mens opinions needed....



  • MichaelMoreno80
    She must be God fearing, honest, independent, outgoing, and educated. I like a woman who stands-up for what she believes, fights for what she wants, and does not conform to her peers. She must have values and self-respect. I love a woman who knows when to act like a lady and when to let loose and act like a boy/man.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member

    You let me worry about what hurts when jumping in with a bunch of women!!!!

    Alright but I warned you! From what I know us ladies have a tendency to fight dirty and without remorse so...just be careful.
    Promises, promises...

    Sticks and stones may break my bones
    but whips and chains excite me

    So that's what you look for when dating? lol
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Why has no guy said rich yet??????!!!?? I need a rich old cougar!!!!!
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Why has no guy said rich yet??????!!!?? I need a rich old cougar!!!!!
    No I'm pretty sure someone mentioned rich a few pages back :"]
  • Thomasr31
    Thomasr31 Posts: 6 Member
    My opinion is that your beauty will attract them, your personality will hold their attention but only faith in God will grant you a lasting relationship. For, I was attracted by my wife breast and butt.
  • HardRockCamaro
    My opinion is that your beauty will attract them, your personality will hold their attention but only faith in God will grant you a lasting relationship. For, I was attracted by my wife breast and butt.

    How do people who don't believe in god have lasting relationships then?
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    My opinion is that your beauty will attract them, your personality will hold their attention but only faith in God will grant you a lasting relationship. For, I was attracted by my wife breast and butt.

    How do people who don't believe in god have lasting relationships then?

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster takes care of them.
  • HardRockCamaro
    My opinion is that your beauty will attract them, your personality will hold their attention but only faith in God will grant you a lasting relationship. For, I was attracted by my wife breast and butt.

    How do people who don't believe in god have lasting relationships then?

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster takes care of them.

    Of course!
    How could I have forgotten about that?!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member

    You let me worry about what hurts when jumping in with a bunch of women!!!!

    Alright but I warned you! From what I know us ladies have a tendency to fight dirty and without remorse so...just be careful.

    I worked as a bouncer for a number of years and hated breaking up girl fights. Women lose their *kitten* when they fight!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    The Flying Spaghetti Monster takes care of them.

    But only if you embrace his noodley goodness with sufficient fervor.
  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    Athletic. Boobs not matter, booty is where its at. I need someone who cares about there health as well. Plus you need to be a little independent, as I need some of my own space here and there :)
  • ThomasRGrady
    I can only give you my opinion - not some quick generalization, but what I find most attractive - and I hope it will be of some value.

    I will admit openly, I am physically attracted to petite women - it bothers me greatly at times because I have known any number of very attractive women who do not meet my preference. That doesn't mean I have not enjoyed their company and developed wonderful friendships that might have led to something more - it just didn't for whatever reasons. Trust me, I get it - I have a weight issue and that is part of what bothers me with my own bias.

    For me a woman needs to be intelligent (at least share my own level of intelligence) and able to exhibit it. I know that sounds very self-centered, but the truth of the matter someone who can only communicate at a certain level soon becomes boring and I am a person who needs intellectual stimulation.

    One thing that drives me to distraction is a woman who needs to vent for 1-2 hours everyday after work. I try to be compassionate, but there comes a point where it is the same - even if the story is different - over and over. Yes - I am a tough cookie to keep happy *laugh*.

    In terms of activity - I am an active person - I play golf 2/3rds of the year and would love to have a partner who could push me and challenge me to improve. When I was a bit younger I played many sports and would gladly share those activities (and hope to soon again as I lose weight) with my partner. I am a big football and soccer fan and wish my partner could get excited about those games with me when I watch them. I'd love to have someone as passionate about sports as I am.

    I like to travel - cruises in particular and I like to explore. ( I won't get into an abstract hobby that is part of that).

    I prefer a woman who can simply go out and buy something if it's needed (like fill the car with gas or ask if she can buy some chocolate, etc.) instead of asking permission for every little thing. I guess that independence is very important for me.

    Dang ... I sure am pickie, but I hope this is some value for you :) ... and no one assassinates me after reading this !!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Meh. I refuse to be something just because that's what I think someone else likes. I am just myself, because that's the only thing I am better at being than anyone else, and the ones that like who I am, will like me. Pretty much the end.

    Be happy with who you are, the rest will follow.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Well done! I think we also need more women's opinions in a thread on men's opinions.
    I'm game, here's another opinion

    On a public board, especially where a specific gender question has been asked numerous times, and we've all seen the outcome. My opinion is it's insanity to think this one would prove different ^_^.

