
  • Good morning everyone! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. My name is Kellie and this is my first day with Myfitnesspal.
    I turned 50 in November and decided that if I was ever going to get healthy the time was now. I started in January with an exercise routne which I have been very faithful to. Also the past couple of weeks I've switched from cigarettes to a vapor cigarette. This has been hard.
    I have a goal weight in mind but actually this is more for me to prove to myself that I can be healthy & fit.
    So far for February my goal to limit my smoking has been achieved. I've also added minutes to my treadmill & elliptical workouts.
    Thanks for letting me share with you all, Have a great day!:happy:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Kellie:smile: Welcome to the group! Come in often and chat away with us! You`ll find lots of support here!

    Viv:smile: So sorry about your fur baby:sad: . They are a part of the family:flowerforyou: ! Good luck with the painting!

    Barbie:smile: So glad Brandy is feeling better!!! Now that her mouth is less sore she`s hungry!

    Sara:smile: A lot of people say MFP is too high on exercise calories, some say eat only half of them back. I think a heart rate monitor is the only way to know how many calories you really burn.

    Time to go get myself ready for this beautiful day! Put my tiara on and boss the boys for awhile:laugh: :glasses: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC chilly but sunny!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Dee dee
    Enjoy your company or I guess I should say how did it go.
    Come April you will be fit and in tune like a fine fiddle.

    So nice of you to offer to help those people that had to return there son.
    How hearbreaking that would be.
    And for you to want to help with 9 children and offering your daughter.
    It will make her feel so wanted.

    Poor doggy I've had many dogs and what I do for them to clean there teeth I boil them up great big bones.
    They love to chew on those. Mind you they are getting expensive. They used to give them away at grocery stores now five buck for a shank bone.

    I'm fortunate my Bob don't ask for dessert but I know he goes up town for a chocolate bar here and there he forgets the wrapping in the car. But that's ok I can't eat the wrapping.

    So an hour appointment took away a day. But like you to take it so well. what's a day in all the day's they gave us.

    Hope it's only the butt and you didn't jar nothing in your back.

    Enjoy your time away babysitting. And they will gladly help with your workouts.

    Hip replacement and she feels she feels she will be able to do a 26 mile bike ride 2 months later. Good luck.

    That is as far as today allows me to go. Page 16 and part of 17 but I'm off this site for 9 o'clock or I miss my diabetic talk. I have my day pretty much planned. And now need to at least include an hour or more of quilting need to get it done. And it's so pretty. Will get pictures once it's finished and hope by then i'll know how to post it somewhere in here. Even if it's in my profile.

    Yesterday wasn't a good food day. I walked some on the lake as it's our winter Carnival here. So went watched my son lose at horse shoes. LOL.

    Today is going to be a great day going to make me a pot of veg. chilli.

    See you all lighter.

    Linda C In beautiful Northern Ontario.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member

    So far for February my goal to limit my smoking has been achieved. I've also added minutes to my treadmill & elliptical workouts.
    Thanks for letting me share with you all, Have a great day!:happy:

    Welcome Kellie! February is a great month to quit smoking - my 4 year anniversary is next week! Good luck on your journey to improved health.

    Brooke from Colorado
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    bump, marking, but had nice loss....check in later, Fab Feb Vitamin F's !!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump. I have time to post but the cat has my tongue. Again.:wink:
  • I never got back to post yesterday, so I completed my food log this morning. I did some gardening yesterday, preparing the winter carrots that DH gathered ready for the cellar. Then we gathered the last of our winter cabbage and brussel sprouts from the garden. It is time to plow the ground to prepare for the spring garden. It is such a blessing to be able to raise a lot of our own vegetables, beef and pork. If I must purchase my meats from the grocery, they just don't taste the same as homegrown.

    I am glad to see that 50ishfoodie is still including brussel sprouts in her menu. Way to go!!!

    exermom, there are a number of ways to prepare brussel sprouts. We sometimes eat them raw (DH likes them best this way), I steam them and season with salt, pepper, and real butter. They can be roasted, I haven't tried them this way yet, but I hear they are delicious that way.

    I am off to pick up 3 of my grandkiddies for church this morning. DH is on a trip for a couple of days, so it will be quiet around here. Maybe I will be able to tackle that "mystery room" that should be my home office/exercise room. Wish me luck...

    All the best,
    Mary in TN
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    G’Mornin all!

    Work up to 4 inches of fresh snow. Love it. Hubby fired up the snowblower and cleared all the sidewalks in our cul-de-sac while I made egg white burritos. Sent him up the hill for a day of skiing.

    My plan is to swim and touch up some spots on a recently-painted wall, Woo. Will sort and shred papers while – literally – waiting for paint to dry. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH PAPER TO DEAL WITH EVERY MONTH????? Serious peave, as you can tell.

