Do guys like hairy legs???



  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    I wonder what someone's life is like so that answering the same thread with different "characters" is how he/she uses his time.

    And...I answer the shaving question...
  • ValerieZ84
    ValerieZ84 Posts: 98 Member
    I hate any body hair from the neck down... I shave, wax, pluck- whatever it takes! I do tend to be a little lazy in the winter and let there be longer stubble than usual. If I try and reshave when its too short, i tend to just rip my skin to pieces. I never wear shorts or show my legs even in the summer, so its not for society. I just dislike the way it looks.

    My husband couldnt care less... he said as long as he couldnt braid the hair hes fine. :smokin:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Did you know that the only reason we shave our legs is because of an advertising campaign from the shaving cream companies? Just a useless fact. I do shave my legs BTW lol.
    Actually it was the fashion industry.

    It began with underarm hair in 1915 and leg hair in the 40s, due to short sleeves gaining popularity in the former, and short skirts gaining popularity in the latter.

    But Greek statues of women also lacked pubic hair. Buuuuuut maybe the ancients were just pervs.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My husband loves his hairy legs! :heart:
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I only shave my legs when I'm wearing shorts. D: Is that bad?

    Or like. I'll shave half of them if I'm wearing tights.

    I'm just lazy.

    So during the winter...

    I make it a point to just...not lift my pant legs. lmao!

    Same here.....
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I only shave my legs rarely.. maybe in the summer a few times. but I have very very light hair and it's soft and thin so I feel no need to.

    Besides my husband is hairy like a bear so he has no right to complain unless he wants to do a full body waxing :P
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member
    Hell no I hate hair anywhere but the head, call it unnatural, but then again I'm a freak!

    I am with this guy! I don't like it one me, or on guys!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I hate shaving my legs. My hair is really dark, so it's noticeable after two days, but I can't shave more than once a week or else the skin gets hugely irritated. I'd rather just leave it Bigfoot-like. The SO has gotten used to it, so whatever.

    Oh, and for the person who said that the same can apply to make-up, deodorant, nail polish, and brassieres, I don't use make-up, only use nail polish on special occasions, and I use deodorant and brassieres because life is more comfortable that way, not because society tells me to.

    By the way, there are cultures where women who don't shave their heads are considered completely disgusting.
  • Sharkington
    EDIT: Oh look, another thread resurrected from the forum graveyard.

    I have never been with a guy who LIKED hairy legs, but I have been with guys who didn't act immature about, either. I shave my legs regularly - but sometimes I just don't feel like it (for reasons I don't have to justify). Most guys, in my experience, have understood that and didn't badger me about it on the occasions I didn't feel like it. It's body hair. You know, like that stuff that grows on your head? No biggie. I totally understand wanting to have smooth, soft legs. It feels nice and feminine (nothing wrong with wanting to feel feminine), but I am kind of surprised to see a few of the woman in this thread acting more immature about it by calling it "gross" and acting shocked that there were hairy legged women walking around (in PUBLIC! O-M-G!). :laugh: I'd definitely say I have encountered more women who treat leg hair like it's some disgusting, shameful thing than I have men who thought so. :huh:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    This guy does not like hair legs on a gal. Or pits. Or upper lip. This isn't Europe. You're not my Grandma. Shave it. Wax it. Electrolysis. Whatever. Lose it.
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,734 Member
    I don't mind on the legs, but I draw the line when they have a hairier back than me
  • rob32768
    rob32768 Posts: 505
  • loliblullama
    loliblullama Posts: 140 Member
    Personally I don't think anyone should shave just so someone else will like it. It's their body and if they don't wanna shave they shouldn't be shamed into doing it. Simples
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hell No!!!!
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    when mine gets a little stubbly hubby rubs them up and down repeating "spikey" "smooth" .......................meh .......................
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Ahhh, gender roles. Women need to shave their legs and men aren't supposed to.

    So weird.

    So why do most women seem to not like facial hair or chest hair on a guy?
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    This guy does not like hair legs on a gal. Or pits. Or upper lip. This isn't Europe. You're not my Grandma. Shave it. Wax it. Electrolysis. Whatever. Lose it.

    Would you shave your face if a woman didn't like your beard?
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I personally don't like my hairy legs. My guy has very ilttle hair on his legs and I love that... But, as a woman, I will interject that I think men should definitely shave their pits. Never met one that did, but that hair looks disgusting.... Ugghhh..
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Who cares if guys like hairy legs or not..Not everything we do/dont do depends on what guys like/dislike.

    Hair is gross in women. Men or no men..End of discussion, carry on now.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    no no no...... just no

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