Whats your number 1 tip?



  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Trial and error on yourself, read lots of books with lots of different opinoins to make your own opinoin., don't always listen to majority, try it! And see if it works for you. Also, don't read the negative unsupportive comments on here-skip right over them!
  • LeeEvon
    When I decided to do something about my weight I told everyone I knew that I was going on a life changing journey so they would be there to support me if needed. When I told my sister in law she smirked and made very negative comments along the lines of get used to being fat and stop kidding yourself. That comment was all I needed and 12 months later I am down to my goal weight and unbeknown to my sister in law she was my light bulb moment.
  • Cslauson86
    Cslauson86 Posts: 51 Member
    Mine is: Reduce carbs and increase lean protein. Also, reading the book, "Younger Next Year for Women" has helped me stay motivated to exercise.
  • ellafaith123
    ellafaith123 Posts: 3 Member
    Plan ahead...for meals and exercise
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    Food should be delicious and exercise should be fun. Any deviation from this is a recipe for failure.

    I love this!!

    For me, I have been saying I want to get in shape year after year. The years pass by. Fast. Why not change right now so that you're not saying the same thing again next year? You're always going to want to change. Don't wait anymore. (This is what I say to myself now every day!)

    Oh, and make sure you eat enough!! Increasing my calories changed everything for me.
  • zeleni
    zeleni Posts: 75 Member
    I really enjoy reading every bodies tips!

    My tip, talk! If you're struggling or find yourself doubting your journey, talk to people. They will encourage you and help get you back on track! My older sis is very fit and helps me by being supportive and motivating. Another thing she does is talks me into saying exactly WHY I am feeling the way I am (like quitting or sabotaging my healthy lifestyle change)m
  • jennifer_oien
    When eating out that is planned, I look at the menu online before hand to figure out what is reasonable and what the calories are. If I want something high-calorie, then I figure out which portion of it I can have without going in the red.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Don't eat breakfast and go immediately to the gym after, food doesn't digest that fast and you have no energy from fasting @.@ did this the other day lol
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    Pre-make your lunches for the week on Sunday night.
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    Begin each day with a tall glass of water with the juice of at least half a lemon squeezed into it. I stopped doing this, and stopped losing weight! Strange, but true.
  • MelMel7j
    Drink a lot of water, track everything (food and exercise), find an encouraging and supportive friend...
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    Log every bite, every day, and ideally *before* you eat it so you can adjust the portion before you blow it; don't quit, no matter how far you think you've fallen "off the wagon". If you are logging, you are not "off" - you may get bumped around on the ride, but as long you don't quit, a week later it's never as bad as you thought.
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    treat yourself every day (preferible low in calories)
    every day I have ice cream, or peanut M&M resees... I try to make my dessert no more than 250 calories, usually they are 120 calories... If I don't have it chocolate every day, I get in a bad mood, makes me eat more, and get bad cravings....
  • carfamily08
    My biggest rule for myself is that I want to lose weight eating the same foods I plan to maintain it on. So no cutting anything out, no food group specific diets. I've lost the 36lbs I have eating everything I ate before just in moderation. It's made it much easier for me to stick to!