    Janie – I have those muscle cramps, too – particularly in my feet. So aggravating. Have you had your blood potassium level checked? Also, bananas don’t have as much potassium as other foods, so no need to keep eating them. Beans, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, squash, yogurt and salmon all have more than bananas. I have found that avoiding caffeine and stretching a LOT helps.

    Katla – rustic is fine with me. I love those adventurous vacations. We spend a lot of time in the desert – just rocks and dirt and lizards. Sometimes go DAYS without a shower. Very liberating. (Of course, not if luxury is what you were expecting!)

    12274 – That’s a LOT of shoveling. So grateful for the blower. As is my back.

    Betsy – Good choice on the black bean burger. One of my favs. Keep a bunch in my freezer (with the thin buns) as a go-to when I need something fast.

    Lori – SO glad your grandson is finally home. What a challenge for the family.

    Michele – I cook the sprouts several ways. Last night, I tossed them (about 1 pound, cleaned and quartered) in a bit of olive oil, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and roasted them in the oven at 450 degrees. The recipe calls for 7-9 minutes, but had to cut my time in half because the heating element in my oven burst into flame! So, now I have to go shopping for a new element, or a new stove. Would prefer the latter, but budget will probably dictate the other. Other times, I just clean and halve them, and steam in the micro or on the stovetop. Its become a favorite veg of many chefs, so lots of good recipes online to choose from. Then just modify to make lo-cal.

    Sara – It is my understanding that the calculators on the gym machines are set for an “average” person. There is a big perceived rate of exertion formula that is actually a better measurement, but I can’t find it right now. I will ask my trainer friend to share once again. To figure mine, I used a heart rate monitor – which is a measurement of exertion, but not good for calorie measurement. I recorded the “calories burned” from my HRM several times to find an average. Then, compared it to the MFP to find a ”mean” and created my own exercise with that. Now, you will have to do this a few times a year, because as your body gets stronger and your exertion changes, so will that “mean” number.

    Hi, Viv! There will always be challenges on this journey. Chin up, You got this!

    Kellie – WELCOME! So glad you are here and leaving cigarettes behind. I did it 7 years ago – after smoking for 28 years – and have never looked back. Good that you are focusing on health this year. Don’t forget to schedule your important health screenings for baseline! (Colonoscopy, etc)

    Linda – I know it sounds crazy to take on this race, but you don’t know my sis. She’s been an athlete her entire life and rides 50 + miles on her bike every weekend when the weather allows. I don’t see this hip replacement as something that will slow her down. However, we both know that our health challenges may keep us from doing the race, but at least we are going to try.

    Anyway - off to Home Depot I go!

    Jane in SLC, UT
  • :love: Happy Sunday! Just completed Day 3 of C25K. Getting stronger everyday- Here's to the last year of my 50's! Let's keep treking!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my dear friends! :flowerforyou: It’s a rainy day here in Omaha, but I see the sun trying to peek out from behind the clouds. Quiet day here; DD#1 heading off to work; DD#2 serving her time at goodwill, DH took DD#2 and now is visiting my dad. I’m going to work on the book until we go meet the family who adopted the russian girl for dinner.

    Katla: your friends’ vacation does sound interesting!

    Jane: hope you are still doing well

    12774: How many inches of snow did you get there? All that shoveling is good exercise!

    BetseyAnn: sounds like you are making good choices. The weight will come

    Lori: yay for your DGS getting to finally go home! What a relief. :happy: I always open word while I read the posts and respond as I go. Makes it easier and also no more losing replies in cyber space!

    Michele: we had wings last night too…an Emerile recipe for Asian wings that was really good. We had stir fry veggies and rice. I am not crazy about Buffalo Wild Wings…they are ok, but I wouldn’t stand in line for them!

    Sara: I find that myfitness pal is pretty generous when it comes to calories burned. My eliptical tells me I burned only about 25% of what this site gives. So I went on line and checked out 5 different sites that give calories burned and kind of average it out.

    Barbie: too bad you don’t have kids at home…that is one of their chores (brushing animal teeth). Every Sunday night LOL :laugh: Glad Brandy is back to normal

    Viv: so sorry to hear about your dog. That is always sad when you lose a beloved pet. Glad to see you again. hugs for your loss.:flowerforyou:

    Liz: are you going to be getting the newest winter storm Orco? Seems to be starting in your neck of the woods

    Kellie: welcome and good for you to be trying to stop smoking. Come back often!

