mens opinions needed....



  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:
    Your ticker is neat.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Most of the girl's I have dated are dark haired (usually Brunettes). I find I lilke a girl who looks like Paula Cole from the 1990s. Tall, dark haired, reasonablely intelligent, and some musical talent. I don't mind tall girls at all. However, some of my gals were 5'2" and under.

    With or without the armpit hair?

  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Well done! I think we also need more women's opinions in a thread on men's opinions.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    No, sissiluv, I'm not going to continue explaining myself. Regardless of what you have read in to my comments, they were not meant for you and have absolutely nothing to do with you. You are extremely butthurt about a conversation I'm having with someone else, who is not (from what I can tell) bothered by my comments or opinions in the slightest. I'm really sorry that you are so upset about my differing opinion, as I make no excuses for what I think. It would seem that you are very passionate about your choices, and have taken my comments to heart, and I do hope you are able to accept the fact that I have an opinion that is not in line with your personal beliefs.
    Sounds good. You retain your right to speak your mind, I retain mine. Thumbs up.

    So should we kiss and make up then?
    Well I heard something about boob pasty tassles on the last page...I wouldn't be opposed.

    Do the men get to watch, if not join in?
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Well done! I think we also need more women's opinions in a thread on men's opinions.
    I'm game, here's another opinion

    On a public board, especially where a specific gender question has been asked numerous times, and we've all seen the outcome. My opinion is it's insanity to think this one would prove different ^_^.

    How big was that quote? A whole page yet?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    No, sissiluv, I'm not going to continue explaining myself. Regardless of what you have read in to my comments, they were not meant for you and have absolutely nothing to do with you. You are extremely butthurt about a conversation I'm having with someone else, who is not (from what I can tell) bothered by my comments or opinions in the slightest. I'm really sorry that you are so upset about my differing opinion, as I make no excuses for what I think. It would seem that you are very passionate about your choices, and have taken my comments to heart, and I do hope you are able to accept the fact that I have an opinion that is not in line with your personal beliefs.
    Sounds good. You retain your right to speak your mind, I retain mine. Thumbs up.

    So should we kiss and make up then?
    Well I heard something about boob pasty tassles on the last page...I wouldn't be opposed.

    For a celibate chick, you're kinda cool.

  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I like a woman who I can have an intellectual conversation with. Science, history, politics. I find that attractive. And a sense of humor

    And big boobs.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Well done! I think we also need more women's opinions in a thread on men's opinions.
    I'm game, here's another opinion

    On a public board, especially where a specific gender question has been asked numerous times, and we've all seen the outcome. My opinion is it's insanity to think this one would prove different ^_^.

    How big was that quote? A whole page yet?

    ^^ Oh, I agree with the insanity point.

    As for thread size, this should .
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    For a celibate chick, you're kinda cool.

    ARE YOU SURE?!?!? I might have to put my rage glasses on again!

    I should buy a pair of readers in red...they'd be perfect for such a situation, lawls

    @Harvo: Idk, wouldn't pasties or tape of any kind be uncomfortable with chest hair? I wouldn't want anyone to get HURT jumping into the catfight vat of slippery chocolate.
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    spontaneous and a bit goofy.
    big fan of hips, thighs and bootay ya know. (breast are nice and whatnot but they're not spoonable)
    smooth skin and low maintenance like sporty spice (i know we shouldnt give credit to the spice girls for anything but when its right its right)

    oh, and shout to the OP for havin' nothin' to worry about...lookin' good ms.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I'm sure this has been mentioned, but the most important thing is to be yourself and be confident with yourself. All men have different tastes and what I like, someone else won't. Some men don't like a confident woman, but most of those guys are the controllers and abusers, so be aware!
  • vmdave
    vmdave Posts: 64 Member
    What da @#$% am I reading?
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Confidence, not needing to be the centre of attention, not walking round with a sense of entitlement, little in the middle, got some back... And last but not least; boobs.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    For a celibate chick, you're kinda cool.

    ARE YOU SURE?!?!? I might have to put my rage glasses on again!

    I should buy a pair of readers in red...they'd be perfect for such a situation, lawls

    @Harvo: Idk, wouldn't pasties or tape of any kind be uncomfortable with chest hair? I wouldn't want anyone to get HURT jumping into the catfight vat of slippery chocolate.

    You let me worry about what hurts when jumping in with a bunch of women!!!!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    My opinion is that people can date without sex. There are no "shoulds" in dating. And as a mother of two daughters I get angry when people spout off about what we should and shouldn't do. Young girls especially take comments like this to heart. I know that when I was young ( ok I probs did have some self esteem issues) I missed out on dating some pretty nice guys because I was afraid of the "shoulds" that I had heard from other not-so-nice guys.

    We should do what feels right, what feels good, if its kinky that's ok, if its not that's ok too, and so on....

    Mostly though, I just need laughs today and this thread is accomplishing that so thanks:).
  • HardRockCamaro
    Smile. It makes the biggest difference.

    It's a cliche to say eyes but they can be a big draw.

    Confident yes, but not loud and obnoxious! ie don't act like some drunken frat guy. Major turn off.

    I like an athletic build, small boobs, butt etc but I'm not actually fussed about looks. But everyone likes physically different attributes. I'm not Brad Pitt so I don't expect Kristen Bell...

    If you don't feel the need to keep dropping various ex's into your stories that would be great... And on that front telling me you used to date bad boys is a major turn off. I don't really judge much on looks, but I do on actions and dating bad boys sends me all the wrong messages about what you value or find "cool" or whatever...

    Take an interest in me and what I do and I tend to reciprocate.

    In an ideal world I'd like a girl to become a *really* good friend first but women don't seem to go for that concept? <shrug>
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member

    You let me worry about what hurts when jumping in with a bunch of women!!!!

    Alright but I warned you! From what I know us ladies have a tendency to fight dirty and without remorse so...just be careful.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member

    You let me worry about what hurts when jumping in with a bunch of women!!!!

    Alright but I warned you! From what I know us ladies have a tendency to fight dirty and without remorse so...just be careful.
    Promises, promises...

    Sticks and stones may break my bones
    but whips and chains excite me
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Well done! I think we also need more women's opinions in a thread on men's opinions.
    I'm game, here's another opinion

    On a public board, especially where a specific gender question has been asked numerous times, and we've all seen the outcome. My opinion is it's insanity to think this one would prove different ^_^.

    How big was that quote? A whole page yet?

    ^^ Oh, I agree with the insanity point.

    As for thread size, this should .

    What are we getting opinions on again? I forget.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:
    Your ticker is neat.

    I like the name/shirt combo you got going!