Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • nickelsthoughts
    Hey, wondering if I can sneak in and join your thread... Love all the motivation here, and I need it :)

    Today I got back into my routine after being sick for a week. Went to the gym and had a great work out on the elliptical followed by relaxing in the sauna for 15 min. I like doing light stretching in there. It really helps me loosen up my very sore muscles! lol

    Thursday Truth - I have a problem with night time eating... Like right now, I want to eat but I'm not hungry... And I think I'm going to go to bed so I don't eat anything. I already went over my calories by 100 today.... Oh, and I gained 5 pounds :(

    Well, I will check in tomorrow!!! Thanks!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    karenleona - hope your grandson is better now - asthma attacks can sure be scary! (and ER trips here in the USA are usually average a 3 hour stay, how long was yours?)

    MowMow - free unsolicited medical advice from a non-practictioner :wink: can your Dr. prescribe muscle relaxants like Flexeril? That might help them un-knot and relax. Good drug when specific symptoms are bothering you.

    Kaye - I'm with you. Walking is all I can handle, and this Leslie S. tape is kicking my butt, because its a little more than walking - she throws in arm exercises along the way and kicks. Glad you enjoyed your birthday celebration. What a revelation about ice cream.

    Lin - I hope your back gets better! :flowerforyou:

    mackbeth - you can still have a special snuggle tonight before bed with a warm drink and Sleep in an extra 5 minutes tomorrow to treat yourself ! You deserve it! You should get snow days!

    Susan - <cough> Director, I mean, well, CONGRATULATIONS, MA'AM!!!! I'm so happy for you, nothing like a contract with ink on it to give you the security you and your son deserve. Resigning from the other job is going to probably not be as difficult as you fear - you'll be so busy getting everyone acquainted with your job, your system, that no one will be able to mess with you. I hope you can work out a nice non-disclosure package. :wink:

    kinnurse - there is a time when it is right to exercise and a time when your heart just isn't in it, Charlotte. Maybe when spring rolls around you'll discover an interest in going outside that you don't have now. Relax about it a little, you'll start again.

    Skinny & All - Yes, I did walk to Leslie - the whole mile so I'm 5/7 for GHD Challenge.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lizmil - works sounds terribly stressful. Can you speak to your boss? Yeah, that probably won't help. They won't hire any more help is probably what the problem is, I'm just guessing? Do you take your breaks? Do you practice stress-busting techniques such as taking deep breathes for several minutes? Just putting some ideas out there.

    nickelsthough - welcome - you've come to a great group - make yourself at home!. We'll answer what we can. Night time hunger is a tough problem, so plan on having a late night snack by allowing the calories for it when you plan out your calories for the day.
    Drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day, bare minimum, or more if you can handle it.

    DoBarber - thanks for the nice compliment - I try to take care of everyone!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Snowy morning here in NYC, i am hoping it turns to rain like the weather man said it would otherwise my commute home will be hell! I did get to the gym this morning at 5... did 30 minutes on the elliptical to burn some calories, shower and sprint to catch my train!

    Had a great workout last night, really did push myself even though I woke up in the morning with really tired legs and a sore lower back... I just spent a little more time warming up and stretching before the workout and really thorough foam roll out session afterwards.

    Here is Workout A... for the next couple of weeks.
    Warm up
    - assorted body weight motions and streches
    - Cable tall kneeling static hold (2 30 second sets)

    - Romainan Deadlift/Rows - 2 sets of 10 - 95lbs

    Superset 1 3 sets of 10
    - Reverse Lunge ups 35lb dbells
    - Split Stance Cable Row - 100lb
    Superset 2 3 sets of 10
    - Deadlifts - 185lbs
    - Bench Press - 185lbs

    - Stair Master sprints... 45 seconds full speed 45 second slow speed recovery 4 bursts.

    Foam Rollers and Streching

    --Friday Fitness - Well normally my weekends I get to the gym once it opens at 7am to lift. But with an expected 10 inches of snow (a lot for us Jersey folks) my workout will be shoveling my cars out and my neighbors cars... The one guy is 80, chains smokes, and refuses to let his car sit in the snow! I will have to be up early so he does not have his 5th heart attack!!!

    Sunday my boys have a wrestling tournament... well as of right now just one does, but I am hoping that Sunday School gets cancelled so they both can wrestle in it. This is their first year of wrestling and they are loving it... if they can win 2 matches at this tournament they will get a medal.. they are both amped up to earn one of those!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Drojen... check out that spin class! The first couple of times your legs and @$$ will hurt but it is such a great workout! It might slow your run or leg work a bit, but in the long run will improve them both.

