Any gamers out there?



  • T_Boster52
    T_Boster52 Posts: 1 Member
    I love playing call of duty black ops II. I am huge gamer!
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Used to be a pretty hardcore gamer, especially when I got into EVE Online about 3 years ago. Have backed off a bit these days as I spend a lot more time at the gym or playing sports but still love to relax with a good RPG/FPS/RTS xD
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'm a huge Nintendo fan girl and I grew up playing NES and Genesis !
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    BF3 for me. Spend too much time playing it. Still crap at it, though. :bigsmile:
    Hello, my name is Dai

    Dai? Gaming? Not this one I hope!

    (NSFW, probably.)
  • Saviik
    Saviik Posts: 46 Member
    Looove games. I haven't been playing as much as I use to though. Actually kind of saddens me xD Right now I'm heavy into Guild Wars 2 and I've been playing Battlefield 3 off and on. It's one of those games.. I see someone playing it and I have to play it.

    I love all sorts of games. My list is pretty huge on games I have and many I have yet to finish. From Xbox to PS3 to Wii (Not WiiU yet) and PC. I have a 3DS too.. Still waiting on some good games for that and some price drops since some games I can just wait on even if I do love them.

    If anyone would like to add me feel free.
  • MonsterToBe
    MonsterToBe Posts: 244 Member
    Used to game all the time, from Zork to D&D to Q3Arena and WoW, till carpal tunnel surgery -- now almost all of my gaming is fitness related:

    Fitocracy -- earn points for workouts, level up! (I'm Rlandbeck there also... add me if you use it too!)

    Dance Central for Kinect -- nuff said. I have fun and wear a heart rate monitor which proves to me it's not just fun! lol

    Zombies, Run! -- love love LOVE this game. It's a phone app that takes you through a zombie apocalypse storyline while you run/walk (I just finished week 4 of Couch to 5K), evading zombie hordes and collecting supplies to build up the survivors' base. Throw in a playlist of appropriate music and you've got an awesome experience. The website your run data syncs to is awesome! Definitely built by gamers, for gamers. I actually hate taking days off of running. I want to see what happens next!
  • JTKamz
    JTKamz Posts: 22 Member
    I don't play as much as I used to, mostly because I am between games right now, having a hard time finding one that really grabs me. And also in part to unhealthy snacking while gaming.... now I'm trying it without the snacking. Lol... I'm more of a PC gamer, but I will jump on XBox Live from time to time....

    So anyone that would like to, feel free to add me. :)
  • Saviik
    Saviik Posts: 46 Member
    Oh yes, how could I forget Dance Central. I have all 3.. I'm a sucker for that game. Gangnam Style is my guilty pleasure on there right now, yep.. I got pulled into that one. /craves to dance now
  • Right now I'm actively playing The Secret World and Guild Wars 2.
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    I'm all about my Xbox 360 and running miles at a time!
  • Ktison55
    Ktison55 Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely love COD MW3, but I play other games as well. My fiance wants me to start playing WOW, but still have to think about it.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Wii Fit has a setting where your controller will keep a rhythm while you change the channel. When FFXIV 2.0 comes online, I plan on trying to march and play. I would try step, but I don't think I am that coordinated.
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Spot of threadomancy here but still...

    Gamer here, mostly RPGs (pen'n'paper ones, I DM/GM/Ref/Storytell in a dozen systems), some MMOs, miniature wargames (currently on a Warmachine/Hordes kick), and miscellaneous PC games.

    Always happy to make new friends in the gaming community. Nerd up! :)
  • davidpearly
    davidpearly Posts: 177 Member
    Hardcore WOW player. invite if you like
  • WoW and 360!!!
  • For The Horde!
  • xoInsanity
    xoInsanity Posts: 62 Member
    I'm addicted to Halo... Call of duty.. Anything old school>>>>Atari.... Nintendo... sega... XD

    You and I could be best friends, we play the SAME exact games! :P
  • xoInsanity
    xoInsanity Posts: 62 Member
    My game of choice is Halo (any halo is fine with me). I actually went to Major League Gaming events for Halo 3 (true nerd status right there). However I literally play anything and everything. I've been gaming since I was a little kiddo on the Atari, and have owned every gaming console that has came out since then.

    Actually my username is my gamertag on Xbox 360! HA!
  • thisrandomgirl
    thisrandomgirl Posts: 5 Member
    I go in spurts with it. I do that with most of my hobbies lol. Mostly xbox, ds, and sims on PC. as far as xbox goes my faves are minecraft, the mass effect games, borderlands, and most recently the halo games thanks to my hubby who is a pretty hardcore gamer.

    I also love Fitocracy though i have gotten bad about logging there.

    And i have not downloaded Zombies Run! yet but i think it might be the one thing that will motivate me to run. the only reason I havent gotten it yet is because I am considering switching from droid to Iphone at some point this year and dont want to have to buy it twice.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    Everquest, also a bit of a geek, take me clothes shopping, I fall asleep, take me to a computer store, I can max out CC's