Calories burned during sex



  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    I probably burn about 5,000 with each session lol.
  • I log sex as cleaning! Lmao
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    sex is built into my dailyTDEE activity level :)
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    Well if you really wanna wear your HRM during... Lol!

    LOL I plan too
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    bump...........for entertainment value :tongue:

    LOL No doubt! Good thing I was already finished with my brown rice
  • litlpaff
    litlpaff Posts: 1 Member
    This is the funniest thread I have read on any forum that I am on! I love it!! I have such uptight family that if they saw "foreplay" or "sex" I would be shot! lol So thanks to all of you that gave me ideas for what to call it! I guess hubby and I are weird in that IF I were to log this, it might actually count for something... I will not say how much, but it would be worth it. I don't know if I would just because I look at it like a reward in my weight loss. (The better I feel about myself, the sexier I feel. The sexier I feel, the more I show it to hubby.... etc.etc.)
    I am just happy to find this post! My hubby and I have been laughing all morning! Thank you all!
  • GoneApostate
    GoneApostate Posts: 13 Member
    Most of the generic stuff info defaults, apparently, to about 300 kCal an hour 5/min. According to a few pages including WebMD - but none of them list there sources, so it's... ahem... hard to dig... um... deeper. First of all, we know that it can't be the same for everyone. The reason cardio equipment asks your weight is because that's a key component for determining your burn rate. So already it's suspect.

    Livestrong gives the same number but also gives us some further insight. They got their info from which has a calculator that has two types of sex (intercourse and foreplay) AND it is relative to weight. So intercourse for a 150lb person is 48kCal/10 min for a 200lb person it's 64kCal per 10min. (someone already listed this calc on the thread)

    This is my favorite question though. How do we account for different intensities, different positions, different roles? I don't know where WomansDay get there numbers but they have a few, not-so-creative categories.

    I want good info on sexercise! We should be able to have sexercise programs that work in the bedroom (kitchen, movie theater, etc.) - talk about motivation to workout! You can work all the groups. So many basic calisthenics incorporate - squats, push ups, planks - simple stuff. Holding up your partner, now we're talking some real strength training.

    Anyway. I am on Myfitnesspal where you can create your own exercises. I'm going to start getting more detailed. This is my latest: Sex - 60% tender (or receiving) 40% vigorous (giving). I'm using corollary calisthenics, with the heathstatus calc as a base line. I can update here for the information of the group if folks are interested. Not too tricky.

    This page breaks it down by him/her. So that's pretty cool - but (A) what weight are they assuming for each (B) most of these are not going to be the ones you are doing regularly - there are a couple personal faves in there though...(C) purely hetero, gender normative sorry LGBTQ folks. I'm boring CIS gendered (I'm a guy that's crazy for gals) so it's fine for me but...
  • MissMonicaC
    MissMonicaC Posts: 67 Member
    Lol love this thread. Maybe instead of turbo jam I can aim to do the dirty 3 times a day hahaha if only time allowed. Lol
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Lol love this thread. Maybe instead of turbo jam I can aim to do the dirty 3 times a day hahaha if only time allowed. Lol

    now, thats my kind of lady...
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I just want this on my wall
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Here is a website to calculate it...I burn 253 calories in 30 minutes!
    This must be a male boyfriend is the one that found it.
    He thought I should know!

    Booooo I only burn 118 cals :/
    What's the point in that then? lol
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    I would say it depends on the position and how long you do it.

    Being on top when you're a guy is similar to holding a plank.

    If you just lie on your back you're not going to burn many calories. Seems like cowgirl or reverse cowgirl would burn more calories.
  • jrhahn82
    jrhahn82 Posts: 1
    Web MD has it listed as bed exercise. Ha!
  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    oh my god that's awesome! I would totally wear a HRM too if i had one...wouldn't my fiance be impressed! "come on honey lets reach 160 calories burned, that's what i do on the stationary bike!" I also think it's damn funny that you're code word is "dancing" I wonder what mine is going to be...and lets be honest here, people b!tch because I want to put "cleaning the house" as a cardio work out, but they have no problem putting sex down as an option? that's insane...i do 10 sets of stairs, heavy lifting, squats, etc while cleaning the house...and it takes me two days...i have 1/2 hr of great sex and I'm allowed to count it! i say what ever makes you red in the face should be added onto your exercise...and make sure you put it under dancing :tongue:

    I agree that cleaning the house should count as a cardio workout! It burns a lot more calories than watching the dust collect! I want to count it, too!
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Great thread....and love that fact that it is mostly WOMEN responding to it!
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    No reason you can't, just make a new entry like any other work out. But not sure how many calories is in one minute. *evil grin*

    Can you imagine... wearing your HRM to get an accurate number! Now that would be funny!! :laugh:

    Sexy aerobics instructor?

    BTW does lube have calories?

    Does lube have calories? Bahahahaha!! This thread has me in a laughing fit!! :drinker:
  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    I did it with an HRM, but not going to tell you what I burned! But I know somebody who did burn about 96 and she was going solo!

  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    I don't know, man. There are times that I only burn about 50 calories but then there are times that I'm sure I broke 500 (drunk)
  • I did the same thing! I didn't get an exercise result, but I logged it anyway. I may not be thinner or more fit afterward, but I definitely feel better about my body. That should definitely count for something!
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