Lose 10lbs from Feb 1- Mar 1!!



  • Count me in as well! Love that we're all here together!

    2/1 - 183.8
    2/8 - 178.8
    2/15 -
    2/21 -
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    SW: 2/1 - 228

    2/8 - 224
  • cynthiagetsfit
    cynthiagetsfit Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on my way there with 2 pounds down and 8 to go! Hopefully by really pushing myself with Insanity I'll get there!!

    SW: 158
    CW: 155.8

  • paas85
    paas85 Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in
    SW: 174 (1st Feb)
    CW: 171.8 (8th Feb)
  • I weigh on Mondays, and I'm just now starting to get "back" into the site and keeping real track of things... so I'm a bit wibbly wobbly right now while I get my footing. All the same, I'd love to hop in here and grab some extra motivation. Keeping track of BF% as well since I'm trying to build a little muscle while I drop the fat (which means I might not net 10 lbs, but we can hope).

    My SW: 154.6
    Body Fat%: 26.6

    Feb 4th: 152.8
    Body Fat%: (not checked)

    Feb 11th:
    Body Fat%:

    Feb 18th:
    Body Fat%:

    Feb 25th:
    Body Fat%:

    Final Weight:
    Body Fat%:
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    Update for today!

    32 years, 5'4"

    2/1 - 174 lbs
    2/8 - 170.6 lbs!!! Whatever I'm doing is working!!! :bigsmile:
    2/15 -
    2/22 -
    3/1 -
  • maluttrell
    maluttrell Posts: 29 Member
    So, I did not have a good week. despite adding to my daily exerise and staying right at or under 1200 calories...

    2/1 177
    2/8 176.6

    on the plus side, this rounds out week 10 of my weight loss journey and I am down 21.4 pounds which is slightly above my goal of 2 pounds a week....slow and steady, keeping at it...hoping for a better result next week.
  • 2/1/13 - 135
    2/8/13 - 136 (What, its not suppose to happen that way!!! :()
    2/15/13 -
    2/22/13 -
    3/1/13 -
  • I'm in!

    02/08-> 236.6
  • One week in....progress is good! The weekend is here and this is always my downfall...wine, food and friends.

    Hope everyone is seeing results!

    02/05> 169.4
    02/08> 166.7
  • glittersamsara
    glittersamsara Posts: 6 Member
    I had my first weigh-in today! I don't think I did too bad considering I started all of this just this Tuesday.

    Here are my stats ...

    1/02 - 158.7lb/72kg
    8/02 - 157.8lb/71.6kg - I lost nearly a whole pound/half a kilo!
  • ljzornow
    ljzornow Posts: 1 Member
    It's a great goal and I'm in too!
  • I'm in! Going to start with what I was on the 1st.

    2/1 - 204

    2/8 - 201 lbs!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    2/1 182.6
    2/8 181.2 (Yay, down 1.4 today!)

    I will be happy if I can lose anything over 5 pounds this month. Good start toward my February goal!
  • pelican37
    pelican37 Posts: 11 Member
    Start - 177lbs
    Week 1 - Down 1lb (176)

    Need to motivate myself a bit more wiht additional exercise....any suggestions....this weather is not helping!
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    8.25 lbs down since 1st Feb :-D
  • i am so with You...i have a lot more to lose....150...but in two weeks i have 16 of it already gone....the more you got to lose tho...the fast in the beginning it will come off .....i will join your challenge and YES we got THIS......let's hit it girl...whooo hoooo!!
  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm just starting my weightloss journey and I think I'll have more success if I have more accountbility. If I put it in writing I sure as hell better give it my all!
    I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds in Feb. I'm going to weigh in friday the 1st, then every friday until friday the first of March, hopefully seeing a 10lb loss! If anyone wants to join and post with me please do! Let's root eachother on!
    I'm 25, 5'5 hoping to lose a total of 50lbs by November, what about you? =)

    I lost 22.5 lbs since 1/3/2013...this week the loss has slowed Wife lost 8 lbs in the same period. Everybody is different...and how out of shape you are will largely decide how easy loosing 10 lbs in a month is going to be. Good luck!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Start - 177lbs
    Week 1 - Down 1lb (176)

    Need to motivate myself a bit more wiht additional exercise....any suggestions....this weather is not helping!

    I've been doing Leslie Sanson "walk away the pounds" videos on YouTube, and wii fit. As I got bored of the treadmill, and haven't gone back to my gym yet. 30 day shred is another DVD you could do at home, and I think it's also available on YouTube
  • sglover14
    sglover14 Posts: 9 Member
    DIET is 80% Exercise is 20%