    How big was that quote? A whole page yet?

    havnt been on here all that long to know this question has been asked before and not like i have asked it before. guess i should have asked facebook haha
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I think there are two things us men will all agree on......

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Then just go out and find some guys to bang. Eventually one of those will be cool and like you back.
    im celebate so no sex :sad:

    Why? And secondly, why are you in search of a man to date if you're not going to have sex? You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship.

    If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner, then just go hang out with large groups of people and sort out men and women that you enjoy the company of and hang out with them.

    You seem to be making this way harder on yourself than it needs to.

    Ok I got sucked back in.

    Why the hell not? If she wants to wait or abstain from sex thats her decision and it should be respected, regardless of her beliefs behind it.

    Well, if she's not looking to have sex until marriage, then I think she will probably be better off seeking out friends of both sexes to spend time with and enrich her life. If she spent less time worrying about what kind of man she wants, and what kind of man wants her, etc. etc. blah blah, she will have a nice, relaxing life full of fun and adventure, and eventually the right guy will come along... because, as a confident woman, she is following her life path as an independent person (which makes everyone more attractive.)

    I am completely failing to see where sex plays into this. Is it nice? Definitely. Fun? Hell yeah. But what does that have anything to do with 'enriching her life' and...anything you said. If anything the lack thereof would probably make leading life as an independent person easier, and having sex when someone doesn't personally feel ready would NOT help ANYONE'S confidence levels.

    Like you said, its just sex. Why the hell does it matter at all if she doesn't want to have it? What she does with her body is up to her and as someone she presumably doesn't know very well (because if you two did know eachother, you'd probably know this as well) you have no say in what she gets or doesn't get to do with it.

    You are like, getting really defensive! What I said, since I think you've got your rage glasses on, is that if she is choosing to not have sex, there are other ways to enrich her life besides seeking out a (specifically) male counterpart for one-on-one dating interaction.
    Sure am because really it's none of your business what she does or doesn't want to do with herself. Bringing it up at all and construing that she's childish because she doesn't want to engage in it, as you did in your original post regarding her decisions, strikes me straight up as incredibly rude.

    Likewise it is perfectly reasonable to want a relationship that isn't centered around sex, and I definitely take issue that you apparently seem to feel that just because she, and presumably anyone else who's celibate, doesn't want to have sex it means that they're not ready or are otherwise unable to partake in a healthy intimate relationship that doesn't have to do with platonic love.

    If I'm misunderstanding your post, please feel free to correct me but just know in that, in so saying these things to her, you're pretty much saying them to me too as this is a personal choice we share.

    I have not said anything about anyone being childish, I haven't said that there is something wrong with being celibate, and I never once insinuated that she wasn't ready or capable of anything. You are projecting hardcore right now. These comments are for HER, and if she were to take issue with them, I could completely understand. But she seems to be taking my comments respectfully, as we are two adults who are in disagreement and speaking rationally and maturely.

    As far as my feelings about THIS WOMAN'S situation, her definition of 'celibate' is not what I had initially thought it was, and she has clarified, and we have came to an understanding on our opinions.

    If a woman were truly celibate and did not wish to engage in any physical contact with a person they are attracted to until an agreed upon time in which it would be appropriate, that would be fine by me. But that person may want to focus more on their social interactions with people of all sexes and backgrounds, as to get a broad spectrum of friends, that may or may not, in the future, be someone that a physical relationship could be developed with.

    Now, please, slow your roll.
    I did not say that you outright said it, I said you construed it, largely in part by saying "You're an adult, and sex is part of a healthy adult relationship" which does a pretty good job at insinuating that if one is an adult and does not want to partake in sexual activities, they are childish.

    That, and your decision to even bring it up at all (especially as you, frankly, weren't the most polite about it imho) is what I take issue with. Likewise that you seemed to imply that if someone wasn't ready for sex they flat out weren't ready for a significant other, in seeming to completely dismiss the possibility of having a husband or boyfriend without that form of intimacy in saying "If you're not looking for a husband/male sex partner" but as I came into the middle of your conversation I'm perfectly willing to admit that I may have misunderstood this part.

    That is my issue. "Roll" is not slowed. If you want to address it, or reword what you said to get what you meant clear, feel free. I'm listening.

    I'm honestly just quoting this to make it bigger. Let's see if we can make it, it's own page every time it gets quoted

    !:drinker: :bigsmile:
    Your ticker is neat.

    I like the name/shirt combo you got going!

  • Dawnymaries
    a girl who doesn't give a crap what guys like. Be whoever you want, do it with confidence and watch em fall in line
    I love this.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Hahahahaha! This thread cracks me up!
  • heymirth
    heymirth Posts: 448
    The best is when a woman is Confident. Big b00bs are an extra plus.