Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Thanks Beth for the advise. I have alot of the avoidance stress and I tend to stress about things I can't change either have nothing to do with me or its just out of my grasp at this point. Those are the things that get me down the most and make me just want to scream a bit! Hey Screaming a bit might actually help...

    I do like the idea that you force yourself to do 1 little piece of whatever it is to allow you a starting point. Today is my 1 little piece. I posted my cry for help and logged my breakfast in the jounal and updated my weight to be correct.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: I decided to by pass the Super Bowl party invites and stay home. I fixed a few snacks like a low-fat cheese ball with baked crackers, veggies and yogurt dip plus I made a really good Three Cheese Spaghettie Squash Casserole. Stayed under my calories so good day yesterday. Today I'm working from home, doing a little cleaning, heading out for my meeting this afternoon and will finish the afternoon with a great walk. The sun is shining and should be in the high 60's. Bring it on!!!!
  • Hi everyone! I just found this website a few days ago.. so far I am loving it. I am having a big mental issue though. I can NOT wrap my head around the number of calories they want me to eat! I need to lose almost 200 lbs. This website (as many others) want me to eat over 2500 calories (if i don't workout.. more if i do) with eating healthy.. i would have to be putting food in my mouth every minute of the day! ( My BMR is 2,455) I feel defeated before i even begin. I have been using Loseit's website and tracking my food, and i average 700 calories a day (on days when i dont workout!) I grew up being called thunderthighs and being hit on the head with forks if i go for im being told to eat like a cow... Does anyone have suggestions on getting over this block to help me to stop starving myself? I am killing myself unwillingly. I have type 2 diabetes, high cholestrol, bad knees bad back, depression... Im done! I have to lose this weight,,, which means i have to eat! HELP!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thanks Beth for the advise. I have alot of the avoidance stress and I tend to stress about things I can't change either have nothing to do with me or its just out of my grasp at this point. Those are the things that get me down the most and make me just want to scream a bit! Hey Screaming a bit might actually help...

    I do like the idea that you force yourself to do 1 little piece of whatever it is to allow you a starting point. Today is my 1 little piece. I posted my cry for help and logged my breakfast in the jounal and updated my weight to be correct.

    Welcome to the group!! I've been with MFP and found this group immediately back in August. They have truly been a HUGE part of my success. Yes, I am ultimately doing the work, but they've been here to nudge gently, encourage, laugh, scream/cry through posts or whatever I needed at the time.

    I'm a HUGE emotional eater. While I want to stay strong and never admit I'm feeling stressed, I do it in the closet and food is my protector. I'm not over the hurdle quite yet, but learning to manage it day by day. For me its all about baby steps and making small changes. I can't get focused on the big number I need to lose. I can't beat myself up if I miss a day of exercise. We can do this so hang in there.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found this website a few days ago.. so far I am loving it. I am having a big mental issue though. I can NOT wrap my head around the number of calories they want me to eat! I need to lose almost 200 lbs. This website (as many others) want me to eat over 2500 calories (if i don't workout.. more if i do) with eating healthy.. i would have to be putting food in my mouth every minute of the day! ( My BMR is 2,455) I feel defeated before i even begin. I have been using Loseit's website and tracking my food, and i average 700 calories a day (on days when i dont workout!) I grew up being called thunderthighs and being hit on the head with forks if i go for im being told to eat like a cow... Does anyone have suggestions on getting over this block to help me to stop starving myself? I am killing myself unwillingly. I have type 2 diabetes, high cholestrol, bad knees bad back, depression... Im done! I have to lose this weight,,, which means i have to eat! HELP!

    mom - welcome! I understand it is tough to wrap your head around the idea of eating a larger number of calories than your used to eating when you think you are on a "diet' but this is really a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and you are eating to nourish your body. Too few calories in your body and you go into a mode of slow energy and your body shuts down on releasing fat stores and you do not lose weight.
    Up your calories to what is recommended and do some light exercise every day (like 5 minutes of free-style dance here and there during the day) and you will up your energy levels and start burning fat and start losing weight.
    With type 2 diabetes it is much better to go slow and plan on losing 1-2 lbs a week (as most of us are doing here) rather than hoping for a greater drop per week.
    You are going to do just fine. Stick around there is a lot more advice coming your way!:flowerforyou:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found this website a few days ago.. so far I am loving it. I am having a big mental issue though. I can NOT wrap my head around the number of calories they want me to eat! I need to lose almost 200 lbs. This website (as many others) want me to eat over 2500 calories (if i don't workout.. more if i do) with eating healthy.. i would have to be putting food in my mouth every minute of the day! ( My BMR is 2,455) I feel defeated before i even begin. I have been using Loseit's website and tracking my food, and i average 700 calories a day (on days when i dont workout!) I grew up being called thunderthighs and being hit on the head with forks if i go for im being told to eat like a cow... Does anyone have suggestions on getting over this block to help me to stop starving myself? I am killing myself unwillingly. I have type 2 diabetes, high cholestrol, bad knees bad back, depression... Im done! I have to lose this weight,,, which means i have to eat! HELP!