    Robin.. what sort of workout did you get in?

    skinnyjeanzbound... Don't let your lower body get off easy with the weights!!! Building leg muscles is one of the most effective ways to burn fat! Like I said to Drojen... yes your legs will be more tired at first for your other cardio type work, but that only lasts so long and the benefits are worth it! - and nice job with the shoveling!

    Grandmakay... Hook me up with some of that cake!!

    Susan.. congrats on the new job and the good loss this week!!! Keep kicking @$$!

    nickelsthoughts... sounds like a rough patch, and the late night eating is an issue for me too... and the nighttime wine drinking! Keep working hard though and push through it
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. Today may prove interesting. Daughter spent some time in the hospital last night with labor, but it subsided. She's still hoping for today. We don't have Keith yet. She is staying home from work, but will go to the doctor later this morning. I'm hoping that people come around to eat some of the cake. There is half of it left. :noway: I'm going to have to keep really busy today to ignore it.
    Have a great day. Your Friday Fitness goals make me tired just reading them! I will get in my walk. Kaye
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @susan What great news all the way around! Doesn't it feel great to feel wanted?

    @charlotte Stop that thinking right now! Don't think of it as making up for the gain you had last year. The past is over and done, all we have is the future. Every time I look at weight loss as making up for something bad, as moving AWAY from something (high weight) I get depressed and bogged down. Instead, I look at it as movie TOWARD something good (lower weight) and I feel more motivated and positive! So just take the loss as the great accomplishment it is!

    @liz Oh, how I understand! My job now is better, but I have definitely been there. I don't have any great advice, just a sympathetic virtual shoulder.

    @nickels Welcome! Come on in and visit when you feel like mindless eating. Typing keeps your fingers busy so you can't eat! :)

    I was excited to go home last night and play Dance Central some more after how much fun I had the night before. Plus, they have a game mode where you go through a story and you have to score high enough on these different songs in order to advance the story, and I wanted to see what happened next. But my body REALLY did not want to do it after the intense session the night before. I still managed about half an hour. I know I need to do different kinds of exercise, not just play dance games, but my doctor said that it's good for now, since I'm just starting to exercise again. Plus, I am feeling it EVERYWHERE! The movements you have to do work core, arms, legs, and muscles I didn't know I had...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Gorilla - I'm doing Leslie Sansone Walk -a -Mile. It takes 20 min. to do and its my first real stab at continued exercise since I've started this thread. I won't go into what else I've started and failed at but I'm glad for this Feb. Challenge and the people encouragiing me to stay at it. Of course I have a big carrot at the end of Feb. - my vacation is a week in Jamaica.
    Plus I am somewhat - oh shall I say encumbered with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, artificial knee that I can't kneel on, so those things held me back from sticking with exercises before. BUT they are not stopping me now.
    Leslie has me walking, kicking, and lifting my arms all to complete a mile in 20 minutes and I am huffing my way through it finally!

    Gorilla - I'm so glad you've re-joined us! Thanks so much for coming back and your offers of friendship to the people here. :blushing:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @desdemina and Alison--You guys are making me wish I had room in my house to play Dance Central or DDR. I :heart: dancing and go out with friends to do so quite a bit in the summer. It's harder during the school year. Unfortunately, I have very little floor space in my living room or bedroom, and those are the only 2 rooms with televisions, so I can't really play those games at home. :ohwell:

    @susan--congrats on the new job!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: Don't worry too much about resigning--if anyone gives you a hard time about it, it will be further proof that you made the right choice.

    @gorilla--it's not so much that I let my lower body get off easy, it's that my upper body needs so much more work, so that tends to be the focus. My lower body is much stronger, more muscular, and more toned. In fact, just last week one of my friends commented that she wished she had my legs b/c she could see the definition in my thigh muscles through my jeans. In comparison, my arms and shoulders are very flabby and lack strength. I can leg press more than my body weight, but I can only shoulder press about 40 lbs (and only for a few reps). Hope your boys do well at their tournament!! My bff's boys are both big-time wrestlers. :smile:

    @robin--good job getting the LS done!

    @liz--sorry your job is so draining.

    @charlotte--I totally understand your desire to come home and just relax. I find that if I do that, I'm probably not getting back up to go workout. I make it a point to come home and change right into my workout clothes if I have a gym day scheduled. If it's just a walk with gunner I do that right after work as well--it's just too hard to motivate myself once my tush hits the couch. As far as days off, you really need to SCHEDULE that work out time. As much as you have other things you need to do, you and your health are important enough to warrant some time. When I first started making my weekly exercise goals, I didn't really think it would work, but it actually helps quite a bit. I still have days when other factors interfere (like the weather yesterday), but overall it gets me to the gym more often.

