About 600lbs, Time to Lose a Few



  • nikiwoofter
    I would recommend talking to a nutritionalist. your doctor should be able to connect you with one. when i went to the doctor for a slow emptying stomach he offered that to me at no cost. I spoke to him on the phone, sent him a weeks worth of logged meals and snacks via MFP and then we spoke about what was good and bad about what i was eating...adjusted some foods that would be easier for my to digest then others i was eating and spoke about my concern for carbs versus protein. my issue is my stomach doesn't work well so fat is the last thing to be digested by the stomach so i had to reduce that greatly...u can't do a low fat diet and keep carbs low and protein high so he has helped me a ton and also told me nice job when i was down. then this MFP has been AWESOME for tracking...i am a saver...i hoard my calories because i am afraid at 9 p.m. i am starved to death and might need to eat and what if i can't have anything because i have eaten everything i could have for the day...lol. that has helped me actually stay below my intake because the foods i am eating are healthy and not fatty and bad carbs leaving me empty and hungry!!! feel free to add me i'd love to loose weight together!
  • beckaboonorton
    beckaboonorton Posts: 2 Member
    Dani, I don't have the same amount to lose, but I would argue that whether you're trying to lose 5 lbs or 100 lbs (or more, in my case!), you have to start somewhere...and every pound down is one pound closer to your goal! My mom passed away when I was 18 from weight related issues (pulmonary blood clot) at age 42, and my brother died last month from CHF that was made worse because of his weight. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS FOR YOU. Make a short term goal...try to cut out one type of drink, one extra piece of bread, etc...don't focus on a year out..focus on the day. Then the next day....then the next day. If you mess up one day, don't give up, just start again tomorrow and do better. Recording your food will be a huge help, I'm sure--for me I didn't even think about how much I was actually eating until I started writing it down..."oh, salad isn't so bad...like no calories, right...but wait....I have to add those croutons...and that cheese...and the bacon bits..and the dressing...and wait, this salad is now 300 calories? Holy cow"....so it has helped me be way more conscientious of what I eat, but I honestly don't feel like I'm deprived...your body gets used to cutting back, and I let myself celebrate every once in a while..but instead of a king size candy bar, I have a fun-sized...or a snack size Kit Kat....so I still get the sweets (my weakness!) :) Anyway, I say all that to say that you can do this. You have to. :) Add me and we can encourage one another!! :) God bless, and I will be praying for you! :)

    Oh...I almost forgot! :) exercise..I know mobility is a problem, but even sitting down you can get some dumbbells--1 lb, 2lb, etc...whatever you need to start with...and work on your upper arms. You can start with 5 reps each arm, rest, and repeat...then more up to 10 reps each, etc...you can also get a stretch band thing--the one with the handles on each side...pull out, butterfly style--as far as you can....5 reps each, etc....you can also step on it and pull up like curls...5 reps each, hold, etc...you can do this. you have to. :) Keep saying that..Phillipians 4:13 says, "I can do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me." You can do this. You have to. :)
  • fat_destroza
    fat_destroza Posts: 11 Member
    Girl I have a lot of weight to lose also but we can do this! I sent you a request!
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    I'm here to help! I love lending my support to people! :)
  • JessikaBlayne
    Im not your size but im roughly around 300
    I would love to add you and participate in your journey (:
    I would also love to motivate and support you every step of the way
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Im not your size but I am your age! I've sent a request :smile: keep smiling!
  • returntorural
    returntorural Posts: 350 Member
    All we need to do is lose 1 lb at a time, no matter how many times. Good for you for taking the first step.
    I understand that exercising can be difficult. Maybe you could check YouTube for seated workouts to start with?
  • olliekat3
    olliekat3 Posts: 1,780 Member

    Don't give up on yourself hon !!! I am 61 and I am still working to lose over 100 lbs, so put your work into it while you are still young , it does not get any easier as you get older. For exercise you might want to check out some DVD 's that use a chair so you will not harm your knees while you are losing weight. The cut one bad habit out at a time is good advice someone gave you, otherwise you will get overwhelmed. Hang in there Dani, you are worth it !!!!

  • dania201
    dania201 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi guys,

    I wanted to give you a little update. So admittedly these last few months have been hard for me, I think that deciding to lose weight itself is quite an emotional rollercoaster for me. As much as its hard being the size that I am right now, the actual actions of being on a diet really suck, and I think the hardest thing is to actually feel it emotionally ready to be doing it. I don't know if that makes any sense, but its just this murky difficult thing, I think.

    So yeah, its kind of crazy, but I feel that the stress of being about to diet has made me a bad eater lately. Or, let's just say it hasn't helped. I sent away for a scale a while back because I figured it would help to have one that works for me. But since I've had it, I've just watched the number go up. :(

    Today it read 623.

    Having now GAINED 10 more pounds since I started here, rather than lose 20 (which was my goal) is a little disheartening. But, yesterday I was under 4,000 calories for the first time, so I'm very proud of that.

    Thank you guys for your support! Hopefully I can keep the victories coming!

