Do guys like hairy legs???



  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    it can be a bit of a cultural thing, travelling around has taught me to think before I judge, for example this summer in more than 3countries I saw women unshaved with curly hairs on their legs and pits (personally not my kind of thing....but I do understand)
    I know one of the woman (we became friends) has a husband and lives a pretty happy unshaved, hairy pitted life !

    Some guys find it attractive, some not.

    Do I shave...yes/no ...Armpits YES..once or twice (sometimes 3 times) a week (I am so un-hairy and it takes 3-4days before I stubble up!)
    legs ( to love my mum for this because a. my leg hair is so fine and soft I can go months...yes months without shaving and bless my beau rubbing his hands down my legs compliments me on shaving !) when I do shave it has a tendency to grow back stubbly so I then have to shave weekly, but moisturise daily(2) as well and my leg hair remains fine !

    note : I also have friends who shave their arms...don't really understand that one but hey-ho it doesn't inconvenience my life whatever they do to their arm hair !
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    not me or anyone that i know. i'm sure they exist somewhere though.

    If my husband had the choice, he'd rather I had a shaved crotch and hairy legs....armpits too lol
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I personally shave my legs, but I know men that LOVE hariy legs, especially older men......

  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    Definitely not something that I find attractive.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    French women typically don't shave their legs. It's not so weird.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Ahhh, gender roles. Women need to shave their legs and men aren't supposed to.

    So weird.

    no doubt, I personally hate shaving my legs...and if my fiance b!tches, it's his own damn it or lump it. he loves me UNCONDITIONALLY!! I do shave when the leg hair doesn't feel nice on the blankets anymore, that prickly feeling sucks. But really, it's a north american societal norm that doesn't have any basis in procreation. it's stupid, I hate it.

    neither does posting on a internet message board but people still do it
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    all my ex boyfriends LOVED my hairy legs
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    No guy likes hairy legs. Just doesn't happen.
    I would take a bald women over one wwith too much hair.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    No guy likes hairy legs. Just doesn't happen.
    I would take a bald women over one wwith too much hair.

    There are many Frenchmen who would disagree.:smile:
  • ewwwww I dont like hairy n e thing and neither des my man.... I evenmake him shave eveything but the under arms and legs.....
  • oh wow at least you are honest
  • LMAO evn though that is mean
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I shave my legs and pits regularly, but not because society demands it. I do it because I just like how sensitive my skin is when it is shaved smooth. Plus, there's just something about freshly shaven legs that just makes me feel fresh and clean. I love the results, though the method can be a bit tedious at times.
  • Thank goodness my husband doesn't mind. (not thrilled with but doesn't mind) I rarely shave mine unless I'm going to be wearing a skirt. I do at least shave them if going to be wearing clothing that shows my legs. But I don't typically have enough time to deal with the hassle.
  • As long as my husband is getting it, he couldn't care less how long my leg hair is!!! Hello??
  • I know if I dont shave my legs at least every other then the rubbing of my pants gives me a sore irratated feeling........ I shave everything I hate HAIR on me, But Im a Cosmetologist. LOL How ironic !!!!!!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Hairless!!! It maybe natural for some women!!! Just not the ones I am with....:tongue:
  • I've been a hairless lady and a hairy lady (each option for years at a time) and both ways I've attracted normal, good-looking guys who really dug whatever phase I was into. Guys who like hairy ladies are in the minority in the US, for sure, but they're out there.

    To get all Oprah and *kitten*: I've found that what attracts good men has everything to do with how happy and confident I am, and very little to do with the state of my body hair.
  • geekpryncess
    geekpryncess Posts: 118 Member
    Thank goodness my husband doesn't mind. (not thrilled with but doesn't mind) I rarely shave mine unless I'm going to be wearing a skirt. I do at least shave them if going to be wearing clothing that shows my legs. But I don't typically have enough time to deal with the hassle.

    I'm in the same boat. I don't shave them during the winter, what's the point?! Waste of time for something that nobody sees. I am lucky and have really light hair so that helps. I do shave during the summer. I hate doing it though, it's a pain. I wonder about that laser hair removal for the bikini area...

    And my bf could care less, as long as he's getting some ;) But yea it could be that it's just because my hair is light and hard to see. I have seen people with darker hair but light skin and it does look kinda odd.
  • Personally it does not bother me. My wife will go for weeks without shaving hers, but her leg hairs are so light colored that unless she is under a bright light, you cannot tell. She does shave them when wears skirts and dresses that show her legs.