    Friday Fitness:
    Doing okay this week. I'm a bit nervous about my long run on Sat.. Whenever I do really well, I'm always worried a worse performance will deflate me. I know it's silly--I've been running long enough to know that I'll have good runs and bad runs. I also still need to get new running shoes, so I may do that on Sunday.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym DONE (weights + elliptical + treadmill)
    Tues--rest day (have to teach an evening ACT class
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE but I shoveled very heavy snow for about an hour
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner + core

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 verb worksheets
    2. x/16 ACT practice essays

    February Challenge: 7/28 days of minimum 80 grams of protein
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @Lin & MyMowMow- I second the muscle relaxers for your back, I take soma when mine acts up. It is prescribed so you would have to go to the Doctor’s office. Hope you both feel better!

    @skinny- Cheese dip is the devil! My wife made some for the super bowl and I had to finish it over the days that followed. It put me over for days in a row. Sodium, fat , carbs were all over because of it and the chips. Thanks goodness it is gone!

    @ Kaye- Glad the birthday cake was so totally worth it! HBSmileyBlowsWhistle.gif
    I am hoping to have some of my own Sunday.

    @Susan- Good for you on the Capriotti's job! There is one right down the street from my work and they often get subs from them here at my work. I just found the Black and Bleu salad nutrition info. online, hope this is right as it adds a choice for when we do not feel like cooking!

    Welcome to the new people!

    Tonight I get to go pick up all the Girl Scout cookies for Amy’s troop, it should be a lot of lifting cases and loading trucks and then unloading them.

    Friday fitness- 8/8 for GHD! I’m going to start doing some squats for my legs. I do not have the right kind of weights for them but I am thinking of using two 5 gallon water bottles (which is almost 84 lbs.) I’ll see how that goes.

    Let’s all have a healthy day!

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Friday Fitness: going to the gym, then going to buy pepper spray so I can work out this weekend in my neighborhood without getting eaten by these two kujos running around. :laugh:
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Ok, guys, I know we all have these from time to time, but I'm having a fat day. I know, yesterday I celebrated 25 pounds gone, and I know that's a lot, but I'm just feeling like there is so far to go. I know, I know, don't look at the big picture, take it in small chunks. I know all the advice I would give someone else who was saying this. But knowing it in my head doesn't help. I feel like my spare tire has doubled since yesterday!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    Well it went from warmish to cold again here ugh! Warmish is like 20 degrees. This weekend I am getting a whole new front end on my car bearings, tie rods, tires, and alignment. Plus I have class not sure how much fitness time I will get in but I am gonna try my hardest.

    @ Robin- way to pull through and do the walk when feeling beat :flowerforyou:
    @Susan- You have so many wins to celebrate....congrats
    @Karen- I also eat sometimes after closing my diary and I hate it but I just log it the next morning
    @Liz- Keep your head up and maybe because you know mid week is rough for you take some me time to re-energize
    @Gorilla- You have a great fitness plan in place. Good luck to your kiddos
    @Tom- you reminded me that the cookie girl will be coming around....she is my biggest weakness I love Tagalongs.
    @NewPeople- Welcome to the group

    Okay I did the 7 mins on the elliptical yesterday and OMG! my legs were burning even though I wanted to give up at 5miles I just threw a towel over the screen info and continued.

    I gave my so called bf an ultimatium(spelled wrong probably) he doesn't know yet the consequences to his choice but it will either by therapy or finding a new place to live. I am giving him til Sunday night to make his choice then I will tell him the consequence.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    walking queen said:
    I gave my so called bf an ultimatium(spelled wrong probably) he doesn't know yet the consequences to his choice but it will either by therapy or finding a new place to live. I am giving him til Sunday night to make his choice then I will tell him the consequence.

    Good for you walking queen! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thanks all for the advice. :happy: I really shy away from taking painkillers and stuff like that, so far I've managed to even avoid ibuprofen for it, but if it doesn't get better soon I'll go visit Dr. McHotty Pants. At the very least staring at him will cheer me up :blushing: I'm supposed to see him in March for a 1 year follow up from my stroke, so I'd like to hold off for a few more weeks if Ican. I can't believe it's almost been a full year.

    No exercise for me since Wednesday. I'm taking it easy still. I can move around and even lift stuff again. However if something lands on the floor I have to weigh the importance of picking it up against the pain it will cause. Right now I have two wooden spoons and a pot holder on the kitchen floor. They are staying there for the time being. I pushed them to a corner out of the way (and out of site) to deal with when I can. The only time my back reaches crisis mode is when I have to sneeze. The new tenants below me must think I suffer from Tourettes. Each time I sneeze I yell out an obscenity.

    I think my Friday fitness will include some very light yoga today and this weekend. I think that'll do wonders for my back.

