Getting picked on about what you eat at work?



  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Store reference was a typo. I think I forgot to erase a sentence after an edit.

    As for the rest. ...


  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    From the way you described it, I think he was hitting on you and was too stupid to do it intelligently!!! Men really don't care about what their women co-workers eat! He likes you!!!!!
    Not any more.
  • In the south we put gravy or butter on rice. Some people even put sugar in it.
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I think he was just teasing you. Don't worry about what other people say.
  • You are the kind of person that destroys work environments and makes people miserable at work.

    This is the kind of people our society is creating.... Everything is offensive, noone can take a joke or turn the other cheek.

    From what I read this guy didnt even say anything wrong, if you didnt like his comments you should have said, "Do I have to listen to this every day because I dont think it is funny, and I would appreciate it if you would stop." Essentially, you are an adult and you just tattled. He was not "picking on you." And if you truly felt he was, where was the part of the conversation where you stood up for yourself? That should be your go-to, not running to a supervisor. besides, that makes you look really unprofessional, too, supervisors have bigger fish to fry...

    Also, as someone else pointed out: you picking apart his eating habits is just as rude, and if he shouldnt pay attention to what you eat, why are you even looking at his plate? thats none of YOUR business, either...
    ^ Seriously. You made a mountain out of a molehill. :huh: It sounds like he just wanted to make conversation or start a light-hearted debate of some sort.
  • In the south we put gravy or butter on rice. Some people even put sugar in it.

    i forgot the sugar.

    now i want squirrel with rice and gravy....and then sugar rice. huuunnngrryyy.
  • I have definitely been a victim of this. The last place I used to work, all of my co-workers were slightly larger ladies and they would always pick on me for not eating donuts/cupcakes/the plethora of junk that got brought into work daily. It got to the point where it felt like I was being bullied for being healthy. One day I decided I had enough, so I talked to the girl who was harrasing me the most, and explained it felt like she was bullying me and that it wasn't right.

    I know deep down they were jealous of my willpower and were trying to make the "healthy" girl break bad.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I think you were entirely to sensitive on the subject. Was there really a need to get someone in trouble over that? That is sad. I get people joking around too but it is usually just in fun.

    Eta: no wonder women have to work harder to gain respect in the work place. Real women have to try to fix the damage done by women like the op.
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