    DeeDee; yay for the sun….ours has disappeared again

    LindaC: Yes I think the DD#1 will feel important and useful working with this little girl. You’re so funny saying you can’t eat the candy bar wrapper!:tongue:

    Mary: I really love roasted brussels sprouts. I put them in a bag with a little melted butter, salt, pepper, and pistachios. The roasted nuts really compliment the flavor of the sprouts. I too have a mystery room. One of my goals is to organize/clean it for 15 minutes each day I work in there.

    Jane: omgoodness. Your heating element ignited! I am a paper hater too. The junk mail and real mail piles up so high sometimes I miss a bill!

    Well seems pretty quiet around here today too. I’m heading off line to work on the same stupid chapter I cannot seem to complete. Bleh! Now it’s cloudy and rainy again and I’d love to just sleep! Take care everyone. Meg :drinker:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    "...Janie – I have those muscle cramps, too – particularly in my feet. So aggravating. Have you had your blood potassium level checked? Also, bananas don’t have as much potassium as other foods, so no need to keep eating them. Beans, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, squash, yogurt and salmon all have more than bananas. I have found that avoiding caffeine and stretching a LOT helps..."

    Low magnesium levels are more likely to be the culprit. About 85% of us have magnesium deficiencies. Athletes can have severe deficiencies unless they take care to avoid them. One problem for seniors is that we don't tend to absorb minerals from our food and supplements as well as younger people. Magnesium is incredibly important to MANY bodily systems. Adequate levels of magnesium ions in the blood are vital for the transport of ATP to the muscles (that's what energizes us). It is also essential for the making of the neurotransmitter, serotonin (the mood-lifting one). It is even important in the proper storing of potassium. Nature packages high levels of magnesium and potassium together for a reason. Spinach is a great source of both. I munch on organic baby spinach leaves all day. Hardly any calories and a bonanza of nutrition.

    Another thing you can do is to bathe in Epsom salts baths (Epsom salts are pure magnesium sulphate). Our grandma's solution for sore, crampy and aching muscles was to take an Epsom salts bath. They didn't know why it worked, they just knew that it did. Seems that the more deficient you are in magnesium, the more your absorb right through your skin into your blood stream. Aim for a couple of fifteen-minute baths per week. The water should be as hot as you can stand it (without burning yourself, of course). The sulphate in Epsom salts is beneficial too since we tend not to get enough sulfur in our diets. One important point is that one should NEVER eat Epsom salts or drink solutions of it. But bathing in it is perfectly safe. :smile:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Good morning so far weigh in lost 3lbs yay puts me at under 250lbs. I am still huge ..
    but its been a long time since being under. I start at over 300lbs start this journey a couple months before finding mfp but things really started to take off since joining mfp. So much more to go but I am going to celebrate this moment I think by buying a new shirt?

    @Jane hope all is well for you.
    @Meg not sure I hope not. But I was busy yesterday need to catchup on the news and weather.

    @Mary, @Jane @Michele I cook my Brussels sprouts by roasting them in the oven toss in white wine or apple juice works too. With a little olive oil sometimes. I really like them DH and DD not so much so we don't have them as often as I like.

    Well I need to get going will be back later to get some hit F

    Liz from Caldwell, idaho
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    This morning in church we talked about being connected to others... and I realized how this board makes me feel connected at least on my weight loss/fitness journey. Thank you all so much!

    :flowerforyou: 50ish foodie -- Wow ! What a great goal to do the Bike Tour! Sounds like a lot of fun though.

    :flowerforyou: Janie – You have so much on your plate right now. I agree, teachers have so much more to do than just teaching the kids… it’s almost like that’s the secondary job now. I agree, the board inspires me to stay accountable. <3

    :flowerforyou: Meg – Are you a teacher too? Or a nurse? I can’t put it all together! : )

    :flowerforyou: Barbie -- We used to have a treadmill at home that I loved except that I had to turn the tv up so loud… I love all the new contraptions now that make things easier. : )

    :flowerforyou: Viv – How sad about your sweet Tara… We have only owned one dog as a family and she’s 10. I know I will be devastated when I lose her. Sounds like your home is lovely… and historic? We were in London in September… oh how I loved it.

    :flowerforyou: Kellie– Welcome! You’ll love this forum.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee – You always crack me up… today with the tiara and bossing the boys! I love it! Your training regimen sounds terrific!

    Have a wonderful Sunday... keep smiling.

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    Today is sunny with a beautiful blue sky. DH and I are going to go cross-country skiing for the first time in a few weeks. I am still coughing and the sinus headache is still bad, but don't want to waste the day.

    DeeDee- the training sounds great. I know it is hard work, but I bet it is good type of tired and sore. Hope you enjoyed your chance to "boss the boys".

    Meg- Don't know how you keep up with all you do! Get that chapter done so you can cross it off the list! I always try to "do the worst first" I am sure the family you are meeting will appreciate the support and any ideas you can share with them. You have such great instincts for parenting!