  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    I do not have the same situation as you however, i am here to offer my support as well. Feel free to add me.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    You came to the right place. Lots of support here. Just sent you a friend request. :smile:
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    Dani I wish you luck on your journey, anything is possible if you put your mind to it and take little steps to reach your goal, you really need to be eating foods that fill you up and keep you that way for a few hours, chocolate is good as a treat but not over 1000cals for breakfast :embarassed: Making healthy choices even if they are just small ones like water instead of soda, wholemeal bread instead of white, coffee without sugar one thing at a time will have the lbs dropping off in no time lady :happy: :happy: Good luck and keep at it:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenixchichima
    welcome & good luck.
    I am on nearly daily, you & anyone else can add me if you like
    I in past honeymoon phase which means, i'm at the hard part, but Ill get thru this & you will too. just one day at time
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    Hi Dani!

    I admire your courage and strength. I have a sister that is about the same size as you and it has been very difficult for her.
    Feel free to add me if you'd like encouragement.

    You HAVE to look forward to this. Try to be as positive as you can. You are making a wonderful lifestyle change!

    As far as exercising when walking is difficult, just start there. Give yourself a goal. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. Whatever gets you tired to start. Stay there for a week. Go a little longer after a week- add 1-2 minutes. Gradually increase. All you have to do is just start moving.

    Just remember- this isn't a race. This is for you for the rest of your life.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Dani

    I do not weigh 500lbs or more, but I do remember reading an article years back about a woman that was severely obese and how she eventually lost her weight, even though exercise was diffcult at the beginning. She went to her local YMCA and walked in the low end of a pool. Water exercise is kinder than walking on pavement or other things. She got over her fear about what people would think about her ... a woman her size getting into a pool. She would say "let them stare I'm on a Mission..." That one statement has stuck with me over the years and I use it now as my mantra at times. We all have health challenges on MFP and it doesn't matter if it is 100s or 10, it is a challenge that we can overcome with a change in lifestyle and commitment to it. I say this to convince myself, too. Because even though I may not have as much to lose as you do, it still feels overwhelming to me but I know we can do it! God Bless and prayers that we both find the strength, courage and determination to get healthier!

  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I'm not your size either - I started at 282lb. However I'd be happy to offer support and advice.

    I watched a program on someone that was around 600lb a while ago, and his personal trainer simply made him stand up from the sofa over and over again. It may not seem like a lot but he said he's having to shift his weight up and down, it got his heart rate going and it was a good starting point. Once you've gained some mobility then you could look at doing small walks, and work it from there.

    As for food, you can do a lot with 4000 cals. Eat plenty of fresh veg, lean meat and fruit, and you will still have plenty left for occasional treats, A lot of people on here are 'clean eaters', but I'm a firm believer in not cutting out anything you couldn't cut out for the rest of your life. Personally, I couldn't cut out chocolate, so I eat it every day and just make sure it fits into my macros.

    Don't think you will hate it before you do, or you will start this with a negative view straight away. Some days are easier than others, I won't lie to you, but the important thing is not giving up. You CAN do it, and there are many people on here that are supportive and friendly and full of good advice.

  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    Dani: Although I am not 600 pounds, however I was half that size and know some one close that is that weight or more. Let me tell you how proud I am that you joined! I know that might sound weird, since I don't know you...but joining and realizing that you need to lose weight is the #1 step to weightloss. I am 252.5 pounds and started at almost 300 pounds. You can do it!! Feel free to add me!

    I know somebody else said that they are a diary stalker and so am I! It helps me to look at what I can eat to help me lose weight and also helps me figure out other options that I can eat that I haven't tried!

  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi guys,

    I wanted to give you a little update. So admittedly these last few months have been hard for me, I think that deciding to lose weight itself is quite an emotional rollercoaster for me. As much as its hard being the size that I am right now, the actual actions of being on a diet really suck, and I think the hardest thing is to actually feel it emotionally ready to be doing it. I don't know if that makes any sense, but its just this murky difficult thing, I think.

    So yeah, its kind of crazy, but I feel that the stress of being about to diet has made me a bad eater lately. Or, let's just say it hasn't helped. I sent away for a scale a while back because I figured it would help to have one that works for me. But since I've had it, I've just watched the number go up. :(

    Today it read 623.

    Having now GAINED 10 more pounds since I started here, rather than lose 20 (which was my goal) is a little disheartening. But, yesterday I was under 4,000 calories for the first time, so I'm very proud of that.

    Thank you guys for your support! Hopefully I can keep the victories coming!


    CONGRATS on being under 4000 calories! That is an awesome step! I know it's overwhelming, but just keep making small steps. Don't think about the big picture right now, just concentrate on that victory and try to repeat it. Make small changes and remember it takes a few weeks to make a new habit. So make a small change today, try to keep up with it for a few weeks, then consider another small change you can make.
  • mstrickland9
    Dani, congratulations for making this first step by visiting your doctor and really seeing where you are at! You can lose weight, you really can! No matter what the different amounts of weight we all want to lose on here, we are all in the same boat! Add me too as a friend, I will support you in all your efforts! You can do this! Believe in youself, take control of your kitchen, buy some healthy good and get rid of the bad stuff. Maybe just start with some small exercises that your doctor could recommend for you. Good luck!!!1
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    try not thinking of it as a diet --- instead think of it as your life, what you want to be in 5,10, 20 years. Small steps will add up

    Good Luck