Have you eaten anything lately that u Regret???!?!?!?!??!



  • NINE oreo cookies this afternoon :mad:
  • HoneyWh1te
    HoneyWh1te Posts: 46 Member
    AYCE Sushi for dinner.....but it was soooooooooo good!!!!
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    We sell brownie bites at one of the places I work and I had some today. they're sooo good but sooo bad haha.
  • kelfer80
    kelfer80 Posts: 78 Member
    Dang Girl Scout cookies!!!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Somebody smack me! It's Girl Scout cookie time and I'm a sucker for Tagalongs. I ordered 5 boxes of those and 5 boxes of Trefoils! I know they're bad but they taste soooooo good! I got them on Monday night and so far I've had a total of 1 box of Tagalongs....

    Pssh...didn't you know? Samoas are the best! :) (sez the Samoan guy)
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I ate a whole bag of Smartfood White Cheddar popcorn all by myself the other day....I so regretted it when I realized that my weight is starting to creep up once again.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i regret the pre-packaged oreo brownie thing i ate half of last night.
    it tasted like cardboard.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    chips, so many chips :sad:
  • I rarely eat anything i regret, but I have definitely had one or two nights in the past 6 months where I regretted drinking something - a glass too much of wine. When food regret happens, it only lasts a couple hours, or until I wake up the next morning. When wine regrets happen I feel bad a couple hours after drinking and all day the next. Blegh.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I had LoLo's Chicken and Waffles for dinner.... I don't regret it yet but I am fairly sure I will
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Not sure I'd call it regret, but I could have done without the 500-ish calories I ate in fudge the other night. *shrug*
  • Yes, I just ate 3 mini crackle bars:sad: What a shame, but its better to be honest about it and move forward.
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    try making a smoothy with spinach 2 frozen bananas, yogurt or milk honey or sweetener and a couple drops of peppermint extract
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    I'd say today's hot dog at the university... but it was soooo goooood *-* anyway, I'm not gonna live my life priving myself from food I enjoy, so.. no regrets there; I can deal with self-indulgence every once in a while :) I think working out a little more is better than never eating what you like.
  • Only that I didn't eat it sooner
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    i always feel horrible after "cheat-food" and then my mind is like, well, now it dont matter anyways, EAT!!! haha.
    that happened yesterday. cheez-its, twix, and another chocolate bar!
  • lwrwtw
    lwrwtw Posts: 27 Member
    I regret the long John silvers fish platter I had for lunch today.....
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    Not sure I'd call it regret, but I could have done without the 500-ish calories I ate in fudge the other night. *shrug*


    The shop next door stocks the best fudge made locally.....have had to ban them from selling me any. They take it off the counter when I go in now.....lurve the stuff :laugh:

    Shan't regret the whisky I am planning for tonight when I go home....been one of those days at work today. :grumble:
  • I ate a chocolate chip cookie that I regret but only because I was told it had no nuts and turned out to be full of the one nut I am allergic to, walnuts. I ended up baking cookies with my son later and don't regret the second cookie at all :)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Her husband might...