    Lin C- love the can't eat the wrappers!

    Viv- Sorry to hear about Tara. We have lost a total of 4 dogs over the years, mostly due to age, but one was a 3 year old German Shepard(from cancer). It is never easy and leaves a big empty space in our lives.

    Well, we are off to enjoy some of the great sunshine and snow!
    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Deb in sunny, but cold CNY
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Hi megblair, thanks for asking . Here in Queens NY ,we had about 8inches of snow . Right now it is very sunny , the streets are cleared of all the snow. The Sanitation Dept did a very good job of salting and clearing the snow Today and tomorrow will be my rest days because I am aching all over now.
  • Hi ladies!

    I so need some warm weather and sunshine!:frown:

    But the sun shines as I read all the posts and get to know you as a "newbie" :laugh:

    From your posts there are many hard working teachers here! I am retired now - finally tired of the relentless paperwork , targets and "we have fixed it now lets change it ! "Miss the children , parents and staff but love the free time especially at the weekends.

    I send my best wishes to all on the East coast and the weather you are being submitted too.

    There are so many warm hearted women in VitF. We say we are a civilised society, but many lonely people out there, so wonderful to here how you care for your elderly, neighbours and family - my values entirely. It is what drew me to VitF.

    It is interesting for me to hear how you cope with vaccinations and health issues in the USA. We have our National Health Service which is free but is struggling under the strain but that is another story!

    Today started the plan to update the dinning room and buy new furniture to fit all the family around the table more comfortably. That's ordered, electrician has been to quote for the electrics, now onwards to clear room and decorate and did I mention fix the ceiling?

    DH cooked a lovely low fat Sticky ginger beef with noodles last night for me, such a wonderful man. Just hope I converted the recipe right - I do find that difficult sometimes, but heigh ho.

    Keep on track everyone - because you are all so worth it :smile:

    Take care
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Crazy weather here in southeast SD. We are on the edge of the storm system so it can't make up its mind whether to rain or snow. Right now we have lots of slush which I hope does not freeze solid. Someone please tell me walking in deep sand does something to tone my legs or at least make walking burn more calories. My horse was injured and after having to be on stall rest for a while requires hand walking for five minutes per day this week, ten minutes per day next week , etc. In cold icy SD the only place to do this is in the indoor arena where the footing is deep and sandy. I feel like I am working hard slogging around in that stuff in my winter boots. This has to be good for me in some way I think! Blessings to all and have a good week. Sue in SD
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Happy Sunday! I have had a very busy weekend but finally had a few minutes to catch up here.

    Lori – so glad to hear that your DGS was able to go home. Such a tough start for him and his parents but now I hope it will be smooth sailing!

    Kellie – congratulations on quitting smoking; I quit 3 years ago and am so glad I did. Just keep reminding yourself of how much better you will feel and how much MONEY you will save.

    Jane – I’m glad that you didn’t have any dire consequences from your heating element catching on fire! As for junk mail and extra paper – we reduced ours significantly by going paperless with all of our utilities, bank and anyone else that would normally send us mail.

    Viv – so sorry to hear about your loss. We have a cat that I will miss but my DH will positively mourn when he is gone.

    12774 – glad to hear that you survived the big storm and that things are returning to normal in your area. It sounds like CT and possibly other spots were hit very hard and many are still without power. Here’s hoping that power is restored quickly for them!

    Better run since I still have few items left on my to-do list for today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    :LDypsych;welcome. We will be trying spaghetti squash this week too. I had it once years ago and hated it so I hope it’s better this time.

    I am usually picky about veggies and I really liked it. I used the microwave method (3 min each of 4 sides) then put it in a pain with olive oil and (a) lean ham, mushrooms, and Romano / Parmesan and pasta sauce on one occasion and with (b) garlic, chicken, olive oil, Romano / Parmesan, and onion the second time. Try it again, it's a nice addition to healthy eating (but if you hate it, don't feel bad, I am it a huge fan of carrots! :noway:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Crazy weather here in southeast SD. We are on the edge of the storm system so it can't make up its mind whether to rain or snow. Right now we have lots of slush which I hope does not freeze solid. Someone please tell me walking in deep sand does something to tone my legs or at least make walking burn more calories. My horse was injured and after having to be on stall rest for a while requires hand walking for five minutes per day this week, ten minutes per day next week , etc. In cold icy SD the only place to do this is in the indoor arena where the footing is deep and sandy. I feel like I am working hard slogging around in that stuff in my winter boots. This has to be good for me in some way I think! Blessings to all and have a good week. Sue in SD

    Sand is hard work. I bet you can find a calorie count for it somewhere, and you can log it as minutes of cardio. Be grateful you have an indoor arena.