Please stop…I beg of you…



  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Due to my Hashimoto's, I can't really eat many carbs. It took two years to get it diagnosed. Two years of gaining weight (after losing 100 pounds) while eating at a calorie deficit. It seemed physically impossible, but it was happening. Once I got diagnosed and got on meds and found that people with Hashimoto's can't really eat a lot of carbs, I was able to start taking it off again. And while I would love to be able to splurge on a piece of pizza if I really want one, it turns out that I really can't. So I for one, do appreciate things like pizza crust made with cauliflower. No, it probably doesn't taste exactly like pizza, but if it tastes good and helps quell the pizza cravings, that works for me. And to the person sneering at net carbs...When my doctor recommended keeping my net carbs under 50 to deal with the Hashimoto's carb issue, that's when the weight started coming back off, so I kinda live or die by it if I want to lose any more. Different isn't necessarily wrong. Just different from what works for you.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Those of us with insulin resistance and gluten issues are grateful for the cauliflower recipes. If you don't like them, ignore them. It isn't hard. I ignore recipes with bacon and sugar all day and don't require an entire thread to b*tch about them.

    So why didn't you ignore this thread?

    Color me confused!!!
  • RHeishman
    Nice!! Too the point!
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    considering this thread I must ask, how do you remove butthurt off of flypaper?
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    I see you say " If I want " well that's just fine because " your " not eating any of it. So ppl can make what they like and call it what they like if they enjoy it.

    Chill out!! :0)
  • rf1170
    rf1170 Posts: 180 Member
    haha - I agree! I've had a few tasty "alternative" preparations, and some of them have even made a repeat appearance at my table, they were that good. but... paleo "pancakes" are the most disgusting thing I've had for breakfast in a while. I've tried a few different variations, and they all tasted just as the OP put it, like "fruity omelets." pancakes are such a time-consuming breakfast anyway (and not worth cooking for one person, in my opinion), that I'll make buttermilk flapjacks when I want them. or cornmeal pancakes. or ricotta pancakes. or a Dutch baby pancake. you get my drift.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Someone had to say it

    ^^ This. Thank you OP. You're doing the world a great service, however, I do think that sometimes hamburger buns can be substituted:


    OH. MY. GOD. I must make this for dinner. TONIGHT. *drools*

    Why do I think it looks revolting? Seriously, glazed doughnuts in place of a hamburger bun??
  • Igotdisbish
    My husband once tried Rocco DiSpirito's Now Eat This! Italian! cannolis.

    Not a cannoli. Not even italian. Not even edible.

    Nastiness in the shape of a pile of poo is all we could get from the recipe.

    There is a special place in the Underworld for Rocco DiSpirito.

    Diet cannolis? Blasphemy!!
  • hippy2skippy
    hippy2skippy Posts: 98 Member
    Except that cauliflower pizza crust is da bomb. Srsly

    Yes, it is, I agree!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Thank you! This has driven me crazy since I found these forums.

    My absolute biggest pet peeve in this category of annoyances is when people call any kind of frozen fruit that the blend up with nothing else or maybe a spoonful of chocolate chips or peanut butter, "ice cream". No, it's not ice cream, it's nothing like ice cream, it's icy baby food. (and to Ashley, I was going to add this before I got to your post, so this isn't directed at you :wink: )
  • Andyandyandyandyandy
    I had a similar rant with a vegan friend of mine a while ago.

    Mashing up chickpeas into a patty does not make it a steak.
    Etc. etc.

    In addition to it being an abomination I was also genuinely interested in why an individual who loathes the meat industry would attempt to mock it at every turn. Sadly, this turned into a HUGE argument and terminated our 20+ year friendship. Awesome.

    People just really love their made up foods.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Also, spaghetti squash tastes nothing like spaghetti, and your family WILL notice the difference.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    Thank you!!!!!
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    Seriously you guys have to blend up bananas though its just like ice cream and its the bomb. <3 ~ #unpopularopinions
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I need a snack. I'm thinking of making up some banana omelettes and dipping them in some sweet hummus. :huh:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP, I understand your point, but I also think the there are a lot of people that care more about what they want than what you want. And you are free to ignore posts, ya know?


    Like she said, if you see something you don't like on the MFP forums, the appropriate (and only acceptable) response is to ignore it and say nothing.

    I hope everyone learned their lesson here.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Cauliflower crust does not taste like pizza crust. The emperor isn't wearing new clothes.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    My husband once tried Rocco DiSpirito's Now Eat This! Italian! cannolis.

    Not a cannoli. Not even italian. Not even edible.

    Nastiness in the shape of a pile of poo is all we could get from the recipe.

    There is a special place in the Underworld for Rocco DiSpirito.

    Diet cannolis? Blasphemy!!

    Penance was that he had to go get 4 real cannolis. And I got to eat them.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    considering this thread I must ask, how do you remove butthurt off of flypaper?
