these kinds of acts by others (such as what this individual wrote on the receipt) don't further the faith and are inexcusable (IMO). She shouldn't have posted the name, but she shouldn't have been fired for it either.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I personally think it is disgusting that a Pastor would use God as an excuse to be uncharitable! Ok the waitress was wrong to publish the details, I agree with her getting fired but it is really sad that Waiting Staff earn such little in the first place. They should at LEAST get paid minimum wage and keep tips as a bonus on top. I have worked as a Waitress and it is really hard work! I hope the Pastor is ashamed, I really hate how people use God to excuse disgusting and unfair behaviour!
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    So lets get this clear - is a tip a suggested amount of money to be given for good (or even standard) service


    Is it the staff wages that must be paid whatever shi ty attitude you receive

    I've had good service I have had bad and I am quite happy to stand by zero for bad

    Companies use an excuse like this to solve problems
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    the signature was probably the reason. She violated privacy. Had she blocked it out, it might have been a different story.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    The company had no other real choice.

    I'd like to tell the pastor to go to he!!. What an *kitten*!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    So lets get this clear - is a tip a suggested amount of money to be given for good (or even standard) service


    Is it the staff wages that must be paid whatever shi ty attitude you receive

    I've had good service I have had bad and I am quite happy to stand by zero for bad

    Companies use an excuse like this to solve problems

    Applebee's general policy is that if a customer complains about the gratuity for a large party, they will remove it. No *****y comments necessary on the tab from the customer. The server doesn't get to decide which large parties get it added though. It is automatic and needs to be removed by management.
  • JBG1987
    I bet he gives a tip from now on, lol.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't even understand... how do you give God 10%? Is God accepting credit cards now? Or serving lunch? There's no parallel. And obviously, the waitress didn't choose how the receipts are printed or to have the "auto tip" on there. That's just a bunch of self-rightous BS. IMO, that is ;-p

    ETA: though I would have blacked out the signature, personally.

    Traditionally, the 10% is given to whatever church you attend and the idea is for it to be used in the church ministries and missions. However, I personally believe that if you use the 10% to meet a need for a total stranger that God is just as pleased with giving in that way. What this man did was TOTALLY out of line, and I'm embarrassed, angry, and disappointed that a professing Christian would do something like this...especially a pastor. NOT Christlike behavior at all. Please keep in mind that someone can call themselves a Christian, but it doesn't mean they truly are. There's a whole lot more to being a Christian than just believing in the existence of God.

    I was going to say the same thing about the waitress not being the one to add the tip to the receipt. Not to mention, even if he doesn't agree with a restaurant doing that (I don't agree with that, btw. I've had too many situations where the waiter/waitress gives horrible service and a bad attitude. In that case, it should be my decision as to how much they get, but I always leave SOMETHING even if it's only a couple of bucks.), he should've at least given her SOMETHING, and the little comment was COMPLETELY unnecessary. I think she was out of line for posting it, but firing her was a little drastic.
  • wolvesmom52
    wolvesmom52 Posts: 6 Member
    This bill was for only her portion of the party. They had them split the bill. This happened in the town that I live in, and it is practically all they talk about on the news. The news channel interviewed her, she realized she was wrong and stated that she did pay the tip.
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Since she is a pastor....doesn't that mean she gives 100 percent to God? :smile:
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I would have not posted the signature, just the comment.

    And I think he is crummy for what he did.
  • Byroan
    I keep seeing a lot of people referring to the pastor as "he". The pastor was a woman. The one thing the pastor got wrong, is that the 10% to your church is 10% of your income. The 18% tip is only 18% of the meal total. Big difference there. The pastor then called Applebees and demanded the woman get fired. She'll be judged one day.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    The pastor called that Applebees and demanded that everyone who came in contact with that receipt be fired. Personally I think that pastor (and she's a woman, people - quit saying he) is a self-righteous *****. The server was fired for posting private information to the internet, but she was the only one fired.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,791 Member
    This is what applebees said about it on FaceBook

    Applebee's Mike, I understand that you're upset. Guest personal information - including their meal check - is private, and neither Applebee's nor it's franchisees have the right to share this information publicly. Unfortunately in this situation the Guest's right to privacy was violated. Really do hope you reconsider. We don't like that this happened anymore than you do.- ARA

    Too bad she got fired for posting this on her Facebook page, but she clearly violated company policy.

    Not every aspect of your life needs to be posted on FB. Especially when everyone can see it, including your Employer. Hard lesson to learn.

    Should have stuck to clicking on the " Like" button, Posting "OMG" and "LOL" and "Which shoes do I look cuter in?" and all the more important issues like the rest of the Facebook Generation.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    This has nothing to do with whether or not the customer was a jerk for not leaving a tip.

    She absolutely should've been fired. People are going way too far with this "I can put whatever I want on social media" crap. No, you most certainly cannot throw caution to the wind and post photos of work-related, CONFIDENTIAL documents online. If she hadn't been fired, the company would've been sending a message to all its employees that this sort of behavior is acceptable. It could open them up to lawsuits, and it could result in this happening to many more of their customers, which could ultimately ruin their business.

    It is clear most of the people posting on this thread have never owned or run a business, seeing as how so many of you think this is perfectly okay.
  • veddar79
    veddar79 Posts: 205
    Always reminds me of the scene from Reservoir Dogs with Mr. Pink. I wholeheartedly agree, privacy issues aside...tips are earned not given. I don't care if you make $2.40 or $8.40 an hour. You chose that profession and even if it is the ONLY job you could get, fine...but keep in mind to get a solid income it's based on your service.

    I have many friends who work as servers and they do great and make very good money. They also happen to be amazing people who have the common sense to realize they get paid based on quality of service. Too many times I've had a server who acted as if they were doing me a favor by bringing my food to me or were outright rude...no tip! But, there are always d-bags who don't tip regardless of the service.
  • lizzzylou
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.

    You do realize that private establishments have to follow the laws set by the US government? That's why we have regulators....
    Even if the guy was an a-hole, he didn't break any rules...she was the one that did. I'm not condoning what he did, but she acted imaturely