    This is the hardest mental game and unfortunately it's something I will always battle. I have to take this one day at a time. I go through many ups and downs, but lately there's been more ups than downs (thank goodness)!!!

    You're definitely not eating enough. Some of the folks have been helpiing me through this isuue as well. Our body is like a fire and to keep it fueled you need to keep adding logs. Our body needs food to keep our metabolism going.

    I started at 325 and now I'm down to 270. I started meeting with the dietician at my work when I was 309. She introduced me to MFP back in August. She wanted me to eat 2,000 calories and I thought she was nuts!!! I'll never lose at that number. I was eating about 1,500 at the time. We agreed to 1,700. I thought that was still way too high, but I have lost 37 lbs. I hit a plateau around October and gained 10 lbs quickly between the holidays. So mad at myself, but got right back on track 12/26. I've lost those 10 lbs and today I'm 270. I try to work out at least 5 days a week primarily walking. I just got my 180 days of logging notice the other day. I think that's been key is the tracking. Plus, I try (if I can) to check in daily with this group. We're not alone. So many of these wonderful people have been battling the exact same issues - some more and some less than others. We're in this battle together and we WILL win this war!!!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found this website a few days ago.. so far I am loving it. I am having a big mental issue though. I can NOT wrap my head around the number of calories they want me to eat! I need to lose almost 200 lbs. This website (as many others) want me to eat over 2500 calories (if i don't workout.. more if i do) with eating healthy.. i would have to be putting food in my mouth every minute of the day! ( My BMR is 2,455) I feel defeated before i even begin. I have been using Loseit's website and tracking my food, and i average 700 calories a day (on days when i dont workout!) I grew up being called thunderthighs and being hit on the head with forks if i go for im being told to eat like a cow... Does anyone have suggestions on getting over this block to help me to stop starving myself? I am killing myself unwillingly. I have type 2 diabetes, high cholestrol, bad knees bad back, depression... Im done! I have to lose this weight,,, which means i have to eat! HELP!

    A person needs at least 1,200 calories a day, just to survive - you are undereating if eating only 700 calories a day (unless you're being monitored by a doctor). It isn't sustainable. Its hard to think about eating that many calories at first, but you need to think of food as fuel - food is fuel to our bodies just as gasoline is fuel to cars. Anything less than about 1,200 calories a day can really mess with your metabolism and actually put you in starvation mode. What types of foods to you eat where you're only consuming 700 calories a day, do you track everything? Most likely you can get away with the full-fat versions of most anything for a while, instead of fat-free or low lat - also, your plate should be half-full of veggies with a lot of protein and a little carbs. Be sure to drink a ton of water - to the point where you think you can't drink anymore (you should drink half your body weight in water in ounces). This is a very supportive group, so feel free to ask questions.

    @Jamie~Welcome. Stress is one of those things that isn't avoidable, we just need to learn to live with it. Personally, I channel my stress through exercise. I used to be an emotional eater as well, but exercise helps me combat that as well.
  • thank you guyss.. I am not completely out of touch.. i know where i gained the weight.. i didnt gain it by eating 700 calories of celerie and carrots. My problem was i would only eat a bag of popcorn for a whole days of food, or graze on stuff as i did the chores. I did some research and now understand the science behind eating that many calories.. i just dont know how or what to eat. I am somewhat active as far as working out goes. I LOVE Zumba for the Wii and do it almost everyday.. a minimum of 20 mins, some days i do 60 mins. depending on how my knees and back feel. i just have to figure out what to eat to meet that many calories and not have junk food in there~ LOL
  • Hi everyone! I just found this website a few days ago.. so far I am loving it. I am having a big mental issue though. I can NOT wrap my head around the number of calories they want me to eat! I need to lose almost 200 lbs. This website (as many others) want me to eat over 2500 calories (if i don't workout.. more if i do) with eating healthy.. i would have to be putting food in my mouth every minute of the day! ( My BMR is 2,455) I feel defeated before i even begin. I have been using Loseit's website and tracking my food, and i average 700 calories a day (on days when i dont workout!) I grew up being called thunderthighs and being hit on the head with forks if i go for im being told to eat like a cow... Does anyone have suggestions on getting over this block to help me to stop starving myself? I am killing myself unwillingly. I have type 2 diabetes, high cholestrol, bad knees bad back, depression... Im done! I have to lose this weight,,, which means i have to eat! HELP!

    A person needs at least 1,200 calories a day, just to survive - you are undereating if eating only 700 calories a day (unless you're being monitored by a doctor). It isn't sustainable. Its hard to think about eating that many calories at first, but you need to think of food as fuel - food is fuel to our bodies just as gasoline is fuel to cars. Anything less than about 1,200 calories a day can really mess with your metabolism and actually put you in starvation mode. What types of foods to you eat where you're only consuming 700 calories a day, do you track everything? Most likely you can get away with the full-fat versions of most anything for a while, instead of fat-free or low lat - also, your plate should be half-full of veggies with a lot of protein and a little carbs. Be sure to drink a ton of water - to the point where you think you can't drink anymore (you should drink half your body weight in water in ounces). This is a very supportive group, so feel free to ask questions.