    My ex husband is going to look at a kickboxing bag for me tonight. I found it on craigslist and it's in his town. I told him if it's not totally gross and it's got no rips to buy (for a whopping 25.00) and deliver it(of course I'll pay him a small amount for his time/gas). I'm VERY excited to have it. It's a stand alone so I won't have to pay a handyman to hang it.
  • Helenavee42
    Happy Friday everyone. I doubt many of you will remember me. I used to use the username vinsonh42 and always signed Layna. I finally have my head back on right and am ready to give this another try. A lot of things happened while I was gone. The reason I left the site was because I got depressed due to a lot of things that were going on, mostly my grandmother getting very very sick and has been for a while now. While she is doing better and is on anti-biotics she will never be the same and despite taking a mass off of her brain and messing up her speech the doctors still do not know what is wrong. She has made leaps and bounds and the masses in her lungs and brain are shrinking thankfully. I am back and glad to say my depression has passed.

    Friday Fitness: My bf and I adopted a puppy 5 weeks ago and I plan to walk him at least 3 good walks a day this weekend rather than just take him out to go to the bathroom. (He is such a sweetie pie and I love him to bits!) I only get to see him on the weekends (for now) so during the week I plan to walk/run on the treadmill or ride my exercise bike. I found out I am definitely better at running/walking barefoot. No pain in my ankle. I was able to jog for 2 minutes straight at 4 mph last night. I got a hrm and a resistance band.
    Food:Today is payday so I will be buying groceries. I heard about this thing called mason jar salads and I think I am going to try those. You just put your dressing in first then your meat then veggies then lettuce or spinach. Once you put the lid on you have to vacuum seal it and they can last up to 4 days in the fridge so you can pre-make them. The vacuum sealing stuff isn't very expensive you just need the jar sealing attachment which is $8 online and a hand pump which is $7 if you get the ziploc brand. And the mason jars are reusable!

    I think that is enough from me. Glad to be back.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Hi Everyone :flowerforyou:

    I had a few minutes so I thought I would drop in. I miss you guys and keep hoping everything that has consumed my life will some how calm down so I can get back to attacking my weight loss . For those of you that know me I'll give you a quick update. My mother is back home and is recovering from all of her health issues quite nicely. She is walking again but sill can not drive her car or do much work around her house. She will start a round of chemo coming up to hopefully attack her bone cancer. My sister is still living with me and is a 24/7 job to take care of. I still spend all of my time taking care of my mother and sister which leaves very little time for me. Hopefully spring will get here soon so I can try to get a trail walk in now and again.

    @skinnyjeanz & @GrammyWhammy - Thank you for posting such kind words on my profile. It's nice to know I am missed. :love:

    Well, I'm off to my mother's house to shovel snow. Is it Spring yet . . . :sad:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helena - welcome back! So glad to hear things are going better for your grand mama! And a new puppy - what fun ! Glad you found us again and are committed to a new healthy lifestyle. We are glad to see you again. :flowerforyou:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    Friday Fitness~Sorry I’ve been MIA, I’ve been down with some debilitating abdominal pain – pain meds are helping a bit but it put me out of commission for a couple of days. I did manage to work out with my trainer on Wednesday, albeit not at a high intensity and he didn’t have me run. I’m planning to get on running elliptical at the gym tonight and if that goes well doing a long run tomorrow, this is also the official weigh-in weekend for the weight loss challenge.

    @Karen~I feel the same way about my run tomorrow, hopefully our legs won’t fail us! :tongue:
    @Holly~Way to conquer that elliptical and yay for you standing up to the bf!
    @Helena~Welcome back, good to “see” you – glad your grandmother is doing better.
    @Robin~Proud of you for doing Leslie even though your legs were bothering you, way to push through!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everyone :flowerforyou:

    I had a few minutes so I thought I would drop in. I miss you guys and keep hoping everything that has consumed my life will some how calm down so I can get back to attacking my weight loss . For those of you that know me I'll give you a quick update. My mother is back home and is recovering from all of her health issues quite nicely. She is walking again but sill can not drive her car or do much work around her house. She will start a round of chemo coming up to hopefully attack her bone cancer. My sister is still living with me and is a 24/7 job to take care of. I still spend all of my time taking care of my mother and sister which leaves very little time for me. Hopefully spring will get here soon so I can try to get a trail walk in now and again.

    @skinnyjeanz & @GrammyWhammy - Thank you for posting such kind words on my profile. It's nice to know I am missed. :love:

    Well, I'm off to my mother's house to shovel snow. Is it Spring yet . . . :sad:

    Bella - how nice to hear from you! Its nice to know there are angels among us - you have such a hard job taking care of both your sister and your mother and your mother's house. Glad you are still with us and looking out for your health. You are in my prayers constantly! :flowerforyou: Lots of love.