    @Jamie~Welcome. Stress is one of those things that isn't avoidable, we just need to learn to live with it. Personally, I channel my stress through exercise. I used to be an emotional eater as well, but exercise helps me combat that as well.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Susan - Keeping my fingers crossed and saying prayers for you today. If this new offer is the best thing for you, I hope you get it!!

    @ Mom - IMO, I would address the diabetes first. Set your goals to a safe and controlled carb level and get that under control first. You don't want that disease to do any more damage to your body than it already has. Your diabetes classes (or a dietitian) should be able to help you set a good number that is doable for you. Split up your day into meals and snacks with similar carb numbers to keep that blood sugar nice and even and imo by controlling the carbs you'll automatically control your calorie intake enough for now to lose weight. I dropped really fast in the beginning that way and it gave me time to learn more about nutrition and exercise to adjust my numbers as I dropped weight and MFP dropped my calorie intake.

    @Jamie - Welcome. I am a big emotional eater too. If I'm upset the first thing I want is salty junk food. If I'm happy and celebrating I want something sweet and gooey. It's like a big stomach hug....that gave me a GINORMOUS stomach. I still struggle with it, but it does get easier.
  • Sorry still learning how to use this board... lol @ Kah... I would track everything even down to the coffee and splenda and cream i put in it. But like i said in earlier post.. i would have my coffee, and a bag of popcorn on some days and that would be it for the whole day. Other days, i would not eat anything but my coffee and a plate of dinner, (3 oz meat, starch, veggies). I am BIG on skipping breakfast, and most days lunch too because i forget to eat. I do not feel hungry. Its only when my sugar drops from the diabetes and i get to feeling faint and shaking that i know i have to eat. Ill eat a banana, or some peanut butter crackers n keep moving.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Sorry still learning how to use this board... lol @ Kah... I would track everything even down to the coffee and splenda and cream i put in it. But like i said in earlier post.. i would have my coffee, and a bag of popcorn on some days and that would be it for the whole day. Other days, i would not eat anything but my coffee and a plate of dinner, (3 oz meat, starch, veggies). I am BIG on skipping breakfast, and most days lunch too because i forget to eat. I do not feel hungry. Its only when my sugar drops from the diabetes and i get to feeling faint and shaking that i know i have to eat. Ill eat a banana, or some peanut butter crackers n keep moving.

    Definitely listen to MyM0wM0w's suggestion regarding your carbs and diabetes. I think its important to change one thing at a time, then when it becomes a habit change another. I think a great place to start is getting your carbs and diabetes under control (step away from the popcorn!). My advice is you NEED to eat something in the morning, maybe not the second you get up (I know I can't) but have something mid-morning whether its just a container of yogurt - just have something, it will get your metabolism going. Then plan your meals throughout the day (personally I eat 6 times a day) - leave them sitting on your desk at work as a reminder or even set an alarm on your phone. Everyone likes different things but I can suggest big salads with lots of veggies, protein (i.e. tuna, chicken) and nuts for lunch; snacks to include yogurt, fruit, or cheese; dinner to include protein, more veggies (non starchy) and a carb (quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato, etc).
  • Thank you! You guys really are helping out BUNCHES! i soo appreciate it!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Sorry still learning how to use this board... lol @ Kah... I would track everything even down to the coffee and splenda and cream i put in it. But like i said in earlier post.. i would have my coffee, and a bag of popcorn on some days and that would be it for the whole day. Other days, i would not eat anything but my coffee and a plate of dinner, (3 oz meat, starch, veggies). I am BIG on skipping breakfast, and most days lunch too because i forget to eat. I do not feel hungry. Its only when my sugar drops from the diabetes and i get to feeling faint and shaking that i know i have to eat. Ill eat a banana, or some peanut butter crackers n keep moving.

    i'm pre-diabetic but basically following a diabetic diet. Lots of proteins and little carbs! My doctor told me to eat 20-30 grams of protein within one hour of waking up, with no more than 5 grams of carbs. She said that your metabolism goes down while you're sleeping, and it doesn't kick back into full speed until you're eaten proteins. So by skipping breakfast, you are sabotaging your efforts because your body isn't burning as many calories as it would if you ate! I usually have 2-3 eggs for breakfast (or I like to mix one real egg with half a cup of eggbeaters), or a cup of cottage cheese. I eat no more than 75 grams of carbs per day, and try for a minimum of 120 proteins.

    I don't feel hungry most of the time, but I force myself to eat even when I don't want to because my body needs the fuel to keep going. By just counting carbs, proteins and calories, I've lost 24 pounds in about 2 months. And after the first couple of weeks, you really don't miss the carbs and junk food. I know, I wouldn't have believed it either, but it's true! :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Group - going to roll the thread over now.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

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  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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